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Hunting Apartments
Date of Scene: 24 March 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Carrie and Kitty look for an NYC apartment for Kitty, and talk about superhero things
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Carrie Kelley

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty got hold of Carrie, relating that all sorts of things have been going on, and that she's looking for a place in New York City. Why? Well that's a detail she'd love to tell Carrie in person. So could Carrie find some time to meet up for lunch and then accompany Kitty as she hunts for an apartment?

Lunch was at a really nice restaurant, Kitty's treat. She avoided going into too much there, preferring to wait for more private moments, within the empty apartments they'd be viewing, and while in transit.

Kitty had a new 2026 Toyota Avalon waiting outside the restaurant to drive them off to the first apartment. As they climbed in, Kitty motioned to the car. "So, first, I met Janet van Dyne. Got a -job- with her. Just a short term contract. Doing a computer security assessment for her. But I negotiated a dress fitting as part of the compensation," Kitty says, beaming a smile over to Carrie. "She is -so- sweet. Oh my god. She's like, a bestie already," Kitty says. "So I was going to go find a used car with Jason, with the advance for the job with Janet? And that day, Bruce has this delivered to me. I had turned him down on the offer of a car, and that wasn't even a new car that he'd offered," she says, sighing. "He's just... so sweet."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley is more than willing to make the time. It had been awhile since they'd managed to get together and just talk. Plus the last time they'd run into each other their alternate identities had been revealed. There was talk necessary after that, but things just didn't seem to line up properly at all. All the more reason to accept. Plus lunch is always a bonus.

Settling into the car along with Kitty she just glances over it with a bemused expression. "Seems like something Bruce would do," she has to admit with a slow nod. Or at least... well. She'd never accepted anything like this from him before, but just being accepted as a trainee was a big deal with him. Glancing over to Kitty again she grins warmly at her friend. "That's great news! Janet did seem really nice at the ball. I haven't taken up the offer of going to get a fitting yet though. Just... Too many other things going on right now." She glances instead down toward her feet with a thoughtful frown.

"How's everything else going? I heard you and Jason were attacked the other night when you were out with Tim."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Carrie before she gives an exasperated sigh and says, "I kind of feel bad accepting it. But I feel like... it'd be worse sending it back, you know?" She looks at the car. "I just... I don't want anyone to ever think I'm not with Jason because of him, you know?" she says with a sigh. "I do like the car though. I wouldn't have gotten anything like this," she says, sighing again.

Kitty looks over and gives a quick nod. "Yes. Some... thing..." Kitty says. "I don't know how much you know about all of that. Not that I don't trust you, but I'll let Jason share any details there he wants. But, yes, something was going to pull one of his organs out of his body. I got he and Tim out of there," she says. "Speaking of which... I never had a chance to talk to Tim. I mean, we just met like 30 seconds before. If he has any questions about me? I used my mutant powers in front of him." Kitty looks over to Carrie. "Speaking of, we haven't had a chance to talk about all of that either."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"No, we hadn't. It's okay. Life happens," Carrie points out with a shrug, and easy grin. "Especially for those of us living double lives." She chuckles softly as she reaches back to run a hand against her neck just working out a few kinks that had more to do with sleeping wrong than being stressed. For now. "Tim's... resilient. He's one of the boys too, of course, though he was overseas for awhile. I don't know about the whole 'turning to mist' thing but that sounds vaguely like some guys I fought recently. They were 'paper soldiers' though. Someone used some magic to create these... guys out of paper and ink. Pretty easy to defeat but boy they kept coming." Shaking her head she brushes that topic aside for now.

"Glad you guys got out okay. So... I'm trying not to pry or say something that's pretty stupid. I don't know much about mutants in general other than the mutation can take various forms and it tends to show up aroud puberty. Which," she adds with a sympathetic look toward Kitty, "Is one hell of a time for that to show up."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty reaches over and gives Carrie's hand a squeeze as she smiles warmly over to her, before returning hands to the steering wheel as she navigates the car slowly through New York City traffic to the first apartment building. Stark Tower is visible not too far away. "Yes, I was twelve when it first started. Thirteen before I got it under control very much," Kitty tells Carrie. "I got the feeling you might have suspected, when the Sentinel freaked me out a bit. The night before... one of them had attacked me. A friend nearly died taking a hit meant for me," Kitty says.

He did die. In Kitty's arms. But then he came back to life a few minutes later. She leaves that part out, but it sure added to her reaction the next day.

"So... I go by the name Shadowcat. I'm part of a team. I can go out of phase with the rest of the world. So I can walk through walls or people or just about anything really," Kitty says, glancing over to see how Carries takes that.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley squeezes Kitty's hand back in response. There's a little nod given at mention of the Sentinel, and she hums softly considering it. "I was a bit," she admits. "But again... I figured I've got my own secrets, too. If it was something you wanted to share then that would happen when you were ready. Either way you'd still be my friend and I'd help out where I can. I mean," a grimace wrinkles her face, "I don't like those things either."

When the talk goes to the attack she gives Kitty's hand a squeeze in turn reassuringly as she watches, and listens.

"Shadowcat. That's kind of cool. I'm Kestrel, obviously." There's a small pause and she lets out a sigh, bumping her head back against the headrest. "You know what sucks though? Jason already knows your ability so that means we can't prank him about you being a ghost or something. That would have been awesome."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a warm laugh at that. "Yes, I told him awhile ago. Well, first about being a mutant. It was later that I told him I'm a... we need a better word than 'hero'. I feel so cheesy saying it," Kitty says, laughing warmly as she smiles over to Carrie.

"He's so protective of me. And, so worried I won't accept what he's gone through," Kitty says quietly, sighing. "I've tried to give him an idea the kind of things I've been through. But he's so not wanting to reveal parts of his past that he seems to not want to know too much about me in that regard either," Kitty says.

She looks over. "You look sexy as hell in your costume, by the way. You should totally wear that on dates," Kitty says with a teasing grin.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"He's been through a lot. I don't even know all of it," Carrie admits with a small shake of her head. Even if she did, would it be her place to inform Kitty about him? That was a tough call. Before she really has time to dwell on it Kitty hits her out of the blue with the last remark. Instantly her pale face goes beet red and she lets out a groaning laugh.

"Oh man I can't even remember the last time I went on a date. I mean besides that Jason one, and really that wasn't a date. We just sort of met up and hung out for awhile." Laughter aside she does pause and think. Really think.

"Man. I really *can't* remember my last date."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a soft aw and looks over. "There's probably a lot of guys at your school who would love to go out. I imagine if you just pick one and let him know," Kitty suggests. "Not that you have to. Just, you did look good is all I'm saying," the brunette tells her friend.

The car continues moving. Stop and start. That's the traffic in New York. Race up to the next stoplight and then sit in line and wait. The apartment building they are heading to is close ahead though.

"Yes, best not to share too much about other people in this line of work. If you have any questions for me though? I trust you to know about me and all," Kitty tells Carrie. "Oh! I forgot to mention. So... I got the couple of week contract from Janet. But... so now you know I'm Shadowcat it's easier to explain... I'm working the Avengers on some stuff. And I guess my hacking of some of the Sentinel technology impressed Tony Stark. And they offered me a job. I'm starting up with Stark Industries," she says.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Well I... hm." Carrie pauses considering again. "Wait. Maybe I did go on a date recently. I thought he was just asking me to hang out but he brought me to this really nice restaraunt and Oh my god I am an idiot." Carrie claps a hand over her face with a groan at the realization. "Just shoot me now, Kitty. Put me out of my misery!" She's teasing of course, and as they roll to the stop she chuckles and leans forward to peer at the apartment building.

"Yeah? I met Tony before. He was holding a speech at college and using our stage. I helped set things up and demanded he give me a chance to work on the Avenger website." She smiles sheepishly. "I did, but then the building vanished and... Then I started getting into this vigilante thing."

Carrie grins at Kitty. "You're doing really well for yourself. Seriously, take the opportunity and run with it. I'm sure you'll do great."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Carrie. "Thank you. It's exciting. And at the same time... I'm realizing how much of my freedom is going to be gone. I mean, having to work and everything. Though... they know I'm Shadowcat so I can actually take off work when there's something that needs doing. That's one big advantage right from the start," Kitty says.

She pulls into below ground parking for the building. "I'm still getting used to this having money, thing," Kitty says with a chuckle. She climbs out of her car and walks around the car to join Carrie on the way to the elevator. She double checks no one is about to overhear them. "Well, sounds like maybe he was interested?" Kitty says of the date-not-date-who-knows. "So how did you end up in the vigilante thing, anyway?" she asks curiously as they take the elevator up.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Maybe. Probably. I've had so much on my mind lately I didn't even think to consider it," Carrie admits sheepishly. Getting out of the car she shuts it behind her and follows Kitty to the elevator. Leaning against the back wall her head tips upward to see where the emergency hatch was out of growing habit. It helped to know such things. "Honestly? I just got tired of being scared. Of running. All my life that's how I was told to handle the crime in Gotham. Be careful, be safe, run quick, don't get caught."

"Then I got caught. And everything I'd been told, everything I learned, didn't help. I was held hostage by some ninjas that Batman was fighting. I fought back with everything I had but... I was just a hostage." Carrie's expression changes into a scowl.

"I started running again but in a different way. I went finding ways to fight. I met people. I met my sifu. We trained all Summer." A deep breath is taken, and she looks toward Kitty again with a softer smile. "Here I am."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde listens to Carrie as they ride the elevator up. "We kind of had similar beginnings in a way," Kitty says. "I met members of my team when they came looking for mutants who might need help adjusting. And while I was getting to know some of them, someone attacked us. Captured them. I ended up phasing to escape, and going to get the rest of their team to come rescue them," Kitty says.

"It last a very lasting impression on me. Of the kind of people that are out there, and need to be stopped," Kitty says. Her hand clenches a little bit. She leaves out that the kidnapper was at the charity ball. Though she'll never forget that woman, or what she did.

"I have to say... you are brave. I mean, I've got my power to help me out. And training. But going up against some of what it is out there? If I didn't have my power..." Kitty says, then she trails off. How many times has she not been able to use her power? And did it ever stop her. "Well. Maybe I'd still be doing this. I don't know that I'd have gotten into it in the first place, though."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley reaches out to place her hand on Kitty's shoulder with a little squeeze of comfort. She did know that feeling. That's why she'd gotten into this after all. "I don't think what we do is any less dangerous just because you can do things I can't. I'm no more brave than you are." Smiling warmly she gives another small shrug. "Honestly? I guess I felt I didn't have anything left to lose. I'd tried it the way everyone else said to. I might as well go with the way that doesn't leave me feeling helpless."

Lightly clearing her throat she looks back to the elevator doors. "So ... What are we looking for here, anyway? I mean I assume you've got some idea in mind of what type of apartment you want."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well, honestly... I'm still making up my mind on that," Kitty says. "I'd like to not spend every last penny on a place. Especially as I'll be between here, and Gotham, and Westchester a lot. So just somewhere to stay when I'm in the city. I'd kind of like the top floor so I can go in and out through the roof easily without being seen," Kitty says with a grin. The needs of super heroes, different from other renters.

"A room for Jason and I, and then one for some computer equipment. Close to Stark, and JVD - oh I'm going to get to keep working with Janet! - and the Avengers Mansion maybe," Kitty says. "That's really about it. Nice view would be great. Fireplace would be great. I'm making... a nice salary, but I don't want to blow it all."

Kitty walks along the hall once the elevators open, over to the room in question. "Housing realtor gave me a key, but, here, let me show you," Kitty says with a smile. "I'll walk you through the wall. Can't breath while we're in a solid object so hold your breath a little before that. But otherwise you would barely even know anything is going on."

Kitty will wait to see if that is ok. If it is, she takes Carrie's hand and phases them both, and walks them inside the apartment through the door and wall.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley starts a mental tally of all those requirements in her head. Yeah that was going to get expensive in New York she figures, but then again she'd never looked either. Just all the rumors of New York real estate. Eugh. "That's a lot. We can always get you one of those fake fireplaces though, those are still nice," she suggests with a grin.

Then the offer of showing her powers comes up. Carrie glances around quickly just to make sure there's no neighbors being nosey. With a wide grin she takes Kitty's hand and sucks in a a quick deep breath. Right. Follow the rules. Her hand clasps Kitty's firmly even if she trusts her. Better to not take chances.

Then they're through, the odd shifting through solid objects sending a shiver down her spine. When they solidify again she lets out a shaky laugh. "That was weird. Cool but weird."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Carrie after they are inside and she's phased Carrie back to normal. "So, if we're in danger, if I can touch you I can bring you along with me. So bullets, lasers, most things will just pass right through. Or in the case of Jason... women reaching into his chest and grabbing his lung. Phased him so he passed right through her hand again," she says.

Kitty looks around the apartment. Not a big one, but it has a nice view, and top floor. "Also, I don't fall when I do that. Can walk on molecules of air. Not really flying. More like walking up steps into the air. So if we're ever in an airplane that explodes and don't have parachutes? Skydive over to me."

She pauses, looking out the window, then looks over her shoulder to Carrie. "Yes, that's happened before," she adds with a rueful sigh before looking back. "This isn't too bad. A little bigger wouldn't be bad, but not sure it's worth paying too much for extra considering I'll only be here a few nights a week." She goes exploring the apartment. "If you'd like, we can train together sometime?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley nods slowly as all of those possibilities are taken in. Ones she hadn't thought of before. Being in airplanes. Falling from the sky. Those were things she'd have to add to her potential list of training. Even as she thinks of it she glances around the apartment with a nod of apparent approval. "It's got a decentish kitchen, and I didn't see any rats while we went through the wall so that's a bonus." She's teasing, right? Right.

The offer of training garners a broad smile. "I'd like that, Kitty. Really. I know I'm new to all of this still, but... I want to do good at it. Knowing how to fight with others is a big part of that."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's face shines a smile over to Carrie, and she gave a laugh at the mention of rats as well. "It really does make a difference, training alongside those you're going to be relying on. My teammates, all mutants. Each with powers. And we can come up with creative uses that make us so much more effective. Those I know best? I know when to phase them so they can let a blow pass through and not bother blocking it, to let them deal with something else, for instance,"

Kitty goes over to look in the second bedroom. She sticks her head into the wall, looking about then pulling it back. "Electrical needs an upgrade for how much equipment I'd put in here," she says, shaking her head. "I'm.... ah... really good with computers, incidentally. If you ever need help with them? I'm your girl," she says, winking. "I want to get better at fighting. I haven't trained at martial arts in a few years, while I was off at college," she says. "Jason's dad offered to get me lessons. That's actually what I was trying to say I wanted to take him up on, when he got me the car instead."