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X-MEN: Xsylum pt 2
Date of Scene: 20 April 2019
Location: Front Yard - Xavier's Mansion
Synopsis: The X-Men have to escape the Asylum Dimension and in doing so, they meet an unlikely guest who hasn't been seen in a long time.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Wolverine, Cyclops, Shadowcat

Rogue has posed:
The patients in the asylum were all stunned to see the arrival of a bald doctor in a fine suit, standing before them and declaring himself to the Doctor Charles Xavier. He'd walked down the line of each of them (those that the orderlies did not have to restrain) and he spoke to each one individually, not saying much, merely just smiling and asking them their names.

He'd helped the old and aging 'Rogue' up off of the ground, even helped sort her cardigan sweater across her shoulders once she was back on her feet.

Then the Doctor turned and nodded to the Orderlies before he spoke to everyone. "We're going out into the yard today. You've earned it. This is a day to remember! Your treatments have all progressed wonderfully..." Except Scotts. The Doctor paused by Scott and after everyone had left he'd injected him with a syringe in the side of his neck, then ordered the Hospital Assistants to wheel him out with the rest.


Out in the lawn, there are other patients, but they are all clumped together and either just sitting and chatting or some walking the gardens. The mansion that once was the X-Men's home has been replaced with a massive hospital now, barred windows and cold aesthetics, the kind of thing out of a terrible movie of poorly treated mental patient abuse.

The doctor gathers everyone at the foot of a fountain and turns to face them. "I would like it if each of you step forward, in turn and tell me your name and who you are." He gives a pregnant pause. "Who you really are..." He adds ominously.

Wolverine has posed:
    The four foot nothing girl of all of ten years old has been simmering, simmering this whole time with her arms crossed over her chest and her eyebrow knit together as if she were trying to get her skull to pop out of her skin. At times she would sneak a look up at one or the other of the orderlies or Charles, but then shakes her head a few times and scowls, contemplating her shoe or the sky, or anywhere but here and the now.
    Eventually, when it gets to her turn, she chews the inside of her cheek before answering with a barely restrained snarl.
    "Bob Hoskins."
    Perhaps there's a moment there when one or the others around give her a 'look' as if doubting her word. To which she answers.
    "Go fuck yourself."

Cyclops has posed:
    The withered decrepit man still restrained in his chair keeps smelling at the air and frowning at himself, his head darting in the direction of every sound but never looking directly at it. Seems he's been blind for a long time. The X's across his eyes turning a bit red in the sun. "I don't deserve outside! Outside is for good boys and girls." 'Scott' says, the injection still having a slight sedative effect on the former x-man.

Shadowcat has posed:
The old woman with the severely wrinkled face and the sweatshirt full of kittens chasing butterflies, who had tried to walk through the wall before faceplanting into it, steps forward more slowly. Her head turns to peer about at the people in line with her, and then over to the clumps of other 'patients' that have gathered nearby.

The old woman gives a deep frown, as if admitting to herself the futility of lying in this situation. She sighs and then says in a clear voice, "Colonel Samuel Flagg. Military Intelligence. Serial number 463872235." She looks about from the doctor Xavier to the orderlies, and then back again. "Now which of you is Sherman T. Potter?"

Rogue has posed:
The doctor proceeds down the line of each patient who speaks up, he smiles at each one of them. 'Logan' gets a shake of his head first. "You are Nena Trueman. You used to work at a Target Superstore until a man and his kids caused you to have a mental snapping moment, you put a set of garden shears into the chest of the father, then into one of the children before you could be restrained... Think deeper... Tell me what your parents names are, Nena." He says to the short one.

As he approaches Scott he reaches a hand out to the most confused of the former X-Men. "You, my dear boy... were a star athlete. Pride of your small town... until your tragic car crash where you slammed into the side of a school bus... Filled to the 'brim' with little children." He softly shakes his head. "Not, one, survivor." After a moment of dramatic expressed sadness, the Doctor wipes a tear from his eyes. "Tell me the name of the school that you played for."

Then he moves to the one who used to be Kitty. He stares right at her before he smiles and nods his head. "Close, Miss Winter." He says to her. "Edward Winter was your husband. He starred in that show where he played the character of Samuel Flagg." He smiles lightly to her. "Tell me the name of the family dogs, that you fed his remains to after your poisoned him with chlorine from your backyard swimming pool."

Lastly, the man approaches the short and fat, aging woman who was once 'Rogue' in her apparent fantasy reality. "And you?" He asks her. To which she simply stares back and up at him, her eyes blinking at the man. "I'm nobody." 'Rogue' replies. But the doctor is quick to shake his head to that. "I assure you, you are not."

Wolverine has posed:
    'Nena's' features twist at the supposed story as to who she is, what she did. Defiance is there still but she seems less likely to mouth off. For when she finally makes a comment back it's a mumbled thing, low and a grumbly comment that sounds like her mentioning something like 'Robert Rabbit and Soup or Marry oh.'
    But her footsteps shuffling might cover up the sound a bit as she reaches over and grabs her elbow with one hand, trying to look less awkard in this place and in this position. Shaking her head she sighs and looks towards 'Rogue' then back towards 'Kitty'. She sighs again.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott's voice is loud, explosive even, "SOUTH EAST HIGH! OO AH." Scott then lowers his shoulders and head once more and goes back to being the creepy dude who looks like he might eat someone for looking at him funny. The 'athlete' doesn't speak again, instead he lets his tongue slide out of his head and begin to dry out in the spring sun.

Shadowcat has posed:
The old cat woman stares back at Doctor Xavier. She lifts a finger replete with liver spots and sagging skin. "That man was a god. Do not defame his memory with your messed up stories," she tells the balding doctor.

"Now enough of this charade. Either tell us why we're here-" she manages to say before her words cut off as her dentures fall out. She swears, bending down, with a hand going to her pained back as she picks them back up. She dusts some bits of grass off of them but doesn't insert them again yet. "Twell us why weer hewe," she says, the words coming out funny without teeth. "Ow twake youswelf back to the Hairkwub fo men and get us back to ouw bwodies!"

Rogue has posed:
There are certainly more oddities here than just the alteration of the reality that everyone knows into what is now before them. For instance, Scott being the only one who seems to not be in his right mind, or the Doctor himself being a representation of Charles Xavier but having no ability to truly 'tell' people what to do or believe. Is it an absence of mutation powers?

The Doctor smiles to the responses each gives before he rests his eyes onto the one who was Rogue, and then the one who was Kitty as her teeth fall loose. "You two." He says then. "You're being transfered to a new facility." He steps back then and motions to the orderlies. "Restrain them."

The hulking men in white move forward, one to each of the women. They bulky old 'Rogue' starts to look nervous and finnicky. "What, why? Let me go!" She struggles against the grip of the much more powerful man who's restraining her by the arm now.

From behind the patients, the gates to the yard open and three white vans start to drive into the yard along a rocky gravel pathway. They make their way toward the Doctor and the patients as the Doctor's hand raises up to show them where to come to.

Each of the vans pulls around and opens its doors, allowing more Orderlies in white to step out of the vehicles. A few of them move to open each van's rear doors. "Please, Orderlies. Place the women inside the vans, we'll have another coming out with one more from another group inside..."

Rogue is starting to not just nervously twitch, but openly freak out at all of this. She's trying desperately to get away from the Orderly who's now pulling her toward the vans.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Hey. Hey!" Nena lifts her voice and rushes over towards 'Rogue', trying to get to her as she starts to let the situation get to her for the moment. At first she tries to bull past one of the orderlies, trying to pull her shoulder out of the way when a man in white grabs her and tries to yank her back. Only for her to not be able to escape the grip.
    So she yells, trying to throw some bracing words Rogue's way if nothing else. "Remember Chuck's training! We gotta keep it together! None of this is bigger than us. We've dealt with worse!"
    But her voice is cut off when a hand pulls heavy over her mouth.

Cyclops has posed:
    "BLUE FORTY TWO! BLUE FORTY TWO! HUUUUT!" Scott yells as if he was a drill sergeant and then with a great lurch of his shoulders and head, the wheel chair he's in begins to topple over to the right and without a care in the world, his head smacks against the pavement as the chair lands on its side and with a small cut beginning to bleed Scott looks up at his 'coach' with a grin. "Lets see that again. On instant replay."

Shadowcat has posed:
The old cat woman, Miss Winters, seems intimidated by the size of the orderly approaching her. "Ok, ok," she says with that mush mouth sound. She holds out her hand for the orderly to take to help her walk. It's the hand with the dentures. When he reaches out his hand, she slips the dentures forward over his outstretched fingers and then slams her other hand down on the orthodontia. It isn't as hard as Kitty could have done, but it's enough to leave two of the man's fingertips hanging just by bits of skin, otherwise severed.

She drops the dentures and tries to make a break for Rogue. Which at her age is not accomplished very fast. "Let hew gwo!" she says. "AM. Wemember you awe an X-mwen!"

Rogue has posed:
The Doctor walks with the Orderlies who are trying to corral what was once Kitty andogue. The short and pudgey woman with the graying bangs struggles, but no where nearly as mightily as the decrepit old woman manages to do, biting the Orderly's hands hard enough to cause blood to gush and the man to scream in pain.

The Doctor moves past the delusional 'Scott' and he stops near to where Nenaverine is being restrained. "So much work yet to do with you two... but don't fret one bit. Both of these two will be perfectly safe with us." He says, smiling to them before he moves to catch up with the Orderlies, the injured one trading off with two others from the vans, while going to clutch his injured hands.

The Doctor meets them at the middle van. "No wait, put them both in this singular one. It will be best if they travel together once they're through." He says, now standing by the open hatchway to the back of the middle van. "Go help the others inside retrieve the other woman." He tells two more white suited Orderlies who nod and start to walk toward the Hospital's back entrance.

He then moves to stand by the back of the central van's open doors and he smiles to Rogue and Kitty as they're brought to it. "You're going to love it where you're going..." He tells them with a sweet sweet smile.

Rogue starts to struggle even harder as she's the first at the van's entrance. She kicks her feet up onto the doors and tries to use them to keep herself from being shoved inside of it!

"Restrain her!" The Doctor shouts. "Shove her through! You, come here!" He tells another Orderly who was standing beside the first van. "Get off your lazy hide and do something!"

This Orderly approaches the fighting 'Rogue' and pulls a syringe out from his belt... He prepares the sedative and raises it up toward the woman who's thrashing and shouting wildly. But before he can deliver it to her, he turns, and JAMS it into the Doctor's throat!

The Doctor shouts and stumbles backward, clutching his throat! The Orderlies restraining Nenaverine release her and rush to help! Scott's wheelchair, disappears and his mind instantly returns to him. He's no football star anymore!

Wolverine has posed:
    The scrawny Nena reacts as soon as things go South. She's held there in the guy's hand and she executes a quick movement that is used predominantly in self-defense courses, motions that even the challenged can reach when they're set upon. Her bony little elbow slams back into the orderlie, then she stomps down hard towards the foot even as she's bending over to reach for it and /yank/ it up to try and knock the guy down.
    Hopefully it's enough to get her free and clear of that one guy's grip letting her launch herself then at one of the vans, the driver side, trying to get to the door and decide what to do from there... though perhaps not realizing the height difficulty she might have trying to drive.

Cyclops has posed:
    "Blue fourty two?" Scott says to himself as the chair that was beneath him fades away. "Okay, that's ..." He frowns as he lifts his hand up to try and look at and then gasps. "My. MY EYES!" Scott screams bloody horror. "What did you do to me!!!" The man revolts as he climbs to his feeble feet.

Shadowcat has posed:
Cat-woman's arms are held, but she has her legs free. She lines up on one of the orderlies within range that is trying to force Rogue into the van. His back to her, the old woman delivers the best leg kick she can manage right to the man's family jewels.

"Lockhweed, could weally use you wight now!" she calls out, hoping the dragon somehow managed to stay free of the strangeness that is going on. She tugs on her arms, though too weak to free herself from the orderlies that have her.

Rogue has posed:
Doctor 'Xavier' is hit with that syringe right in the neck and it instantly makes him wobble and stutter out his barks to order the Orderlies to detain the women! But things are starting to break down around him too, with Nena getting loose, and the Football Star's wheelchair vanishing out from beneath him, restoring his mind.

"Block it off! We're done!" The Doctor shouts, the Orderly who stabbed him with the needle is now fighting to free Rogue from the other member of his Hospital Security team while Nena is being cornered... but they stop when they hear the Doctor's words, they rush toward him now.

Two of the Orderlies grab the Doctor, and with him they jump into the Van's open doorway! This causes the reality to break down around everyone, a sudden and powerful shock wave rolls across the Hospital yard, ahead of the shock wave is the cold and sterile reality they've been lead to believe is the 'true world' and behind it the world starts to shift into a much brighter world with sharper colors and a lot more familiar environment, the backyard of the Xavier's Mansion...

But its not all sunshine and rainbows here at the X-School. The Vans have been replaced by three swirling portals of bright red and purple energy. The swirling energy is slapping at the grass beneath them and leaving white streaks across the lawn where it touches the blades.

The Orderlies have been replaced by figures in black hooded robes, and they're all rushing toward the three portals... save for one. Who's now clutching Rogue in his lap on the ground.

And from above? Lockheed is swooping in from the roof of the School!

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott frowns as he realizes he just needs to open his eyes at this point but there is fear as he knows his former reality. The current reality. Scott does open his eyes to find the visor is on already. "Oh, well... Screw you all and the - whoa portals." Summers says with a deep frown.

    The x-man steps towards the portals and more towards Rogue. "ROGUE! Get up and get out of there! NOW!" Scott issues his command, something very different from what he said to her originally. But it's just as poigniant and much more curt. He knows she can get away from that portal, it's simply just a matter of actually doing it.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty calls out, "Lockheed, burn 'em!" She turns towards Rogue, but seems to think she's likely to be ok. Instead she looks about for a weapon. Spotting a croquet game that some of the students have left out, Kitty grabs up the nearest mallet and whips it towards the legs of one of the fleeing figures, trying to trip him up. She rushes over that way, both to try to capture him if she downed him. And also to put herself between the portals, and Rogue and the remaining robed figure. Just in case.

Rogue has posed:
The robed man holding onto Rogue, doesn't try to restrain her (even if he could) he merely lets her go after Scott shouts those commands toward the girl. Rogue leaps up then and spins around, back stepping back toward where Cyclops is.

Lockheed chases the Monk-like figures into the portals with a trail of fire that leaves the yard toasted in the wake of the dragonling's fury and one by one the portals start to close. From the right to the left, then finally the largest in the center. They all snap shut leaving the world around the X-Men suddenly way more quiet than it was moments ago, the energy that had created the portals have left three white streaks of grass in the yard though, scarring it with the memories of where they had previously been moments before.

Only one man remains now, and he's the one Kitty swipes with the mallet, the one that had been holding onto Rogue... is now left on his back in the grass! He releases a pained groan and starts to roll over to try to get onto his side.

Rogue, meanwhile is back near Scott, she looks horrified and no small amount of stunned which is a little unlike her to be this shell shocked...

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott steps forward and moves his hand in front of Rogue likely for the first time ever and urges her behind him. He'll protect her and everyone else here. "Who are you?" Scott demands as he steps up towards Kitty's sole victim. He plants his feet in the singed grass and crosses his arms before his chest and gives a glance to Kitty, hidden by his visor, wanting to make sure the x-man is also okay from the sudden horrific ordeal.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's moving her jaw about in a really weird way. Maybe something happened to her face. Maybe some of the magic from the portals hit her and is reshaping her jaw!

Nope. Kitty lets out a sigh of relief. "I have teeth again. I'm -so- going to the dentist first thing tomorrow. Never letting these pearly whites fall out," she says, moving her tongue around her teeth to feel them all once again.

Lockheed swoops down to land on her shoulder as Kitty approaches the figure from the other side. The purple dragon perched on her shoulder and aimed in on the figure like he were that cannon thing The Predator wears.

Rogue has posed:
The man in the black robes is up onto his side and then sitting up on one hip. By the time that Scott and Kitty approach him, he's reaching up to pull the black hood off of his face. He's older, in his mid 40s it seems, and his hair is peppered gray as is his large beard, a distinguished level of dark and gray hairs mixed together. He's breathing fairly heavily after that ordeal, and his eyes raise up to the X-Men members.

"Owen." He says in a gruff voice, sounded as tired as he looks. He looks around to make sure they're back in the right reality before he then looks up to Kitty and then Scott. "Owen D'Ancanto."

His hand motions then between Kitty and Scott to Rogue behind and between them. "I'm her father." He exhales heavily then, recovered mostly from the exercise. He stares at the southern girl and shakes his head lightly right to left. "Good to see you, Pumpkin."