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Of Red Hoods and Marvel Girls
Date of Scene: 20 April 2019
Location: Kitty's Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jean Grey meets Jason Todd after Kitty brings him to the school to help with a case of kidnapped students
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Red Hood, Phoenix

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is already dressed in her X-man uniform, though she has a coat over it, as some of the students don't know about the team. Which Kitty is explaining to Jason as he's changed into his Red Hood attire. "The students know about people being mutants. They just don't realize we have the team that we do, or the facility we met in," she confirms to him. "So, being in your costume is fine, but I'd keep the helmet off for now. I don't think anyone here would recognize your body armor as being Red Hood without it."

Lockheed flies over to perch on her shoulder. "So with Riddler locked up in Arkham... did you say the company used to be owned by Nygma? Or still is? I suppose someone else could have taken it over, this woman. If she's a mutant, and buys something of his, might not be a good sign of her hold on sanity," Kitty says with a sigh.

Red Hood has posed:
There's a grunt as Jason pulls on the heavier body vest that fits under his leather jacket. "What, you don't think I'm being flashy enough already?" he asks. The bat symbol in red on the front of the armor is kind of a dead give-away. "The helmet goes on before we leave this room. I know you trust your team, but I don't want to start that whole slippery slope that we already have with you and my family." He gives a frown at that as he finishes checking over his gear, making sure that it's all in place - from the non-lethal smoke bombs to the pistols in holsters at his hips.

Phoenix has posed:
A knock on the door follows shortly, with a familiar voice calling out, "Kitty, is it okay to come in?" Jean Grey on the other side of the door, still dressed casually, having the benefit of changing on a whim whenever a situation calls for it. So if she winds up tagging along, it will be no problem shifting to Phoenix look when needed. It's not all just nightmares and "scary losing control of self" situations! There's a plus side to being Phoenix, or was it Phoenix being you?

"I'd like a word or two with just us...us including your new boyfriend?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde moves over to Jason and nods to him. "Alright, it isn't like they don't see heroes here from time to time, the students. Speaking of that, I'm trying to get Janet and Captain America out here for a social visit for the students," she says.

Kitty gives a little nod to Jason at the mention of the situation with his family. "I do try to avoid any talk about Robins or others in particular around my friends, just to make sure I don't let little bits drop that might paint a picture," Kitty says. The kind of picture that had ended up forming for her.

At the knock from Jean, Kitty turns to tell Jason. "This is Jean, our leader along with Scott. Also, she's a telepath. Not that she'd dig into your mind, but there are things you should probably not start thinking about heavily to avoid stray thoughts being picked up." She gives him a chance to let that sink in and get his mind right. "She's very near and dear to me. I have so wanted to introduce you," Kitty says. She waits for Jason to be ready before answering the door.

"Jean!" Kitty says warmly. "I've been wanting to introduce you, was afraid I wouldn't get to before we left to look for Billy and the others," she says of the missing kids. "Jean, this is Jason Todd. Jason, this is Jean Grey."

Red Hood has posed:
Reaching up to rub his temples at the knock, Jason closes his eyes. He centers his attention and focus, as he was taught by the All-Caste, and sets that barrier between his surface thoughts and those that Jean would have to go digging for hard to find out. Security in place, there's a nod to Kitty as he rises to his feet, and holds onto his helmet beneath one arm. Because he has no idea where else to put it. "Reminds me of that scene in Meet the Fockers. Circle of Trust and all that." he rumbles. This was a bad idea. He knows it now. And now there's no way to reverse it.

"Miss Grey." he greets, because well, what else do you say to the headmistress of the school that you're in, armoring up for a mission that the students don't know about, for a group that operates in secrecy, and you're own family is one of the most well-known vigilante families on Earth? Shit gets surreal quick.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean smiles brightly at Kitty when she opens the door for her, and immediately snares her into a hug, before she has a chance to do anything else. "I'm so happy to have you back around the Mansion, that mirror working out well?" She asks, before easing the embrace and turning to look at Jason, walking up to him and extending her hand, "please to meet you, Jason."

"I assure you, I'm not nearly as dumb as any of the characters in a Ben Stiller movie," Jean quips at Jason with a playful wink, almost as a way of ascertaining what Kitty had just told him about her. "I was looking forward to meeting you." She adds, pausing a moment, before looking aside at Kitty, "did Logan speak to Jason already?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde returns the hug warmly. This is how Kitty first met Jean, the woman coming to find Kitty hiding and scared of being found after escaping the Hellfire Knights. Things have a way of getting better when Jean is around. "The mirror has been amazing to have. Thank you for letting me set it up," Kitty confirms. "I wouldn't be able to be here a quarter as much without it."

She turns to Jason and smiles as the pair meet. "He hasn't met Logan yet. Nor, heard about him. He knew I had a team but I have tried to stay quiet about things involving the team for the most part," Kitty says. Her eyes shine at Jason with open pride. "Though, I knew Jason was the right person to help us with the situation with Billy. He's as good of a detective as you'd find on the planet. While I've kept mention of teammates to a minimum, their choice to be revealed? I think trusting Jason with what we have here is a very good idea. I think we can do a lot of good, having each other as allies," Kitty says. She smiles and looks down, finger moving to twist her promise ring on her finger. "Well, and more than allies in some cases," she says.

Phoenix has posed:
"Which is why it was such a great idea to have you use it," Jean beams at Kitty, before nodding at her reply about Logan, and turning to Jason, "so mission aside, I have to give you 'the talk', but I'm nice, so it wouldn't be the same as it would if Logan did it," she muses, "so I'm sorry, but the nice version will have to do..." and she seems nice enough alright, but she does know how to glower, as one might expect from a Headmistress, as she glares at Jason and states matter of factly, "you ever hurt Kitty, betray her trust, or break her heart, you will come to know -real- pain...that's a promise." But then she's all smiles and twinkling eyes right after, "so, with that out of the way, do you guys think this Riddler guy has anything to do with what happened to the students at all?"

Red Hood has posed:
"Oh, no. I'm totally Ben Stiller in this case." Jason responds in a quip back. "I think I've been bamboozled by Kitty into outing myself, whether I wanted to or not." He's not exactly comfortable with all this. He's pretty much had gotten used to that whole 'limited supervision and contact' thing. And then he had to meet one of the most social creatures on the face of the Earth in the form of Kitty Pryde.

"Naw, she usually keeps me locked in a closet and brings me out for entertainment purposes only." It's said dryly. The sense of humor /probably/ needs some work, but it's just how he is, really.

Then Kitty starts talking. And again, that hand reaches up to rub at his temples, in that glance, there may be a moment of sympathy in Jason's eyes for Jean. He knows that at best, this situation is tenacious for her - it'd been akin to bringing Kitty into the Batcave before letting Batman know about her.

Even if it has an awesome heated spa.

"You have a good thing here. And you're doing good things for kids that wouldn't otherwise have it. There's nothing to talk about here..." And then it's that talk. He listens. He considers. And then he goes over to Kitty's desk. Roots around for a moment and takes out a pen. And then he takes out a notebook. "Hang on." he holds up a finger as he jots down a note. "Just." he taps his pen in a cadence as if counting.

"That's seven for me, one for you on threats against our well-being if we break up, Kitty." he tells her.

That out of the way, he returns his attention to the redhead as he puts the notebook away. "Nygma? Magic isn't his thing. I think someone used the game as a conduit though. Best guess at what he can give us? Maybe if someone contacted him recently on getting a copy of it."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tries to hide her soft smile as the warning about hurting Kitty is given. The amused nature of it is made clear as Jason reveals just how many times that has been done. If not revealed that his own family were the source of some of those threats. "Having someone who understands what I do and why I do it means a lot," Kitty tells Jean, her eyes swinging over to Jason as she says it. "Not just understands, but supports it. I hope I manage to give you even half as much support back," Kitty tells Jason then.

Kitty looks back to Jean and says, "I wasn't mentioning this to anyone here, and still don't plan to. But given the situation... Jason and I were part of Riddler's defeat and capture the weekend before. While I can't rule out a connection there, I'm doubting there is one. My identity was concealed. I can't rule out a telepath or the like, but for now I think it's a coincidence. He's in Arkham as far as I know, if we need to question him."

Phoenix has posed:
"Who, Kitty? You gotta try again, Jason, nobody will believe that bit of fake news," Jean muses at the closet claim. When Jason does the breakup math, Jean laughs, "wait a minute! I said if you hurt her or break her heart, you can break up without doing any of those things!" Jean points out, if only to take away an impression that she was trying to force the couple to stay together on threats of violence. "Also, I think the totals are not really in your favor there, Jason, and this is before you even met Logan."

Back to business, Jean nods at Jason, "so there's no point for me doing a telepathic scry of his mind, that's what I wanted to ascertain...so we're dealing with someone entirely unreleated, suppose I could get in touch with some magic users, you think it might help?"

"I always count on your intuition Kitty, so we're definitely dealing with someone entirely unrelated..."

Red Hood has posed:
"I know a few magic users that slum around in Gotham. Though I haven't seen Zee in a month of Sundays. You could talk to Mister Doctor Caperfield though, huh?" Because that's totally Jason's new name for Doctor Strange. Sighing out a breath. "Though." he muses, a playful grin towards Kitty. "If I'd known that all the women at the school were as nearly as beautiful as Kitty, I'd visited sooner."

"So yeah. It could be a Gotham thing. Didn't match anything we have in the database. So there's a new player in town - or someone really old at the game."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty seems to consider for a few moments if it is somehow related to incidents, or her presence in Gotham, though she shakes her head and says, "Well, Forge mentioned there was magic on the game piece. But didn't think that was how she teleported them out of there. Between that, and the fact that she mentioned being disappointed in us, and saying you shouldn't meet your heroines. It was definitely giving the impression she had looked up to us. Which really only makes much sense to me if she's a mutant. It felt like that was her motivation. Whether she's trying to show off for us, feels we've wronged her somehow.." Kitty says, thinking aloud and then stopping.

"I wonder, is there any chance she might have tried to come to the school and been turned away?" Kitty asks Jean. "Maybe we should search our records for mutants with ties to Gotham that were considered for the school?" Kitty suggests. "I could ask Doctor Strange to check, sure. Forge was going to go check the location it happened as well."

Phoenix has posed:
"I was thinking more along the lines of someone closer to home," Jean muses, before asking, "did you have the pleasure of meeting Illyana, Jason?" She has to imagine he hadn't, otherwise a math of who will hurt who would be moot. Illyana is a trump card when it comes to anyone even thinking of harming Kitty. Jean smirks at the compliment about the women at the school, "Jason, I'm not an old lady who needs compliments to stay alive, besides, let me clue you in on a tip. Once you're dating a woman, don't compliment another woman in her presence, that's just not cool."

She does nod at the mention of the culprit likely being new in the field, or otherwise an older unknown, "well, whoever it is, going after my students was a big mistake. They don't even know..." Jean promises, though the words don't sound so much bravado, as, something a bit more chilling. Almost a promise of punishment. But that tone of voice, that dark momentary expression, it all fizzles rather quickly.

"I hate it when people I haven't even met have criticism on me, my friends, and our work," Jean sighs and shakes her head, "I think you're on to something, Kitty, those words do sound like vendetta. Good idea, Kitty, looking back at records."