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Jonathan Crane (Scenesys ID: 1290)
"Fear drives everything. Everything. Your life is governed by fear. Every decision you make is a product of that fear."
Full Name: Jonathan Crane
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: DC (VFC)
Occupation: Criminal
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Gotham City
Education: Gotham University
Status: Active
Groups: Hench, Gotham-OOC, Street Level-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 44 Actual Age: 44
Date of Birth 20 October 1982 Actor: Cillian Murphy
Height: 182 cm Weight: 64 kg
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


The self-styled Master of Fear is a well-known criminal in the Gotham area, having been at odds with Batman for many years. His exploits run the gamut from extortion to murder to kidnapping, all with a twisted thread running through them: the exploitation of fear, believed by Crane to be the most powerful human motivator.



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A tall lanky individual Jonathan Crane was a rather odd sight seeming gangly in some regards, often seen wearing glasses. Apart from that Jonathan was fairly normal with blue eyes and brown hair, rather plain and bookish one could easily underestimate the unassuming man.

Normally dressed in a suit to make him look like any other civilian, he was dressed practically normally only taking the bare essentials for trips outside to pass as a normal person. When working around anything chemical he normally prefers his labcoat with a shirt, plain trousers and sometimes working with his mask on.

In costume the supervillain is ragged tattered horror, wearing a dirty brown trench coat with holes and straw poking out in a number of patches, along his chest was a bandolier with numerous vials and gas grenades. He had a noose like rope around his neck holding his mask in place, the sack tattered and inhuman looking as the only thing of crane one could see at times were his cold blue eyes. The mouth of the mask was a line of stitching across two canister filters, resembling of menacingly mouth as the stitches and pointed frayed pits would remind people of sharp teeth. Often seen wearing a long syringe gauntlet hand, each needle lining up with his main four fingers, moving with them if they were normal digits. The vial and plastic tubes seemed to stretch up the arm to vials that connected to the gauntlet allowing them to refill themselves automatically with the glowing orange chemicals.



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Crane was bullied as a child for his appearance and his family's poverty. Dressed in his ratty Sunday best every day by his domineering and sadistic great-grandmother, he was a target every day of his life. His loneliness and despair drove him to literature; books were his only friends, but his great-grandmother thought reading for pleasure was a sin, so he was rarely able to indulge except in secret. Finally in his Senior year, he got up the courage to ask out the school cheerleading star, only to be mocked and humiliated one last time. He created a scarecrow-like costume and menaced his tormentors with a toy gun, causing them to crash, killing one.

Crane saw how effective fear could be, and as he took classes in psychology he became convinced it was the supreme human emotion, the prime motivator to all actions. Now living alone, he filled his home with books, reserving nothing for himself - his impoverished appearance sometimes elicited sympathy, sometimes contempt, but he was ready for his would-be tormentors now, using elaborate tricks and set-ups to play on their psychological weaknesses or their greatest fears. He got his doctorate and was finally able to move into human experimentation to prove his theories. His radical ideas and outlandish behavior in the classroom, though, soon cost him his job. He took a job at Arkham for a few years, until it came to light that he was using the patients in his own personal sadistic experiments. He was discharged and stripped of his license. Unable to pay for books, food or his collapsing home, Crane decided to become a criminal.

After his revenge on the faculty, he came into conflict with Batman and Robin over and over. Always pursuing schemes to acquire money or to prove his mad psychological theories, he's continued to plague Gotham again and again.


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Control -- Foremost, Crane desires control over others. In every situation, eventually he must be the dominate figure. Thus, his alliances with other criminals are always short-lived unless he can continually show his superiority over them. Anyone who belittles him becomes a target for revenge, forever.

Fear -- Crane craves the emotion of fear, surrendering his own control to some other force. Ironically, his body is almost incapable of feeling fear anymore, except fear of Batman. He is literally addicted to fear and thus is driven to seek out Batman again and again.

Greed -- Crane hated being poor and has declared he never will be poor again. He will do almost anything to gain more money, which he will then immediately spend on more books.

Theories -- Crane has created a twisted series of psychological theories, the central point of them all being that fear is the greatest human motivator. Many times, Crane will create scenarios to 'test' his theories, seeing how his subjects react when exposed to frightening situations. All other humans are just test subjects to him and Gotham is his laboratory.

Sadist -- Crane enjoys inflicting suffering on others, the ultimate form of control over the animals he's forced to share the planet with. He will go out of his way to hurt others, even to the point of blowing his cover or ruining his chances of a clean getaway.


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Crane is very well-read, having explored all the major works of literature as well as non-fiction. He is also an insufferable know-it-all. He is best known for his knowledge of psychology and chemistry, but he has a wide-ranging array of knowledge at his fingertips.

The scarecrow has always been bookish, even advancing himself in chemistry and psychology. Achieving a doctorate and a position as a professor after graduating Gotham college. Although having killed his previous professor using one of earlier fear toxin to play on his fear of drowning and getting him jump off the roof all the while thinking he was swimming. Using his intellect he plays on the fears of others to serve his needs, one could be psychologically evaluating him and then find themselves being evaluated and slowly picked apart.%

More than capable of setting up his own long reaching grand plans, being very tactical in his planning setting his targets, using different methods to attain what he wants though usually using his intellect and fear to gain an advantage and whatever he desires.


Crane is almost immune to the emotion of fear due to various exposures to his own gas, though this immunity can heighten or lessen with certain other factors. The only thing that can generally cause him fear is Batman.


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Crane is a master chemist, able to create complex materials with ease, even in poor circumstances. He is especially adept at creating drugs dealing with body and brain chemistry - fear, mind control, and paralysis are just a few of the effects he can create. He can create recreational drugs as well as ones that carry subliminal effects. He can use many delivery systems but prefers gas, as it's indiscrimate and spreads fastest. He can create many different types of poisons and their antidotes as well.

His study of fear has made Crane an excellent intimidator, able to get information out of someone just by threats, or able to coerce someone into a course of action just by talking to them. He loves pushing buttons on people and will gloat over his control over them as long as he can.

He is a manic martial artist with full use of his long arms and legs in ?violent dancing,? Scarecrow's own form of crane-style kung-fu inspired by Ichabod Crane's dancing skills from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Despite his scrawny build, he isn't the type of criminal to be underestimated in hand-to-hand combat whenever forced to fight.


Crane is a master at deducing motivations and manipulating people through that knowledge. He has made an especial study of fear in all it's aspects, from how it is created to what can enhance or blunt it. He has studied the field most of his life, knows all the major and minor researchers and what they are working on, etc.


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Crane has varying degrees of physical resources. He has several caches hidden throughout the city to enable him to get back on his feet quickly after escaping from Arkham but the quality of the facilities vary a great deal.

Crane is never without some amount of his classic Fear Toxin somewhere on his body, usually in a aerosol spray or gas grenade.

The classic version of this gas causes a person to see their greatest fear, and react to it, usually causing paralysis or flight from the situation.

Crane has created dozens of variations to this gas over the years. Some create specific fears in others, giving them a temporary or even permanent phobia. Some are specially crafted to target known fears in a specific subject. He can take away fear as well, or vary it's strength. He can create gasses that kill almost instantly, while others build up over long periods of time to wear down a subject before Crane strikes.

Crane is adept at creating toxins that can affect non-humans and meta-humans in varying degrees - unless someone has a physical condition that prevents them from feeling fear (i.e., some forms of brain disfunction) or somehow has a greater control of fear than Crane does (Yellow Lanterns are a good example), he's probably going to be able to affect them in some way.

The Scarecrow has his henchmen, often keeping them under control through fear and monetary reward. Keeping minions to act as a barrier, do the heavy lifting, and of course more hand means more money/valuables can be lifted out in a timely fashion. Scarecrow can't be everywhere at once so it only makes sense to get some help especially on plans that require a number of hands to carry it out.

The Scarecrow uses a wide range of weaponry from simple hand guns, gas dispensers hidden within novelty items such as jack o lanterns, skulls and even pellets. He created a syringe gauntlet to better inject his fear toxin directly, improving upon it making it more menacing and effective in its design. Scarecrow does use a lot of gimmicks to further his criminal persona such as using farm tools scythes, shovels, and other weaponry proving useful for different situations or even just for the psychological fear factor they provide.

From grenades to high grade bombs, even machines capable of pumping fear toxin over city blocks. Scarecrow invests quite a bit into the right tools for the job bouncing from low grade equipment to much higher advanced tech created in secret and perfected in a lab.


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Crane is addicted to the emotion of fear and ironically has great difficulty feeling it anymore. His only reliable source of fear is Batman, so he will eventually seek him out for a confrontation to feed his addiction, regardless of how important it is to his schemes that he NOT DO THAT.

Mock Crane even once and you have a deadly enemy for life who will sit and stew and plan until he finds a way to kill you, preferably after humiliating you first. Unlike some villains, he has the patience to wait a long time, but he WILL eventually come after that person, making it easier to set a trap for him by watching that person or controlling access to him.

Appealing to Crane's greed is a sure-fire way to distract him from his current goals, or to induce him to go along with certain plans or actions. He desires money, and spends it just as soon as he gets it, meaning he always needs more. After a big score, he'll be needing money again within weeks at the outside, so he will always resurface.


Crane will always be drawn to the use of fear in some way, shape, or fashion. He can try to conceal it in some way, but at the core of every plot and plan is an element of fear - this can be used to track him down when nothing else would reveal him.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Race for their lives May 18th, 2019 Scarecrow wins the race - but at the cost of pistachio pudding.
This'll give'em the Jitters April 20th, 2019 Summary needed
Log 2087 August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Birds of a Feather, Carouse Together August 15th, 2017 Scarecrow, having just flown the coop of Arkham, finds Penguin, and they exchange pleasantries, before Crane offers Penguin a business proposition. A gambler's skill, in exchange for a physician's insight.


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