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Pepper On The Job
Date of Scene: 16 March 2019
Location: Pepper's Office - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Pepper goes over a Stark job offer with Kitty. Janet works out getting occasional access for JVD.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Wasp (van Dyne), Pepper Potts

Shadowcat has posed:
When an assistant lets them in at an appointed time, Kitty walks in, wearing a pair of dark slacks and white blouse with a jacket overtop. She has a large enough bag over her shoulder to carry her tablet and a few other things. Hair pulled back in a ponytail and with just the lightest application of makeup, she smiles as she catches the view. That huge window gives an even better look out at the city than did the windows in the waiting area.

Kitty pauses to wait for the other woman to come in before moving forward with a friendly smile. "Miss Potts, Kitty Pryde," she offers along with her hand. "Really nice to hear from you," she says, glancing around the building in a way that can be interpreted as how impressed she has been so far with the entire building and set up here.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet's there, but in an inexpressible way, she's there of her own accord. It just happens that her appointment coincides with Kitty's for entirely practical reasons. Her outfit could carry her into any board room. Knee length straight skirt in pearl white, the waistband countouring to the bottom of her sternum. Thin straps ride on her shoulders, framing a u-shaped expanse of carmine red blouse with demisleeves, worn slightly unbuttoned. Designer Ferragamos, black pumps with red soles round it out and a pair of emerald earrings are clipped neatly to her ears.

She lets Kitty go ahead, of course, but bounces with an impish enthusiasm after introductions are made "Miss Potts, Janet Van Dyne," she says, mimicking Kitty's tone and offered handshake. She grins cheekily. "It's so nice to make your acquaintance. I'm here for a tech job position, I don't know anything about computers but I /am/ adorable," she says. She rolls her eyes with a razzle dazzle theatrical smile, framing her face with her hands. "I'll start for fifty million a year and not a penny less."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Ms. Pryde, it's a pleasure. Mr. Stark has spoken highly of you. That in itself is a higher honor than one might expect," Pepper replies, shaking Kitty's hand in a professional manner. She is dressed in a crisp pale blue-grey suit dress and perfectly matching pumps. Her strawberry hair is twisted neatly into an updo, and her movements are economical and perfectly businesslike.

"Ah, Ms. Van Dyne, of course," Pepper responds to Janet's introduction. "Tony has told me that you know nothing about computers, but he positively gushes of your beauty to the point that I can't get him to eat, so I have to throw bits of food into his mouth as he talks and hope he remembers to chew," she adds with a wink.

She gestures toward her open office door before looking back to the women with a smile. "If you ladies would care to accompany me into my office, I'd be glad to delineate the proposals that Mr. Stark and I have discussed."

Shadowcat has posed:
A warm grin is flashed to Janet at the imitation and Kitty gives a soft laugh as well. Kitty looks back to Pepper as they meet, and the comments about Tony keep Kitty's soft grin alive. "I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Stark directly yet, but he made me a fan with his intervention," Kitty confides to Pepper. She didn't get vaporized, in large part thanks to Tony. Rarely a poor way to start a potential business relationship.

Kitty nods and follows along behind Pepper as she looks around the office. "I think you just came for the view, Janet," Kitty leans over towards the other woman to say. Though another thought hits Kitty and she adds with a begrudging smile, "Oh, but you have wings. So I guess you can get this kind of view anytime you wish."

Kitty follows and lets Pepper direct her towards a seat or wherever they plan to discuss things. She slides her bag off her shoulder and sets it beside her as they get settled in. "Very interested to hear them," Kitty tells Pepper of the proposals.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet laughs merrily and reaches for Pepper to give her friend a warmly enthused hug, cheeks pressing together. "I'm clicker training Deadpool," she tells Pepper. "Between the two of us, we should open a circus act up." She beams at Pepper and gives her hands a fond squeeze before moving to take a seat. Again, a subtle sense of social decorum, putting herself an an oblique angle to Pepper and Kitty's discussion. Not here as a principle actor. "Love the suit, by the way. Your fashion consultant must have good taste." She preens a little. Everyone looks good in a JVD. She crosses her legs at the knee and sits back in the chair with a comfortable air of relaxation.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Once the ladies have made themselves comfortable in the chairs opposite Pepper, she seats herself as well and looks at Kitty over the desk, opening what appears to be a miniature laptop, and presses her thumb to an infrared lens in one corner. "I will assume that, since you have brought Ms. van Dyne in to this meeting, that you don't mind confidential information being discussed in front of her?" She arches a brow and looks between the two. "This is a Stark meeting and not an Avengers get-together. It is only prudent that I obtain at least verbal consent before continuing." She looks between Kitty and Janet.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"I've got nothing to hide," Janet says, flexing fingers. She crosses her heart. "Solemnly swear I won't say anything to anyone about the things I definitely am not hearing, at this meeting where I am not a participant."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde bites her lip for a moment at the mention of Deadpool. "Ran into him the other day. I hope it takes," Kitty says of the training as she gives a chuckle and a little shake of her head. Nothing that seems like the experience was too bad at the least.

Kitty looks back to Pepper then as they get seated. At the question Kitty gives an affirmative nod. "Yes, I'm comfortable with her being here. And I apologize that it isn't the norm. I figured, with the unique situations involved... like the kind of time commitments we have in these roles, it might not be a bad thing to have Janet here to discuss things with as well." Kitty tells Pepper, and giving Janet a grateful smile for the woman's presence.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Very well, then." Pepper presses a button on the device, which is no bigger than a box of kitchen matches, and a holographic display materializes, so to speak, between the two. Pepper manipulates the hologram, 'touching' several figures within the data and causing them to highlight.

"Tony Stark wishes to offer you a position as an intern here at Stark Industries. The position pays a modest salary," she says, indicated one of the highlighted values. "But it allows you the opportunity to work for the most modern, cutting-edge industrial company in the world today. The training that you receive will add to your portfolio, and enable upward mobility within the company, should you so desire it - as long as your performance is satisfactory. I have no doubt that you have the potential that Mr. Stark is looking for. Otherwise, he would have have asked me to reach out to you."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty leans forward, forearms resting on the table as her fingers lace and she looks at the display. "One concern that I had was... the nature of our professions can make a nightmare for work schedules. So working for someone like Mr. Stark or Janet who encounters that themselves, definitely has appeal. I know I'm not part of Mr. Stark's team, but I might get called away to deal with similar sorts of matters as the Avengers do. The same kind of, not very predictable time crunches. I just wanted to be clear up front that'd be alright, and we can work around such situations as they occur?" Kitty asks of Pepper.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper arches a brow as Kitty expresses her concerns. She looks between the young woman and the display, scrolling up the contract and furrowing her brow to examine some of the verbiage. "Mr. Stark very well understands the nature of your position. As such, he has worded the contract to allow for such emergency issues." Then, Pepper looks back up at Kitty, and over to Janet. "But you mention working for Ms. van Dyne, as well. Am I to assume you have accepted or are considering employment in that regard, as well? Mr. Stark is not an unreasonable man, but he does not care to be one ingredient in a pot of jobs around which you would need to plan your schedule here. I can assure you that this position would need to be appropriately prioritized. I can assure you that your position within Xavier's groups would be respected allowances. What other positions do we need to introduce to this contract as outside obligations?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet uplifts a finger. "On that note," she says, smiling. "My security systems are apparently completely craptastic. Kitty came in for a contract job to scout my network, test for flaws or leaks, and report back. I've got enough in hand now to make an argument for canning my CTO. Finally."

She flicks a tendril of her bangs back from her brow, hair getting a little past her ears of late and starting to curl. "I don't want to get in the way of a career for her. I'm honestly not sure I can justify a full time network security tech. But I'd take it as a favor if you and Tony could let me borrow her once in a while," Janet tells Pepper. "All standard noncompetes and NDAs would apply. And I wouldn't cut into her workload here. Just..." She flashes a smile. "It's hard to find a plumber you trust, y'know?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde leans forward as she gets a chance to see that section of the offer. "Yes, that looks good. I just wanted to make sure we were of a mind on it," Kitty says, giving Pepper a friendly smile. "It's nice to be able to discuss the issue. Not really something that can be discussed with most employers in the world," Kitty says.

She leans back in her chair and looks over towards Janet, nodding as the woman explains the situation there. "Yes, there's a little left to do on the contract so I'd not be able to start full time for... oh, just few days to a week. I'm actually ahead of schedule on it," she says, giving Janet the brief status update in advance of a scheduled update they have planned for later.

"I'd be open to what Janet proposes if that is amenable to you and Mr. Stark working out with her," Kitty says. "I realize it's a business and treat it like one. I also think there's something to be gained by having good working ties between the Avengers and X-men. So I'd be in favor of more involvement if it works out favorably for everyone concerned," Kitty offers before sitting back in her chair again and looking to see what Pepper thinks.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper nods to both Janet and Kitty, flipping the hologram over to a command page and touching a button, which highlights. She touches it again, and the display turns back to the contract at hand. "That sounds entirely agreeable," Pepper replies, seeming satisfied. "A paper copy of the proposal, contract, and related forms is being printed and prepared for you, and will be awaiting you at the front desk as you leave. This will give you an opportunity to read and review it thoroughly before signing and giving a final answer. I /do/ hope you understand that we cannot make allowances for outside obligations of which we are not made aware. But before we go any further, is there anything that you'd like to ask me about the position or Stark Industries itself?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a smile, the young woman appearing happy with the arrangement reached. Kitty asks a few of the regular sorts of questions that come up in such moments about the nature of the job, work arrangements, locations, and the like. It all seems acceptable to her. "I'm very happy for the opportunity," Kitty concludes. "I'll go over everything and get back with you quickly," Kitty tells Pepper, giving that friendly smile again. She glances over to Janet, sharing it with the other woman. "I'm definitely going to have buy more clothes for the office," she concludes with a soft laugh and a grin to the fashionista. "Not used to more than the rare business meeting," Kitty confides.

She looks back to Pepper. "Thank you very much for the opportunity. And please thank Mr. Stark for me as well," Kitty tells her. "Both for the job, and his help the other day. I think he made a comment about accepting praise later for it, so let me offer it," she adds with a warm grin.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Of course," Pepper replies with a warm smile, and she rises to extend her hand across the desk. "It has been my pleasure to meet you, Ms. Pryde. And you too, Ms. van Dyne." She offers a wink in Janet's direction. "I will look forward to working with you, providing the paperwork and contract are agreeable and meet your expectations."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet smiles as well and tucks her phone in her dress pocket (yes, she has those). "Thanks for letting me drop in, Pepper," Janet tells her friend. "I promise not to poach your talent too often." She clears her throat and looks around the room for a Tony to jump out of a martini shaker or something. "That said, you ever want a lifetime supply for free clothes, you know where to drop off a resume."

She bites her lips, widening her eyes pointedly at Pepper, and then giggles. "I'll see you for drinks later this week, MISS Potts," she says, emphatically, and then departs with an easy laugh and bright wave farewell.

Shadowcat has posed:
The twenty-year-old rises and shakes Pepper's hand with a buoyant enthusiasm. "Pleasure to meet you too," Kitty tells Pepper while shining that warm smile at her. Kitty picks up her bag and slips it back over her shoulder. "I'll be in touch soon," she assures, giving a little wave and then moving to follow Janet out. "The view from in here really is incredible though. I think I can see the school practically," Kitty intones as they walk out.