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Waffles and Brothers
Date of Scene: 19 March 2019
Location: Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Jason, Kitty, Carrie and Dick breakfast together at the manor. Kitty meets Dick for the first time. And peanut butter gets put on waffles
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Shadowcat, Carrie Kelley, Nightwing

Red Hood has posed:
Jason and Kitty ended up staying overnight in the mansion. Contrary to everyone's fears - Alfred did not come in the middle of the night and garrote her - or hold a pillow over her head or poision her tea. Instead, as morning comes, there's a knock at the door of the /seperate/ rooms - because Bruce has plenty of them, and there's none of those type shenanigans on Alfred's watch!

"Breakfast, Miss Pryde, Master Jason. I made waffles." That could have been said with a smug tone, considering the groan that comes from Jason about it.

Dragging himself out of his old room, he's pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants. "Did you make sure that Kitty had something?"

"Of course, Master Jason, we keep a whole ladies wardrobe here." Said completely deadpan.

"You always wanted girls." Jason mutters as he heads downstairs.

"Perish the thought, Master Jason."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde got up early enough to take a shower and be dressed by the time breakfast was ready. She may have passed the biggest test there is, but she's still in that 'meeting Jason's family' mindset and wanting to put her best foot forward.

"Thank you, Alfred," Kitty tells him, having gotten a chance to finally be introduced to him the night before. She meets Jason in the hallway then, wearing a dark blue sweater, black skirt, and a choker with a sapphire on it. "So, waffles. Your favorite if I recall?" she whispers to him. She smiles and gives his cheek a little kiss before slipping her hand into his to follow him downstairs.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Being 'new' to the family as she was, Carrie wasn't often at breakfast. Or dinner. Or anything, really. Yet today she was here having received a message from Alfred about there being guests she may wish to aid in welcoming. Whatever that meant. Just in case it was Damian having returned she made sure to tag Dick, if he wasn't already clued in by the same thing she was, that he ought to come join them.

Which is why she's seated at the table already looking just a bit uncertain but also tense with potential anticipation. ... And some waffles on her plate because heck yes. Though she's minding her manners enough not to EAT until others have arrived, her experience has at least taught her to grab what she wants FIRST. Hrmph.

Nightwing has posed:
    Meanwhile, Grayson is downstairs. Early morning. The prodigal son has been burning the wick at both ends over the last few nights, for a variety of reasons. He leans against the wall some feet behind Carrie, with a newspaper in one hand, and a steaming cup of coffee in the other. Pale, icy blue eyes scan the page, ringed in red and with just a hint of darkness in the sockets. He doesn't look disheveled, persay, but he doesn't look like the typical peacocking pretty boy he usually presents himself as. Plain jeans. A form fitting henley shirt in black with three-quarter sleeves. Black boots. Hair left to fall into it's natural middle part, rather than the slicked back style he prefers these days.

    "Really..." Dick mutters quietly, "Alfred should learn that if he's cooking breakfast for JT, he should just wake the guy up and tell him it's ready before he starts cooking."

    With that, Dick lowers the paper to his side, and lifts his cup to take a drink of the dark, hot contents held within. Striding up beside Carrie, he lifts the folded over newspaper and then lightly pats her on the head with it, before sliding out the seat beside her and settling down into it.

Red Hood has posed:
"Traitor." Jason rumbles, giving Kitty's side a pinch before taking her hand. "You'll learn your lesson soon enough." comes the remark as he goes to lead her towards the dining room to get some breakfast. "You can have my waffles. I don't need anymore lead in my gut. Anyway. Bruce is probably asleep. We should have the run of the place. Want me to show you around the grounds?" Except for the places she's not been shown yet. Like that TOTALLY HIDDEN ENTRANCE over there.

As they come down into the dining room..

You ever seen 'Empire Strikes Back', when Leia and Han enter the dining room where Lando's invited them, and Vader's standing there, waiting for them? It's probably a miracle I don't have a gun to pull on him right now. Maybe. I might behave.

"Dick." Jason offers, as he notices Carrie. "Carrie. You know Kitty, already. Kitty, that's Dick, my 'older' brother." he drawls as he moves to head for the table, pulling out a chair some distance from the others. But still within conversational distance. Grumpy? Nope. Just waking up. He's already reaching for the decanter of coffee. Oh sweet black life giving nectar..

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde laughs warmly to Jason and jumps just a tiny bit at the pinch. They come through into the dining room, her pony tail swaying behind her as she glances about and sees the people present. Kitty's face lights up to flash a smile over to Carrie that makes it obvious even before Jason's introduction that they know each other.

Kitty moves over to greet the other two, fingers trailing from Jason's as she steps out of reach and over to where she leans down to give Carrie a little hug about her shoulders from behind. "Morning beautiful," Kitty tells the red-head with a bright smile.

Seeing Jason get at the coffee, Kitty asks, "Pour me one of those too, would you?" And then she's continuing on over to where Dick sits. "Hello Dick. Really nice to finally meet you," she tells him, offering her hand with a friendly smile.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances aside to Dick when she gets a swat atop the head with the newspaper. The response is a simple tongue sticking out. "Good, maybe I'll have a chance to actually *try* Alfred's cooking this time if he's that slow to get up." Still she grins wryly watching Dick with a bit of worry. He really hadn't been taking care of himself.

When Jason and Kitty appear she grins brightly at the sight of the brunette who gives her a hug. Lifting a hand she pats Kitty's arm back in the awkward position she was in with a chuckle. "Not until coffee and breakfast, then we'll talk about potential beauty standards." Nevermind she was awake and had been for awhile. In fact she looked pretty well rested. Amazing what some sleep could do along with a morning Red Bull before the coffee in the first place. "Good to see you, Kitty. And yeah this is the infamous Dick," she offers trying not to look at all guilty about anything. Instead she reaches for some maple syrup.

"Good to see you too Jason. There's an extra pot on the burner. I think we're all coffee drinkers around here." The syrup is poured over her waffles, and she finally takes a bite... only for her face to scrunch up. "This tastes weird."

Nightwing has posed:
    "Jason," Dick returns, looking up with those razor sharp blue eyes as the pair slips into the dining room. He hadn't expected the girl. For a moment, the look on his handsome, if tired face is one of surprise, but that quickly fades as he rises from his seat. "Hey... Kitty is it? Nice to meet you."

    This presents a conundrum. The plan was to lay into Jay with everything he had, for supplying Damian, presumably with weaponry, before the boy ran off, thus encouraging the impressionable young and erstwhile Robin into falling back into his old ways taught to him by his mother's side of the family. He'll have to refrain from that, in light of this development. So, while there is a moment where Dick casts a sidelong glance at Jason, and his jaw tenses visibly, he lets that go, and turns his focus back upon Kitty as she introduces herself.

    "I'm sorry, Kitty," Dick says, offering up a bright smile that dimples his cheeks, and for a moment, makes the weariness in his eyes fade and be replaced with a twinkling vibrance. "I tend to mostly keep to myself these days, so I'm a little bit out of touch. I wish I could say it was nice to finally meet you, but this is perhaps the first I've heard about you. But yeah. I'm Dick, though... I'm not sure what that infamous thing is about..."

    He reaches out to take Kitty's hand within both of his own, gently clasping and giving a few quick, but faint shakes, while bowing his head ever so slightly, casting a few errant locks over his brow. After a moment, he does let go, his fingertips trailing from Kitty's hand. Reclaiming his seat beside Carrie, he leans over, and quietly mutters, "What is that about?" while reaching out for the jar of peanut butter that Alfred always brings out for Dick when they have waffles.

    "It tastes weird because all you've ever had are Eggo's. These are real, homemade Belgian waffles."

    A beat.

    "Plus you're not putting peanut butter on them."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles at the greeting from Dick, including when he indicates this is the first he'd heard about her. "It's alright, I had gotten the impression that you and Jason don't always talk that frequently," she says, her tone just slightly playful but conveying she realizes that might be an understatement.

Whatever infamy of Dick's preceded him though, Kitty will leave to Carrie to reveal. Or not. Kitty grins though as she passes the red-head, moving back over to where Jason has poured her some coffee. "Thank you," she tells the middle brother, her hand resting on his back for a moment as she takes her first sip of the caffeine-laced treat.

"Nothing wrong with peanut butter on them," Kitty says to Carrie in a stage whisper. The slender brunette moves to take a seat at the table, getting herself one of the waffles as well. "So Dick, are you living here in Gotham as well, or are you out and about somewhere?" Kitty asks as she adds a bit of syrup to her waffles. She tries them as well then.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"You're Jason's brother, how much more infamy do you want?" Carrie retorts even as she ducks her head to hide the blush that had crept over her. Maybe it was in response to the taunt of only having Eggos. "I've had other waffles than Eggos! ... I meant the syrup though," she muses as she reaches for the maple syrup again to regard it with mild confusion. The 100 percent authentic maple syrup. "This tastes... I mean it's good but not what I remember maple syrup tasting like." She's probably never had that before. Yep.

"Peanut butter belongs in sandwiches with bananas, you heathens."

Nightwing has posed:
    "Well... Not for lack of trying," Dick replies to Kitty's comment on the frequency with which he and Jason speak. His tone is light and conversational, but there is just an edge of pointedness to it, coupled with a passing glance at the seemingly catatonic Jaybord who stares into his cup of coffee. Turning his blue eyes back on to Kitty, Dick shrugs his broad shoulders, "Jay had a tough time coming up. A lot of people tried to compare him to me. I might have been guilty of it, in some ways, too, admittedly. I think most of us were just too... young, and not really experienced enough to consider that he was his own person and shouldn't do everything the way I did. It led to some friction. In the end, though, he is my brother and I love him. We might not agree on everything. We might even have things we are violently opposed to one another on... but that's part of what being a family is. You have to take the good with the bad."

    Yes. Dick is straight up going to talk about Jason as if he's not even there. As big brothers tend to do.

    Quietly, with a more somber look, as Dick gazes into his own cup of coffee, he says, "I think that maybe our father might do well to remember that, too."

    He sighs, and takes a knife, smearing peanut butter across his waffles, making sure to get each indentation filled with the creamy stuff. When Carrie remarks about being a heathen for it, Dick just tosses her a side-eye with an upraised brow, and sighs, "Says the girl who has never even had real syrup? Seriously. Peanut butter on waffles is about the best thing ever. Add some banana slices and honey and it's one of the best things you will ever have in your entire life."

    And speaking of which... Dick reaches over to grab a banana off of the platter of fresh fruit laid out on the table, and peels it, only to slice it into slivers that he distributes across the waffle.

Shadowcat has posed:
"It is good," Kitty agrees with Carrie as she gets her first bite of the waffles. "And fluffier than expected," Kitty adds, flashing a glance over to Jason as if perhaps he might be the source of expectations on the waffles.

The twenty-year-old looks back over to Carrie and Dick, grinning gently at their interaction over the breakfast toppings. "Most of the time I just grab cereal, rather than take the time- Oh! Carrie! I tried them. The box of all crunch berries that Jason told me about. You have to try them if you haven't," she says.

Kitty shakes her head. "Used to carefully eat a whole box of Crunch Berries and save the berries for last. Painstakingly picking through a bowl to return them to the box. And now? People just buy a whole box at the grocery store."

Kitty shakes her head and waves her fork at the pair down the table. "This generation is growing up having it so easy. Not knowing the satisfaction of making their own box of only Crunch Berries. And that's just sad if you think about it."

She flashes them a small grin as she returns to eating her waffles. "Do you all make it out here for breakfast fairly often? Or special occasion?" she asks. Kitty's eyes glance towards the library, briefly. Though the pair probably pick it up.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"It's not my fault that the corner convenience store doesn't sell one hundred percent maple syrup," Carrie retorts even as she watches the peanut buttering of the waffle. Another bite is taken of her own and her green eyes slide half shut. Oh, she was enjoying this, simple and basic as it may be. It was a treat she rarely had. More of a high end one than she often did.

"Mm? No, Alfred clued me in that there might be company here I'd be interested in catching up with," Carrie explains as to the reason for her being here. "I dragged Dick along because he needs to catch up with people too on occasion."

"Oh, yeah, how did things go with you meeting Bruce? I know Jason introduced you guys but I didn't get to hear how it went," she offers to Kitty with a grin having caught the glance to the library. Her gaze slides toward Dick as well considering quietly.

Nightwing has posed:
    "This generation?" Dick asks with an uplifted eyebrow, and an amused quirk of the lips that arcs one corner up into a dimpled peak. "You're probably like... what... seventeen? Eighteen? Maybe nineteen at the most. You look as young as this one here."

    Dick cocks a thumb in Carrie's direction.

    "Those are good, though. I'll always be a peanut butter crunch guy, myself."

    For a few moments, Dick is content to remain quiet, covering his plate of waffle, peanut butter and banana with honey, and then cutting into it to take a bit. It is pretty much the most perfect thing he could imagine. Catching the look from Carrie, he glances out into the library, and around a mouthful of food, says, "I'm certain that if we keep our plates on the end tables, and only eat sitting down, Alfred will only have a very mild stroke if we move in there."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty cuts off a triangle of waffle, dragging it through the syrup on her plate to get an extra dollop of mapley goodness on it before eating it. "Well," she says, "Mr. Wayne actually met us in the city for breakfast... oh, two weeks ago I think?" Kitty glances over towards Jason in an accusing way as she says, "Of course, -someone- didn't tell me he was coming until he happened to walk in the door of the restaurant."

Kitty looks over to Carrie to give an exasperated sigh. For the Jewish girl? Meeting the boyfriend's parents? Kind of a big deal. But Kitty's smiling about softly. She gives a little side bob of her head. "It went well though. He expressed approval of us dating. And shared a few stories it was nice to hear," Kitty says, her smile growing a little bit warmer even as she peeks over to the currently silent middle-brother.

Her eyes go back to the library again, before Dick mentions going in there. "Oh, I'm sure we're fine to eat out here, unless you wanted to?" she comments. "We had a... nice talk last night," Kitty says, and there might be a small sound of relief in her voice when she does.

The comment about her age draws a soft grin from Kitty. "I'm twenty, I'll have you know. A very mature... lovely... intelligent twenty," she says, her goofy grin making the adjectives thrown in entirely playful rather than serious sounding.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley groans just a little bit at the age thing being revealed. Of course, her mouth was too full the rest of the time to really remark. Otherwise she might ask about trying those all berries cereal. Gulping down the mouthful with a quick swig of coffee she bemoans, "Great so I'm the youngest. Fantastic." Even so she's grinning about it with an apologetic shrug. "Yeah he likes to catch people by surprise. Bruce that is."

Sighing she nudges her plate away. "Sadly I do have some things to check up on for school, so I'm going to have to bail." Rising from her seat she moves to wrap an arm around Kitty in a hug, with a kiss to the top of her haed, before stepping away to walk past Dick giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "You two be good now."

Nightwing has posed:
    Dick's eyes light up as Kitty describes herself as mature, lovely and intelligent, with every syllable creating just a bit more to his smile, until at the end of it, he's playfully nodding along, showing pearly white teeth hidden behind his lips. He looks her over for a minute, and then looks at Jason. Then back to her. "So what are you doing with this guy, then? I could introduce you to our brother Tim."

    It's clear from his tone that he's just playing, at least.

    He's about to say something when Carrie's excusing herself. His smile fades just a hint, becoming something more neutral, but holding a hint of warmth as he watches her move over to give Kitty a hug and kiss. As she passes him, Dick does reach up with one hand to lay his fingers atop hers and casts a glance up at her.

    "Alright. Well, I think that's my cue, as well. I was just swinging by to have a few words with Jason.... before he decided to fall asleep at the table.... And to grab a few things I had left in storage in the basement. I should probably get to that."

    He's managed to eat most of his waffle, anyway, and even with Alfred's health conscious cooking, that's still an extra two miles he feels like he's going to have to run tonight to burn those calories off. As he rises, he lifts his cup of coffee to down the last of its contents down his gullet, before setting the empty mug back on its matching saucer.

    "Kitty, it was... really nice meeting you. I... I hope that you're able to be good for Jay. Bring a little peace to his soul. He really needs it. Do me a favor and tell him that we need to talk and that if he doesn't call me, I'll track him down and embarrass him in front of his friends, okay?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde returns the arm atop the other's hug that Carrie gave her earlier. "Great seeing ya, Red," Kitty tells her with a grin. "Take care of yourself," she says, patting Carrie's arm. She takes a sip of her coffee then as Carrie is departing, before turning to Dick to let out a warm chuckle at his comment.

Kitty looks back over to Jason, and it won't take any special training to see the warmth in the young woman's look. "Jason absolutely charmed me when we met," she says quietly, smiling over to him. "And he's continued to, time and again in the time since."

She looks back to Dick, getting just a little color in her cheeks as if she let a little more of her emotions for Jason show than she'd meant. As Dick rises and give her those parting words, Kitty smiles over the eldest brother. "I hope I'm good for him too. As much as he's been for me," she says. Glancing back to Jason who has dozed off with his head on his hand. Kitty looks back to Dick to give a small nod. "Peace for his soul. That's something I'd like to help bring him," she says, voice with a little bit of emotion in it as if that would be something she'd very much like for him. "I'll tell him, yes. It was really nice to meet you Dick. Maybe you can join us for dinner sometime?"

Nightwing has posed:
    "Yeah. I'd like that. Sometime," Dick says as he slips out of the doors leading out of the dining hall and into the main foyer of the expansive home. He lifts a hand up, waving to Kitty before he ducks out of sight. "You're a good girl, Kitty. I hope you stick around."

    And with that, he just seems to sort of vanish from reality, as if he were never really there to begin with.