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Gotham Good Times
Date of Scene: 16 April 2019
Location: Carrie's Apartment - Gotham
Synopsis: Blink and Negasonic visit Carrie's Gotham apartment, getting her in trouble with her super
Cast of Characters: Blink, Carrie Kelley, Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Blink has posed:
After having a great time with Carrie and Rogue at the skatepark, Clarice was rather happy with having made a human friend here. She called up the next day and asked if Carrie was free. Negasonic was there in the room, and Clarice invited the explosive teen to come along as well when the invitation to come to Gotham was given.

A bit of looking at maps, and having pictures of Carrie's apartment took place. And after a bit, Blink had a portal open to Carrie's apartment, allowing she and Negasonic to step through. "There you are," Clarice says, smiling warmly over to Carrie. "I've got a beaut of a bruise," she says, tapping her ass on one side. Unfortunately, Clarice doesn't know about Elixir's mutant powers of healing yet.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The apartment was a decent size, though sparsely furnished. The brick walls were adorned with a few posters from movies, and even a few theater promos. A mishmash of old stuff and re-releases. There's a beat up old couch that looks as if it's rather comfy, a coffee table made of half of one of those large wire spindles that are used for laying electrical line, and a bean bag. There's also a TV on one wall, a book case, and a video game system tucked nearby.

The kitchen is open to the main room with a little half-wall for a work surface. The stove, fridge, and a microwave. Nothing fancy there though it did look as if it was used quite often. Two other doors lead to other rooms but were shut, and then the door out had a welcome mat just inside near a shoe rack.

Carrie is there already with her phone in hand trying to stay as much out of the way as she possibly could so Blink and Negasonic have no problem arriving via portal. When they come through she grins broadly. "Hey, Clarice! Ah... Yeah, wiping out will do that. I've got Advil if you want?" She offers with a faint gesture toward one of the rooms that was likely hers. Or the bathroom. One of the two. Swinging her green eyes toward Negasonic she nods toward the newcomer as well. "Hey, welcome to Casa de Kelley. Not fancy but it's comfy."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Mostly Ellie is completely ready to get out of the mansion. So when she saw Clarice working on a new portal she got nosy and half invited herself onto the outing.

Because well it isn't breaking curfew right if there is a portal back to the mansion. That is how this works right. Well Ellie will certainly argue it is

The goth teenager is wearing her usual punky goth outfit, stompy boots, black leather pants, and a black leather jacket (with spikes) over a t-shirt that reads ~I'm not the problem. You're the problem.~

"So.." whatever she is going to ask well she drops as they get to the apartment. "What city are we in?" she didn't get chance to ask, walking to a window to peek out. "Oh. Ellie. Nice to crash your Casa." a quirk of a smile to Carrie.

Blink has posed:
Blink has a warm smile for Carrie as she offers the Advil. "I took something the nurse at the school gave me," she says. "It helps, but will just take a little time. How about your own bruise?" Clarice asks the redhead.

She turns as Ellie makes her introduction. "Gotham. This is Carrie. She's a student at Gotham University. Directed a play that I went to see, and we got to talking after. She went skateboarding with us yesterday in Westchester," Blink explains. She motions to Ellie to say, "Ellie's a student at the school. Really nice," Clarice says with a friendly smile for the Negasonic one who has always treated Clarice nicely enough. Clarice looks around and says, "It's a beautiful apartment." She's certainly lived in far, far worse.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Carrie, nice to meet you Ellie," is offered in return to the young goth woman. Looking back to Clarice she nods in understanding over waiting for medicine to kick in. "Eh, it's not too bad. I think it looks worse than it feels at this point, but that's what you get for slipping down stairs." Rolling her shoulders in an indifferent shrug she turns to head toward the kitchen area. "Thanks. Make yourselves at home. Want something to drink at least? I've got iced tea, water, soda, Red Bull. Probably more of those than I should," she admits as she swings the fridge door open to gaze at the contents. "So that's the same school as Anna-Marie, huh? That's cool."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie squints out the window "Oh yeah this is definitely Gotham. You can definitely feel the darkness and the general decay and fear in the night air." okay is she for real or just jerking people around. I mean for all Carrie knows maybe she is a mutant like the pink girl with darkness sensing powers.

Ellie turns to Clarice. "Did you just say I am nice?" she considers. Well she has been nice-ish to Blink because she is a quick ride anywhere. But still. Nice. "I need to work on this...." then she asks them both "why did you fall down stairs skateboarding? Also.. yeah same school. I'm a Junior and in charge of publish relations or so I am told." it is a deadpan delivery.

Blink has posed:
The offer of a beverage draws a smile from the oddly green-eyed mutant woman. "Oh, iced tea would be wonderful," Clarice replies to the offer. "I think Ellie just drinks strong back coffee or something? Or Red Bull work for you too?" See, Clarice has been hanging around the school a lot.

"Anna-Marie's a... teacher I believe, yes. Or, no wait, she's taking college classes. That's right," Clarice says. So many people she's met, keeping it all straight is a little difficult. The young woman looks to Ellie, giving her a warm smile. "Yes. You're awesome, Ellie. I notice how you're always helping other people out. I mean, sorry, you don't like people to notice it, I don't think. But I have. I won't tell people though," she says. Maybe she has got Ellie figured out. Somewhat.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances back over her shoulder toward the pair for confirmation on the drinks only to shrug. "I can make coffee too but that'd be a few minutes. I usually have a pot going in the morning, or my roommate does. Depends who's up first." A pitcher of iced tea is taken out of the fridge, and she snags a can of Red Bull as well just in case. Cups are drawn from the cupboard to fill up.

"Oh, no I didn't fall while skateboarding. I fell off the stairs of the stage at my college. They'd just waxed the wood," she explains with a sigh. "I probably look like someone beat on me with a baseball bat or something." One hand dips behind her to idly rub along the base of her spine gingerly. "Clarice and Anna-Marie were the skaters. I was just keeping them company." A glance is given toward the window as well only to shrug. "Eh, it might be doom and gloom out there, but you get used to it growing up here. It's not so bad. Just... dreary." The cup is taken over and offered to Clarice, and the can is tipped Ellie's way in silent offering.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Redbull sounds grrreeat." then Ellie looks to Clarice "I totally nailed your nickname the first time we met PinkyPie." she just slowly shakes her head as she accepts the red bull. She opens it and takes a deep drink.

Then to Carrie "So.. what play and what major?" she is at least being polite enough to feign some interest. "Also is Gotham as full of crazy as we read about in New York. Like .. something in the water?" yup prepackaged redbull, sip.

Blink has posed:
Blink takes a seat, smiling at Carrie gratefully for the iced tea. "If you'd like that skateboard, I think the roller blades are probably more my style," she tells Carrie. "At least for the time being. I'll get good with those first, and then maybe try the skateboard again later."

Clarice flashes a grin over to Ellie. "Caught this boy who about ran into me. It was kind of cool. They were impressed that I was a mutant," she says, giving a shy smile and looking like that's not something she's used to being able to say when outside of Genosha. "Oh, the play, it was great. About Native Americans, but really kind of sad and thought provoking," she says, motioning to Carrie to let her fill in the details.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The smile slightly fades from Carrie at the mention of the play. Not to a frown, just a more somber, melancholy look. "My major is currently theater with emphasis on directing, and a minor in education. The play was written by another theater student that... Passed away last year. Our group decided to put it on as a way to memoralize him. It was based on some of the history of his tribe." Her own cup if tea is taken as she sinks down next to Clarice with a grin flashed her way.

"The representative of his tribe that I reached out to for accuracy on costumes and culture is actually a mutant, too. That's why there were some others in the audience as well as the natives. James really helped a lot to make it what it was." A sip is taken of her tea before shaking off the memories. "Sure, I think it might be fun to try skateboarding. Can't be any worse than the martial arts I take so far as bruising goes."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Another sip of red bull as she listens to the explanation of the play and major. "Oh woah... Proudstar?" she cocks her head a little bit. She just seems surprised more than anything, but then how many native american mutants named James are there.

She moves to settle down onto some random seating and looks between you both then to Carrie. "Wht kind of martial arts?" pauses a moment "I practice a very kinetic form."

Blink has posed:
Blink perks up at the mention of martial arts too, though first she says, "That was the humongous guy you mentioned, right?" Carrie having mentioned there were mutants in the audience when Blink saw the play. She hasn't run into James at the school though.

"Oh, you do martial arts? We should work out together!" Clarice says with a smile. "I have had some training in it too. It'd be fun. Maybe after our bruises heal?" Blink shifts her posture just a little bit gingerly thanks to that bruise on the side of her behind. Blink looks over to Ellie, "You know him, the mutant she means?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley blinks a single time before a slow smile spreads over her at Ellie's question. "Yeah! James Proudstar. Really nice guy, and yeah tall as heck," she agrees with Clarice. Only to look a little sheepish as she adds, "I think he was flirting with me and I was so wrapped up in the project I didn't realize it till like a week later." Derp. The talk has shifted to martial arts though, and a hand lifts with a little wave.

"Ah, I'm kind of new to it, I only just started last Summer. I was trying to learn Krav Maga from online videos... which probably isn't the best way, really. I found a dojo though and made friends with my sifu who invited me up to her dojo in Starling City while she was visiting Gotham. It's Taijiquan."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I know him and knew his brother .. not really super well but yeah pretty familiar. Also yeah huge guy." amusement in her tone.

"I will admit.. I have no idea what Taijiquan is..." she sips her redbull. "I should practice more actual hand to hand and kicking ass. It would be useful when using my trick is too dangerous."

Blink has posed:
Clarice slips her shoes off, drawing one of her feet up then so she can hug a leg to herself. "I'm not really sure what style I do. I don't even know if it's a style. Probably it is. Just things I was taught." What do Sabretooth and other members of the Brotherhood use? Difficult to say.

She takes a sip of her iced tea and then says, "You really should, Ellie. You never know when it might come in handy. There's just so much danger out there for us." Clarice rests her head on her knee, looking a little somber. "Though punching isn't going to help much against a Sentinel."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley shakes her head slightly with a wry grin. "To be fair I hadn't ever heard of it either. It's a Chinese style of martial art that's not hugely wide spread. But it's cool and she's a good teacher. I mostly started learning after getting used as a hostage by some guys Batman was chasing after." Her nose crinkles a little bit in displeasure at that memory. "Kind of pissed me off that the whole 'self defense' training I'd taken at the college was total BS." A glance is cast toward Clarice and she looks rather disgusted a moment, "Ugh, those pieces of junk have been flying around Gotham lately. Seriously they need to be blown up."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"True.. hand to hand doesn't do much against them." a pause "Though blowing them up is super effective." she takes a deep drink finishing the redbull.

Then Ellie flicks it up into the air and snap points her finger at it. It is the smallest of charges as she sends a blast charge into it, there is a bang like someone dropped something heavy as she explodes the redbull can. Not quite a gunshot noise. "Boom."

Blink has posed:
Unfortunately for the trio, the apartment super happened to be passing by outside in the hall when the can went boom. "Everything ok in there!?" he calls, knocking on the door. Clarice pops up. "I don't know how he'll feel if you have mutants over," says the young woman who is quite obviously one to the eye. "Come on Ellie, we should go quick," Clarice says, and will try to drag Ellie to her feet. "Sorry Carrie, we can come back later if you like. Thank you for the iced tea," she says, the mutants hurrying back through the teleportal after a last wave goodbye. At least there's no damage. Carrie's security deposit? Still safe.