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Latest revision as of 07:08, 11 April 2019

Final Fitting
Date of Scene: 10 April 2019
Location: JVD fashion house, NYC
Synopsis: Kitty Pride gets her dress from Janet van Dyne.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Wasp (van Dyne)

Shadowcat has posed:
The security evaluation did not take as long as Kitty had expected. But then actually dealing with some of the fallout was another matter. Still, she finished up the work in a little less time than she'd expected. In part for trying to make sure she got through it before some event pulled her to elsewhere in the country, off-world. Or worst case, to another dimension.

Though it was likely Janet whose life took the odder turn during that time and delayed the next get together. Rumors swirled about JVD. A hole blasted in the side of Janet's penthouse. No, Janet's penthouse exploding. Missing. Doctor Doom had her. No, it was those Sentinel things. The rumors were about as varied as they could be until finally something closer to the truth took hold.

Finally things started to get back to normal, and Kitty scheduled some time on Janet's calendar. She heads up to Janet's office, presentations put together and ready to go showing the outcome of the work.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet's assistant bustles Kitty in the second the young heroine arrives, to be met by a beaming Janet. "Kitty! I'm so glad you made it," she says, looking pleased to see her. She hugs Kitty with a gentle enthusiasm, then links elbows and walks her into the offices.

"C'mon, I'm dying to catch up with you," she bids her. "It's been *so* crazy lately, I'm so sorry you've been stuck waiting in the wings. Are you thirsty? Tea, coffee?" She checks the delicate gold wristwatch on her left arm, the face on her inside wrist. "Mimosas? It's a few hours until cocktail hour," she quips. Her navy blue blouse is worn with sleeves tucked up to her elbows, a little loose and flowy through the shoulders and streamlining to be tucked into red, high-cuffed trousers that show off a pair of designer four-inch red pumps.

"How's things over in Westchester?" she inquires, cheerily. "Nothing too world-shattering lately?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's face lights up as she enters the room and sees Janet there. The hug has a moment that it is extra tight on the part of the brunette young woman. "God I was so worried about you," Kitty says. "Glad to have you back." She looks Janet over, feeling relieved to see she looks in good of shape, and spirits, as ever. "Oh, god, mimosas..." Kitty says, glancing at her phone as well for the time. "Maybe after the work stuff?" she says with a soft, warm laugh.

She's brought her laptop with her, carrying it against her side. Kitty has a dark skirt and white blouse on, with a necklace around her neck with a Star of David adorning it. One thing Janet might pick up on though is a ring on Kitty's left hand. Diamonds set around a ruby. The ring has a style and a patina to it that make it an older item, maybe an heirloom, rather than something newly purchased. But it's not something Kitty would have likely been buying herself given the gemstones involved. Not an engagement ring from the looks of it though. A promise ring maybe?

"Westchester is good. So much happening since we talked last," Kitty agrees. "I actually have a room at Doctor Strange's sanctum to stay in while I'm here in the city. So much better than the commute during rush hour," she says. "How are you? Everything back to normal for you? I was so worried there for awhile."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
The ring isn't missed, and Janet picks up Kitty's hand to examine it. She whistles, soundlessly, and gives Kitty a speculative look. "Those look real," she chivvies Kitty enviously. "Nicely done. I guess you and Jason decided to move things to the next level?"

She swats gently at Kitty's arm and flashes an encouraging grin. "You go, girl! He's a real catch."

She starts some tea steeping in two little pots, one for her, one for Kitty. "It was kind of crazy. I got kidnapped for two days by Sentinel assets," she explains. "Steve rescued me, of course-- I mean, the Avengers all did, it was very sweet," she amends, "and then we ended up picking up this like... freaky robot clone?" Her nose wrinkles. "She wasn't even a good knockoff of me, but for SOME reason, she fooled everyone for a few days. Steve figured it out, he's such a dream," she says, with an amorous sigh and wistful look out the window. "Then she shut down and Tony and I locked her up into storage. Last thing I need is a glorified Real Doll runnig around out there with my body," she mutters.

"Anyway! It's all very exciting, and now life's back on an even keel for a bit."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gets a big smile as Janet looks at the ring. "It's a promise ring. My mother came in town for Purim. Oh, I need to take you next year. It's the Jewish holiday you would love. It's like... Halloween and St. Patrick's Day at the same time," Kitty says with a laugh. "And, she got to meet Jason, and she gave him her blessing. And my father's. He's in Genosha but he asked her to. And Jason gave me this in front of her," Kitty says, looking down at it and glowing a bit about it as she touches the ring. "It belonged to Mr. Wayne's mother," Kitty says, the family significance of it seeming to mean a lot to the Jewish girl.

Kitty follows Janet over as the woman begins making tea. Kitty sets up her laptop in the meantime to be able to display her results. "Wow, I'm glad that you're ok. We've had some problems with doubles, the X-men have. Though I don't think they have any relation to the Sentinels. An old enemy of ours capable of duplicating people," Kitty says. "Steve does seem great. I talked to him just yesterday, ran into him at Stark Tower. Showed him some bullets for dealing with some werewolves I stumbled across in Gotham," Kitty comments.

She smiles over to Janet. "So... are you two... together, Janet?" Kitty asks with a hopeful smile for her friend.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Well, we've been dating for a few months," Janet allows, hedging. "I mean, you know. He's very old fashioned, so we're-- we were-- taking things really slow, y'know, just... feeling it out." She clears her throat.

"But after the whole mess with the roboclone, we sat and talked it out, and told each other we loved each other," she tells Kitty. The tips of her ears pink a little to go with a proud, knowing little grin. She does look particularly feline, like the cat who got the canary finally.

"Then we had some really, really, *really* mind blowing-- I mean, world shaking, gone deaf, can't walk-- y'know that's probably TMI," she says, wrinkling her nose and coming back to reality with a hasty shake of her head. "Uh, anyway, yes, we're officially official as opposed to just dating. I think he said 'going steady', which is just *adorable*, isn't it?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a happy cackle as she hears the news. And the TMI doesn't seem to bother Kitty either, she just is grinning and laughing happily. She slides an arm about Janet's shoulder if allowed and gives her a tight side-hug. "Oh I'm so happy for you. That's just amazing, Janet. You literally have the most eligible bachelor on the planet there. And I can't think of anyone better for him than you, either."

Kitty just grins ear-to-ear. "I totally want to show up at one of your dates and tell him that I'm there to be your chaperone," Kitty says with a teasing grin. "Or at least tell him he has to get you home by ten." Kitty gets the tea cups and sets them on saucers.

"It really makes such a big difference, having someone who accepts the kind of life that we lead," Kitty says. "I've told Jason about the life I lead. Can't tell him much, just about myself of course. But he's accepting of it. He grew up on the streets, he knows the kind of people that are out there, and that people like us are needed," she says quietly, her fingers going to twist the ring about her finger without thinking about it. "It really is nice that you found someone on your own team, on top of it!"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet laughs and hugs Kitty enthusiastically. "You're sweet, Kit," she tells the girl. "But if you cockblock me, I will shrink you down to an inch tall and toss you in a bucket with a bunch of plastic army guys." She passes Kitty the tea and winks at her playfully, showing it's all levity.


"Anyway. I'm glad Jason is okay with that. Just...y'know, keep an eye on him," she tells Kitty, hedging. She shifts, crossing her legs. "My ex hated me getting in the game. Hated me playing at his level. Some of the ugliest fights we had were him trying to keep me in a lockbox at home so I wouldn't get hurt. I think it was more than anything just his ego being unable to handle a woman-- let alone his wife-- being better than him at anything."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde breaks out in warm laughter, especially at the plastic army guy comment. "I'm just happy for you. Both of you. I don't know him well at all, have only spoken to him the... three times now? But I can imagine his life will be so much better for having you in it, Janet," Kitty shares as she moves over to settle back down into a seat.

The talk of Jason, and then of what Janet went through brings thoughtful looks to Kitty's face. "I think he is comfortable with it. It probably helps that I showed him my mutant power so he's comfortable I'm difficult to hurt even if someone wants to," she muses quietly.

She finds herself looking back down at her ring. "He doesn't realize how good of a guy he is. He's been through some very troubling times that left their marks on him. And he focuses on those rather than on the fact he made it through them and is still a good man at heart," Kitty adds quietly before glancing up to Janet to smile. "I am trying to take it slow still. I mean, I know the promise ring after... two months, is kind of fast. But I'm wanting us to take our time before it goes further. I actually remember your warning about marrying young. Even if I'm not seeming to follow it," she says.

Kitty looks thoughtful about something. "Do you talk to your ex very much? Or do you stay apart completely?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"I have to see him a few times a year," Janet says, making a face. "Always only in a professional context, and usually I'm at the furthest seat of the board meeting table. I'm technically one of the primary shareholders since I investd in his company early on. So when we divorced, I made sure mamma got equitable distribution, and not just her chump change back." She smirks at Kitty. "Pre-nup, honey, just... pre-nup. They're worth their weight in gold. *Especially* when the kind of money the Waynes have is in play."

She sips her tea. "Anyway, you came here for a dress fitting, right? And I want to hear your assessment of my security systems." She rises, setting aside her tea, and gestures at the fitting stand. "Let's start getting this thing pinned and fitted, and you can tell me all the reasons I get to fire my CTO," she says, and starts pulling out containers full of tailoring tools.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty goes and launches something on her computer, displaying some graphics to the largest monitor that will let them discuss it while the fitting is going on. There is a diagram which converts JVD's computer infrastructure into an easy-to-read representation, with a few areas marked in red. As she's getting that set up, Kitty says, "I hope it would never come to needing one. Jason's trying to make a go of it on his own, and that's something I'd like us to do together. Though it's nice to know there is support if worse comes to worst."

Kitty moves over to join Janet then. "Steve mentioned yesterday that he'd seen the dress plans," Kitty says. "I can't wait to wear this for Jason. I need to find the right moment for it." The young woman's excitement over it is palpable as she moves to the fitting stand. "I was thinking maybe where we first went to eat, though... somewhere a little flashier is probably needed for this," Kitty considers.

She glances over towards the computer image. "Well, the good news is, there are certainly some flaws in your security that are worth firing someone over if you want a reason," the brunette says, pointing out a few of the areas on the display and giving a brief explanation of them. "The bad news is... there's a Chinese company that has exploited them. It looks like they've been getting into your design plans for the last two years. I did some digging and it looks like they start shipping knockoffs almost the day that you go public with new designs," Kitty says. "If you'd like, I have the means set up that you could get back at them, assuming lawsuits and such aren't likely to succeed?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Son of a *bitch*," Janet snarls. "I knew it. I *knew* they were getting my designs too fast." She is turning a surprising shade of red as she works up a head of steam. "Normally it takes like six to eight weeks for them to flip a design. You know, pull it apart, check the stitching, see how the crenellations or folds work, then reassemble it. Clothing's a lot harder to make than people think."

She starts throwing things near Kitty's feet, tossing them angrily over her shoulder. "Ooooh, GOD that makes me mad," she says sulferously. She even stomps her foot once.

Kitty's dress is brought over with a rustling flow of trailing fabric, and Janet pushes the bodice against Kitty's sternum. "Hold this." Abruptly, sewing needles and shears are flying around as Janet takes out her frustration on her work.

"And the damned Chinese government doesn't do a *thing* to stop them," she tells Kitty, peevishly. Scissors clack in the air between them. "Oh sure, they fine one factory. Then their cousin or in-law down the road just picks up the copyright and runs with it. All I can do is keep complaining to Customs when I see my knockoffs in stores, but I can't do anything to stop online delivery and sales. Stupid eBay. I should find Jeff Bezos and slap him next time I'm in Washington. Ooooh!" she curses, angrily.

"Upside is that China would have to acknowledge that they're overlooking the fashion ripoffs to do anything to me anyway, so I say we set some traps or Trojan Plants or whatever and burn them down hard," she tells Kitty. "Whatcha got in mind?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde has a clicker so she can advanced the slides while the fitting is going on. She holds the dress in place while Janet fuels her emotions into the preparations for the dress. "First, I set up a separate computer that will pretend to be your entire environment. So they think they still have access. And then secured the real systems," Kitty says. SHe'll wait for Janet to see that diagram and then move on to a representation of the work flow that the dress designs go through, from original design all the way out to the manufacturing process.

Kitty waves her free hand towards the work flow and says, "I set it up so, if you like, you can easily put some new designs into the fake computer for them to get their hands on. I thought maybe you could come up with something that is just realistic enough for them to think it's real, but that would be a disaster to try to sell? Especially when it turns out to be nothing like what you really turn out that season?"

The young woman doesn't know fashion anywhere near what Janet does. But knowing designers like Janet often are responsible for starting the trends each season, it seemed like it might be possible to Kitty, at least. "Of course it could be taken a step further also, or after. They aren't nearly as computerized as you, but there is all kind of havoc that could be wreaked in their system. I have a few hacktivist friends that would probably be interested in hearing about the labor conditions their employees work in, which would keep your hands clean of it, if that was your desire."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet's ire calms as Kitty proposes a plan of action, and she works diligently with one eye on the computer screens. She's nodding along at the suggestions, but then that last idea strikes a chord with her.

"Oooh. That's a thought," she murmurs. "I keep things pretty ethical at my factories. I own shares in every one of them, so I take a personal hit if worker production suffers. Wages are what they are, but JVD's subsidiaries guarantee a lot of perks and fringe benefits."

She flips her shears and catches them in her hand, then taps the round handle against her chin. "Can you tell me if anyone uses them for production? Old Navy, or Macy's, or whatever? I can blow them up on social media. Call 'em out. I can't stop the factories from making my knockoffs, but I can definitely pull their teeth when it comes to international sales in America and Europe."

"Plus, I'll come up with some dreadful designs and pollute the well, just so I can smile smugly at the TV next time I see a Chinese awards show and someone's wearing a knockoff JVD."

Shadowcat has posed:
The slender brunette smiles softly at Janet's plan of attack. "I've worked up quite a bit of information on them. A fairly good sized list of clients is included, a few names I think you would recognize, yes," Kitty says. "I've got it on a separate thumb drive for you. It isn't necessarily publicly available information so I didn't want to store it anywhere on your system, just to be safe," Kitty tells Janet.

She looks down at the dress and says, "You do put so much of yourself into these. It was really upsetting to me when I came across the evidence of them." Kitty gives an angry shake of her head. "And the holes they came through should have been patched, they were known vulnerabilities. And the evidence of the intrusion was there to be found. So you've got your justification for the CTO."

Kitty watches Janet work for a few moments, before remembering the final bit. "Also I made some changes to your sales and support systems. Incorporated some machine learning to both. But mostly just worked to reduce the bottlenecks. There are a few more ideas I included in a list there that weren't really feasible in this short of a project. Some of it would involve changing some of how the staff work with each other. The things I went for should be pretty straight forward and not be a big change for people."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Ugh." Janet's arms go limp, the dress bundled under her wrists, and gives Kitty a wistful look. "And you've already got the gig with Stark. Damnit, Tony hires all the *best* people. Well-- if you can recommend anyone who'd be a good canddiate for the CTO job, you let me know, okay? I'd appreciate your insight."

She hands Kitty the dress. "Okay. Go change into this," she says, and gestures at a set of panels she can step behind nearby. "You..." her eyes flicker up and down. "You don't look like you *need* a lot of support, but if you just can't live without a support garment, let me know and I can whip up a demicorset or something that'll fit under the neckline." She draws a plunging V over her own sternum. "Oh, and I've got your shoes... somewhere." She looks around at the mess her office is. "Give me a minute."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's eyes have a warmth to them as she smiles at Janet. "Thank you for that. I've loved getting to work with you. And I will be available some with the deal you worked out with Mr. Stark. But yes, I'll see if I can't put a list together for you," Kitty agrees.

She smiles to Janet and then heads over behind the screen to get changed. "I can probably get by without support. For now anyway. My... adoptive daughter from an alternate future said I keep developing a little more. So, I have that to look forward to," Kitty says with a rueful laugh from behind the screen. "Though her world has a few differences from ours. Like no Superman or Supergirl. I hope they make a difference. The Sentinels take over North America in her timeline."

Kitty comes back out with the dress on, and slips on the shoes. She takes her first two steps over towards Janet before remembering her boyish walk. She clears her throat and then does her best to do the runway-like walk that Janet taught her on the first fitting. "I've actually practiced this," she admits with a warm smile.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet makes a face and puts a palm to her belly. "Ugh. God. Kids. No way," she tells Kitty. "I do not have the hips for them and I have zero maternal instincts. I wouldn't know what to do with a baby."

She stands back, one arm folded across her stomach to support her elbow. Her limp wrist hangs near her cheekbone and she watches Kitty moving around walking around, getting comfortable in the dress. She gives the shy girl a smirking smile and steps forward to tug the waistband back into place. It exposes most of Kitty's breastbone to the air. "Put the goods on display, baby," she tells Kitty, encouragingly. "It's okay! Show it off a little. *You're* the show, the dress is just an accessory," she reminds her. "This is New York society. You've got to look classy and elegant and make every snooty bitch with too much silicone in her face feel insecure when you walk past. Or they will pounce on Jason like a cat on mackerel. Trust me, this is *my* world we're talking about."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's lips pull back in a thoughtful smile at the mention of children. "I'd like some, someday. I think my mother and father will disown me if I don't give them a few grandkids to bounce on their knees," she declares with a warm laugh. "I wish you'd been about when my mother was here. She's such a fantastic cook. Made a bunch of treats for Purim. I'd have loved to be able to bring some by. I'm afraid when it comes to cooking though, this nut fell very far from the tree," Kitty says.

At the advice from Janet, Kitty not only puts on the walk, but also works on the expression to go with it. Her walk is... surprisingly good. Maybe she was sincere when she said she practiced it. More than just that though. The young woman has the grace, and dance skills, of a professional dancer. Both ballet and otherwise. Once Kitty set herself to doing it, that grace and control of her body is showing in her walk and her posture.

Kitty stops, resting a hand on her hip as she tilts back a bit to look over to Janet. A finger comes up and Kitty says with uncharacteristic sass, "No ladies going to lay a finger on -my- man."

She can't hold it for long though, the good-natured young woman breaking out in warm laughter as she flashes a grin at Janet. Kitty turns to look at the dress in the mirrored windows. "It really looks incredible. I've never had anything that moved like this and made me feel so... vivacious," she says.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"You can say sexy, honey, everyone's thinking it," Janet assures Kitty. "This is what clothing's about. It makes you feel *confident*. Empowered," she says, fists gripping the air. "Flats and sweats are comfortable but they're lazy. They're us saying 'I don't have the energy to be confident and sexy today'. You need to wake up every morning and fight that urge! Sweats and flats are for days when you stay home with bloating and ice cream," she confides. "Rest of the time, you should be reminding people that you're hot, you're out of their league, and they're lucky they get to watch you walk past."

Shadowcat has posed:
The reflection of Kitty Pryde gazes back at her as Janet gives those words of wisdom. Kitty moves a hand to her stomach, pushing on it though there's nothing needed to flatten it. Janet's eye for the human body and how it relates to her craft would likely notice Kitty has been growing more and more toned in the time since they've met. Training in the Danger Room and also with Bruce Wayne has that effect. Also probably a bruise or two from the latter.

Kitty turns sideways, looking at how the dress accentuates her curves so beautifully. "I always had so many glamorous, beautiful, and strong women around me on my team. Storm and Jean, and god, Betsy. And I was so much younger. Looked like a plank in comparison. I suppose I felt like it too. I've never really thought of myself like... like that," Kitty says slowly, motioning to her image with the last few words.

She turns and smiles to Janet and gives her a tight hug if allowed, though careful of the dress in doing so. "Thank you so much, Janet," Kitty says, sounding more than a little touched.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Someday I really need to make it out to Westchester and meet the rest of the teams," Janet says with a wistful sigh. "I mean, I've seen the dossieres, and I know a lot of you already. Just... it'd be fun to see you in your natural habitat, so to speak."

She returns the hug enthusiastically, and when they break, gives Kitty's cheek an affectionate little touch-pat. "Of course sweetheart," she tells Kitty. "You look absolutely stunning and you'll give Jason a stroke when he sees you. That's totally worth every bit of work."

Shadowcat has posed:
The thought of Jason's reaction leaves Kitty practically glowing. If she could keep that look on all the time, any other women that might feel like getting their claws into Jason would have no chance. "I would love to have you out. We don't have too many visitors at all there, of course. And even most of the students don't know about us being the X-men," she says of the group that scrubs their images, and sometimes even memories, to stay anonymous with the public.

Kitty gets a small smile. "If the school administrators are good with it, would you and Steve be interested in coming out for a visit? Our kids... a number of them are quite obviously mutants. They've been through a lot over it, some of them. I think seeing people they look up to like the two of you being accepting of them would probably be a great thing for some of them to experience."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Oh, gosh, I'm not a mutant though," Janet says, nose wrinkling. "I guess technically I'm extrahuman. Metahuman? But it's all just--" she gestures at herself. "Science. Bioengineering and some dangerously unstable particle physics. Frankly it's a wonder I'm alive at all," she laughs. "Knowing what little I do now I can see why the experts didn't want to do the procedures on me. I could have ended up looking *really* weird and gross."

She squeezes Kitty's arm. "Maybe a short visit," she allows, as a compromise. "Steve loves doing that kind of thing and I'm happy to do a girlfriend a favor. How does that sound?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles and reaches a hand up to squeeze Janet's back. "The fact that you're not mutants, but are accepting of them, would probably make it more meaningful to them," Kitty says, but she nods and says, "If it wouldn't be imposing on either of you." She smiles and says, "If you felt like stretching your wings, we could even do a training exercise together. I've never gotten to see you in action. I admit I'm really curious to see what you can do live instead of on a Youtube video."

Kitty looks thoughtful at the mention of what Janet went through. "It's funny how many people with powers would love a normal life, and how many people with normal lives would love powers. There really is a grass is greener thing that goes on with it. But I'm glad you made it through, and glad it was someone like you, and Steve, who ended up with them. Lord knows there are enough people out there who shouldn't have them."

Kitty gets a soft smile. "I have a really good friend, one of the students. You'd hate her fashion sense. But, she likes to say, 'Kitty. Our lives are weird.' And they so often are. I mean, I live in a magic room in a wizard's house in Greenwich. Not quite what Kitty Pryde of Deerfield, Illinois expected when she was growing up."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Oh sure, training with you would be a blast," Janet tells Kitty. She seems quite enthusiastic about the idea, and rests a hand on Kitty's arm. "I'd love to see how you do your thing. Cross pollination, you know? It's what we capes need to do. Learn how we work around and with each other."

"And if things with Strange get... strange," she says, nose wrinkling. "Give me a call and you can stay at my penthouse. I've already got the remodelling done and it's got that fresh-paint smell. C'mon, a slumber party at my place has *got* to be more entertaining that moldy old books in a damp ol' mansion," she says.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty motions to Janet's comment about cross pollination. "That's one great thing for us. We get so many different sets of mutant powers coming through our team. It really helps us learn how to adapt to working with wide varieties of powers. Though there's something to be said for long-time familiarity like the Avengers have, too," Kitty muses thoughtfully.

She breaks out in soft, warm laughter about Doctor Strange. "He is... a bit persnickety at that," Kitty agrees. "But Anna-Marie knows him well and I've realized from watching her interact that his bark is worse than his bite. At least with friends. I'm actually helping him sort those moldy old books, and digitize the worst of them. That was our agreed on rent."

Kitty grins over to Janet, "But a slumber party some time would be a blast. I've got a few more months until my 21st birthday, but it's not far off. End of the summer. I haven't planned what to do yet, but hope you'll be able to make it, wherever we end up."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Happy birthday! What the hell does that have to do with anything?" Janet asks Kitty, quirking a brow. "I'm just offering to give you a room to crash in for a while. If you want to go party, say the word. We'll take my yacht out into international waters. Or we can fly down and meet it in the Bermudas," she offers. "You, me, Anna-Marie, Carol, a bunch of hot male strippers and all the drugs and booze we can handle. *That's* how to party."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde laughs and says, "Well, granted, you have a different means of going out drinking than I'm used to. Though, I have been in the UK for a couple of years so I did get used to being able to just go to the pub whenever we wanted." She crosses her arms and look at Janet with a bit of a teasing curiosity. "Are you still able to do the hot male strippers part, now that you're going steady with your fella?"

Kitty adds, "Though I'm sure Anna-Marie would be up for it. I think she's been going stir crazy lately. A nice long getaway would probably do her good. Never been to the Bahamas before, actually."

Kitty glances at herself in the dress and says, "I've been slowly upgrading my wardrobe now that I've got a decent paycheck coming in. Just starting in on some Spring and Summer clothing. I'll need to pick out a few bathing suits for somewhere warm."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Hey, don't put this back on the girl trying to get you to go party on a boat," Janet huffs, and wiggles her scissor grips at Kitty. Realizing she's still holding them, they're put into the holding spot for them on her cutting table.

"Listen, I hate to kick you out but I do have a meeting at 4 I need to be at," she tells Kitty. "Why don't you get changed, and I'll have the sent over to Strange's place? No sense in carrying that thing all the way back to Manhattan," she offers.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty holds up her hands as if surrendering before Janet Scissorhands. "I won't say a word," she laughs before nodding at the mention of a meeting. "Sure thing, I'll go get changed. And thank you. For everything, Janet. It just makes my day each time I see you," Kitty says warmly.

She heads over to the screen to change back into her smart looking office attire. "You've got a copy of everything there, and I've gone over with a few of your better IT people how to upload the fake dress designs for the Chinese if you want to go that route," Kitty says as she emerges. She goes over to her bag and gets for Janet the thumb-drive of information on the Chinese dressmaker that probably includes some information hacked from here or there to obtain it.

A quick warm hug is offered as Kitty says, "Will be in touch. Try not to get 'napped again. Next time I'll be asking Steve if I can come help with a rescue if so."