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Latest revision as of 06:44, 23 March 2019

Dinner Guests
Date of Scene: 23 March 2019
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Natasha arrives to meet with Scott and/or Jean, before dinner plans with Logan. Rogue and Kitty join in and invitation for dinner and bowling are extended.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Rogue, Shadowcat, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Wolverine has posed:
    Friday, the End of Winter, and for once Xavier's School for the Gifted is moderately quiet. It's in that sliver of time between the end of the day and the beginning of Friday night when preparations are still being made for going out or plans are still being rustled up.
    The sun's not quite set, though it's already casting long shadows, and there's still some old snow on the ground. But it's snow that's reached the point of being dirty with the passage of time, shuffled off the way out of the way of the path of travel. And it's cold. Cold enough that most folks would be inside if they had to wait for someone.
    Then again Logan ain't most folks.
    On the front steps again, no matter how many times a few people have told him he's not doing anything for the property values that way, smoking a cigar and sitting on the top step, leaning forwards with his forearms on his knees and his fingers interlaced.
    Apparently he's waiting for something.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is in the process of emerging from her room with a green sweater on, some black slacks and a pair of black leather boots. She's sliding some gloves onto her hand and pulling the door on her room shut behind her before moving on down to the foyer of the house and school.

As it so happens, she bumps into Kitty at the top of the steps and just grins at her. "Hey there. How ya feelin?" She asks her as they descend the steps now together. "Ya got home safe'n sound, so thats good... I'd ask ya out for a bit'a fun, but I figure you're not feelin' it tonight.

Down where Logan is, some of the middle-school aged kids come running around from the west yard toward the front stoop, the move up to the main doors, with the hefty student known as 'Hambone' in the need.

They're all shouting about video games, apparently on their way to play one. Hambone yells after the others with him. "Screw you guys, I'm getting first game and I'm gonna blast all your damn faces off!" Foul words... Cause, kids!

The throw the double doors open into the foyer of the house as Kitty and Rogue are reaching the bottom of the main staircase.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's wearing a black sweater, jeans and some dark heeled boots. Her face lights up as she runs into Anna-Marie in the hallway. "I've had better mornings. But I -think- I remember everything from last night. Which is better than I was expecting," Kitty says to Rogue. "Thank you for coming by and giving Jason the break last night. I don't remember you leaving though. Did I dose off?" she asks curiously.

"Ok. Pass out," Kitty amends.

Thankfully the students didn't enter in time for that last part. Kitty gives a soft chuckle as she thinks back to her own days as a student here. "Where are you going, over to Harry's?" Kitty asks the Mississippian as they reach the bottom of the stairs. "You know Scott'll have a kitten if you go out alone drinking," Kitty says.

Wolverine has posed:
    With the kids dashing past, they fling those doors open wide, leaving Logan clear in view for a good chunk of time. If that weren't enough to grant some hint of his presence, then the rumble of his voice might well do so as he hollars over his shoulder. "Slow down!" A puff on the cigar as he scowls and then turns back.
    A beat and then he calls out, "And watch yer language!"
    But it's once those kids are already on through and past that he'll quirk an eyebrow, probably at himself, and he murmurs something under his breath along the lines of, 'What's happenin' ta me?'
    But he doesn't seem too concerned as he just shakes his head and takes a drag on his cigar, then lets a plume of smoke escape from the corner of his mouth.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins back at Kitty as they reach the bottom of the stairs and she softly shakes her head. "Scott should stop keepin' such hot tabs on my whereabouts... people might start whisperin' about his true intentions." She says all of that in a very flirty sort've way, suggesting all manner of things in that southern way of hers.

Its the kids rushing inside, and Logan's attempt to parent-them-down that makes Rogue's eyes look over to the front doors that are left ajar. She raises a dloved right hand to Logan and just happily wiggles her fingers at him with a big smile, teasing him for god knows what reason now!

She sweeps her gaze back to Kitty then. "I was gonna go hang out with some friends at the Music Center, then maybe go t'the bowlin' alley for the... uh, black light bowling crap they do? They don't even check IDs there. Someone just buys a pitcher'a beer and brings it t'the table with cups and its a free for all, beer for all kinda thing."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's lips quirk into the cutest of grins as she hears that very familiar, gruff voice parenting the kids. "I'm so buying him a mug that says, 'World's Greatest Dad'," Kitty says to Rogue. Knowing that Logan's hearing will pick it up makes the grin grow all the wider.

A warm chuckle sounds at Rogue's quip about Scott. "We can't help it Anna-Marie," Kitty tells her old roommate. "That's your unspoken mutant power."

Kitty goes over to close one of the doors that the students left wide open. The mention of the beer doesn't actually turn Kitty green, but she makes a face that would be entirely appropriate for that color. "Yeah... think I'll pass on that part," Kitty confirms. "Had more than enough at Purim to last me... until next year probably?" Well, she will have turned 21 by then. In just a few months actually. So, she's not likely to wait -that- long.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    The proper channels were followed to warn there would be a visitor. It was arranged ahead of time with the staff. Thus there isn't a surprise when the gate is buzzed requesting entry. It is authorized by someone on staff then the gates open, allowing an SUV to drive in.
    It screams government-issued. Black, tinted windows, tags that are different from the norm. At the wheel is a figure that may be familiar, even to those who haven't met her. Natasha Romanova drives up to part in front on that circular drive just past the steps. She hops out, boots crunching into the old snow.
    She's dressed casually in jeans and a pair of black boots. A rather heavy black leather jacket helps her stay warm despite the weather. Her hair is left loose, having been cut short recently, well above her shoulders.
    She walks toward the steps where Logan is resting. "Sorry I'm late. Hatemonger decided to start his usual stupidity and we had to take care of him. You know, you could wait inside the building?"
    She glances to the open doors, wondering why in the world they are left just sitting wide open. She manages to give a nod and smile to Rogue in greeting, shared with Kitty by association. "Your heating bill must be awful if you just leave doors open like that all the time."

Wolverine has posed:
    At Natasha's arrival Logan'll gain his feet, rising up slowly with a smirk settling on his features. Then when she emerges from the SUV he calls out, "Hey Ruskie, you lost? Siberia's back thattaway a few thousand miles." He gestures with a nod but as she's explaining why she's late he'll close the distance to give her a quick companionable half-hug with one arm, then rests a hand on her shoulder as he leans back as if getting a look at her.
    Whatever he sees must meet some form of approval as he gives a nod and then turns back towards the building, starting to walk inside. "S'alright." As to the lateness. "Figure Jean and Summers'll take their sweet time in any case."
    It's back towards the steps and then the open door that he'll move. When he gets close enough to Kitty and Rogue he'll greet them both, "Heckle. Jeckle."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just slyly grins at Kitty. "Oh, I got a lot more unspoken powers than that, sugah." She tells her friend as she digs her phone out of her pocket and glances down at it for just a second after it had buzzed with a message.

"Hey." She says to Kitty then as she puts it back in her pants left pocket. "You're gonna be the one buyin' soon." She remembers when Kitty's birthday is afterall, she's probably got it marked on a calendar with some booze bottles drawn in the little square.

At Natasha's arrival, she can hear the familiar voice outside and she looks to spy the spy. A grin shows and she motions Kitty to come with as she moves toward the open doors, but Logan is headed in, so she stops in the center of the foyer to meet them.

"Nat." She says to her. "Good t'see ya as ever... ya come all the way out here to see him?" She motions to Logan, grinning, clearly already formulating ideas about that.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches the vehicle drive up, having heard about a visit but not having gotten all of the particulars while she was still recovering from the overly festive religious celebration the night before. The young woman walks over to look out as Natasha climbs out. Even if they've met, the face is a familiar one to her at least, having read up on the Avengers very recently.

Kitty grins over to Rogue at the comment on her birthday. "Well, ok, maybe then," she agrees before looking back as by now Natasha and Logan are greeting each other.

After Rogue has greeted the Russian femme fatale, Kitty gives her a friendly wave of greeting. "Hello. Kitty Pryde," she offers to Natasha. Her name might have come across Natasha's reports. One of the X-men who interviewed the Sentinel prisoner, and then made her name known to the Avengers.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Natasha trails along with Logan to get to the interior. "Siberia is actually quite lovely in its own way," she points out as they walk. Once at the door, she makes sure to stomp off her boots outside before stepping into the interior.
    "It's good to see you again, Rogue. I'm actually here to see Jean Grey or Scott Summers. Or the pair, depending. I understand their schedules are quite hectic. Seeing him," she motions toward Logan with her hand. "Is just a bonus."
    As Kitty introduces herself, Natasha gives the younger woman a bright smile. "Natasha Romanova. Or Romanoff. Either works. I've seen your name on reports lately. You've done amazing work. We appreciate your help."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan, for his part, steps back and to the side while half-smiling. It creates this small conversation circle in the middle of the foyer as the quartet of them stop to chat. Though the Canadian mutant does at least lean over to grab the door and close it, cutting them off from the chill outside.
    "Standard security thing, since figure Romanoff might be around more often." He shoots a glance at Widow and them seems to give a small shrug with his shoulders to a silent question and then tilts his head back towards the two X-Gals. "Either of you seen the two of them?" Jean or Scott most likely.
    He folds his arms over his chest and tilts his gaze between the two, "Need ta cross some I's and dot some T's." Not exactly explaining the reason they're there, to be fair.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grins as Nat and Kitty interact and she has to nod her head softly to it as well. "Kitty's one'a our bestest and brightest. She was lookin' for a job for like one day, and had all kinds'a amazin' offers come rollin' in. Puts'a bum like me t'shame."

The southerner walks away from them toward a closet where she pops the door open to get her leather bomber jacket out off of a hanger. She shuts the door then and walks back toward the others.

"I seen Scott out in the garage earlier, he was cleanin' his car. Said he was gonna go inta town for a bit." She relays as she pulls her jacket on. "Ain't seen Jean in days. Figure she's just busy with spring break stuff. Lotta kids have gone home, but we got a lot more here that got no place t'go so... they get a lotta chores t'sort out and such."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Natasha a grateful look for the comment. "Thank you. It's been great working with your team," Kitty replies back, turning the previous expression into a friendly smile for Natasha.

Kitty shakes her head to Logan's question. "Haven't seen them today, no," she tells him. Then Rogue's comment gets a soft grin that quickly spells the degree of friendship between the pair. Kitty bumps against the taller woman and teases, "Only because you're so awesome people give you cars out of gratitude."

She looks back to Natasha and adds by way of explanation, "I'm finishing up some computer security work at Janet's company this week. And then I start at Stark Industries next week."

Kitty glances back over to Logan. Her expression is curious, and he can probably guess she's curious about what's going on. But she doesn't ask. Probably because she knows he wouldn't answer anyway.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    At the look from Logan, Natasha arches an eyebrow then gives a tiny shrug and a nod. Seems they have reached a decision, even if he left it up to her. That's when she hears the self-deprecating comment from Rogue which snaps her attention back to the southern belle. "Rogue," she says, as that is the name she used generally for the young woman. "You are intelligent and have your own gifts. Never forget, you were an Avenger. You obviously have something to offer, even if it is different from Miss Pryde's."
    At the pair of ladies explaining the lack of people she came to see, Natasha's smile fades a bit and she shakes her head. "Stupid Hatemonger," she mutters half under her breath. She raises her voice to speak more loudly. "That's what I get for being late. Hopefully they will be around later so we can get me officially on the 'regular visitor' roster without any issues." People tended to be nervous around government agents, particularly when they ran a vigilante superhero team out of the basement. Not that she knew that. Officially.
    She glanced over at Logan. "We want to go out for dinner first then? See if they are here when we get back?"

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan scrunches up one eye as he looks down the hallway in the direction of the faculty offices, then he tilts his head to consider the garage direction as if he had x-ray vision and was eyeballing each place. He flares his hands a bit and says, "Figure we take a brief run by the offices, see if we can wrangle up a Jeanie."
    He stuffs his hands into his pockets and then looks back towards Natasha, "Then mebbe check the garage. Would rather do this with Jean than Summers, since he'll find some reason ta give me guff." Which, to be fair, is true.
    "If we don't find either of 'em then yeah sure, dinner'd be good." He then catches another 'look' from Widow and he takes a deep breath, sighing a bit as he shifts his glance to the two gals, then back to her, then back to the two gals.
    "Don't figure if you..." He looks at Widow again. Gets glowered at again. "If you two would like ta join us?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue transfers her phone from her left pants pocket into her jacket's side pocket now that she's got it on, then she pulls her hair out from beneath the collar of the leather jacket to let it drape down behind her shoulders.

She flashes a big grin at Kitty. "You're the sweetest. I was probably a shit head for acceptin' that thing t'begin with, but... hell, I was eighteen... it was gorgeous. Hard t'say no back then."

Her eyes sweep over to Nat then, but the compliments make her look down toward the floor in front of her. Natasha's one of those people that she admires quite a lot, a lot like she admires Jean in fact, so compliments coming from them? Strikes her pretty deeply.

She's a smooth criminal though! So she just looks up and flashes a grin. "There's a lot about the Avengerin' that I miss, admittedly..." She just lets the response end there, not much else she can say.

"Hey!" She looks between Nat and Logan then, hearing their plans. "After ya'll eat, ya should come by the bowlin' alley and bowl with us. Drink a bit, throw some balls around. Its fun!" She glances to Kitty but knows she's recovering still from last night. "They don't let me throw the ball too hard though... I mean, a'course."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tells Natasha with a quick wink, "Self-deprecation is just part of Rogue's substantial charm." Kitty flashes a grin over to the Southern beauty. The brunette looks back over to Logan as the offer is made for them to join the pair at dinner.

"I can't handle seeing... or... smelling... pitchers of beer tonight," Kitty agrees with Rogue, casting her eyes back to Natasha and Logan. "But some food would be perfect. I've hardly eaten today, but getting an appetite back."

Kitty looks to Rogue to say, "What do you say, want to come along? Oh! And you need to try some of the pastries that Lorna gave us. And my mother made an extra container of hers for you. The triangle ones with the chocolate inside whose name you can never remember," Kitty says.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    The silent communication between Natasha and Logan continues as she tries to make sure he is doing the polite thing here. Even if he hates it. When he makes the offer for Rogue and Kitty to join them, Natasha gives a smile to Logan in thanks for him cooperating.
    She's used to Rogue inability to take a compliment gracefully so she leaves it be. She made her point.
    Bowling is brought up and she quirks a brow but then Kitty's declining of that offer has her smiling a bit. "Sounds like someone may have overly enjoyed beer recently," she murmurs, more as a statement than a question.

Wolverine has posed:
    At Kitty's acceptance and seeing the course of his evening changing before his very eyes, Logan scrunches up one eye with a measure of growliness, but then he takes a deep stabilizing breath and bucks up and says, "Yeah, should be fun."
    With that comment tossed out there he smirks a little at Kitty, and eyes Rogue, probably looking forward to an evening of people giving him guff. But such is his lot in life.
    "Alright, we'll go see if we can get our meet and greet taken care of. Meet you guys out front in 30?" He eyes Widow as if gauging if that'll be enough time but then looks back to the others. "And hey, if you can't wait that long we'll understand."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just flashes a big grin to Kitty. "Oh yeah, its all a'part'a my diabolical plan... self depricatin' my way to more free cars." She releases a small little laugh, melodic and mischievous at the same time. Its easy for her to take a compliment from some random hot guy, because its a part of the flirting game. But one thats about her character of quality from someone she admires? Thats a different breed of compliment, one thats tougher for her.

At Logan and Nat though, she just nods quickly two times. "Actually, just meet us at the Music Center if you wanna throw some bowlin' balls at stuff. Take your time, the blacklight bowlin' doesn't start for awhile, and it goes till like... one in the mornin'? Somethin' like that, I don't know. If I know what time it is by the time its over, then I haven't had enough t'drink yet."

She laughs again at herself this time, because she knows the absurdity of what she just said, but also... her advanced durability makes it harder for her to get drunk than the average person, quite a bit like Logan, but maybe not as tough as it is for him!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty leans against the post at the bottom corner of the banister for the stairs. She crosses her arms and gives a rueful chuckle. "It wasn't beer, though the thought of alcohol has about the same effect on me right now," Kitty says. "Last night was the end of Purim. It's the most festive Jewish holiday. Think... dressing up like Halloween, but drinking like St Patrick's Day. It's actually in the Talmud that we should drink until we can't tell the difference between the cursed one who tried to wipe us out, Haman, and the blessed one who saved us, Mordechai."

Kitty lets out a little laugh at a memory and she pulls out her phone. "This was my costume," she says, showing a picture of herself dressed up as the Mona Lisa.


Kitty glances over to Logan and says, "Mom came in town for it. She left a gift bag for you too. It's up in your room." She smiles over to him and then looks back to Rogue. She kind of gestures with her hands, a shrug that suggests she'll do whatever the group decides as far as meeting up.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    When the picture is offered, Natasha pauses to take a peek at it. "Creative." Then she steps back where she was. "I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday. Perhaps a bit of the 'hair of the dog' as they say. It may help alleviate your symptoms." Other than distaste for the smell of alcohol, she's not sure if there are others.
    She glances back to Logan then asks again. "Bowling? I don't think I've ever bowled." Alive as long as she has been and that is something not in her skill set. "I fear I might embarass myself. Although that seems to be the point from the shirts and shoes I have seen associated with the sport." She actually is calling it a sport.

Wolverine has posed:
    "A'right," Logan says as he starts to step away, walking down the hall backwards as he maintains the conversation, "Mebbe we'll swing by there afterwards." He spreads his arms wide as he moves and then says, "If yer not out front in half an hour then no grub for you."
    He looks over at Widow and quirks an eyebrow, then looks back to the others. "A'right? Alright." And with that resolved he'll turn and start moving on down the hallway with an even step even as a few students rush down the hallway in the other direction, laughing and taking a brief moment to look at Widow, but then continue on their way.
    "Bowling ain't a sport." He does offer in way of farewell, at least it makes his thoughts known on the subject.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just turns toward the front doors then and she brandishes her car keys for her new 1970 Dodge Charger, its a loud car and most people in the school likely know when she's revving its engines up these days... she's quite proud of that purr, claiming that its 'suggestive' whatever that means.

"I don't wanna interrupt your hot date!" Rogue says back to Logan then. She grins over her shoulder at them. "Nat, you'll love bowling. Just picture people's faces on the pins that you hate, aim the ball at'em and watch'em fall!" The doors are once more opened and Rogue moves to step back outside.

In the background, Hambone is scurrying from the eastern hallway with an armfull of snackfoods, headed for the rec room where the video games are!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a little wave of her hand at the mention of hair of the dog. "I toughed it out. I'm feeling much better now. Rogue making me drink so much water last night helped, I'm sure," she replies to Natasha.

At the mention of the 'sport', Kitty can only give a soft grin. She has probably bowled. She grew up in Deerfield, Illinois. It's a safe enough assumption.

"Alright, good luck finding them," Kitty tells Logan and Natasha as they head off on their search for X-men leadership. She turns back to Rogue, walking over with her towards her car. "You sure you don't want me to drive?" she asks. "You know, in case we get pulled over?"

"Where -did- you leave that police car, anyway?"