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Latest revision as of 02:23, 25 April 2019

Date of Scene: 22 April 2019
Location: Cafeteria - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Lorna, Rogue and Kitty have to deal with spooky calls coming to Lorna's phone on a stormy night
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Rogue, Shadowcat

Polaris has posed:
It was late when Lorna returned to the Mansion, like many of her business trips she'd gone into the city, talked to people with far too much money and not enough sense.. and felt like she'd wasted her time in trying to negotiate anything useful for Genosha properly. She sighed, muttering under her breath as she took off her dress coat in the door way and tapped off her heels on the floor mat before stepping inside properly.

She could get a hotel in the city, but with Mutant tensions on the rise, she figured the Mansion was the safest place to rest for the night as Genosha's Princess.

A flash of lightning and a few seconds later a crack of thunder followed as Lorna grumbled something about late night thunderstorms keeping her awake, and made her way to the dinning hall to see if she could cut through to the kitchen and find something to snack on. It had been hours since she'd eaten and she was hungry.

She hung up her coat on the coat rack in passing, entering the dinning hall still dressed in her business suit of soft lavender and slate grey accents, her low heels clicking softly as she stepped quietly through the house, hoping to not wake any of the students trying to sleep.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is already in the dining hall, she's got a bunch of papers laid out in front of her that are packets for the summer school classes and such that are to be offered out to students and their parents. She's been tasked with organizing all of this for the upper faculty and she's been neglecting it until, well, this late hour.

She's got a cup of tea beside her and is sipping it while her other hand is moving stacks of papers from one folder to the next when Lorna appears. she looks up to her and offers a big grin to her.

"Well hey there, Greenie." She asks. "Any more signs of that blue nightmare?" She has to askt his, since they'd both encountered Mystique just the other day...

Polaris has posed:
Lorna caught sight of Rogue sitting at the table with papers spread out all over the table. She grimaced as she considered the paper work and made her way further into the room, the wooden floor beneath her feet creaked with each step of her heels. "No, nothing yet. I guess she just likes you Rogue." She arched a brow as she made to plop down into a chair and lean over, peering at the papers for Summer Classes.

"It's just as well, I was jumpy all the way back to the school. I made the mistake of listening to creepy stories alone in the dark, late at night, on that road out there. And then it started pouring ass rain." She made a face, and gestured at the frizzy curls that hugged her cheeks.

"As if everything else in our lives isn't freaky enough."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde makes her way into the dining hall, with a bowl of Piotr's stew in hand which she's reheated. Usually it would be cereal, but she had a bowl last night and it kind of gave her a taste for it again. Lockheed is curled up on her shoulders around her neck. He'd rather be up sleeping on the bed by now, but he roams the halls with Kitty as she goes for food.

Kitty's laptop is tucked under one arm. She's burning the candle at both ends for quite awhile now, and a few extra minutes to work on things while eating isn't too be passed up. Though as Kitty comes into the room she smiles, face lighting up at the two women there. "Anna-Marie, Lorna. Evening," she offers in a friendly tone. Lockheed perks up, lifting his head to look voer at them. "Thanks for the dragon cheesy breath, Rogue," Kitty says as she moves over to take a look at what Rogue is working on. "Our lives are weird," Kitty confirms to Lorna. She says that enough now she should probably get it as a tattoo.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes glance down, then back up to Lorna as she indicates her damp hair. "Oh shit." She says. "You got stuck out in that?" She looks to her left out toward the french doors that lead out toward the back yard. "Hell, I was listenin' t'it and it was like, ya know, all soothin' and such." She shows a frown to Lorna then. "Its pretty freaky t'get stuck out in those things though, especially if you're flyin' in one!"

When Kitty and Lockheed arrive, Rogue looks over at her and grins at her. "That stuff is delicious, right?" She asks, tapping her hands on the stacks of papers in front of her. "Had like two bowls so far..." She reaches a gloved hand up and out then as Kitty joins them to try to pet the top of Lockheed's head. "He loves those things! How can I resist givin' him treats? He looks tired though..."

Clearly, if its a haunted night, Rogue is feeling pretty relaxed and calm herself, but she's been in this spot for awhile so far.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna muttered under her breath, "I was only out in it for like a second from the drive way in, and I got drenched." She grimaced, as her gaze swung upward to the lights as they flickered briefly at another crash of thunder and flicker of lightning that occured. She flashed Rogue a grin, "Well if the power goes out we can always light a candle and tell scary stories, right?" Her voice was dry with humor, though her hair was not. Even if the back up generators would kick in if the main power went out anyways.. It was a fun thought.

And as Kitty entered, Lorna flapped a hand in a wave.

"Any of that left over? I'm starving. I was stuck in business meetings for a good chunk of the day. I was just telling Rogue how I should be listening to creepy stories while driving alone at night on the back roads up to the Mansion." She grinned, and glanced back to Rogue. She was clearly about to launch into something else when her phone rang and she grabbed it from her pocket, flipping past the lock screen to check the number and frowning faintly at it before she clicked it on and answered.

"Hello? Lorna speaking." A pause and her eyebrows furrowed as she listened, and the call hung up. She frowned, and shrugged, setting the phone back down. "Huh.. must be a wrong number or a spam call. I didn't think I got those anymore.." She muttered.

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed leans into the petting like a proper attention whore. Being adorable looking is what gets him more cheesy poofs, after all. Kitty just shakes her head and chuckles softly. "It is delicious. Yes there's more Lorna! Pete made a big pot of it. Trying to get Ellie away from sweets and unhealthy food. Which it didn't help I arrived with a box of potato knishes right then from the bakery next door to the Sanctum," she says with a soft chuckle.

Kitty glances outside at the storm. "Another benefit of Narnian travel," she comments. Kitty looks completely dry despite just having arrived herself. "Oo, you know, we could do that anyway. Fire up Rogue's fireplace and turn out the lights. Make s'mores and tell ghost stories?" she suggests.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is just grinning at Lorna and reaching out to pick up the half finished sleeve of Ritz crackers she'd had rolled up on the table. "Here." She offers them to Lorna. "I'd be shocked if there were any stew left. Everyone hit it like Sailors on their night home." Whatever that means.

Rogue looks back over to Kitty and Lockheed and offers another pet to that attention whor eof a dragon. She laughs lightly. "You're never gonna get Ellie off'a that stuff." She says to her friend while Lorna's answering that phone call.

The weirdness of it makes her look over to Lorna, then back to Kitty, then back to Lorna. "Whaaaat are you up to?" She has to ask the green haired beauty. "This feel slike you're about t'set me up for some kinda jump scare." And its starting to work on her.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna just shook her head as she wiped her hands against her pant leg, a nervous gesture as she'd set the phone down and was already creeped out from her drive in. She laughed though as she reached for the crackers and snagged two immediately to snack on while the others spoke. Particularly as Kitty suggested lighting up the fireplace and sitting around telling ghost stories. She grinned, "Wanna hear a ghost story? My father's parenting ability." She snarked and finished off the cracker in her grip.

Her smile somewhat faded as Rogue mentioned setting her up for a jump scare. "I'm not. Why would I do that?" A pause, "It's not like I have time for that anyways. Besides, isn't that like Bobby's thing? Playing pranks and practical jokes?" She arched a brow and nodded to Kitty.

"C'mon, lets do that, I'll grab some food and we can sit around. I'll be easy to freak out." She teased.

Her phone went off again and the greenette frowned, annoyed as she flicked it on again. The same number from before. No registered name though.

"Hello? Lorna Dane speaking. Who is this?" And again, silence. She frowned, huffing, annoyed as she listened for a few extra seconds before the phone clicked off and hung up. She made a face.

"Huh. Weird."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty glances over at the phone call. "I've come to the conclusion the hang up calls are scammers identifying active numbers before they bother connecting one of their Indian phone bank to enact the scam," Kitty says. "So you'll probably get a call telling you how the IRS is having you arrested for back taxes and your court case starts in an hour unless you pay to have it postponed."

She gives a little shake of her head. "I have on my to-do list to come up with something I can send back to people on such a call. But, way too much ahead of it." Kitty gives a nod then at the mention of pranks "Yes, that was Bobby's thing. But then I remember one time he-"

Kitty suddenly cuts off in mid word and moves her hands as if to lunge at Rogue. "Boo!" she calls loudly before breaking out in laughter. It was a juvenile attempt and she makes no qualms about that. "Nah, we're not in on anything together, AM. Just teasing. But yes, lets go do ghost stories," she agrees. "I'll grab the food. And drinks. And see you up there?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just laughs lightly at the Magneto joke. It was a pretty good one after all. "At least you don't got some blue skinned weirdo who thinks she's your mother, and confronts you with your friend on their way to a fried chicken restaurant, and... she has a fake bomb controller in her hand?"

When the call happens again, Rogue furrows her brows as that is starting to annoy her too. She looks over to Kitty who presents a pretty reasonable explanation though and nods to her. "She's right. Those a-holes call me al the time. I can't even get a few curse words out before they just hang up and call back later. Its madd--" Rogue squeals as Kitty scares the crap out of her!

"Stop it!" She says then, starting to gather up all of her papers. Apparently the nearly invisible Anna-Marie is easily jump scared! She huffs out a heavy sigh as her heart is beating fast in her chest now.

Polaris has posed:
A grimace twisted Lorna's lips, "Yeah, I guess it's just spam.. It's just.. this is a Genoshan made phone. It's got security measures all over. No one should be able to just randomly come up with my number. I mean, it was made by technokinetics over there." She muttered, staring hard at the phone in her grip before she set it down on the table with a shrug.

"I'll have to contact them and let them know that someone figured out my number, or randomly generated it or something." She made a face, "I bet the Queen of England doesn't get spam calls.." Her green eyed gaze swung back toward Rogue as the other woman commented about Mystique's sudden appearance not too long ago. "Well, can't say my father has ever tried to threaten me to get my attention--" She broke off and jumped as Kitty did her own jump scare and she cursed under her breath, her heart hammering in her chest. Even if she didn't visibly show how good Kitty had got her as much as Rogue had.

"Yeah, right, this'll make sure I get zero sleep tonight. Lets get some food and--" Her phone rang again and Lorna looked understandably annoyed.

This time there was no friendly attempt at answering, and Lorna flicked it off to ignore it with a huff.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is left with a case of the giggles as she got Rogue far better than she expected. She might be heard murmuring something to herself like, "... better than cheesy breath..." Or something like that anyway.

Still chuckling, Kitty says, "Alright, s'mores and some sodas, anything else from the kitchen?" As the phone goes off again Kitty glances over to it, giving Lorna a sympathetic look.

"See there is some merit to my walking through people's cell phones and ruining them," Kitty says, bringing up one of the reasons she doesn't run around the school phased more than she does. And when she does, she tends to stick to walls, ceilings and floors that she knows what electronics are likely to be on the other side.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue saw that it scared Lorna too and she goes wide eyed at her when the phone rings AGAIN. "Give it." She says, reaching her hands out to try to take the phone. "Lemme yell at'em. Or... lets find a way t'trace'em, maybe they're here in the Manhattan area. I'll go out there tomorrow and smash their door down, then smash all their phones." She's grinning now as she looks over to Kitty getting up to get a bunch of junk food.

"Bring apples and baby carrots!" She demands, some sort of balance in the sugary stuff versus the healthier kinds of foods. With a heavy sigh then Rogue looks back to Lorna. "You didn't like... register on some website for whatever spooky junk you were up to?" She asks. "I heard that you just have t'walk past places now and they can steal your phone number off'a your phone through the air!" She shakes her head side to side. "These damn things are gonna be the end'a us some day. Come t'life in our pockets and murder us all!"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced toward Kitty and picked up her phone as she made to click through the options on her phone to block the number from the previous calls. All unregistered. She muttered under her breath briefly, and shook her head. "Me and electronics don't usually play well together either, if it helps." A pause as Kitty offered to grab other food from the kitchen.

"Oh, some popcorn please." She glanced back to Rogue as Kitty stepped out and thunder boomed loud enough to shake the whole of the Mansion's walls down to the floor with a shudder of timbers. Lorna made a face, but otherwise focused on the Southern Belle opposite of her at the table as Rogue offered to bash people up and talked about all the creepy invasive things people could do with technology these days.

"I appreciate the thought, but no. Again, I said the security on this phone is insane and---" Buzz.



Her phone went off again and Lorna frowned, a different number but still unregistered. "Seriously? It's late. I thought spam calls were supposed to hit around the afternoon? Here." She shoved the phone toward Rogue. "Feel free to yell at them."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a wave at the food requests. "Let me grab everything and then I can take a look. It takes a bit to trace a phone call though, can't really do it very easily from the phone that's being called. Not without getting really sophisticated anyway," she says as if she has some idea of these things. And she does.

Kitty heads into the kitchen, and jumps at the thunder. "Wow, hope that didn't fry anything," says the electronics focused young woman of the lightning strike. Soon Kitty is gathering up things from the fridge. Beverages. Instant popcorn is grabbed, the kind that Lockheed can make with his fiery breath. And marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers for smores. She grabs some carrots and a trio of apples. But also the ranch dressing for the baby carrots.

Kitty passes back into the dining room then, going through the wall rather than bother with the door while her arms are full. "Ok, I think that's it. Wow, you still getting calls? Maybe just turn the phone off?" Kitty suggests.

Rogue has posed:
The thunder makes Rogue also jump and she shoots out another huff of air. "Damnit, I was like all chill like five minutes ago and now I'm like in some kinda Nightmare on Elm Street movie. What the hell is goin' on." She glances over to the kitchen and can catch a glimpse of Kitty and Lockheed in there fixing things up and then she's looking back to Lorna. "Clearly you got some kinda new fan, Princes--" She cuts herself off as the phone rings again and then slaps her hand down instantly to take it when offered. She pulls it back and answers it, pressing it up to the side of her face where the screen glows against her deadly skin.

"Listen, Bitch." Rogue says. "We got a dragon. A livin', fire breathin' dragon, and we will roast your sorry asses if--" She stops talking... and just listens.

A blank expression on her face and when Kitty re-enters the room. Rogue just turns the phone off and sets it down on the table. She sits there, perfectly still. Not saying anything.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged at the offer to trace her phone. "I can give the tech guys a call in Genosha. They should be awake still. Or waking up, actually. Anyways, they can always reboots the servers that my phone is on and remotely handle my security. I sort of //do// get priority that way." She grinned, but it didn't entirely reach her gaze. She was annoyed, and growing irritated as the phone calls continued.

Then Kitty returned with armfuls of food and Lorna grinned, "Yeah, or I can fry it and ask for a new one later." She wiggled her fingers, but as the thunder outside boomed, she frowned. "Maybe after the storm. I'd rather not turn into a lightning rod." She drawled, and as Rogue picked up the phone to start cussing out the person or whatever on the other end Lorna watched with an expectant grin. It faded however as Rogue grew quiet and turned the phone off with a click and set it down, going quiet.

"Well? What happened?" She reached for her phone, arching an eyebrow upward. "Don't tell me it was Pietro on the other end messing with me. Did you know he's got a new girlfriend and hasn't even told Wanda yet?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde comes back in and sets the pile of goodies down on the table. She likes storms so seems to be handling it pretty well, except for the really close lightning strokes. The ones that rattle you until your molars feel like they are vibrating. That one got to Kitty while she was in the kitchen.

Kitty glances over at Rogue's blank expression. "Did you turn into a phone zombie?" Kitty asks. "I think I saw that in an episode of Black Mirror. Or was it Twilight Zone?" the sci fi girl muses. She raises an eyebrow as Rogue's blank expression continues.

Still watching Rogue, Kitty says to Lorna, "Oh really? I wonder how that will go over. Are they pretty close with each other? I know there's some friction between various parts of the family," Kitty says, having heard that bit about Pietro and Magneto at least.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue didn't have a lot to say after she'd heard what she'd just heard. she picks the phone up again, glances at it, then sets it down once more and slides it back to Lorna before she looks over to Kitty and Lockheed.

She averts her stare back down to her papers. "Don't think it was Pietro." She says then. "In fact... I'm not sure who'd even be doin' somethin' like this. But." She takes a second to try to word this right based on what she gathered from the fuzzy voice.

"It was a song, like the 1920s kinda music... ya know, Ragtime? I think? Not sure. But yeah. All it said was 'Hush hush hush, the Boogeyman is comin'." She darts her green eyes between the other two women then. "Should we be wakin' people up?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna arched a brow toward Kitty and reached for a marshmellow to pop into her mouth. She was still hungry and two crackers weren't even close to filling her up. "Well, who knows? She's apparently not a mutant, not Jewish, and works for the Justice League. Pietro hasn't even told her who he is or who he's related to yet.." The mention of a phone zombie had her snickering, but as Rogue reached for her phone before she could grab it and take it back, she frowned. The snickering died on her lips at Rogue's expression and her words.

"Seriously? The fuck? No, it has to be Bobby or Pietro or someone messing with us. Who else would have my number and be calling at this hour? Like seriously.. I was just listening to scary stories about something like this. Whoever it is must've looked at my history and hacked my phone." She muttered, reaching for the phone again and tapping away at it to dial up the Genoshan techs.

She waited while the phone rang, and someone picked up. "Hey, yeah it's me. Listen, I'm getting some creepy calls. I think someone's trying to mess with me." A pause, "Uh huh, just now. The past ten-fifteen minutes. Can you check? Please and thank you. Bye." She hung up and glanced at the two.

"Got one of the techs in Genosha. He promised he'd look through my history, see what's going on and look at the call log and watch if I get another call."

She pushed herself up to standing, looking between Rogue and Kitty.

"I think the stormy and the whole dark and creepy night thing is just getting to all of us. Maybe we can do scary stories another time. Lets just binge watch something--"




Lorna's phone went off again. She froze, glancing between the other two.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde frowns a little bit as she listens to Rogue's description of the phone call. "Bobby's... cocky-fun pranks. I don't know that he's got it in him to be creepy like that," she says. "Or, well I don't think it's his style."

Kitty shakes her head about waking anyone up. The last thing the kids need is to get creeped out by storms. And then Kitty jumps a bit as a loud peal of thunder crashes.

She nods as Lorna calls tech support. "Can always just turn the phone off and ruin their fun," she offers. And then the phone is ringing again. Kitty looks at it and then over to Lorna, and to Rogue. When neither reach for it right away, Kitty finally reaches out and picks it up. She thumbs it on and holds it up to her ear, listening quietly without saying anything into it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is a lot more distressed about this than the either of them, she seems to be jumping toward this being a direct security threat in fact. She stands up then and starts to slide her papers away into their folders, finishing up the last of her work before she turns and sets them all down into the basket on the table behind her, its covered in more folders of that same type, probably fifty of them total.

"Somethin's off about all'a this. I think." She says as she turns back to look at them both and crosses her arms over her stomach. "I think I'm gonna wake Scott up."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits listening quietly to the phone, eyes drifting about but otherwise still. She sits there for nearly ten seconds, just listening. And then the young woman whispers into the phone, "I can hear you." She waits a few more seconds, and then repeats again, "I can hear you."

Finally Kitty hangs up the phone and shrugs. "Someone there. Listening. Some sort of shuffling noise. Thunder. Soft music. AM I swear if you're butt-dialing Lorna we're sending you out into the storm," Kitty says. Though the words are lacking some of her normal playful zest, as if maybe the calls are starting to get under her skin a little. "Hopefully I freaked them back out just a little," she says, handing the phone back to Lorna.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's bravado cracked under Kitty's words as the other woman whispered in response to whatever it was that she heard on the phone. She shivered, goosebumps crawling up her arms as all laughter and attempts to wave away the creepy calls as a prank died. Green eyes went wide as Rogue got up and said she'd go wake Scott up. After everything else going on in their lives, it was hard to shake off the new gnawing sensation that crawled up her spine. They had //powers// why be scared of whoever was messing with them? They could take out giant robots and anything else..

But there were also more things in the world that went bump in the night than Lorna had any true scope of. Magic. Aliens. Other mutants. It could be anything out there messing with her. Or anyone for that matter.

As Kitty hung up the phone and passed it back to her, Lorna dialed Genosha again and pursed her lips. "Give me a second. Let me ask the tech guys what they got on their end. Better to have something to tell Scott other than 'Lorna is getting creepy ass phone calls'." She muttered, waiting for the phone to be answered. She greeted the tech guy on the other end warmly, rocking her weight back on her heels as her other hand curled around the top of the chair in front of her. Manicured nails scraping against the polished wood of the dinning room chair.

"Got anything? I just got another one of those calls," She trailed off, her eyebrows furrowing sharply at whatever the response was before she hung up and stared at her phone. Incredulous. She tapped away at it again, and her frown only deepened as she stared at the screen.

Rogue has posed:
While the two of them dealt with all of this, Rogue smirked at their comments and then stepped past Kitty. She reached out to pet Lockheed once more on her way by and then proceed on down to the edge of the tables and then to the glass doors that look out over the back patio and the well maintained backyard of Xavier's School. Rogue's own reflection was visible in the glass in front of her as she stands there and listens to Lorna on the phone and she just shakes her head.

"If this were a prankster, they would've already done the 'Ha ha ha' part by now. I'm sure've it." She pauses and then turns to look back to them and put her shoulder to the glass doors leading outside.

"Anything?" She asks Lorna then.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced back at Rogue, dropping her phone onto the table and stepping away. "Tech guy said... there's no record of any phone calls at all on my phone history. He didn't pick up a single call. Nothing.. My phone's call history.. it doesn't... there's nothing there. None of the calls are there. I swear I'd blocked that first number but there's //nothing// there." She whispered, looking horrified at her phone. Just as another flash of lightning lit up the backyard and the rain drenched night beyond where Rogue stood by the window. Another few seconds and a crash of thunder sounded, rumbling just enough for the trio of women to feel it shiver through the floor boards of the Mansion.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a little start at that loud peel of thunder. Those close ones that you can feel that seem like a whip cracking right on your head, are the only thunder that really gets to Kitty. She settles into a chair, pulling her feet up onto the chair edge and hugging her knees. "Well, there's lots of ways this could be done. Including technology," Kitty says. "Magic. Telepaths. Mutant powers like Doug. We could even just turn the phone off. But if this is all some illusion that needn't mean it would stop anything," she says, looking over to the other two by the window.

Rogue has posed:
The thunder and lightning don't freak Rogue out at this point. Storms rarely did... not when she's already worked up and kind of ready for it. Plus, lightning generally gives you at least some warning for the big booming parts of storms... generally.

She does glance out into the yard and then back toward Lorna, then to Kitty. "I'm past the stage'a turning that thing off. Now I'm ready t'smash it." She admits as she walks toward the table.

"We can have Blink go get ya a new one, or whatever. Not like its hard for her t'jump back to your paradise island and likely go get one from... wherever it is you get your phones there." She picks it up off of the table and raises it to stare AT the 'black mirror' of the deactivated device. Then looks to Lorna to see if its okay she destroys her phone or not.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced briefly at Kitty, her arms wrapped around her middle as she stood, pale and more than a little freaked out at this point. "That does //not// make me feel any better Kitty." She shook her head, swallowing hard as Rogue turned from the window and away from the stormy view of the backyard beyond. As the shiny metal case that covered her phone reflected a distorted image back at her from Rogue's grip on the device, Lorna nodded.




Her phone began to vibrate again in Rogue's grip. A twist of her lips and Lorna lifted a hand, releasing a bolt of electromagnetic energy that fried the phone's internal workings and put an end to the vibration. "Smash it."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty slips her feet down off of her chair and then rises from it. She moves around behind the seat, resting her hands on the chair back as the other two discuss whether to destroy the phone or not. Kitty leans on the chair back a bit more as the phone starts buzzing again.

The young woman sighs and shakes her head, but seems on board when Lorna fries the electronics. Kitty pulls out her own phone. Which is more like 'electronic device' at this point than it is 'phone'. She's already used it in the past to scan all radio frequencies in the area, thanks to a truckload of Sentinel parts and homing beacons. She fires that up, looking for signals in the right range a phone would pick them up. "Shoot, which I had my laptop on me," she comments, realizing how long it'll take her to do what she wants coding it into the phone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is staring at herself in the phone's display and then looks up and between the two of them, from Kitty, then over to Lorna. When the damn phone starts to buzz in her hand again she shoots her eyes to it and then hears Lorna's words. It doesn't even take her a second to do it, she can smash that thing likt it were nothing more than just a Ritz cracker.

It crushes in her hand, bits of it fall through the glove and off of her palm to land on the floor at her feet, while the bulk of it is then revealed to just be resting in her palm...

Rogue reaches forward and sets the deceased device down onto the table, then puts both of her hands onto her hips and looks to the women, and the dragon. "Ghosts, busted." She declares.

Polaris has posed:
As the phone was well and truly smashed, Lorna released a soft sigh, green eyed gaze swinging back toward Kitty as she puled out her phone. "Right. I'm too tired for this shit. Rogue, you wanna wake Scott and fill him in about my haunted phone, be my guest. I'm going to hole up in my room with a stupid amount of metal accessories until I feel better about all of this. That or go down into the sub-basement to train until I pass out." She pursed her lips and looked at the crushed remains of her phone.

"Last time I suggest scary stories during a damn thunder storm late at night."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches the phone get crunched. Just for good measure she phases her hand through some of the remains too. Less satisfying than squeezing the phone until it shatters though. Kitty sits looking at her own phone for a bit, as if waiting for it to go off. When it doesn't she turns it off and pockets it.

"Why is it our lives are never normal?" Kitty asks as she plops into a chair and heads her head backwards as far as it will go. "Good night Lorna. Try to get some sleep," she says with a wave.

"So. AM. S'mores?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue releases a heavy sigh after Lorna speaks and she shakes her head. "I'll tell'im in the morning. No reason to wake him up yet, besides, I'm scared'a what he does in there when we're not lookin'." She looks up to Lorna and shows her a smirk. "I still think this was just a prank from'a resourceful fan'a yours though. Keep your people lookin' inta it?"

Rogue then draws in a heavy breath and looks over to Kitty, she shows her a soft smirk and nods to the table. "Lets gather all this stuff up'n go to my room, or the teacher's lounge. I need a place t'watch somethin' that isn't... ya know, all'a this kinda stuff." She glances out to the storming weather then and shakes her head lightly.

"It ain't even fricken' close t'October yet."