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Young-Snikt And Kitty Meetup
Date of Scene: 14 March 2019
Location: Kitty's Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: X-23 speaks to Kitty about issues for herself and other students
Cast of Characters: X-23, Shadowcat

X-23 has posed:
Laura's made her way through to Kitty's office. The discovery that the school has a "guidance counselor"...and what that is...strikes her as an excellent idea. Realistically, because she's about to rat out people. A lot of people. The fact that it's not what you're supposed to do, she couldn't care a whit about. So the short brunette arrives at the door, and formally knocks at the door frame, three times.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is sitting on her bed with a laptop on a cooling tray on her legs. A small purple dragon the size of a cat is curled up around her neck. He opens an eye to see who is at the door, then opens both as he gives a yawn.

Kitty looks up and over to see Laura there. "Hello. You're Laura, right? We haven't had a chance to meet yet I don't think. Come in," Kitty says. There's a box of cereal sitting nearby, and also a couple of empty soda bottles. "Want something to drink? Or a snack?" she asks, motioning to a little mini-fridge that is stocked with more of the sodas.

X-23 has posed:
The younger girl lifts an eyebrow, as she looks at the dragon. There's no cooing, no "oh, how cute". Instead, there's a single head-bob to it, sort of a respectful acknowledgement. More a "you stay over there, I'll stay over here, and we'll both be cool."

She takes a step into the room. "We have not met. And thank you for the offer. But I am neither hungry nor thirsty." Her mode of speech is very, very precise. Very formal. "You are the school's "guidance counselor"? You are here to address emotional difficulties the students are having?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sets her laptop aside so Laura has her entire focus. "Myself and Jubilation are both counselors, yes," Kitty tells Laura. "If you'd like to talk in private feel free to close the door," she offers.

Kitty motions to the end of the bed, "Would you like to have a seat? Is there something you wanted to talk about?" Kitty offers. She has a fairly calm and friendly way in general. A good demeanor for a guidance counselor to have, at that.

X-23 has posed:
Laura turns, and closes the door, and then looks back to Kitty. "I do not need to sit. Several of the younger students are dealing with issues. And yet most of them refuse to go to staff regarding these issues. I am here to bring them to your attention."

Not quite "at attention", but there's definitely hints of that. This is less someone having a talk, and more someone giving a report.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a slow nod at what Laura says. "There are some things that it is a good idea to make the school aware of. Serious matters, like if a student is thinking of hurting herself or someone else. Or running away. Lesser things, it is more a choice of the student if they wish to pursue it with with a counselor," Kitty shares with Laura.

"And, it can be hard to decide sometimes, when it's time to bring it up to staff, and when it isn't. Sometimes, suggesting to them directly it might help to do so, is a good idea. Sometimes a person may not want their private issues brought up to others. So, it can be difficult to know how much to say is the right amount," Kitty says softly. She's taking a bit of a stab in the dark here, that that explanation might be warranted. "Is there something you've encountered serious enough you think we should know?" Kitty asks.

X-23 has posed:
Laura listens. "Mason's mutation seems to be accelerating, in an unpleasant fashion. He has thus far avoided bringing this to the staff's attention. I believe it is unhealthy for both his physical and mental state, and likely to cause trouble if some one does not take action."

She lets Kitty take any notes she likes, then continues. "Erika has an obsession over the fact that her mutation does not provide her a direct combat role. As a result, she is taking more and more risks, and attempting to push her training too hard, too fast, in an attempt to be a "proper superhero", instead of focusing on her academic or personal performance."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's attention focuses on Laura and she listens closely. She doesn't take any notes just now. "That sounds like it's worth checking on with both of them," Kitty agrees. "In what way is Mason's mutation accelerating?" Kitty inquires. Lord knows there are certainly any number of ways mutations can go that the school might need to be aware of. They are not always safe, after all.

She doesn't ask further about Erika's situation.

X-23 has posed:
"His mass is increasing, and his dietary needs seem to have been shifting more and more to the geologic. He is apparently not coping well with the changes." Laura says, still in "report-giving" mode. The girl watches, quite intent, quite focused. Not that she's spying on anything Kitty's doing (if anything other than listening); she just seems to focus very intently on...well, everything.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Dietary needs shifting to the geologic? So he's needing to consume, rocks or...?" Kitty questions to make sure that she understands. "I'll check into it. It's difficult to tell with any person what their mutation will have them end up being, or what they will be like. Some people change greatly in size along the way. I believe Hank is much larger now than he once was, for instance," Kitty says.

"But thank you for letting me know. I'll check into it. And on the other student as well," Kitty says. "How are you doing, Laura? Are you enjoying school here?"

X-23 has posed:
Laura nods in agreement. But she frowns a little at the question. "No." She answers, after a moment. "It is better than my prior situation. But I have not yet determined a situation that would be "happy"." Her body languages changes, more closed, more defensive.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a little nod of her head. "It too me a while to adjust to being here," Kitty admits. "I came when I was 13. Got abducted by a villain, along with Storm, before I ever made it to the school. Talk about an awakening," Kitty says. She tries to keep a bit of hardness out of her expression, given who that villain was. Thank goodness she just left the school.

"If you'd rather not talk about this, I won't press. But if you are ok talking about it, I'd like to understand what is going on for you. What is it about the school that is keeping you from enjoying it?" Kitty asks.

X-23 has posed:
Laura hesitates, and then starts in. "My situation with my..."father"...remains complicated and awkward. I left the school for several weeks over both that, and over Ms. Frost's being influenced by the Shadow King. I come from a very different upbringing and do not know how to relate to the other students well. I have no real home and no real family. It is...difficult."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde listens quietly, her attention focused on Laura. Lockheed stays curled up on her shoulders. He's emphatically sensed that Laura doesn't wish attention from him, it seems and so has closed his eyes again. Either to nap, or at least give more of a semblance of privacy to the conversation.

"I see," Kitty replies softly. "Maybe we can figure out a way to help with that last part," Kitty says in an optimistic tone. "Do you mind if I ask, what was your upbringing like before the school?" Kitty asks.

X-23 has posed:
"I was raised in a secret Facility. I was created to be a weapon, and trained to be an assassin. Everything in my life revolved around those two goals. That continued until my mother's death. As she was dying, she told me to come here, gave me photographs, and a name. And so I did."

Yeah. Not a standard upbringing. And really not one she's discussed much.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the news without only a very small amount of surprise. Unfortunately this is far from the first time that the school has encountered people who have had these kind of difficult lives in the past. "It is a big change, coming from an environment like that, to here. How does it make you feel, the changes? The difference in the amount of structure, and in how much freedom you have to decide what to do for yourself?" Kitty asks her.

X-23 has posed:
"I am...awkward. I do not know how to react to this kind of structure. The people here have much less training than I do. But are much more socially advanced. I do not enjoy not having a direct goal path. And...I am still uncomfortable with my father." Laura explains.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde draws a slow breath and then gives Laura a reassuring smile. "Your father has had a big role in my life, though that took years in happening. He is not an easy person to get to know. So do not feel that is a reflection on you, Laura," Kitty says softly. She thinks for a little bit. "I have two thoughts. One is that we could create a few Danger Room programs for you. To help you become familiar with some of the things that you didn't have a chance to learn or pick up on growing up, that the other students might have," Kitty suggests.

"The other thought... we could look and see if we couldn't find a couple who might be willing to be like foster parents to you. I realize you're grown and becoming a young woman already. But perhaps more exposure to that kind of family environment, one you might not get from your father as much... would that help do you think?"

X-23 has posed:
Laura's phone starts buzzing, and she pulls it out of her pocket, annoyed expression on her face. "My apologies. One of my classmates keeps being...persistent." She looks back to Kitty. "I have tried outings with my classmates. They have been...somewhat successful. As for the other...Ms. Grey has taken somewhat of a maternal role. But it is...not the same." She shrugs. "I do not know. I am not an expert of such things."

Shadowcat has posed:
"I thought perhaps staying with a family, eating dinner with them and interaction with them on a daily basis, might help you pick up on some of the social mannerisms and expectations that the other students may take for granted," Kitty says. She pauses and adds, "Telepaths like Jean might also be able to help you there. Sharing memories from their own lives that helped form who they are. It would be up to each, if she were willing to do that," Kitty comments. "I'm afraid I'm not an expert on motherhood either, unfortunately," she tells Laura with a soft, genuine smile. "The people here do care though, even if we're not mothers, or your father. This is very much a home to me," Kitty says, glancing around as if at the school as a whole.

X-23 has posed:
Laura fires off a couple texts, before pocketing her phone. She frowns, and says "You are an expert on guidance, apparently. Or you would not be in the role you are. I am willing to try any activities you think would be successful."

She hesitates. "If I stay. I admit, this recent "curfew" has me doubting that. My early life involved blindly following orders. I am not so sure I am willing to do that. Especially when I am more combat-capable than almost anyone at this school."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well, I seem to be better than someone when it comes to talking with people and helping them work things out. But it may take some time to work through this, and we may try a few things that work well, and others that don't," Kitty says.

At the mention of the curfew, Kitty says, "I know how you feel, about blind orders. Here, if this helps..." Kitty opens up her laptop and pulls up something. She turns it so Laura can see. A map of the area. And there are color-coded blips on it, some stationary, some moving slowly but with little lines tracking their paths.

"These are Sentinels. They are flying search patterns. Mapping. Mapping Mutants most probably," Kitty says. "This is part of why Scott wants to keep people in where it's safe whenever possible. They have technology that I've felt used on me, that leaves us without powers. Someone like you and I who fight close up? We're particularly vulnerable if they'd turned it into an area effect, which we think they have likely been working on," Kitty says. "So, it's not something being done without reason, even if the details aren't all shared."

X-23 has posed:
"It does not help." Laura says, simply. "Again, I am more combat trained than many of the X-Men. To tell me that I must stay in places while those less capable than I do not is not something I am sure I am willing to tolerate. I had planned to speak with Ms. Grey or Mr. Summers before leaving. But as they have been unavailable, I will soon make a decision one way or the other."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives an understanding nod. "I think I get how you feel about that. Please, do speak to them before leaving? If you would like me to join you for that conversation I'll do my best to be available for it," Kitty offers. "Unfortunately right now though, combat training is not really the focus with the Sentinels. We need to avoid all out open war with them, as they have numbers. We need to get at convincing the world's governments they are a bad choice to meet the needs they -think- they are addressing in buying them. I'm not saying combat training won't be useful. We do have needs in gathering intelligence on them. But we want to limit how much mutants are involved in combat with them. Such incidents just play into their hands. So we're trying to keep people out of situations where it isn't meeting an actual goal that moves us forward."

X-23 has posed:
"If they are available within a short time frame, I will speak with them. If they are not, I will act on my own. I understand your statements. I simply do not agree with them. And I am growing less comfortable acting with things I do not agree." Laura nods her head once. "I have stated the issues that I came to state. Thank you for your time, but I think there is nothing further productive to be gained in this conversation.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde nods to Laura. "Thank you for coming to me. Let's see we can do to help you feel more comfortable," Kitty says. "I'll try to get to work on the Danger Room scenarios for you. Will take me a little time to research what might be most effective," Kitty offers. She rises to her feet to walk with Laura to the door. "Please, do give it time before you go. We do care about you," Kitty says softly.