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A Night To Remember
Date of Scene: 26 April 2019
Location: Gotham brownstone and restaurant
Synopsis: Kitty finally wears her JVD-designed dress out with Jason. Bad timing leaves it anything but a happy occasion
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Red Hood

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty had called Jason during the day. She said she was in a rush and couldn't talk for long. But she needed his help that night, and could he be dressed in a suit by the time she gets to the brownstone? She had to hang up before giving more details.

It's now about dusk, the sun down and night starting to fall. The sound of Kitty's Toyota Avalon can be heard pulling into the driveway. Soon after the sound of her car door opening and closing. She should be coming in the door any moment then.

Red Hood has posed:
Not having any clue on what to do when Kitty gets cryptic on him, Jason barely had a chance to get word in before she hung up. Get a suit on? And then she quickly hung up. It left him confused, but finally he decided on a course of action.

When Kitty arrives at the door, Jason's not quite ready yet, as he's finishing getting dressed.

Shadowcat has posed:
The sound of Kitty's key in the lock can be heard, and then the door swings open. She steps inside, and she is dressed up like Jason has never seen her before. Not even at the charity gala. The dress she's wearing was literally made for her. Suited to show off her build. To move with her. To accentuate her in ways that most of us will never realize that clothing can.


The strapless dress has a cut that accentuates the curves of her upper body, while clinging along her torso beneath to show just how shapely she is. A criss-cross of the cream-colored fabric keeps it all snug against her body, and the narrow skirt accentuates both her figure and adds to the perception of her height.

She looks as if she's just come from the salon. Earrings dangle from her ears, and a faux jeweled bracelet is about her wrist. She walks into the room with a different walk than normal. A distinct sashay, closer to a model's walk, but not so overt as to seem out of place off the runway. She walks over to Jason, pausing in front of him. "Surprise," she whispers to him, eyes lit up and hopeful for his reaction.

Red Hood has posed:

Surprise is a good word.

See, when Kitty called him in such a rush and said that he needed to be in a suit?

Well, he's ready for a night on the town.

As Red Hood.

The armored suit and gear was all in place when Kitty came up to him, and Jason looks absolutely bamboozled and gobsmacked at the all time. His eyes drink Kitty in in complete confusion, before he finally manages a laugh. "You know." he manages, his cheeks red with realizing he mistranslated everything she said.

"You're going to look awful silly on patrol in that."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sees Jason in his Red Hood outfit. She stares for just a moment in surprise. And then she breaks out in a smile and warm giggles. The giggles grow into warm laughter, the kind that is laughing with, not laughing at.

Once the laughter dies down enough she can talk, Kitty says, "Well, I was hoping to surprise you. I guess I managed it then?" She gently smooths her hands over his armor like she might a suit. Dusting off some imaginary dust from his shoulder. She breaks out in a soft, warm giggle again.

"Sorry, I was trying to not give you time to nail me down on the why," she tells him, still grinning. "Would you like to change into a dress up suit? I have reservations for us at the first restaurant you took me to," she tells him. "If, you know... you might like to take your girlfriend out tonight in her new dress that Janet Van Dyne made for me to wow you with."

Red Hood has posed:
"It was worth every penny. Wow." Jason offers as Kitty steps up to him and smooths her hands over him - which helps to smooth him as well. Leaning down to kiss her, he holds her for several moments, keeping Kitty pressed to him - before he finally releases her.

"Alright, it's going to take a few minutes for me to change. And you know, get ready." he admits with a laugh as he moves to pulls back from Kitty to head upstairs to change.

Shadowcat has posed:
The kiss from the man that she loves draws Kitty in, the young woman losing herself in it. Her fingers drift up to play in his hair, caressing softly while she's held close to him. The breaking of the kiss leaves her just a touch breathless. Lovely brown eyes shine at Jason with warmth as he pulls away to go change.

"I think I'll watch," she comments, going upstairs. There may be a few comments heard over the next few minutes as Kitty critiques how he looks as he's changing clothes. From the sound of it, he is going to end up with a rather fine review from her critiquing. When he's ready she'll move onto his arm to join him then.

Red Hood has posed:
"Peeper." Jason comments, going through the proces of training, and evenutally closing the bathroom door to ruin Kitty's peek show. Eventually he comes back out in his suit, though he looks a little more somber. "Feel like I should be going to a funeral in this." he mutters cryptically, before he approaches Kitty to offer her a smile. "Alright. I'm ready."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles as Jason emerges in his suit. "You clean up so nice. That's my luck, a boyfriend who both cleans up nice, and is fun to get dirty," she tells him. She pauses to slip her arms about him and given him a lingering kiss, before finally they head downstairs and out to her car.

The drive to the restaurant is a short one "If it wasn't for the dress, I'd have been up for a repeat ride on the motorcycle," she comments on the way. She keeps glancing over, shining smiles at Jason as the car pulls up to the restaurant where he first began winning her heart.

Red Hood has posed:
"It's fine, Kitty." Jason is trying to put up a front. Everything's alright. As they drive, he glances outside to the city, his expression set in a grim line of thought. As they arrive at the restaurant, he snaps himself out of his reprieve and exits the vehicle before the valet can arrive to come over to open the door for her.

"If I may?" he asks her as he offers his hand to her, a smile offered to Kitty as he waits for her decision.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's eyes light up and she slips her hand into Jason's, the light catching on diamonds and a ruby from the ring she wears. "Always," she tells him as she rises out of the car in the perfect dress. Wearing the perfect dress for her perfect man. Kitty moves with him out of the way so the valet can take the car, but spends a moment just looking to him. She finally looks down, smiling and whispers, "Love you," to him before looking back up into his eyes. Smiling for him as they walk into the restaurant.

No overweight crime bosses in the place tonight to distract. At least so far. They have a reservation for one of the best tables in the place, with a nice view overlooking the river below. Kitty continues to walk with the graceful sashay of a trained dancer given tips in runway walks by a fashion diva.

Red Hood has posed:
"Love you too." Jason responds. He gives Kitty a smile, but he seems distant and distracted for a moment. Even the idea that Kitty went ahead and set the reservation ahead of time and got them such a great seat doesn't seem to draw his attention. Nor that Kitty seems to have a plan in all of this. Pulling back the chair for her to be seated, seems to be more of an autopilot response.

Once she's seated, he'll round the table to take his own seat and settle across from the gorgeous young woman, adjusting his chair to be closer to the table. "So, did you phase into that dress, or did you have to be poured?" he asks her teasingly."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles across to Jason once they are seated, and slips her hand across the table to rest her fingers on his. "Poured. And you would not believe what went into making the dress. There's a 3D computer model of me on a $5 million computer system that helped model exactly how to fit me perfectly. Even down to analyzing my stride and my walk so it moves on me," she says.

Kitty's head tilts to the side a little bit. "Something's on your mind, love. What is it?' she asks him, her tone warm and gentle. Kitty's fingers caress gently over his own as she asks.

Red Hood has posed:
"I'm going to need a little space tomorrow." Jason says finally. "It's not you. Or anything you've done." he glances at their hands, turning his over to hold hers. And he considers their fingers, and the ring that she wears.

"Tomorrow's just a bad day for me. And I don't usually spend it with company." he finally admits quietly as he draws in his breath.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde curls her fingers against Jason's as he holds her hand. She glances down at her ring too. She looks at it a lot, actually. He'll have noticed that by now. Most of the time, a look to the ring is followed by her eyes searching out Jason's presence, and a small smile is given. It has been a month since he gave it to her, this if the first weekend night since he did actually.

Kitty's expression is a little more empathic and gentle at the moment though. She looks thoughtful for a moment, an then there is a slight catching of her breath as if she thinks she's figured out the reason for his statement.

"If you prefer space," she tells him, nodding. "Though, if you would like to have me around, we don't have to talk about anything. We could just spend a quiet day inside. Shut out the rest of the world," she offers. "But, whatever is best for you," she says, squeezing his fingers softly.

Red Hood has posed:
There's several moments as Jason considers Kitty. He closes his eyes, and finally, he reaches for a phone. It only takes a few moments of searching, and then he passes his phone over to Kitty.

It's a small article in the Gotham Gazette from five years ago. It's entitled 'Wayne Ward Lost In Fire'.

As she was reading it over, the details become obvious - she's reading Jason Todd's obituary. With his death date as tomorrow, five years past.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde reads the article, and there's a small, slow nod as she first starts it. She'd guessed at what day might cause him to react as he'd expressed. And had guessed right it seems. She reads the entire thing though before setting the phone back down on the table between them.

"You're my life now. My heart. If you're hurting, I'm hurting with you," Kitty tells him. "If being alone is easiest for you, I'll understand. But if you let me? I'd be by your side," Kitty tells him quietly. "To hold each other. Talk. Not talk. Whatever you need," she says. Kitty leans across the table enough to reach up and touch his face gently, fingers caressing along his cheek.