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Revision as of 22:53, 22 March 2019

In The Blink Of An Eye
Date of Scene: 22 March 2019
Location: Mutant Town
Synopsis: Conner hear's Blink's portals and goes to find his old friend
Cast of Characters: Blink, Superboy

Blink has posed:
Mutant Town is a little more active than usual. It's Friday, people are more upbeat with the coming weekend. There have been fewer acts of hatred in the area of late. A few people might whisper about why that is. But mostly, they just seem grateful for it.

Traffic is light just now, with people back to work after lunch. A few pedestrians hurry along the sidewalks towards their destinations. Not everyone is busy though. In one back alley a few mutant children have gathered to play. All of them of elementary school age, one has a feathered crest that makes her stand out quite noticeably. Two boys might be normal humans from their appearance, but one of them has a tendency to levitate himself a few inches before dropping. A few inches, before dropping. And then there's the girl with blue hair and fingernails and eyes that are fully black without irises.

At the moment they are involved in a game, bouncing a rubber ball off the ground, off a wall, and into a box they've set up as a goal.

Only it gets a little more interesting than that. Blink is there with them. She opens a portal and the feather-crested girl bounces the ball through the portal, causing the ball to carom off the hard surfaces several times before getting it into the box. They all cheer, including Clarice. The purple-haired mutant lets out a warm laugh and then closes that portal to open a new one, giving the kids a new challenge to figure out the angles on their next throw. The sounds of the portals opening and closing are quiet, but might be noticeable to those with keen hearing.

Superboy has posed:
It is maybe a little odd Mutant Town happens to be one of Conner's favorite places in New York. Sometimes he wonders if there are other aliens or half-aliens living here and saying they are mutants.

He almost did. Also because rent here is cheap. But at the end college apartments are even cheaper (for students) so he rented one close to college. Closer to classmates that would become friends.

And he comes less and less to 'freak town' where he used to feel quite comfortable. Civilian clothes today, jeans and jacket, although some people here recognize him anyway. This is also the place he met a certain purple-haired girl from Genosha. Sometimes he still thinks on her, but it has been over a year and Conner avoids dwelling in the past. Religiously. Maybe because his past was all fake until he was sixteen.

But he perfectly remembers the sound of portals opening/closing. And even from a couple city blocks away, he hears it. So he changes directions, walking quickly towards the back alley. And sure enough... "hey... Clarice?" He grins, hello!

Blink has posed:
The sounds of childish laughter and cheering signals another ball that made its way into the box. The levitating boy runs over and floats upwards as he reaches in to retrieve it and bounce it over to one of the other kids for her turn.

Clarice lets out a joyous laugh. The children bring out her full warmth, a beautiful smile given to them as the current portal closes with a soft *fwoop* noise. The twenty-year-old mutant is about to open a new one for the kids when she hears her voice.

She turns, and green irises look over and alight on Conner. He looks a little older than he did, and so does Clarice. A little more slender and toned, a little baby fat gone from her face. Much further along her way to becoming a woman rather a girl.

"Conner?" she says hesitantly, the delivery less a question of uncertainty and more a matter of surprise. She stands up slowly from where she's crouched with the kids. A soft, beautiful smile grows across her lips and then she runs over to Conner, intending to hug him.

Superboy has posed:
Sure. It is her. Exotic looks and very pretty eyes. "Yes... I..." he tends to blabber, but this time he closes his mouth to hug the mutant girl. No talk for a couple seconds, then he pulls back. "Good to see you. I was... just good to see you," awkward. They drifted apart a long time ago. She with her country, he with his college. And then Rose Wilson returned to his life and he stopped texting. Lost her phone number for good when one of his cells got destroyed in a battle.

"How have you been?" He asks, giving her a quick once over. She grew up a bit? Seems so. Conner is much the same, perhaps bulked up a few pounds. But he was already on the tall and strong side in 2017.

Blink has posed:
Blink gives Conner the warm, tight hug. "It's good to see you too," she says, Clarice's expression warm as she looks at him. "It's been too long. I'm sorry if I got so caught up in my training that I lost touch," Clarice tells him, looking down and seeming to take their lack of communication on herself. She peeks back up as if to see if Conner looks upset at her for that.

"I've been good," she answers though. "I've been back over here for just a week or two now," she tells him, her hands going to clasp each other in front of her, the gesture one that always betrayed a little bit of nerves. As if she's not sure whether he'll be glad to see her after she lost touch.

Superboy has posed:
Upset? No. He seems happy to see her, but there is perhaps some awkwardness there. "Yeah, uh. I should have visited you, but things kept happening here," he shrugs. "Anyway. I guess we moved on, but I am still happy to see you. Want to come and grab some lunch? Or are you busy..." he peers behind her. "In charge of the kids?" The children are all watching them, of course.

Conner directs them a smile. They glare like children do when some stupid adult interrupts their play time.

Blink has posed:
Perhaps a little relief passes through Clarice when she interprets Conner's body language. "No, just some neighborhood kids I stopped to play with," she tells Conner. Clarice looks back to the kids and gives them a smile. "Just met up with an old friend I haven't seen in forever. Thank you for letting me play with you," she tells them.

The kids wave and tell her to come back sometime and play with them again. The little girl with the black eyes runs over to give Clarice a hug. Clarice hugs her back, though her eyes go to Conner for a moment. Something's going on there.

The girl lets go, waving as she runs back to join the others. Clarice motions for Conner to walk with her as the purple-haired mutant heads out for the street. Once out of view of the kids her arms go about herself. "Oh my god she got cold!" Clarice says, rubbing herself. "She's going to have to learn to keep that under control."

Superboy has posed:
Conner gives the children a friendly wave, then follows Clarice out of the alley, smiling again. "Some things never change," he comments, and then glances at the girl when she comments about the cold. "You got too used to that tropical island," he teases. "Lets go inside, though. Winter is still not quite gone," there are plenty of restaurants on the main streets, although many are tourist traps. But he is not going to be picky today.

Blink has posed:
Clarice lets out a little, warm laugh and a shake of her head. "Well, you're right about being too used to the tropics. But no, I meant the little girl. I think about a minute of her hug and I'd have frostbite," she tells Conner. "But yes, somewhere warm, a drink even, would be nice," she tells him.

Clarice's hand moves to rest on the back of his shoulder, letting Conner lead her to somewhere that he picks. "So where do you find yourself these days? Do you live down here? Or did you end up going to school somewhere?" she asks him as she'll follow along. There are all sorts of restaurants nearby, everything from little hot dog stands to sit down Italian or pizza, Chinese noodles or Americana cuisine.

Superboy has posed:
Conner goes for the pizza place. As usual. Holding the door open for Clarice, then looking for an empty table. On the back. Not that it matters, there are many strange-looking mutants in the place today.

"No, I mean, I noticed about the chill from the girl," but never mind that, he shakes his head. "I am going to the Empire State college. That keeps me quite busy, although I still have time to, you know, the never ending fight against crime. I even joined a team a few months back. What about you?"

Blink has posed:
"Oh, right. Sorry!" Clarice says, looking down a little shyly. "I forgot for a moment just how sensitive you are to things," she tells Conner as they pass into the pizza place and head for the table he selects.

A wave of delicious scent hits them as they enter. Marinara and toppings and bubbly cheese baking in ovens that have been cooking pizzas for a generation. Until the very scent of the delicious food has cured their surfaces.

Clarice draws in a breath and lets out a sigh at that smell. "What did you decide to study?" she asks him as they arrive at the table and she takes a seat. "Well, I did some training. Right now I'm working as security for Princess Lorna. Wherever she goes, but she's been staying in the States for a little while now. There's a lot of concern about these Sentinels. Their numbers just keep growing and..." Clarice trails off, looking away and shaking her head. Body language revealing just how uncertain she feels because of them.

Superboy has posed:
Conner smiles and nods, and gestures wildly to draw the attention of some waiter. No luck. "Er... oh yes, those robots," which are supposed to be safe, but Conner does not trust the US government much. He was made to be a weapon, and someone was paying for it.

"Anyway, I am focusing in social sciences now, perhaps going for law or politics. It is interesting and those are things I need to know, you know?" Since really, he has not even considered to get a 'secret identity' and try to live a normal life. He has never experienced a 'normal life' and wouldn't recognize one if it bit his nose.

Blink has posed:
The difficulties flagging down the waiter cause the smallest, warm smile from Clarice. No matter that one is faster than a speeding bullet or able to leap a tall building in a single bound. Waiters will show up when they darn well feel like it.

She leans forward, forearms resting on the table, hands gently clasped together as she rests there. "That's really great that you're able to do that," Clarice tells him. She looks down, smiling softly. "I think the whole college experience must be a wonderful thing," she tells him, the mutant giving a small affirmative nod. "And you're still finding time to help people." She gives a soft smile and the green irises shine a bit warmly with admiration over to Conner. "Not that I'd ever expect otherwise of you," she tells him.

Superboy has posed:
"It is not as boring as I thought," replies Conner, grinning. Because yes, the Conner of Young Justice and Hawaii, when he was sixteen, would have balked at the idea of college. He even resisted going high-school (and aliens blew it up, anyway!).

As for her comment, he hrms. "You can go to college, why not? Genosha must have universities, but if you are living here now and have a diplomatic visa, I am pretty sure you can attend here."

Blink has posed:
Clarice gives a considering look at the mention of going to college. Though when he mentions a diplomatic visa, Clarice hesitates a moment. Her mouth opens. Then closes. Then opens again. And closes. Finally she says, "I should probably see about getting one of those, shouldn't I?" she asks.

Conner can probably relate, flying across or into countries and not really worrying about stopping to deal with customs or immigration people.

"I guess I could... fly in once just so they know I'm here?" she muses for a few moments. But then Clarice shakes her head, that's not a topic worth wasting time with Conner on. She's not seen him in forever!

"I don't know, I'm not sure the classroom sort of learning is something I'd fit in with," she tells him, expression doubtful. "So... I'm mostly staying around the area. I mean, not that I can't pop over to see you from anywhere. But it's always easier if I'm close," she says. "If you'd like to get together more?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner laughs. "You could, now you can. I mean, if you are going to live in New York for a bit, it has all kinds of useful advantages." And that is when the waitress interrupts them. But they can order. Coke and triple-cheese pizza for Conner.

Then he shrugs. "Well, that do you want to do for a living? I mean, you have choices now. Even if you are going to be a soldier," and not a hero. But Genosha is far from America. And Conner read what he could find on the tropical island when he was dating Clarice. "Of course I want to see you more, silly," he adds.

Blink has posed:
"For a living," Clarice repeats in a speculative way. "I guess, I've just always gotten most of what I needed from Genosha, yes. Working for the royal family," Clarice says. And there's that soft tone of reverence in her voice when she refers to the royals. "And, sometimes I... ah... I come across souvenirs," she says, eyes darting about a bit. "Sometimes I'll let one go if I need a little more money," she adds, peeking over to Conner, waiting to see if that makes him blow up at her.

"And... and good," she says, smiling and looking down as he speaks of wanting to see her more. "I have a phone here," she says, pulling it out so they can do the exchanging numbers thing, passing it over to him so he can enter his digits.

Superboy has posed:
There is no blow out, he is not going to say anything if Clarice has taken things from enemies and criminals to get some cash. He knows what happened to mutants in Genosha, he is pretty sure she has very few material possessions.

Instead he picks up her phone and enters his current phone number. "Call me when you have a little time. I can introduce you to some of my friends. They are cool people, many have powers too. None has anything against mutants."

Blink has posed:
Blink smiles as she gets the phone back. "I definitely will," she tells him. "I'm glad you're making friends there. I mean, I wouldn't expect other of you," she tells him. The green irises shine over at Conner warmly as she looks back to her phone.

While she has the phone out, she pulls up some pictures. From the top of the Great Pyramid at Giza. Eiffel tower. Atop Big Ben. A few of tropical beaches. One that is just blurry and white. "Mount Everest," she says. "I need to go back on a better day. You'd like it more than me. Couldn't hardly breathe."

Clarice is about to put her phone away when it chimes. She checks her texts. "Whoops. I need to help some people get around," she tells him. "Call you later though? I'd like to meet your friends."

Superboy has posed:
Conner peers into the phone and chuckles. "Cool, seems you have gotten much better aiming the portals," he notes. His smiles vanishes when she says she has to go. "Oh... wait, lets see if we can get your pizza wrapped to carry on," he wouldn't want her to miss the pizza, after all. "And text me if you are free, willya? I will not lose the number this time, promise."