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Latest revision as of 05:30, 22 March 2019

That Time When Kitty Was Drunk
Date of Scene: 22 March 2019
Location: A New York City hotel room
Synopsis: Drunk from celebrating the Jewish holiday of Purim, Kitty is drunk-sat by her friend Rogue.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Rogue

Shadowcat has posed:
The exchanges of texts had been brief. Kitty had sent Rogue a picture of herself dressed up like the Mona Lisa.


Replies went unanswered until late, when there was a text from Kitty's phone, indicating it was Jason answering. Kitty was at a celebration at the temple and was completely blasted. He let her know where they are, a hotel right next to the temple.

Jason then headed out once Anna-Marie arrived, saying he was going to check on Kitty's mom, and then grab some food.

Kitty meanwhile is lying on the hotel bed, in her Mona Lisa clothing. The frame is over on a table though. She has a cool, wet rag covering her eyes, and hasn't reacted to anything yet.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was no stranger to a good night of drinking. She'd never cared about alcohol until Carol Danvers's influences on her personality pushed her toward it. Thankfully the clashing of her own disinterest, kept Carol's tendancy to push drinking too far... left her in a pretty balanced place with the stuff.

All the same, she'd been in NY when Jason had gotten ahold of her and it'd only taken her a few minutes to get here from where she'd come to visit some other friends from her time at NYU.

Dressed in her leather bomber jacket, a black hoodie, green tanktop beneath all of that, some jeans and leather knee-high boots, Rogue enters the hotel room after she and Jason spoke briefly out in the hall.

Her leather bag is set down on a table just inside and she walks over to where she sees Kitty sprawled out on the bed and it just makes her grin. She nudges Kitty with her right boot's tip. "Heya there, ya work've Art." She says, teasing her already. "You awake or totally passed out?"

Shadowcat has posed:
With her eyes still covered by the wet cloth, Kitty gives a laughing giggle. "That's so awesome, you sound all sexy like Anna-Marie," Kitty tells Jason. "Wait, wait... do Carrie now," she says. Kitty pulls the washcloth from her face and gasps.

"Anna-Mawie..." she says, slurring things just a bit and giving her a big goofy grin. "It was nice of you to... come..." Kitty tells her. "And you're not even Jewish. Are you?" she asks. Kitty rubs at her face. "Wow, that wine was good," she murmurs.

Rogue has posed:
As Kitty is saying those first words, Rogue is settling down onto the corner of the bed with her gloved hands in her lap, one of them holding her phone (but its screen is black and off). She's grinning at the words from Kitty and just shakes her head at her. "Definitely a compliment." She says to her former room mate at Xavier's.

She continues to shake her head then. "Definitely not Jewish. Can't recall what my aunt tried t'get me to go to, something like Baptist? Not so sure anymore, I thrashed and writhed in furious rage t'get away from the church and the horrible little pink dresses she tried t'get me to wear t'Sunday school."

Rogue takes a second to her bite her bottom lip while she watches the other then she releases it and grins. "You been drinkin' the religious wine?" She asks. "That stuff is notoriously the most alcoholic, I'm sure've it. Things go pretty good t'night then? Told Jason I was in the city. He asked me t'come look after ya while he did some errands.""

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits up, though the task takes an extra modicum of effort compared to normal. "Purim's the best," she tells Rogue. "It's... it's... St Patrick's Day and Halloween together," the inebriated young woman - who is still under the legal drinking age - says. "Supposed to get drunk. It's in the Talmud. Until you can't tell... ah... someone from something?" Kitty gets a drunk's perplexed look.

"Erik... Erik came. And... I think... we did good. I don't know if it's enough," Kitty says. "But... like I told Lorna. Maybe we don't have to do it. Maybe we just have to... help... and let God show him the path."

She lets out a sigh. "Did I mention the wine was good? And Lorna! Fairie dust everywhere!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue remains there on the edge of the bed's corner with her hands in her lap. She keeps grinning at Kitty as she moves to sit up. "Well if I were t'go in on a religion, I'd consider the one that combined St Patty's and Halloween t'gether, cause that sounds like a damn dream. Pretty sure a dream I've had on the regular, quite really." The southerner says back to her friend.

Her eyes dart back over to one of the table night stands, then back to Kitty. "Ya had any water?" She asks. "Best t'drink as much as you can stomach before ya pass out for the night, less likely t'get a headache come mornin' if ya do that..."

She moves to stand up then and walk over to one of the chairs at a table, she takes her leather pilot's jacket off and drapes it over a chair. "Can't imagine a 'night in with the Lornas' that sounds like just about one'a the weirdest Sitcom ideas one could ever dream up." She says as she turns back to grin at Kitty again.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lifts her hand at the mention of water, one finger upraised. She looks to her left and doesn't see any water. She looks to her right and doesn't see any water.

It's there. She just doesn't see it. Yet.

"Had some water, yes. Maybe some more. Jason will laugh if I get a hangover," she says. Kitty move a hand to her forehead, pushing back the locks of hair wet from the washcloth that are sticking to her face there.

Kitty looks back and finally spots the bottle of water. She picks it up and sips it. "You know what he said? Magn- oops. Erik? He said... I stopped him from... from being his anthi... anti... antith...tith... kept him from being bad," she says. Her fingers go to her throat. She's got on a leather choker with a blue sapphire that she's been wearing a lot. But she digs for a necklace, one that has a Star of David hanging from it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue spotted the water bottle just before Kitty did, but Kitty was closer, so when she starts to go get it for her... Kitty spots and grabs its first. Rogue just holds a grin and then decides to just sit down on the edge of a sofa in the nice hotel room that they'd gotten, its aimed at the bed where Kitty is and is just a few steps away up near a wall.4

The southern belle's green eyes stare at the necklace as its revealed and she nods softly to it. "He said that?" She asks then, her eyes moving up to Kitty's own then. "Thats pretty impressive then."

A slow smile appears across Rogue's pink hued lips. "Sounds like you've made quite an impression on the ol' Metal Man. I still don't know if he's a good dad, or one'a the worst dad's possible though, myself. But... I nevah have spent much time at all around'im. Just off'n'on here'n'there."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks down at the water bottle as she sits there on the bed. "I... was really angry at him. Part of me... still is," she says, speaking slowly and her words only a little slurred, though it's clear just watching her mannerisms that Kitty is pretty sloshed. "He took care of Rachel though," Kitty says and sighs. "And... he was right. About the Sentinels." She waves the bottle of water around quickly, nearly spilling it with the energetic move. "But... we don't know that... doing things his way... isn't what turns people against us. To the point they... do all that. Lock us up."

Kitty stops and takes a sip of water. "Maybe this... will help. If he can... find faith. I hope." She lets out a sigh and looks over to her. "What are you doing here?" she asks, not seeming to remember why Rogue is at Purim.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just gently shakes her head with her gloved hands going into the pockets of her hoodie while resting on top of her thighs, her knees together but her booted feet about a foto apart from one another.

"I don't think anybody should listen t'the advice'a anyone one singular person." She replies then. "That doesn't seem balanced t'me. I like balance... I like the opinions of a council'a voices, offerin' different opinions t'decide whats best t'do. Magneto's voice alone?" She just exhales and shakes her head. "Nah, no way. Magneto and Charles t'gether? I'm a bit more for that, but I guess they don't get along well'a enough t'work together for long periods'a time."

A quick frown is shown then before Rogue centers her gaze up and onto Kitty. "Me?' She questions. "Oh, some'a my NYU friends wanted me t'come over and see their new dog. So I drove down here t'do that. They also give me weed, so that might be part've it." She has a wicked grin showing now. "See? Just like them people outside'a that church I refused t'go inta... the people outside've declared 'there's the devil in that girl!' and I guess they were right."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde moves the pillow so she can lie back against it but be sitting upright partially. She yawns big enough you could land the Blackbird in her mouth, before managing to cover it up. "Charles is smart," Kitty agrees with an uncoordinated nod of her head.

"I just... think... if I'm working so hard... to give a second chance to humans who hate us... maybe Erik deserves that second chance too," she says. "Or, maybe I'm just... because he's Jewish... maybe I'm... what's the word. Projecting? Something," she says, shrugging. "I guess I still never trust Emma... soooooo... maybe that is it?"

Rogue has posed:
"I've met Emma." Rogue says then. "Long time ago." She slowly shakes her head side to side. "She gave me the creeps. Like severe. I'd much rather trust Erik over her. But, maybe thats just something effectin' my thoughts that I can't quite put a finger on since I ain't ever spent much time around her. Even less than him."

Softly she leans back in the sofa and lets the cushion behind her embrace her lightly there. "I think you should go easy on Erik... Magneto... Lorna's Weirdass Dad. Whatever ya wanna call'im. What I one hundred percent know about'im is that he has the best intentions for mutants... he's just gotta be careful not t'let that ruin everything else. Cause... I don't know about you, but I like a lot about this world beyond mutants too. Ya know?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"She kidnapped me. And some of the team. When I was 13," Kitty says, looking down at the bottle of water. She falls silent, tipping the plastic back and taking a long swig from it. "When they came to offer me a spot at the school. She sent goons after us," Kitty says. "And... I escaped. Ororo told me how to contact the X-men. And I escaped and... we went back and rescued them."

Kitty gives another wave with the bottle of water. "And then she's teaching at the school. What... the..." Kitty says, trailing off before she starts swearing. She shakes her head. "You're a great roommate," she says, making one of those drunk zigzags of conversational topics.

Rogue has posed:
"Oh." Rogue softly says right after Kitty mentions the kidnapping stuff. "I'd not ever heard that before..." She trails her words off there as she understands there's quite a lot of gravity behind that statement. "You ever want my help payin' some respects forward, just let me know. Ya know I'm not afraid t'bash some kneecaps for my friends." She's not too sure what else to say, but then again she's not exactly the best at psychological counseling. "Ororo is the best though, right?" She shows a slight grin. Storm and Cyclops were the first two X-Men she ever met, they came to rescue her on a very dark night in her life.

"Emma's got her own school now, I think. Here in Manhattan somewhere... Not sure, I only hear bits'n'pieces about that kinda thing."

Rogue then flashes a big grin at the part of Kitty's words that is a direct compliemnt to her, she likes those after all. "Psssh..." Rogue looks off to her left and leans her head back, all mocking modesty at it. "I'm all right." She says, fake humility tacked on for good measure. She looks back to Kitty and just keeps smiling at her, showing off her pearly whites. "I thought you were gonna be a real bitch when I first got assigned t'your room. Glad I was wrong about that. Can't ever tell what a person is gonna be like at first glance, right?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's mouth falls open and she holds both hands over her heart like she were holding in her life's blood with the gesture. "I'm... wounded. Wounded I say," Kitty says, swaying a bit. "I don't know. I needed to grow up," she says. The young woman's eyes focus down on the bedspread in front of her. "There was... were, all sorts of things that happened. When I first started. Space. The Shi'ar. The... Brood. Oh I hate those sleazoids," she says, shaking her head. "But, it wasn't until Japan I sort of... got it," she says.

Kitty shakes her head and lets it hang a bit. "Hope I wasn't. A bitch," Kitty says, waving the water about. That makes her remember she's holding it and she takes another drink. "I love Jason. More than I ever did Piotr. And I thought he was everything back then."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs a little at Kitty's response to her words and the initial impression she had of the other. She glances away again and then eventually looks back to her. "It was never your fault. It was entirely my prejudice... I'd spend two years livin' on the streets, alone, with a buncha other people's minds pushin' mine around inside my head. When I saw you? I saw a girl who looked like she had everything t'gether. Pretty, smart, didn't smell like a dumpster like I did most times." As she's talking she's still grinning, just a little anyway. Her hands are drawn out of her pockets and her gloved fingers are interlaced together.

With a big inhale she just shakes her head--and those thoughts away. "I was... misguided, t'say the least. You're one'a the best. Didn't see it then, do now. That kinda thing."

At the mention of Jason and how he stacks up to Piotr she slowly nods a single time. "Be careful, is all I'm gonna say. I rushed inta things with Remy... our failed wedding'n all that. None'a that for me again, not for a long time. Between now'n then? Its all about me and my fun life. My happy times."

Shadowcat has posed:
"That's what Janet said," Kitty mumbles and giving a sad sigh. "Shaid she got married at... 19. Big mishtake," the drunk young woman adds, slurring parts of it just a little bit. Kitty rubs her hand in her hair. "We've got.. differences. But I like them. And... and the ways we're alike," Kitty says.

She takes another bit drink from the bottled water, having nearly finished it. "He knows... about me. I told him," Kitty says, shrugging. "So...... he can probably guess... since we're friends. That we're on the same team. Though... I haven't told him. But he knew you were Rogue. Avengers." Kitty shrugs and says. "Maybe... just thinks mutants know each other. But? Too smart, I think. But I trust him. Just... not my secrets to share. No matter how much I trust."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue turns to her left a little on the sofa then and she drapes her left arm back across it while she listens to Kitty's words and softly nods her head to them before looking down toward the floor of the hotel room and then back up to her friend.

"He is smart." She says then. "You can see it in his eyes. How he carries himself. He's not aloof or... dim witted, like so many'a the people you see wanderin' around out there." Her right hand motions to a window out onto the city of Manhattan.

With a breath drawn in between her lips, Rogue softly shakes her head side to side. "Who knows what he knows, and doesn't. It don't really matter, does it?" She looks back to Kitty and flashes another big grin. "Just enjoy your time with him. He's probably on his way back right now with a buncha stuffa t'help ya get through the inevitable hangover ya got comin' once ya do pass out and wake up again t'morrow. But then again... ya didn't get black out drunk, so you'll probably be all right. Ah've seen way worse, specially with them college kids here in the city."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Yeah... I didn't want to... get so bad I did something stupid. This was... this was for Erik. And for Lorna. I love her. She's so sweet," Kitty says. "You are too. You're like... my sister I never had," Kitty says. She yawns again. "Going to tell mom that. You're my sishter now," Kitty tells the other woman. She slides down to more of a lying position.

Kitty yawns again. She closes her eyes. "You're the sweetest. Car. Dress. Beeeeooooootiful dress. And... just so glad I have you," Kitty says.

And then she gives a little snore.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stands up from the sofa about the time that she can tell Kitty is dozing off, and she pulls a blanket off of the back of the sofa and unfurls it as she walks over to the bed. As she drapes it over her she just smiles and softly says to her. "Right back at ya, Snorey."

And with the blanket over her, Rogue turns and walks to the table where she gets her phone from her jacket again and moves to drop down onto the sofa in a reclined position. She flips her phone and starts to do lord knows what on it while she wants for Kitty's Knight in Shining armor to come back from wherever it is he is!