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Latest revision as of 02:37, 27 March 2019

Need A Little Magic Redux
Date of Scene: 26 March 2019
Location: Sanctum Santorum - New York City
Synopsis: Seeking means to fight the Untitled, Kitty is taken by Rogue to see Doctor Strange
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Doctor Strange, Shadowcat

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had tried to give Kitty a bit of insight on Stephen Strange along their way down from Westchester. She'd told her that he used to be a really big surgeon and that his Doctorate came from that, rather than magic. She described him as having a memory like nobody she'd ever seen before, as well as a pretty bad attitude even when he was in the best of moods she'd ever seen him. But she also told her about the time he saved her when she used her nullification bracelet to try to jump off of the Eiffel Tower. She told her about how he took her and helped her get over the 'death of Remy' and how he enrolled her in NYU, would take her on shopping sprees if she did good in classes and eventually got her onto the Avengers roster also.

She also told her about their falling out. That she was terrible with magick and it lead to a lot of arguments between the two of them. They had a lot of stories together and that wasn't even all of them...

Now though? Rogue's 1970 Dodge Charger pulls up outside of the magical house and she helps get the food they bought out of the backseats then starts toward the front door. "You'll love Wong though. He's just all around fun t'be around." She grins as they ascend the stairs and she gives a secret knock to the door, Wong knows it, Strange probably wouldn't care even if he did know it.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Like a southern grandmothers house, the moment Rogue knocks on the door the whole spoopy vibe around the brownstone changes somehow, instantly it smells like, homemade oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies, but why? The sense that a small hairy dog on the other side of the door is spinning in circles excited to see that you, yes YOU are here and you're here to greet them and only them.

    Then when a bald asian man opens the door with a sour look on his face, that seems to explode into one of elation at the sight of Rogue. "Anna-Marie!" Wong greets with a stupendous smile and he know better than to offer a hug, but he does the next best thing. He reaches out and takes the bags of food from Rogue like a kid in a candy store. "Do I smell Ben and Jerry's?" Wong inquires.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde listened and asked a lot of questions on the way down. The two young women have such an easy rapport after so long together, even the stories of harder times end up finding some laughter injected into them to lighten the mood. "Well, even if you had a falling out, it sounds like he was a big help to you. So, that is a plus for him in my book," Kitty decides as they pull up to the location.

She climbs out, Lockheed stretched out across her shoulders in the form of a big orange calico cat. Kitty stops herself from reaching up to stroke his head, afraid it might mess up the hologram as they walk over to the door. When Wong answers, Kitty gives him a warm smile. One that grows warmer as the man's warmth and genial demeanor are noted. Kitty waits to let Rogue introduce her.

Rogue has posed:
On the subject of Strange, Rogue would nod to Kitty. "He did. But I think he was hopin' I could be some kinda... Magician's Apprentice, but I'm just too much of a southern bumpkin, I guess."

She looks up to the old Gothic styled home as the feeling of it makes her feel as though she is 'home' which is interesting to her, she doesn't feel that from many places, she never has.

When the door opens, Rogue looks to the man who opens it and she has a grin spread across her lips. "Heya, Wong." She says to him and motions to the bags that they have. "Ya sure do. Got a buttload of it for ya." She'll move to go on inside too and as she does she glances back behind her. "This is my friend, Kitty. She's legit, you'll love'er."

Once inside the rather Adams Family-esque interior of the Sanctum's foyer, Rogue gives a quick glance around it before she looks back to the both of them. "Things are good?" She asks then to the Asian man.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Yes, with Stephen back." Then Wong lowers his voice to a whisper, "The young mistress who was the sorceress supreme was rather... off putting. Even by our standards." Wong says, as if he's been holding in the gossip for months. Wong transfers all the bags to his left wrist when he extends his right hand towards Kitty, "Kitty. A friend of Anna-Marie's is a friend of ours, and you are welcome in the Sanctum, just... don't open the fridge." Wong explains as he disappears towards the kitchen.

    Up stairs at the first landing at the top of the double stair case, Stephen Strange appears at the railing and looks over the side. He has a huge shinner on his left eye. As if he got into a fist fight lately, and theres marking from his neck down to under his blue tunic. The infamous red cloak isn't at his shoulder or back but it comes zooming over the side drawing a sigh from the Doctor as the fabric corkscrews from Rogue's feet to her hair and then rests on her shoulders in a sort of magical hug. "Anna Marie. Welcome back." Stephen then looks to Kitty and cants his head, and squints his eyes. "And you brought a friend who... brought a friend..." Stephen says, eyes on the 'cat', as if he knows instantly it's not a cat but he can't tell what it actually is.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Wong a friendly smile as she gets introduced. "It's really nice to meet you, Wong," Kitty offers to the Asian man. "And you have such a beautiful home," Kitty says as she looks around the mansion-turned-Sanctum. "I don't think I've ever seen the like." Which for the X-man is probably something to say.

Kitty looks at the flying cape with surprise, but as there doesn't seem to be any harm coming from it she quickly turns her attention up to Stephen Strange as he addresses them from the top of the stairs. "Nice to meet you sir," the twenty-year-old says with a friendly wave up to Dr. Strange. Kitty glances to the apparent cat on her shoulder and then gives a quick nod. "Correct. This is Lockheed. A friendly extraterrestrial dragon who has been with me for years," she says, reaching up to turn off a Stark Tech image inducer built into the cat's collar. Or, dragon's collar, as it soon becomes apparent.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins to Wong and she shakes her head side to side. "I ain't heard nothin' about no grumpy replacement Sorcerer in here. Glad she's gone. I'd hae to give'er the 'what for' if she were here and all harsh'n on my mellow'n stuff." As Wong makes for the kitchen with the goods she laughs lightly at his warning. "I'm sure its just old food in there..."

Its the cloak that gets Rogue to look away then as it wraps about her and drapes aover her shoulders her eyes go wide as she hasn't experienced this in awhile! "Ah! Why hello there, sugah." She says to the friendly cape. "Generally I make people at least buy me dinner before they get this up close'n personal, but in your case? We'll call it fair play." The cape had helped her in the past on an X-Men mission where she'd lost her flight power! She was a big fan of it!

When Kitty speaks to Strange, thats when Rogue looks up to see him and his shiner on his eye. She has a faint grin on her lips and she just stares at him for a second then motions up to her own eye. "Were ya mean t'someone? Like ya were t'me the last time ya saw me?" She's not going to let that go too easily, even if he doesn't remember doing it.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I thought I was literally in hell Anna-Marie." Stephen explains his actions and his words, so yeah, he remembers being an ass but as he starts to move down the stairs, the cloak moves from Rogue's shoulders to hover just in front of Kitty and it extends a hem towards the x-man to shake in greeting. Stephen however, slowly decends, a creak in his back as he's not moving super well, but he's moving. "This," Stephen says with a motion to his eye, "This is nothing. Price I pay to try and help a... friend." Yeah, he would call her a friend.

    Then Stephen turns his attention back to Kitty, "An alien dragon... this is interesting." Stephen says as he reaches the ground floor and steps closer to Kitty to look at her creature. "I've seen plenty of dragons in my time, but nothing ever so tame." Strange notes, his grey eyes looking from Lockheed to Kitty and then to Rogue, "I assume you need something." The wizard asks as his eyes look back to Kitty.

Shadowcat has posed:
"I don't think they are like our mythological dragons," Kitty says as she looks to Lockheed. "He doesn't speak much, but he's as fully sentient as we are. And probably more intelligent I'd wager," she says, smiling to the purple dragon. He just sits there on her shoulder looking slightly smug about it, but doesn't embarrass the humans by nodding agreement.

Kitty looks over to Rogue as Doctor Strange explains the incident Rogue had spoken of. She looks back to Doctor Strange as he makes his way slowly down the stairs. "I do need something, sir. I'm one of the X-men. Known to the Avengers as well. I work for Mr. Stark at Stark Industries. And... I've come across a situation. Your basic, age old evil, trying to take over a place of power, called the Lazarus Pit, that it would be bad if they get hold of it. Apparently not a lot affects the bad guys. Copper weapons I was told. But I'm looking for anything I can get that would give us an edge against them," she tells him.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue softly nods her head to Stephen's response to her and when the cape flutters off of her shoulders she watches it move around to greet Kitty. But her eyes go back to Strange when he descends to the ground floor and she steps toward him to look closer at his injured eye. "Ya shoulda put ice on that thing, it would've helped reduce... soma'a... the grossness." She then exhales like a concerned relative would. "Just tell me who I need t'pay the favor back to. I'm willin' t'bet my punch leaves a bigger mark..."

She then steps back again and looks back to Kitty. "Kitty's one'a my oldest friends from Xavier's, she's in need of some help..." Her gaze drifts back to the Sorcerer. "Your kinda help."

When Kitty steps up to make her case for the kind of help she needs, Rogue steps back and turns away to let her explain. She starts to give another look around the place... to check for things that are different since she was here last...

Doctor Strange has posed:
    There's a large blood stain on the tile floor beneath their feet, and some scarring on the walls and ceiling as vaulted as it is. Stephen dealt with something large and dangerous recently. He's lucky a black eye was all he got.

    "Sorry." Stephen says with a hand lifting to Rogue's shoulder and resting there a moment, but he drops the damaged hand to pay full attention to Kitty. "Lazarus Pit..." Stephen says to himself, his hand crossing before his chest and his other hand making a fist at his chin in thought. "Said to be a pool of ... liquid that grants those submerged health and a lengthened life." Stephen frowns at this.

    "You don't want a weapon to take it for yourself do you?" The wizard asks with his eyebrow cocked upwards onto his forehead as he lowers his hand from his goatee. His eyes dart to Rogue's for a moment, almost as if he expects some verification or something from the southerner.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde greeted the cape when it came over to her as well, giving a warm giggle of delight at doing so. She looks back as Doctor Strange addresses her. At the question, Kitty shakes her head. "No sir. I don't generally arm myself with weapons. They tend to kill people and that's not something I want to do," Kitty tells him.

She frowns and shakes her head. "But these aren't people, anymore. If I can find a way to lock them up somehow, I'd prefer to do that. But they are hunting down those who would keep them from their prize. I already had to save one such person's life from them. If you are able to help me in some fashion, I'd only ask for it while the threat is being dealt with. Even if it's not a weapon, something to help stop them. They can turn to smoke and reach inside a person's body and grab their organs. While I can prevent that from harming, it will be tough to fight them with just copper knives or arrows."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes first go up to the marks on the interior of the room and then she looks down to blood stain on the ground. She's got a grossed-out expression on her face when Strange's hand comes down on her leather jacket covered shoulder and it makes her look over at him. Her brown and white hair is pretty wild right now, unkempt and no small amount of Rogue'ishly crazy. But she still grins lightly at the Doctor and shrugs her shoulders. "Is what it is." She says in a dismissive way, apparently not holding any grudges. She knows the stuff he has to go through... at least some of it.

Rogue snaps her finger then and points at Kitty even though she was talking abou ther stuff. "You should stay here and save on money." She says then like she just had an epiphany. She then points up the grand staircase and looks to Strange. "My old room. The one that could literally turn inta anything you wanted it t'be once you were inside it... Shit, I miss that room."

Rogue looks back to Kitty then, being a little rude by interrupting them... but she's kind of a scatter brain sometimes. "I used t'just sit on the beach all day there, or the French countryside... God, it was amazin'."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "That's still your room Anna-Marie." Stephen says with a quick turn of his head but Rogue gets a curious look, offering things of his without asking him first. Stephen pretends as if he didn't hear the woman's words and focuses on Kitty's for the moment.

    He looks to Kitty and then bites at his bottom lip... "Is she good for it Anna-Marie?" Stephen asks as he's already turning around to head back up the stairs towards his own actual musuem.

    At the second level of the house is a large impossibly huge floor of near countless artifacts in glass cases and Stephen is moving down them, expecting the girls to be following. As he walks he mentions Rogue's suggestion. "If you need a place to stay in the City, I'm willing to help if you are willing to help me." Stephen explains, beginning an offer to Kitty.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde can't help but look at the blood and the damage as the mention of her possibly living there comes up. But then again, her computer lab in the school was just incinerated by the Phoenix Force.

So in other words it might feel like home away from home.

Kitty smiles over to Rogue, reaching over to give her arm a squeeze as she heads up the stairs to follow Stephen Strange. "That sounds pretty amazing," Kitty says of Rogue's description. "I'm just starting up with Stark, so was looking for somewhere to stay during the week. Have a boyfriend in Gotham that I see on the weekends, there or here," Kitty explains to Stephen.

She tops the stairs, looking around at the odd and interesting assortment of items on display. They hold her attention for a few seconds before she looks back to Stephen. "It sounds like it'd be a great arrangement," Kitty says before asking Doctor Strange, "What kind of help would you need?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shows a small smirk at Stephen's response to her offering the room before asking him. "Sorry." She says, motioning then to Kitty. "She's a betters person than I am. MORE trust worthy than I am, by far. You'll love havin' her around, Wong will too." She's probably not that great at convincing the Wizard, but she might not have to do much anyway.

She looks to Kitty when her arm is squeezed and Rogue grins at her, she ascends the steps with her. "You can totally just make the room inta... like, Dumbledore's office, or the dining hall from Harry Potter too. I may have done that once or twice, amongst some other locations that may be less mentionable." The two 20 year olds walk behind Strange and Rogue look forward at him.

"I'm back at Xavier's fully now, ya know." She tells him, but she's sure he already knows that.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    To answer Kitty's question, Stephen looks over his shoulder just as he stops in front of a glass case, "I need someone to organize my tomes and texts and maybe if they are delicate enough, try and digitize them. Maybe." Stephen says, his offer sounding awfully mundane when they're standing in a literal house of horrors.

    They stand before a glass case with a rather bizarre looking glove on the inside, it's long, and would go up to half of Stephen's lower arm, but it's metal looking, like there's a golden sheen/outline to the thing with a golden hem and a white and black checkerd pattern on the whole thing, like it's made of the same tile as the floors of the sanctum are. "This, should be able to help you." Stephen says, pulling out the gauntlet and extending it towards Kitty "It will create a larger version of your hand out of magical energy and you could use it as you would any normal hand." Stephen explains with a simple enough shrug before he looks to Rogue, "I hope you finished your school either way."

Shadowcat has posed:
The explanation of what the room can do is wondrous enough. Kitty is used to the Danger Room of course, one of the main programmers of it. But actually getting to LIVE in a room like that. Rogue's hinting at some of the place she has turned it to bring a soft laugh from Kitty, and perhaps just a little touch of color to her cheeks as if she's imagined what they might be.

Kitty looks back to Doctor Strange as they walk through the various artifacts and he explains his needs. "I think that would be something I could handle. I don't know how much interest you have in computers as well, but I could make you a system to hold securely anything you do want digitized. I imagine you don't want it accessible elsewhere, but we can encrypt it as well and put some other safeguards on it," Kitty tells him.

They arrive at the Gauntlet and Kitty eyes it as the explanation of its purpose is given. "That could be useful. Especially if it might have a chance of holding onto one of them," Kitty says. "Even if not, yes that could definitely help. Thank you, sir, if you're willing to let me use it to stop them," Kitty tells Doctor Strange.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just places her hands together in front of her, her black gloves lacing her fingers together and she seems to just be all grins as she listens to the two of them work out the terms of the living arrangement deal. "She's way smarter than me too, and more agreeable too!" She's really smearing it on now.

With a nod of her head she exhales sharply. "Xavier's has college courses and I'm a teacher's assistant now. I should be graduated next year around this time, actually. I'll have a full teaching degree." She seems proud of this, as she should be. "Got a lotta folks back home I wouldn't mind rubbin' that fact inta their faces too, after the shit they used t'say about me..." That part is muttered.

Rogue's eyes drift back to Kitty and she motions back the way they came. "Don't worry about stuff like the blood back there, I'm sure there's a completely unreasonable explanation for that." She flashes a grin then and lets her eyes go to that glove thing...