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Latest revision as of 20:34, 1 May 2019

The Italian Evening
Date of Scene: 01 May 2019
Location: An Italian village
Synopsis: Blink and J'onn explore an Italian village and talk
Cast of Characters: Blink, Martian Manhunter

Blink has posed:
The pair walk out of the small Italian restaurant where they had dinner. The restaurant sits in a small village on the slopes of the mountains in the northern part of Italy. A nice view is afforded from many of the places in the village of the lower lying lands that gradually make their way down towards the sea.

Clarice is in her sundress, stepping outside as J'onn opens the door for her, and waiting for him to step out as well. She'll loops her hands about his one elbow if he allows. The buildings are mostly built of an off-white stone, with streets that are a mix of old cobblestones and paved concrete. The place has a very old world feel to it. As they walk along, up ahead there is a square with a fountain, and a few businesses around it. One of them is a cafe of some sort that has music playing.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
The dinner has been pleasant to say the least, the company even more so, and so the mood of the martian is definitely steering towards the happy. Stepping out of the restaurant, J'onn gladly lets Clarice loop her hand about his elbow, smiling at her as she does so, and then starts walking along the quiet streets in the direction of the square, and of the cafe where music is playing.
"the dinner was amazing, Clarice! We will definitely have to do it more often."

Blink has posed:
The purple-haired mutant gets a soft, shy smile at the suggestion of going out to dinner again together. "I'd enjoy that," she tells him warmly. The Asian young woman walks along at J'onn's side. Clarice probably draws more attention than does the human-seeming J'onn. Except perhaps from the ladies. A few of them might give jealous glances as they see Clarice walking by with him.

Up ahead the road opens up into the square. This is a very small town with not a lot to do but come down to the square and socialize. There are people sitting at tables and others inside at the bar. A number of people, particular older couples, are slow dancing together out in front of the place. Taking advantage of the warm spring day that has begun to turn into a temperate evening.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles at the young lady at his side, then keeps walking in the general direction of the square, eventually getting to it. Using his eyes to only scan the path ahead, he makes full use of all other senses, definitely more discreet, to be extremely alert to his surroundings, thing that is probably more a habit than a true necessity.
"I'd suggest taking an espresso to the place there, maybe even a pastry if you like them, then finding a quiet place to enjoy the sights and relax. Does it sound fine to you?" he asks, his mind doing a quick sweep "almost all of the people here are thinking that the coffee is wonderful, and one of them knows the location of a very suggestive spot not that far from here..."

Blink has posed:
Blink smiles up to J'onn, the young woman happy to follow his lead as he suggests the drinks. "An espresso would be nice," she agrees, her fingers upon his arm brushing just for a moment before they move over to the cafe and place their order for the cups to go. Clarice stands close by J'onn's side, turning to watch the couples dancing. It brings a soft smile to her face, the sight of them. Most are older couples who have probably been married for years. The townspeople sitting around the cafe are talkative with each other, creating a nice ambiance. When they get their beverages, Blink lets J'onn lead her off to the spot he's spoken of.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles at the man behind the counter, asking for a "corto al vetro" that is basically just a shorter expresso in a glass instead of a ceramic mug, for a better taste! Drinking it without adding sugar, he pays the man even leaving a generous tip before exiting the place, starting towards a smaller alley that curves and twists into an upwards path. "I'd say we'll be here in 2 minutes, maybe 3..." he informs.
The place itself will appear to their eyes once they will turn the last corner at the end of the path, and it is definitely a wonderful sight from up there! It's almost like a small terrace, isolated from pretty much everything else, with a wooden bench allowing people to sit and enjoy the view. The view, is that of the small town seen from above, then the descending mountain that seems to end into the sea itself, a wonderful expanse of clear water with a very small island seen in the distance.

Blink has posed:
Blink smiles softly, and J'onn will be able to sense from her surface thoughts that it impresses her how easily he gets moves within their culture despite not even being from Earth. She has much more difficulty with such things, even apart from being a mutant. Though she is generally liked by people who don't have anti-mutant biases.

Clarice walks with J'onn, emerging out on the little scenic overlook. "Oh, it's so beautiful here!" she tells him. The soft music from the cafe below can be heard drifting up, the path having wound about so the cafe and square are down below them. She walks over to the bench to take a seat, smiling up at J'onn and then taking a look out at the view as the land spreads out before her. "So beautiful," she says with a sigh.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn doesn't comment on Clarice's thoughts, even because he's still sort of mindful of letting people know in such an explicit way that he can sense their gthoughts, even if he drops a hint here and there about that. "a truly beautyful sight indeed" he comments, standing behind the bench, and then including Clarice into the sight itself.
Walking around said bench, he moves to sit to Clarice's right, smiling at her and turning so that he can look at both the place and the woman. "now to have such a perfect view I should be turned, just like this... Or the place would just lack a very important element." yes, he's trying his hand at compliments! Sort of...

Blink has posed:
Blink turns her head to look as J'onn speaks, and finds he's looking at her as well as the view. It brings a soft blush to her upper cheeks, even as it also makes her smile. She smiles over to him, his attempt at handing out the compliment seeming to be successful. "Or, if it was ok, I could just..." she says before sliding over just a bit to lean against J'onn's larger, rugged form if he allows her. If so, her head will come to rest against his shoulder as she looks back out at the view.

"So J'onn... how is it that you came to Earth? If you don't mind me asking you about that? About yourself?" Clarice asks him quietly. Her hand will slide offer, offering itself to J'onn's hand should he wish to hold it.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn of course allows Clarice to lean on him, even wrapping his left arm around her shoulders, and taking her hand in his right one when it is offered. "of course it is ok" he even confirms just to be sure.
"well, Earth is actually considered as the closest civilization to mars, speaking about location I mean... When mars fell, well, I just came here..." he speaks, shaking his head briefly "I am, sorry, I can't provide many informations about that, Clarice... It, it's just, I don't remember a lot of things about that time..."

Blink has posed:
Blink's soft eyes look up at J'onn as she listens, the mutant's odd eye coloring making them seem quite vivid. "I'm sorry that you can't recall it," she tells him quietly, her hand giving his a gentle squeeze. "So, there aren't any more Martians left now?" Clarice asks, keeping her tone gentle to try to avoid causing him much pain in being asked. "Were all Martians like you? I mean, can they make themselves look human, and fly, and the other things you do? Or are you a Martian version of a superhero, that can do things that most of the population could not?" she asks.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn keeps his expression has neutral as he can, his eyes just looking at Clarice as she asks questions, his hand holding hers. "there are none left, none but me, that I am aware of at least. And I spent the last tousand of years looking for others, unsuccesfully." he answers to the first question.
"Martians are, well yes, they were all in a sense like me. Shapeshifting comes with our physiology, as well as telepathy even if some of us were stronger than others and, in the late generations, telepathy wasn't developed that much we could say. But then I have been, enhanced, so maybe yes you could say I am the martian version of a superhero."

Blink has posed:
As Clarice listens to J'onn's explanation, the soft breeze blows up the mountainside. Stirring little wisps of hair about her face, and carrying her scent to J'onn's sensitive nose. "I'm sorry for your loss. Even if it was a long time ago, still..." Clarice says before trailing off softly.

Her fingers slide across J'onn's hand, gently lacing with his own. "What is it like for you, being amongst so many humans? I guess in this much time you've probably grown kind of used to being around us? Or do you see our pink or dark skin and think it just looks so odd and we should be green instead?" she asks him.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn intertwines his fingers with Clarice's, just smiling at her and commenting "you have a very good perfume! I mean, that could even be your natural scent but, well, that's good..."
THe question prompts another smile, and a gentle squeeze of Clarice's hand "being a shapeshifter belonging to a race of shapeshifters, I'll say, shape doesn't really have that meaning... I am mostly used to you humans and, I can adapt pretty quickly to almost every culture... Usually, when you can pick up thought patterns, looks, culture and language of a race in no more than a few minutes, that comes sort of natural, honestly."