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Friday Night LED Lights
Date of Scene: 23 March 2019
Location: Computer Lab - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Ellie was just playing with a drone when Kitty sets off a Rachel shaped explosion destroying the computer lab. Erika and Jean come to the rescue.
Cast of Characters: Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Marvel Girl, Shadowcat, Phoenix, Souvenir

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie isn't in her room. She isn't n the Rec Room. She isn't in the Kitchen.

Where in the Mansion is Ellie Phimister.

Sort of like Carmen San Diego but less robbery, probably more explosions.

No tonight Ellie is in the computer lab, she has a high end drone cracked open on a workbench by one of the computers, a portal toolbox opened with electrical engineering tools.

She seems to be hacking the thing, not repairing it. A screwdriver poking out of the side of her mouth as she fiddles with a couple of wires.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Walks in unlike most she can find Ellie anywhere, doesn't hurt that Rachel is also extremely good at tracking and best at tracking mutants she could even give Charles some lessons. She walks into the room and peeks over she doesn't disturb but she is curious " What are you working on? " As she peeks " wow retro "

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde wasn't looking for anyone in particular. But was looking for something. She has a small armful of computer parts she's juggling as she enters the room. "Hey Rachel. Ellie," she offers with a little upnod of her head since her arms are too full to wave. She goes over to an open spot, gently dumping her pile of circuit boards, power supplies, and all manner of parts there on the table.

The drone gets a look of interest. "If that's to dive bomb one of the students with, I don't want to know," Kitty intones. She pauses a moment. "It's not to dive bomb one of the students? Is it?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie looks up from her work and then tries to nudge the tip of the wire into the connector and clamp it down.

"hey!" she notes to Rachel. "I heard that... it isn't retro Ms. From the Future... it is very nice..." okay that got a grump out of Ellie.

Then Kitty starts in. "Definitely not one of." perhaps all of them. Or more than one of. Ellie is good at parsing.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks " sorry " She laughs though " Want help? " she asks holding up a hand and floating some stuff " Holding more than one thing at once is kinda one of my things " she beams .. Though she moves over to hug kitty because she loves hugging kitty .

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Rachel a very big hug. "We should probably talk later, Rachel. About some of the stuff from the time that you came from. I don't want to make you revisit those memories too much. But there's something we think might be from the future. Not yours necessarily, but what you know might be of help," Kitty says. "If that's ok, I'll come find you another time to talk."

Kitty snugs extra tight, and lets Rachel decide when to let go then, given what she said.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Help might be acceptable." she does appreciate Kitty being distracted by Rachel as she works on the drone.

Wait is that a dissambled paint gun next to the drone parts.

"Wait something from the future?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks and nods as she hugs back " Sure Just find me " she says with a frown cause it can only mean one thing given what's been going on.

     She looks back she doesn't need to ask what's done she can feel what Ellie wants her to do. So she lifts the parts and pulls them in the direction Ellie needs.

     Maybe showing off by talking to booth at the same time " So what are you working on the booth of you? "

Shadowcat has posed:
Once the hug is done, Kitty sorts through the parts that are on the table. "Putting together something that can be taken in the field and pick up Sentinel transmissions and make a map of any in the nearby area," Kitty says.

She turns and looks over to Ellie. "Yes, I put information out where the New Mutants can see it. Read it over if you haven't yet. The Avengers captured a... man. Only he isn't a man. He's a human sized Sentinel. But seemingly not connected with those built by Trask. We suspect he might be from the future somehow."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie nods a thank you to Rachel as the parts she needs start to float over to her just as she needs them. Cheating telepathy and telekinesis for the win.

Ellie seems to have made room in the drone for the barrel and magazine assembly of the airsoft gun while stripping everything else out. Yeah it is a pellet gun not paint on any closer examination.

"Oh I read that... I must have been skimming. I didn't catch the part of him being a Sentinel and not a .. woah..." Ellie actually stops and turns around to stare at Kitty. "That sounds really bad."

Marvel Girl has posed:
BOOM the whole room seems to explode! worst than explode it's wreathed in Fire .. a Giant flaming Phoniex fire even as her eye's blaze " Kill it .. Kill it now you want data to take it from the corpse but don't let it live " . She growls clearly freaked out just hearing about it !

Shadowcat has posed:
At that first startled inkling of something wrong, Kitty's training kicks in and she instantly phases. Seeing parts of computers flying and the flames around Rachel, Kitty dives across the room towards Ellie. Hoping to land on her and phase Ellie as well to make sure she is not harmed.

Whether she succeeds in that or not, Kitty calls to Rachel, "Rachel! Calm down! Relax and let it go, Rachel!"

"Listen to your Aunt Kate, and relax. It is not here. It is not here you. You need to calm down," Kitty says. Her eyes go to the surrounding room, seeing if it is catching fire or if Rachel is managing to contain those Phoenix flames to herself.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is a distinct "Fuck!" from Ellie as she dives towards the floor away from the exploding room hoping for the best. Thankfully she has training and good instincts at this point. Not like she isn't around a whole ton of explosions really all the time.

She actually meets Kitty halfway and wraps her arm around her phasing with her when she does her in and out trick. Like Ellie and Kitty have practiced, because really being able to explode and phase out of the rubble is a good combo trick.

"Rachel stop. It's okay. We will kill it with fire and make sure it is okay!"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey can't Hear them all she can see is those android Sentinels and She can only SCREAM of course it's a psi scream and that's never fun having it go off in your brain as the Phoniex Takes over for a moment , Thankfully the girls are phased cause the whole room Gets into a Sea of Fire.. what saves it really is the sprinklers kicking in and dousing the room in water . It's that water and the fear and concern from Ellie and kitty that help her snap back.. Grabbing her head even though her body is still wreathed in fire.

Shadowcat has posed:
As the flames in the room are suppressed, Kitty keeps close hold of Ellie to make sure they don't get separated, as she motions towards the exit. Trying to move both women over to it, get them safely out of the path of the fire should Rachel overwhelm the sprinklers. "Ok, it's alright, calm down. He's safely locked away. Nowhere near us," Kitty says. "Just relax Rachel. You're not in danger. This may not even be from your time. It might be something much older than you for all we know."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Yeah Ellie is holding on to Kitty as well tightly. Carefully moving with her just like some of the more intense danger room sessions. "Rachel.. sweetie... listen to Kitty. It's okay. You're with us. We will deal with it." if she could elbow Kitty at the older than her she would, older is the bad terminology in this case. "This isn't your timeline you know it.. we can deal with whatever this is."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Screams again holding her head but this time there is no explosion it's like she's fighting herself for a moment, But moments later that Fire flares back up exploding outwards again it's like she can't hear them. Yet there is a lifeline she created a connection a psi connection with Ellie and sam .. It's that connection that she latches onto!

     Rachel's mind Yanks on that Link of course because Kitty is holding onto Ellie and kitty holds a very special place in Rachel's mind and heart the two will suddenly find themselves in a massively Dark wet Cavern filled with lava, the strangest thing is the lava is clearly visible but behind seeing their feet everything else is darkness .

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty frowns and is looking about, trying to make sure that no one is in danger, when suddenly the world recedes and she finds herself within the odd cavern. She's not a stranger to this, though it's also not something she's encountered on a regular basis. "I think she's in our minds," Kitty says to Ellie. "Like... we're in a telepathic world sort of. Just our minds, our bodies are still there."

And hopefully still phased. Kitty hangs onto that part of herself that controls her phasing. Not letting it up.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Shit" mutters Ellie and looks around slowly. "I think we are in her mind Kitty not in our minds." and she looks around, staying in contact with Kitty as well mentally and yeah hoping sje and Kitty are still clutched and phased in the present real world.

"Um.. Rachel! We are here with you. It is okay. You need to relax and be present with me. Remember this is 2027 and you are at Xaviers with your girlfriend and bestie Kitty. Not in the future." yeah it is a PTSD technique, Ellie has had them shoved at enough since she got here to know them. Ticking time bomb herself.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Is sitting in the middle of what looks like a Bomb went off compters Spark and fizz from broken parts.. Bits are flaming and smoking as Rachel knee's Wreathed in Fire and flame even as the sprinklers try to put out a fire so hot it's turning it to steam. Rachel is just kneeling and SCREAMING the kind of scream that you hear in your ears and inside your mind.. Worse poort Ellie and Kitty Lay semi phased so not burning to the side.

     Inside the mindscape it starts almost like a whisper "where are you.. who... your nothing.. you deserve this.. their all dead.. it will kill you all " words constantly whispered spoken echoed off the walls .. but it's moment later after they shout out it starts the ghost.. the screaming half visible ghosts that Fly forward their bodies made up of fuzzy images of body's and peoples memories of people being tortured and killed.. of Rachel being tortured .

Phoenix has posed:
Jean comes rushing into the Computer Lab, and when the sight of the flames barely controlled by the sprinkles greets her, she spreads her arms wide. "Is anybody hurt?" She calls out, while her eyes disappear in a brilliant white light, as the flames start to wane gradually. As of yet she's unaware of the psychic feedback that draw one or more minds into a mindscape, her immediate concern is to ensure the Computer Lab and more importantly, the Mansion itself, survive a potential fire outbreak.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie's poor drone project has likely been destroyed, which considering what she was making is probably for the best for her classmates.

Meanwhile in Rachel's mindscape she keeps her hand around Kitty's forearm, afraid she will unphase if she lets go here, it might prompt them to let go in the real world and she has no idea Jean is getting it under control.

"Rachel love. This is Ellie. Focus in on my voice. You can hear me and feel me." she projects feels of love and worry. "It's okay."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir is a horrible, horrible victim, today.

The computer lab explodes, and what does she do? Grab a piece of firefighting clothes and run towards everything. She hasn't even tapped them yet. She grinds her teeth, clenching her jaw at the resonance inside her skull echoing off all of the still temporarily inert objects in her brain for various reasons, some just to cover her body, some in case of emergency.

"What the heck is up with the noise in my head?" Psychically sensitive, but not for telepathy - she hasn't got the same mental hygiene defenses as the telepaths do. Stuff hits her differently.

Shadowcat has posed:
There's no response from Kitty and Ellie. The pair made it from where they leapt during the gouts of flame, over to the doorway. That's where they are crouched at the moment, not moving. Water, flame and smoke just pass through the pair who have a tight grip on each other and are not moving.

Minutes or hours or longer could pass in the place that Kitty and Ellie's minds have been brought, compared to fleeting seconds outside. "Rachel. It's Aunt Kate. You are ok. Remember, you're at the schoo-" Kitty gets out before the rush of the first nightmarish image happens. Another and another. Kitty witnessing the horrors that Rachel has been through. In her mind, Kitty works through the exercises that Professor Xavier and Jean have taught all of the X-men, making sure those images just are seen and don't take any extra root in her own mind. "Rachel. You're safe. Remember? You broke free. Aunt Kate. Erik. Ororo. We were all with you. We're with you still. Please Rachel. Calm... please calm yourself."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Screams Again Her hands still on her head but the issue is she's the source of the Fire and when she screams Thiers another explosion of fire and power that Explodes out of her as she screams. Of course, poor Erika who is like a beacon on the psi worlds somebody tapped into the world but not in control will find herself quickly Yanked .. her consciousness yanked inside to try and help.

     Dropped into a World of Pure darkness like a Inky blackness that seems to wrap around you almost like you can feel it.. The ground is covered in places you can see covered in lava, And rocky plates you can jump on.. even if you can't see anything except for your feet and the floor. Voices are speaking whispering words of Fear and Hate... Ghosts made up of images of pure horror Flash into view and vision. You can feel this is a cave but where it starts or ends hard to say.

Phoenix has posed:
"I'm taking care of the fire, Erika, thank you for coming to assist, but if you don't mind, I think it could be dangerous..." Jean remarks to Erika, while maintaining her focus on suffocating the flames. Once Jean manages to get the fire to manageable levels for the sprinkler system to handle, she goes surveys the room. She's about to tell Erika about the dormant seeming Kitty, Ellie, when she notes Erika is now suffering a similar fate. It doesn't take a genius, and she sets her focus on Rachel.

"Rachel Grey?" Jean calls out, as she attempts to reach into her mind, whereupon the Phoenix entirely takes over, as it senses the anomaly of a shard of itself within Rachel. Someone is messing with timelines and multiverses, and the Phoenix is not a fan.

Unfortunately for the Phoenix, at this time, her host simply isn't strong enough to mend mistakes at that level. Instead, she ventures into the mindscape that Rachel drew the others into.

Her avatar, as can be exepcted, is that fiery raptor, that currently surveys the darkness and its shifting imagery. "Kitty Pryde. Ellie Phimister. Erika Kristasdottir." She states the names of those drawn into this astral existence, voice echoing about as she tries to spot locations.

"This is but a window...calm yourself, Rachel Grey..." it seems for the time being she's assessing the situation, rather than acting first. Generally a good sign.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie isn't freaking out at the flashes of images since she knows what she is dealing with, and none of them have been too triggering or close to her own nightmares. Otherwise the whole room could explode in other bad ways. Though she is phased. It is an interesting question what would happen if she launched a blast while phased.

Still for the moment at least she is fine. "RACHEL STOP" she doesn't have the psychic umff to shut this down but she does have a forged link and she knows Rachel loves her. "It is Okay. Stop." maybe Jean will hear that.

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir's mind is... strange... optimized for psychometry, not telepathy. She appears in the mindscape, with some surprise and a bit of confusion, followed by each piece of her clothes individually, one fireproof glove, two hairties, and a rubber band, all of which warp in behind her and hover nearby.

Still, she has a very strong will of her own, even if it normally isn't useful in any ways that matter.

The rules of this place are alien to her - she narrows her eyes and tries to force the nameless fears and memories to resolve themselves and organize themselves into objects and categories and specific things. The environment is chaos right now. Her mind demands order and clarity. Like.. All these nameless ghosts.

    This chaos will not stand. Plush.

The cave lightens, as the onslaught of ghosts warps into a display of horrific plushies. Souvenir looks over the plushies. "Eew. You look like you hurt. Do I need to resolve any of you guys right now? Because seriously. You need to make an orderly line if so. Who's in an uproar right now, raise a paw or tentacle or something." She looks around. "I'm okay, Miss Grey!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is far from a psychic, but she's been through so much in seven years with the X-men. This isn't a new experience by any means. But it also means Kitty is aware that things can happen to the body while their minds are held here.

When she hears Jean's voice, she calls back. "We're here. Ellie and I are safe still. We're phased out there. I hope. I'm holding onto it as hard as I can..." Kitty calls back. "It's like... trying to hold onto a slick rope. It keeps wanting to snap us back to normal," she says.

Kitty's eyes close, trying to keep the distractions from affecting her concentration. Holding herself and Ellie at that point that they won't be hurt by the flames. Not letting them snap back to reality. Potentially with water flowing through their bodies. Not letting herself lose control and have them phase even further. To...

Kitty doesn't wish to think where they might end up.

Marvel Girl has posed:
It's the Phoenix Force the Fact it's here and the effect that erika's powers have on this place well it changes it warps and the darkness seems to receed unable to stand up to it's strengthen its power..the Shard is just that a shard when the host shows up it runs away so the cave is slowly lit.

     What's left is a tiny little girl Curled up with huge eye's on what looks like the same couch the xmen have right now except it's not new it's old and beat up , the tiny little girl no more than 5 is clutching what looks like a teddy made to look like nightcrawler.. clutching it in pure terror eye's closed unwilling to look at the scary things outside.

Phoenix has posed:
Phoenix spreads her fiery wings to further illuminate the space, flying further within the dreamscape. She's content with Kitty, Ellie and Erika being safe, for the time being, and zooms in on Rachel's position as she speaks to her, "even when troubled, it is not your place to put your friends in danger, release them..." she allows Rachel to undo her own wrong, rather than resolve it for her.

"Why a little girl...?" Phoenix asks Rachel as she clutches her Nightcrawler plush, "shying away from responsibility? That's unlike you...release your friends. You put Kitty, Ellie and Erika in danger...do you understand? -CONTROL- yourself, child..."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Okay that actually irks Ellie. She tugs on Kitty's hand pulling her with her now and heads towards the little girl moving there pretty qiuckly unless kitty stops her.

Either way she calls to the Phoenix. "Same reason I'm a kid in my nightmares Bird. Because that is when all the bad shit strted to happen." yeah she is defensive towards Rachel and at the Phoenix.

To Rachel "It is okay Rachel.. you can let go of us now and come back out of the cave.. we are here in 2027 with you at the school.. everything is fine."

Souvenir has posed:
Souvenir looks around. Okay, there's movement over there. Activity. This is important. She walks toward the couch.

Couch. Plush. Girl. Which is most important? The plush, or the couch? Which can she talk to first, is the better question.

She kneels by the couch and reaches out to caress it. Addressing it directly. Because that's the obvious thing to do. "Talk to me. What is your meaning? What do you represent? What do you remember?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty hears Jean's voice, that sound in some ways more reassuring to her than the sound of her own parent's voice could be right now. Kitty continues to focus on trying to keep control of her phasing power from the depths of the mindscape.

Her hands cling to Ellie tightly. Perhaps afraid that to even think of letting go here could somehow translate back to motion by her physical body. She's never been pulled into a psychic trance like this while phased. That they are still here, still alive, seems to bode well. But her control on her phasing feels more and more tenuous the longer they remain. Kitty stumbles along, guided by Ellie.

Marvel Girl has posed:
The Little girl Jumps when Jean comes close "Mommy " . the little girl says then She's getting yelled at as she pulls the teddy tighter..did that teddy just groan? Only for the little girl to start to cry! She starts to Sobs " Sowwwwy " .

     Then Ellie is there and the little girl grabs onto her Clings to her crying loudly! Shaking the walls it's so loud !

Phoenix has posed:
Phoenix knows that Ellie is a teen who hadn't seen much. True, it's not fair to Ellie, particularly with the hardships she did suffer, but on a cosmic level, it doesn't register as much. She allows Ellie's insolence, because that's the haughty mannerism of the Phoenix. But just as she doesn't address the perceived insolence, she also doesn't address the input offered by Ellie.

"I am not your mother," the fiery raptor replies to being called 'Mommy', "I am Phoenix, as you will be," clearly she recognized the shard and its source. The implication is clear, and as a result, she expects much of the tortured psyche of Rachel.

Instead of words, Phoenix offers a reflection, as she introduces her own images into the mindscape, a series of moments of Rachel embracing her mother, from her own timeline, and from the current one she transplanted too. The age difference between Jean and Rachel far more pronounced in the future. "These are what you're looking for...?" Phoenix asks, the tone of voice challenging, as she outright ignores the couch, the plush, and the girl, speaking to the lot as a unified entity. "You can have it, if you will it, or you can give in to shadow...to weakness...who makes your decisions, Rachel? Are they yours to make or your fears? Are you strong enough to break chains? Or are you so weak that you would be lead by chains..."

It's quite a contast how antagonizing the Phoenix is, compared to the support offered by Rachel's friends, but she's trying to jarr Rachel into action, into breaking through her fears.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie isn't a psychic, she can't help all that much. What she can do is hug the kid and just be there supportively. Though she also keeps one hand on Kitty. Not letting go of her either.

She does watch the images being shown. "It is okay Rachel. Come home."

Souvenir has posed:
The couch utters the word, "Doorway."

Souvenir nods, apparently satisfied with that, and looks over at Miss Grey. All imperious and demanding. And scarily powerful. Will ascendant.

She looks back at the couch. "Well then. Are you the exit? Because hopefully, we're done here for now, and we want to get back to my own head now."

All her various clothes and things, many with just little dribbles and drops of memory of laundering or manufacture that are in her head not by choice but because the alternative is nudity, bob in assent. So does the rubber band she got from the one deaf student, and so on.

Marvel Girl has posed:
They are One unit they are one thing... The child and the teddy seem to touch the couch and morph change and warp.. they meld all into one forming a rather haggard looking Rachel who spreads her hands much like the Phoenix does and roars " OUT!". Just like that is seems to happen! A flash and suddenly everybody is back in their bodies in their minds.. except Rachel is gone

     Even as they returned to their minds filled with the shame of what she just did and what happened Rachel Fled running, her tattoos fully visible as a result of what happened her powers are not responding the way she wants.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde opens her eyes to find they are back in their bodies. "Don't let go," she tells Ellie. Unphasing with water spraying through your body? Not a good idea.

But oh, how Kitty wants to let it go.

She rises, tugging on Ellie to move with her down the hallway, out of the range of the sprinkler system. If she does then they finally phase back to normal. Kitty's back hits the wall and she slides to a sitting position on the ground. Her hands go to hold her head. "Oh god. This is worse than the hangover this morning was," she says.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie lets herself be tugged up to her feet and then out into the clear hallway. "Uh..." yeah the idea of unphasing with water sleeting through her does seem like a bad idea.

She also wasn't the one holding her power that whole time, now she is looking around down the hallway. "Fuck. Rachel ran off..." squinting down the hallway then looking worried to Kitty. "you okay kitkat?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir inhales... exhales.. centering herself. Filing all the things touching her away in their proper places in her mind. Shirt.. there. Socks.. there. Gloves.. there. Rubber band.. right there. Takes mental inventory. Height, check. Weight, check. Female, check. All fingers and toes accounted for.

"..Ay-okay! I'm good here, Miss Grey. How about you?"

Phoenix has posed:
When Rachel sends everyone out of the mindscape, Jean is knocked down on the floor, though it looks nothing more severe then simply losing one's balance and falling. Likely a result of the unexpected shifting. When she starts to open her eyes, they are green, and there's no trace of the fiery raptor form she appeared as in the mindscape. Her clothes, however, did somehow change to the Phoenix costume. Something Jean ammends the moment she gets enough awareness, telekinetically altering it back to a casual jeans and tank top.

"I'm fine," Jean answers, Erika, looking around herself with a bit of a squint, "Kitty? Ellie?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a little nod of her head back to Ellie. "Yes. Nothing a good night's sleep won't cure," she says to Ellie. Kitty raises her voice a bit without moving her head. "Thank you so much, Jean." She lets out a breath and then reaches over to pat Ellie. "Maybe we should have a Danger Room sim devoted for training diving to each other like that to get phased?" Kitty says. Thank goodness they got some practice at it in the Serpent Society sewer sim, even if it wasn't a focus.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir steps over to offer Jean a gloved hand up to her feet. "I think I heard them outside the room. Probably to get away from the sprinkler." Once Jean is on her feet again, she goes to follow them, looking back and forth and wandering over, kneeling next to Kitty.

"Hey, is everybody okay out here? And does that sort of stuff happen often? because hey, I'm all good with that, even if it didn't matter this time. Can I get you something? I don't know how your stuff works."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I definitely appreciate the practice we have been doing... pretty sure that is why I didn't end up on fire or putting up a blast shield and blasting myself to safety.. eash..." Ellie frowns though and walks back to the edge of the very wet computer lab. "Rachel ran off.. I'm going to go look for her but I won't leave the grounds." curfew and all. She seems pretty worried by her tone.