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Need A Little Magic
Date of Scene: 26 March 2019
Location: Rogue's Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kitty turns to Rogue for advice as she seeks something to help her fight the Untitled
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Rogue

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty lies on her bed gazing up at the ceiling, hands behind her head and lost in her thoughts. Lockheed is curled up on her stomach, watching quietly. Kitty draws in a deep breath and lets out a sigh. "Probably not even worth asking Illyana for the Soulsword," Kitty says. "For how long we'd be gone probably? No, need to find something else." Kitty sits up, Lockheed hopping into the air and then flying to her shoulder. "Let's go ask someone with a few more connections," she tells Lockheed.

The pair head out into the hallway, navigating through the school and over to the dorms. Rogue's still in the same room she and Kitty shared as students. Though has it all to herself now. "Good times," Kitty says with a smile as she approaches the room. She gives a soft rap on the door. "Anna-Marie, it's Kitty," she calls through the door. "And Lockheed," she adds, lest her bestest dragon buddy be left out.

Rogue has posed:
"Come in!" Rogue shouts from inside her room. Within it, she's sitting on the floor with a bunch of papers and books open, her back is up against her bed and she's got a table computer resting on her crossed legs. She's wearing a tanktop and some short exercise shorts, there's a lot of dangerous Rogue skin on display, but she's in her own private room, so she can dress as 'dangerously' as she wants too in this enviroment, its her safe space!

She looks up at the door as it opens and she spies Katherine Pryde. It makes her grin. "Whats up?" She asks and motions to the chairs in the room in front of the fireplace. "Have a seat, there's some tea bottles in that chair there. Got'em at the store this mornin'."

It looks like she's doing school work? She's still in college after all, so its not too surprising she'd have to still do homework of her own. There's also some music playing on her stereo but its not too loud, just a quiet song in the background.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde shines a grin over towards Rogue as she sees the other woman. The door is swung shut behind her as Kitty and Lockheed head over to make themselves comfortable in the aforementioned chair. She pats the chair, saying, "One of these days Scott is going to come visit and notice this, you realize?"

Lockheed hops over to the fireplace, breathing out some fire help the lightly burning flames out a bit. "Show off," Kitty tells the dragon as he flies back to her shoulder. "What class?" Kitty asks as she glances over towards the schoolwork, making small chitchat at first.

Though after giving Rogue a chance to answer, Kitty will say, "Well, I was hoping to borrow your worldly experience. I need to go fight some magical creatures. Can only be hurt by copper weapons. Or magic. I doubt I could talk Illyana into loaning me the Soulsword. So I was trying to think of where else I could turn to. For a weapon that might hurt them. Or, even just for something to give me a leg up against them," she says.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just releases a heavy sigh as she leans back against her bed and sets her stuff off of her lap over to the pillow thats resting beside on the floor. Her legs come up and she reaches for her bottle of tea half-emptied beside her. She uncaps it and raises it up for a sip.

"Its a history class. I thought it'd be fun but its... pretty damn boring." She sets the bottle of tea down on her knee and watches the Lockheed move to reinvigorate her fireplace's crackling flames and it makes her grin. "I really need'ta get me one'a those fellas. Thats some real handy use there t'have around."

She glances to the chair Kitty's on and she shakes her head. "I'd be surprised if he even know where I got those from. I ain't never seen any'a the main faculty ever go insid'a that secret office. Not sure any of'em even know its there!"

The rest of what Kitty says makes Rogue's dark eyebrows lower down and she squints a bit. "That sounds like a pretty heavy mission t'take on. Magic is no joke. I seen some weird magic shit when I was with Doctor strange. Other dimensions'n stuff. Giant fire demons that would make Locky there look even more adorable than he already does!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Lockheed and says, "Yeah, I was pretty lucky he was around and took a liking to me." The empathic dragon rubs against her cheek as he's curled up around her neck. "Though... believe me, Rogue, you are so lucky you weren't there. Between the sleazoids, and Logan almost killing us and... ugh." Kitty shakes her head. The Brood still make her feel like she needs to spend a year under a shower to feel clean.

Kitty sits up a little bit straighter and nods. "Yeah, I'm a little worried about it. Ancient evil trying to take a place of power kind of thing. The one I've seen can turn to smoke. Reach inside a person's body and grab an organ. Which, you know, I've got an edge against that one at least," Kitty says.

"Doctor Strange? The one that works with the Avengers? I only know bits about him. I guess he'd probably be a good person to ask about that kind of magic stuff? I don't think Illyana would know about this particular one," Kitty says. "There any chance he'd listen to me if I went to see him?" Kitty asks.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles as she watches Lockheed so affection to Kitty. "So many jealous emotions..." She says quietly and flavors it with a dramatic sigh to punctuate just how jealous she is. She then flashes a grin and raises her bottle up to her lips and sips from its contents again.

After hearing the rest of that she grimaces at the graphic thought of yanking people's body parts out of their bodies with that phasing stuff... thats very unsettling to the southern belle!

At the question of Strange though she opens her mouth and then leaves it that way for a second before she shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head. "I don't know. He and I were close after the disastrous weddin' in Paris. He saved my life afterward. So I owe him everything. But we don't really talk anymore. Last time I saw him was in the med lab down in the basement. He was... I don't know, lost his memories or somethin' so he was bein' a complete asshole."

Her phone buzzes on her desk to her left so she looks over to it and then leans over in that directiona nd reaches up ontop of her desk from where she is on the floor. He rhand feebly flops around a few times before she finds the phone and pulls it down to read the text.

"I can see if he'd talk t'ya. He lives down in Greenwich Village." She says while typing a response to whomever just texted her.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks thoughtful at the mention of the lost memories. "Hopefully he's got them back by now, or this might be a wasted trip," Kitty says, tone serious enough to not make light of the situation he was in. "Yes, if you would? Any edge I can get might make the difference," Kitty says.

She picks up one of the bottles of iced tea to open it up. "Started looking for a place in the city. Down near Stark Tower so I won't have to commute. My friend Carrie came over and I looked at a few places. I'm thinking something up near the roof so I can get in and out easily, dropped off if need be," Kitty says.

"If Doctor Strange is free, feel like making a trip into the city with me to see him? Or are you going to be tied up with your history class there?" she asks. Kitty leans forward a bit, trying to see what subject area in history that Rogue is currently working on.

Rogue has posed:
"Well." Rogue says as she tries to make a call. "I can't get ahold'a him directly. I gotta call their one ancient phone and hope that Wong answers. Wong is... his live-in life partner." She grins at this description of the two who share the Sanctum. "I'd be happy t'go with ya too." She moves to stand up, her bare feet thudding on the floor as she then lifts up off of it and glides through the air past where Kitty is seated and toward the large walkin-closet in the corner of the room. She vanishes inside it.

Her history class appears to be on ancient Greece, she admittedly signed up for it because she was told that the Greeks were really into a lot of kinky stuff and she thought that alone would make it worth researching, but it turns out... they were, but its also all pretty sad and gross too. Some of it is good, but a lot of it isn't!

"So Midtown huh?" She says as she's in the closet changing clothes. "Thats freakin' expensive! But then, everywhere in Manhattan is, really."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Yes, it is very expensive," Kitty confirms. "I'm really torn about it too. I don't want to waste all that much money, especially as I'm going to be spending much of my not-working time in Gotham or here, still. Hoping I can work remotely a fair amount, even," Kitty says.

"Though, it is a nice salary at that," Kitty concludes. "Well, I'll have to see. If nothing else I might do a short term lease and see how it goes." She gives Lockheed's horns a rub where they meet his head. "Have to find somewhere that takes pets. Just in case anyone sees Lockheed with his image inducer on."

She hops up from the chair, drinking the iced tea and moving over to look out the window. "Spring's finally coming," she says, signs of green visible all over the grounds outside. "What I need is a jet so I can get back and forth quicker. Or, Illyana on speed dial," she says with a warm laugh.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue steps back out of the closet with a hoodie on now and a pair of jeans, some boots that go up mid-calf and a leather jacket in her hand that is hanging at her side now. "That pet stuff is a damn racket. Just find whatever place ya want and sneak him in. Ain't none'a them are ever gonna find out anyway. Unless, ya know, he breaks a lotta stuff."

From her phone, the southern gal looks over to where the dragon in question is and she grins at him. "You smash stuff up, or set things on fire that shouldn't be on fire?" She asks the loyal friend of Kitty's.

"Come on." Rogue then says to Kitty herself as she walks toward the door, snatch her keys off of her desk and then moving to close the screen on the fireplace to extinguish the flames within it. "We'll just drive down there and knock on the door. Pick up some ice cream on the way. It helps, trust me. Maybe some sub sandwiches too. The two've'em are always starvin' Marvin's."

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed lets out a little puff of smoke. Dragon's gonna dragon. Kitty gives a warm chuckle and says, "Nah, he doesn't break things up. Though once we made popcorn in my room and some papers started smouldering," she says with a grin towards the dragon.

Kitty moves over to join Rogue on her her way out the door. "So, Wong, and Doctor Strange," Kitty says as she follows along. "Where does they go for a Ph.D in magic, anyway?" she asks curiously. "Because that would be a really awesome thing to add to the curriculum here."

Kitty pauses a moment in the doorway. Thinks about the recent fire in the computer room that nearly fried herself and Ellie. Thinks about all sorts of things that have gone wrong with students in the school. "Ok, maybe it wouldn't," she says, turning out the lights in Rogue's room and closing the door.