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Employee Orientation: Van Dyne Style
Date of Scene: 13 March 2019
Location: Janet's Office - JVD Fashion House
Synopsis: Kitty gets to see Janet's fashion magic at work, on her first day of contract work at JVD Fashion House
Cast of Characters: Wasp (van Dyne), Shadowcat

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
After the X-men had their encounter with the Sentinel scientist, Kitty Pryde and Janet van Dyne had spent some time talking. They two were fast friends and discovered a lot of common ground. Kitty was then invited over to JVD Fashion House for two reasons-- to do a probe of network security and to get fitted for a new dress to replace the one she'd borrowed from Anna-Marie.

Janet and Kitty leave an elevator on the top floor and walk through a reception area. Kitty's got her shiny new visitor badge on, not that anyone would stop Janet. She's dressed in that effortless combo of office wear and high fashion, a loose, near-transparent blouse with cuffed sleeves and a cross-fold with a deep V-neck. Tan dress slacks make the shirt look dressier, but her designer patent-leather black stilettos peak out when she stands still.

"Little reception area here, nothing fancy, sofa, fridge, etc. But *this* is my office," Janet says, and pushes open a pair of oversized double doors. The contrast between the office decor outside and that in Janet's workspace is boggling. The right half of the room-- white. Gold and aquamarine accents, but white. White tile floor, walls, file cabinets. Even her giant wooden desk is a matching color. It's a little block of sensory exclusion that faces the doors in.

The *left* side stretches for several dozen feet, and is a clashing riot of color, patterns, and disorganized chaos. Mannequins with half-finished outfits are crammed between rolls of fabric and racks of clothing items. An artist's drafting table is covered with pencils, pens, inks, and large sheets of parchment littered with designs. The only tidy area is clearly a fitting stand on the corner, surrounded by three mirrors and an immense amount of ambient light from the open skylight overhead.

"Whatcha think?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is used to working in the most casual of attire, but wanted to make a good impression on her first day. Probably most of the people working there would have forgotten more about fashion than will Kitty will ever know, but she made herself presentable with dark slacks and blouse, and a killer pair of shoes that two of her teammates nearly fought her for when they all saw them at the same time, and Kitty had to phase the shoes out of their clutches to get them for herself.

The brunette looks around the large office and design area and gives a soft, warm laugh. "I'm trying to talk... my friends into giving myself and another a lab to work in. If there is a fashion analogue to what we'd probably end up designing, this is bout it," Kitty says. "Though maybe not as much 'head-clearing' space as you have. That's an interesting way to go about it," Kitty says of the white part of the office. "Does that work well for you?" she asks.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Yeah I'm really easily distracted by fiddly stuff," Janet explains, and beckons Kitty into the office. There's a small sitting area near her big desk and she moves to take a seat with effortless grace, one foot tucking neatly behind the other. She presses a buton on the table before looking back at her companion.

"So when I need to to business stuff, I basically draw this curtain and block off everything over there. I can take meetings, go over the books, phone calls-- keeps me focused. BUT," she continues, "once I'm feeling the creative itch I don't want to run between two different rooms to get something on paper. So I can just pull the curtain back and do art and design. I'd probably make more money if I focused more on managing the business, but." She shrugs. "I'd rather be creating things than managing things that someone else made."

An assistant comes in with a little tea service and snacks carefuly arranged on serviettes. Nothing that leaves grease, crumbs, or food stains, most notably. Janet starts steeping the tea in the pot and gestures for Kitty to help herself. "Dive on it. I can't remember if you practice or not, but I did make sure the kitchen knew to keep everything kosher. We've got a handful of people with religious or dietary needs so they're pretty good about that."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh, wow, thank you," Kitty says at the unexpected thoughtfulness. "I do, for the most part. Though I have been known to sneak a taste of something else on occasion," Kitty says. "Sometimes you find yourself in situations there isn't much choice," she adds, giving the kind of rueful look that suggests another hero would be more likely to guess at her thoughts than a normal person.

Kitty takes one of the snacks to nibble on while they talk. "I imagine that is probably a very good way to do it, keeping a hand in each aspect of a business," Kitty opines aloud. "Even if it means you can't spend all of your time on the parts that are the most enjoyable. I'm still not quite sure which direction I want to go in a career. Computers are an obvious niche for me. The other... demands for my time... make holding down a regular nine to five job a little more difficult. Which I'm sure you run into. That's one nice thing about the computer side, does not tend to matter if I'm working on them at 2 PM or 2 AM as long as it gets done in time," Kitty says.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Fashion's a lot of the same. I can screw off for a few days and the ship will keep on floating. Only some stuff I have to show up for and really be on the ground-- showings, some board meetings, that kind of thing." Janet pours tea for Kitty first and sets cream and sugar out. "But I get it, the side job becomes the *main* job sometimes. You can let it happen real easy. Not a big deal for people with trust funds but it's a real damper for younger heroes who're trying to y'know-- make a life, start a family, that kinda thing."

"But someone told me once 'do what you love and you'll never work' and that's worked out for me so far. 'Pryde Computer Systems' has a nice ring for it, eh? See that on the Fortune 500?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the cup of tea from Janet with a grateful smile. She adds a little cream to it and then breaks out in a soft grin at the company name. "Oh, wow, I don't know. Never truly thought of starting my own company," Kitty comments. "I suppose if I'm working freelance that's essentially what I'm doing. Headcount of one. I haven't really thought yet about taking it any further though," Kitty comments.

She takes a sip of the tea, smiling at the flavor and then looks thoughtful. "I guess maybe that makes some sense, at least down the road. If you are the one making the decisions you can at least make that decision on where your time needs to be spent." Kitty takes another sip of tea and leans back in her chair, glancing around the office.

"I was pulled into this life at such a young age. Being a student and a hero have been kind of linked for a third of my life now. Even in college, I started a team in the UK," Kitty comments, speaking of Excalibur most likely. "I'll have to think that over though. If I do get a company off the ground, you'll have been the one who gave me my start," Kitty says, flashing a warm smile over to Janet. "Told Jason last night about the good news. We're going out hunting for a car later. I'm thinking just something reliable to get me back and forth. I have to say, having wings would -really- be nice sometimes," Kitty says with a warm laugh.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Mm. You let me know if you do, and I'll help you out," Janet tells Kitty. "We'll make sure you're all nice and legal, registered with the right business agencies, the whole thing. That way you're not getting blindsided by fees later because you forgot some vague permit. It's a nightmare in this city," she says, eyes rolling.

"Maybe even an angel investor, assuming you don't burn down my mainframes while you're here," she says with a teasing grin. "Speaking of, the IT guys aren't quite ready for you yet. Do you want to do that initial fitting, talk about designs and ideas? I've got some things on the racks that might inspire you though good luck finding one that's your size."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde flashes a grin across to Janet. "The only time I've burned down a system, I was 8 and still learning to use the soldering iron," Kitty says, shaking her head at the memory. "My mother fretted about it all, my father just laughed," she recalls of the moment.

"I'd appreciate the advice if I go that way. And, yes, we could definitely discuss that. I'll have to give it all a bunch of thought on what I'd want to focus on and... well, there are a few people I went to school with that I could ping about interest. Maybe even find a few other people in the caped life who could use a job that is understanding of their time commitments?" Kitty says.

She breaks out in a soft grin and then points a finger accusingly at Janet. "Ok, so I went from 'I have a job and can get a car!' to thinking Fortune 500 in..." Kitty glances at her phone. "10 minutes with you. Now I see how Tony Stark ended up where he is," Kitty teases.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Well, now you've got me thinking about scholarships and meta rights," Janet says, laughing behind her hand. She makes a playful grab at the index finger wagging in her face.

"Too funny. See, big dreams are good! They give us something to shoot for over being complacent and content with whatever we've got in front of us."

"The difference is with Tony is that he doesn't ever think he can *screw up*," she remarks, and rises to get a sketchpad and a pencil from her table. She sits down across from Kitty and sketches, pencil held between thumb and forefinger and curled into a loose fist. "I've got a trust fund but it's old family money. I'd have to sell a couple of houses at a minimum to live off it again. I take a little pride in using that for startup capitol instead of just blowing it on drinks and blow at the club." She pauses. "Well, not *all* of it on drinks and blow," she amends.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh, you definitely have accomplished something with it," Kitty agrees, glancing around at the office, and likely thinking of the size of the building they passed through and all of them employees of Janet's. "Having the startup helps, but you don't build something like this just because of that start, that's for sure," Kitty intones.

She looks thoughtful. "I haven't ever met Mr. Stark. Recognized his voice yesterday. Amazing the things he has come up with. I've heard rumors of his artificial intelligence. I would love to see his code sometime," Kitty says with a grin.

She glances over at what Janet is drawing. "Afraid I don't have the curves that the models do," the slender twenty-year-old says. "Though my.... ok it's so neat that I can say this to you and have you -not- look at me like I'm a raving lunatic... but anyway, my adoptive daughter from the future of an alternate reality told me I continue to get a little more curvy as I get older. So I've got -that- to look forward to," Kitty says, blushing even as she shakes her head and laughs, the sound expressing her own incredulity over it.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet stares at Kitty. "/Wow/. I've heard some screwed up time travel stories but that one's right up there," she admits. "And look, don't stress about the curves. You've got that ballerina bod, it's all lean muscle. I hate working with the stick-figures," she explains. "The human form's a beautiful thing. Skinny, pretentious models are not fun to work with and they're not good examples of how a person looks or dresses."

She turns the sketchpad around. It's a sleeveless silk-white top, with a prnounced 'v' from the indent of the shoulders down to lower sternum. The dress is in black, a billowing A-framewith a stitched waistline "belt" worn above the navel. "There are some tricks for looking taller when you're on the short side. The black here focuses attention on your arms, face, and chest. And the white's really close to your skin undertones so it'll look milky but you won't look washed out, especially with a darker makeup pattern. Put some four inch heels on and you'll be rockin' it." Brows lift. "Whatcha think?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft, "Oooo!" and then a sigh, the combination of sounds carrying such enjoyment that hearing them alone could end up being as much repayment for the time as one could ask for. Though Janet gets the computer work too, still.

Kitty scootches her chair over closer to look at the sketchpad. "Wow. Janet, just being able to whip out a drawing like that so quickly would impress me. Let alone everything that went into the design of it," Kitty says, voice softening at the last part as she really considers it. "I love it. It's just... wow," Kitty says, repeating her initial statement.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"You like it?" Janet seems pleased more than surprised, and looks at the picture again. "I think it'll look great on you. You'll need some earrings, too, and I think maybe a torq or a bangle or something for your arm. Just to add a little asymmetry and help mark your arms off."

She rises and moves to the racks of cloth before pulling down a length of black fabric and examining it. "Something a little stiffer than silk, but that's the texture I want. They'll have the same sheen to it, same feel, so it'll really make it look like a put-together item. I think you'll like it," Janet says. A pair of heavy fabric sheers rip through the cloth and she bundles it under her arm for the moment.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes a last sip of her tea and sets the cup down before rising and following Janet over. She stands gazing at all of the racks of cloth. So many different textures and colors and fabrics. Kitty could make the most god-awful uniforms if given free rein in here. For the good of mankind, it is a good thing that Janet is the one with the sheers. Kitty sees a particular fabric and considers mentioning it. But then she realizes it's best to just stay silent and let the master at her craft.

"Oh, Jason is going to flip when he sees me in it," Kitty intones as a pretty smile spreads across her lips. "I'll have to put together a special night to wear it for him. If one doesn't happen along on its own soon enough," she comments. "So how many private dressings do you usually end up doing in a month? I imagine the demand from the society crowd must be great," Kitty says. "Speaking of, I apologize if Mr. Wayne's comments seemed to make light of your availability at all."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"For work? Several times a month. I don't like draping on mannequins, clothing's meant to be in motion. And I use folks from the community because--" she gestures up and down at Kitty. "I mean, lookit you. You're actually built like a person, and you're fit as hell. Call me crazy, I just think it looks better to drape people who look like they actually work out for real world purpose."

"And don't-- *do not*--" she adds, severely, "apologize to *me* for what your boyfriend's dad did by proxy. The Waynes are old family and they like making extravagent gestures just like anyone else. I'm just gonna tack a 5% 'labor surcharge' on his tab and I'll explain it to him when or if he asks." She winks at Kitty, holding up the fabric, then pauses. "Oh, see, I got going on this and didn't even stop to think. Do you have time for a fitting now? We can get it pinned and chalked and come back later for a final hemming." She follows Kitty's gaze to the cloth. "You like that one better?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"It can feel like a little bit of a different world," Kitty concedes as they talk of the extravagant gestures. "I cleared up my whole day, figuring I'd be getting to work going over your systems," Kitty confirms. "So, I have the time if now is convenient for you," the young woman tells Janet.

"I... um... well..." Kitty stays as she looks at the fabric. "No, no, let's... go with what you think is best. I totally trust your opinion will end up far better," Kitty says with a soft grin. "I thought about showing you a costume I did when I was 14, but... ah... I'm afraid you'd have me kicked out of the building if you saw it. Just on basic principle," Kitty jokes. Mostly jokes.

She moves over to watch what Janet is doing. "Oh, and Rogue is looking forward to the dancing, at Club Mjolnir. So did Thor have anything to do with the club being named that? Is he an owner of it?" she asks curiously.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"I'm so excited. I don't *think* Thor owns it or anything, but he's raving about it. Great place to eat and drink," Janet clarifies. "I'll go check it out ahead of time, see what's up. But I think people will like it from what I've heard."

"So you're the one who *wears* the dress, so at the end of the day comfort first. If you feel like this satin's not comfortable, say so, okay? Up on the fitting stand," she tells Kitty, and beckons to the fitting corner. The dress is slung loose around Kitty's waist, cinched tight, and Janet pins it with a pair of needles before marking with the chalk in her hand. "I'm gonna need to get your measurements at some point too," she remnds Kitty. "And I can get you modelled in my 3D scanner and then we can mess around with patterns, fabrics, fit, you name it. It's awesome stuff, it'll blow your mind."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde hops up on the stand. She is indeed very fit, as Janet was saying she likes to work with. The college student has been working very hard the last month getting herself back into full fledged hero shape. Kitty holds still while Janet gets the fabric into place and begins marking it.

"Oh, that does sound fun," Kitty agrees about the 3D scanner. "I like satin, though I don't wear it very often, so I think I'll probably like it," Kitty agrees on the fabric. "I was thinking last night about how much money was raised for that animal sanctuary. Was quite a success. And I need to talk to Damian about how he did the tiger. We have some image inducers that I think probably work on the same principle. I think Mr. Stark invented them actually. I use one on my dragon to make him look like a cat if I take him out in public," Kitty comments.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"I think it *is* a Stark program. I had a friend program it for me, it's a machine intelligence. Ever dress I make gets rendered in a CAD program." She finishes marking the skirt waistline and then takes a tailor's tape to measure the distance over Kitty's shoulder from the top of the waistband.

"We even manipulate variables like weight and starchness to see how it'll hang or flow when you're moving. Once it's in there, we can just project any dress onto your silhouette and it'll look in the mirrors like you're wearing it. Makes dress selections a snap and helps me keep my office decluttered."

Shadowcat has posed:
"I imagine it's a big hit with the clients," Kitty says. "Just hearing everything that goes into your design of a dress is impressive. So many factors I'd probably take years to even consider. And if you can show people the effects that readily?" Kitty muses, and looks thoughtful after.

"Eventually advanced holographic technology will get out and you'll even be able to let them walk around wearing it, feeling how it feels and seeing it on themselves," Kitty says. "Though, that kind of technology could really impact the world so heavily, I am kind of glad no one who has it, has gone commercial with it."

Kitty looks down and gives a soft smile, and then a warm little laugh. "Sorry. Just I feel almost like a princess or something, getting a fitting from Janet van Dyne," Kitty says, smiling and reaching over to touch Janet's shoulder fondly. "You should give lectures on employee motivation. Because, well I would have worked hard anyway, but after this?" Kitty says with a big grin.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Hey, *I* get to work with the amazing Shadowcat," Janet says. "I think everyone in the community could use some non-work clothes. We spend so much time in tights that we forget that clothing can be fun, too." She returns the touch in kind, beaming a smile, and then steps close to give Kitty a little one-armed embrace. "Haha, you know, I've had half a mind to do a show exclusively featuring metahuman vigilantes," she says, thinking. "But like, evening wear. Formal stuff. So it'd be like 'Kitty Pryde's Outfit' but it'd be something you can wear on the street. Y'know?"

Janet writes down the measurements on the back of her hand and goes back to working on the dress. She uses a tiny hand-held surger to drive fast seams, working with her hands and the fabric balanced on her thighs. It takes all of a minute to do, and then the silky shoulder straps are cut and fitted as well.

She touches a button and the windows to the outdoors take on a silvery sheen as reflective coating orients to make the windows mirrored. "Here, see how this fits, and I can make some more adjustments as needed. I just want to get a rough sense of how it'll wear on you and then I can do one up properly with a sewing machine and the right tools."

Shadowcat has posed:
"That would be an interesting idea. I imagine you would have a lot of takers on it," Kitty says of the fashion show. The one-armed embrace is returned in kind. "By the way, sorry if I surprised you when I phased you. I didn't know what was going to happen if he shot our way, and went for safety in grabbing you. Long as we're both clear of any objects when we come back, is the only thing I really have to watch out for that is dangerous with it," Kitty tells Janet.

"That and electronics. Doesn't hurt me, but computers go kablooey if I walk through them. Though like, a cell phone is fine if I phase it and bring it back. Kind of weird that. But useful too," Kitty shares. "So your shrinking. Does that ever run out or is it just an ability you can do endlessly as you need?" she asks curiously.

Kitty begins to walk then, looking at the mirrored windows. "By the way, the windows? Beautiful touch," Kitty says with a grin. She doesn't have the elegant walk that models do, but the femininity of her athletic form shows through in her walk. Kitty turns about a bit, feeling how it wears on her. "It's really nice. Maybe just a touch tight on this side," she comments, motioning to one side.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"We'll use some elastic lined silk to budge it a bit," Janet tells Kitty. She taps the small of the other woman's back. "I'll put a little coverlet here and there will be cinch-strings. That'll let you let the dress out if you're feeling full, or bloated, or can't breath," she explains. "And yes, it *will* have pockets so you're not just shoving everything you own into your bra. I usually do the just behind the thigh so you can reach it but it's not breaking your silhoutte."

She watches Kitty walk with a professional focus, and when Kitty turns back from her 'strut' Janet stands upright with Proper New England posture. "Okay, you're getting away with it because you're cute. But you're walking like a boy. Get some hip into it, arms swinging. Cross over your centerline a little and lift your knees. THen-- oh hell, I mean, do it like this." Janet steps a good distance away and then model-strides towards Kitty. Left palm on her hip, elbow out, right arm swinging. Hips sway but don't swing and from the sternum up she seems like she's barely moving despite the sturdy click of her heels. Chin high, head up, eyes hooded to a haughty indifference. She walks past Kitty, stops on a dime, and turns around. Both palms press against Janet's hips and she slouches in a model's pose, dropping one shoulder and cocking her hip out. "Easy, right?" she says, palms rising upwards and hovering even with her shoulders for a moment.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde breaks out in a soft, warm laugh at the walking like a boy part. "Probably. And I'm embarrassed to think about who I probably tried to emulate at one time," Kitty says, shaking her head and covering her face as she pictures Logan's squat gait.

Kitty pulls her hand down, clearing her throat and taking a breath to clear those thoughts out. "Hip. Arms swinging. Cross center... knees," Kitty says, and then walks forward, trying to emulate the walk that Janet did.

Better. She's not ready for New York's Fashion Week. But better. Kitty looks over to the mirrored window to see how she's doing. "That, is a little better isn't it?" she asks. She turns to walk away from the window, trying to peer back over her shoulder to check what it makes her caboose look like as she puts more of a sashay into the walk than she had originally.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Much better," Janet agrees, laughing. "It's all about asserting not just the space you're in, but how you move through it. Confidence, confidence." She slings her tailor tape over her shoulders and leans her palms against a chairback behind her, legs kicking out easily and crossing at the ankle. "It's about... fashion empowering us. To be women. Guys are stuck wearing suits and they'll always be stuck wearing suits, and that's a very long story that will make you mad and I'll totally tell it to you another time."

"So that's why I'm saying 'how it moves'. It's not just about being a pretty pedastal ornament. Half the male designers in this industry make clothing for mannequins, apparently. I think clothing makes things come alive."
     She's clearly passionate about her beliefs, her voice becoming more focused and clear. "Dresses and clothing are unique expressions of ourselves when we're wearing them. But wherever you go-- and I mean I don't care if it's a bikini or a burqa-- you own your own space. So when you're all sexied up, makeup, cute shoes, hair on *point* and a fierce eyeshadow game going? That's when you *strut*." One brow quirks upwards and an index finger flickers in the air as she affects the manner of a high-maintenance socialite. Well, more high maintenance, anyway. " 'Yeah, I know I look good'--" finger twitches back the other direction. " 'But I'm gonna keep looking good whether or not you're here'. Make those boys realize that you're *choosing* to share it with them and you can take it away like that." Fingers snap crisply, hand arcing in front of her face.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde keeps walking before the mirrored windows, paying attention to what Janet is saying. But also seeming to use it as inspiration. Attitude. It shows through in the walk, in Kitty's posture and bearing.

Nearer to the end she stops over by Janet to just listen though. Watching the way that Janet can turn it on and turn it off at a moment's notice. The gestures and bearing that Janet affects bring out a grin from Kitty and she leans over to give Janet a hug if allowed, trying to be careful to neither stick her with any pins, nor to mess up the work that was done on the dress."Oh god I love you. Where have you been all this time," Kitty says, the brunette letting go and leaning back again to smile over to Janet as she softly laughs and laughs. "I mean, I'm not laughing at what you're saying. Just, picturing the looks on some friend's faces if they saw me like that," she says warmly.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet giggles and hugs Kitty with warm and sincere affection. "Love you too sweetie. You're a gem. And hey! Now we've got each other and we can see each other more and hang out, okay? Go out and do *girl* stuff, get away from the boys and their 'let's go play darts at the bar, that's good team building'." She rolls her eyes eloquently.

"Okay, gimme back the dress so I can start refitting. You're not wearing anything scandalous, right? Get in your skivvies and stay up here on the scanner platform."

She nudges a toe against the fitting platform and points at a 3D imaging camera tucked up near the overhead lights. "I can pull a partition up if you need privacy, until it's done." Janet offers. She uplifts three fingers, immediately. "Scout's honor that this system is secure. I spent a fortune on it and it's completely, uh, air... something. Spaced? Air-spaced from the main network. I won't show anyone someone's avatar, because I apparently love ethics more than being stinking rich." She sighs, only ten percent sincerely. Maybe twelve, at most.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes hold of the new dress that is being worked on, and it passes right through her body as Kitty steps clear of it and then unphases it. "Getting into clothes takes just as long. Getting out of them is a snap though," Kitty shares with a small grin.

She moves over to the platform, phasing out of her clothing an item at a time so she can hang things so nothing wrinkles. "Air-gapped," Kitty supplies with a nod. "Good thing to do with anything that is key to your business that you can. And, yes, ethics things too. Like new designs? I would keep those air-gapped also until you really need them to be widespread available within the company," Kitty advices quietly.

She stands on the fitting platform in a normal posture. The exercise sessions have definitely paid off. The extra couple of pounds she had when she returned from the UK are gone. Extreme training in the Danger Room, running through tougher versions of the training that Logan once put her through in the mountains of Japan.

That was a messed up time. But also it was when she first truly got in shape.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Whatever you recommend, sweetie," Janet tells Kitty. She holds her hands up in surrender. "I don't know that much about network systems. I know how to use the machine, that's about as good as I'm going to get. Your professional assessment is part of what I'm paying you for. I figure the X-men wouldn't keep you around with those computer skills if you weren't a trustworthy person." Kitty's physique gets an envious eye. "Sheesh, I oughta learn about your workout program. I'm getting flat white girl butt again." She turns in the mirror and looks over her shoulder with a scowl at herself.

She busies herself with a tablet. Lights go up and down and the 3D scanner whirls around the platform several times. "Okay, okay... constructing. Perfect."

"All right, follow that white line and walk the six paces, then turn around and come back to get dressed." The 3D scanner moves to follow Kitty, near-invisible lasers flickering a grid at her. "We'll have your avatar all rendered in a flash."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde does her still-in-progress runway walk, and then her normal one coming back, letting the computer get all of her that way. Once back then Kitty begins donning her clothing. She's pulling on things still as she half-walks, half-hops over because she wants to see the computer part being done.

"My latest work out is... more effective than fun. But it's effective. Swimming in winter-cold rivers, running through knee-deep snow. Chasing a grousing mentor who left me lying face down in the snow to make me prove to myself I could - and would - keep going beyond what I thought I could." she says.

"Though I'm pretty sure what I saw in your costume, was not white-girl butt, Janet," Kitty counters with a laugh. She buttons up her blouse as she watches the computer rendering her image.

"And so then you can put the clothing on the figure as well, adjust everything. That's great software," Kitty says as she watches Janet work with it.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Training in the snow? Hard pass," Janet says, dismissively flicking a palm in Kitty's direction. "I'm more of a 'sit on the beach and watch someone else work out." She grins at Kitty's compliment and lightly hipchecks the girl when she walks over to look at the tablet. "Hey this booty didn't just happen, it is a *lot* of pilates and squats, believe me. I don't want to lose her is all!"

"Okay, rendering done... perfect." Kitty flickers to life inside the mirrors, wearing modest gym briefs and a simple sports bra, both in grey. It seems so close that the image could reach out and touch someone. "Okay. Here's the gown you were wearing from Anna-Marie." She taps a few buttons and the holographic image flickers. There's Kitty, static. Janet makes a few adjustments using the tablet and the dress shrinks and twists in response to her input. The AI works very smoothly, keeping it from looking janky and unbalanced.

"See, there, I'm simulating tailoring. You can see how this is cut, there's no good way to fit this dress to you? Now--" tap tap, Kitty's reflection appears in a little black cocktrail dress, a simple sleeveless sheathe with no adornments. "Here's the cool part," Janet says, grinning. The image turns and starts walking. Janet plays with settings including ambient light, even wind effects. "You can make 'em sprint, in theory, which is handy for looking for stress points in the seam OR making sure you don't fall out of your top if you have to sprint after someone in a cocktail gown. Which is a legitimate concern in our line of work!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde pulls up a chair to sit beside Janet as she watches, as interested in the computer part as she is seeing the larger version being displayed. You can take the girl out of the computer lab, but...

A smile grows across her face. "I don't know if our training room has some of these details," Kitty says thoughtfully. "I may have to check out the programming and see if there's anything... both directions, worth sharing."

Not that Janet is likely to ever need to portray an alien invasion here. But realism is realism.

"You know, just making this available to women to teach them what kind of cuts are right for them, things like that? I'm sure there's a market for that. Do you have your own boutiques and such, or is all of your business down from here?" she asks.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet uplifts a finger. "Five million dollars," she tells Kitty. "It's a ridiculous expense except that JVD made the Forbes list that year and I wanted to shamelessly indulge myself because I am soooo laaaazy," she says, and leans sideways to slump against Kitty's shoulder theatrically for a few beats. She taps the screen and 'Kitty' returns to a static display.

"But this is all cutting edge mocap stuff, plus a giant CAD program, *and* a holographic display. It doesn't do anything any tailor couldn't do, it just makes me more productive and I get to take bigger gambles on fit and style."

"Oh! Wanna look like a Disney princess?" Janet asks, and taps on the scree a few times. The hologram flickers and Kitty's doppleganger is doing a flawless execution of Belle's yellow ballgown.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde whistles and looks at the console, though she can only tell so much. "Well, there might be some ways to cut the price but still keep a large amount of the value. And novelty. No holographics, just ons creen images that show how things drape, etc. Build a model from camera images instead of that complex of a 3D wireframe. I'll give it some thought anyway when I have some unoccupied brainspace," Kitty says with a laugh.

"Oh! I just need bluebirds flitting around me singing now!" Kitty says with a laugh as she looks at herself in the Disney dress. "Or Lockheed, he'd work. If you'd like I can bring him by to meet you sometime. My extraterrestrial dragon friend."

There's a chime indicating a message. Kitty's clearance is all set up for the computer servers, and the IT department is gathered and ready to give her a briefing on their systems. "Thank you SOOOO much Janet. I can't wait to see the final dress. This whole experience is just amazing. But it's you, not the technology, that makes it that," Kitty says. The two women have a long, exuberant hug before Kitty heads off to dig into the IT side of the company.