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And Carrie Brings Thai Food
Date of Scene: 05 May 2019
Location: Sanctum Sanctorum - New York City
Synopsis: Carrie brings authentic Thai street food. Kitty brings an ice cream cake. Doctor Strange brings sass.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Carrie Kelley, Doctor Strange

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty steps out of the wardrobe in her room. She turned the closet into a giant wardrobe to keep with the Narnia theme in her head, though her room just has the form of a comfortable beach bungalow, with windows open and a soft ocean breeze blowing inside, while a ceiling fan circles lazily overhead.

She'd talked to Carrie earlier and heard the other young woman had some time to come by. So the Sanctum being the halfway point, they arranged to meet there. Kitty taps on her phone to get an update on where Carrie is. "Oh shoot, here already," Kitty says at the reply. She picks up a box she brought with her and then hurries downstairs to let Carrie in. "Hey there," Kitty will offer, giving Carrie a warm hug before closing the door and leading the pair back upstairs. "How is your weekend going?" Kitty asks.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley was here alright, with at least one arm heavily laden with plastic bags. From elbow to wrist they were arranged, heavy and full, kept carefully aloft so as to not spill any of the contents which smelled of spice, and seafood. Kitty's hug is returned carefully with her free arm before she follows her inside.

"Pretty good actually. I hung out with another friend of mine last night and we got SO much thai street food. From actual Thailand," she adds with a grin. "I thought if you were hungry maybe you might like to help level this surplus. We really got way too much."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Elsewhere in the Sanctum, Stephen is meditating over the current dilemmas that require the Sorcerer Supreme's attention but then he lifts a single eyebrow as he opens an eyelid softly and then squints at the sphinx in his room. "I'm sure you smell that too." The wizard says to the non-speaking creature with a frown. "I'm sure you do." Stephen reassues himself before lowering his feet back down onto the floor and stands fully before he motions for the cloak to join him.

    Stephen's voice appears behind the two young women. "Are you using my house as a way station miss Pryde?" Stephen asks, his arms crossed but not in a threatening way but as a way for him to keep comfortable with his hands.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty beams and greets Carrie, taking a few bags off her hands to make it easier, though she has a big box in one hand. "Oh wow, that smells amazing!" Kitty says, drawing in a deep breath. "Wait, Thai street food, from actual Thailand? Last night? You hanging out with that speedster? Or a teleporter or something?" Kitty asks with a curious grin.

As Doctor Strange joins them, Kitty turns to him, grinning. The young woman has learned something from watching Rogue's interaction with Stephen Strange. The surliness that might have intimidated her once now she just accepts as his normal state of being. "Not a way station. Treating it like a house which I have a room in," she says. "You know, the kind of place that friends visit. Bringing food for sharing." Kitty hefts the box so Strange can see it's an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins. The top has been decorated with a good likeness of Dr. Strange's flying cape. "And I brought this for you and Wong," she tells him, passing over the frozen goodness. "You've met Carrie already, haven't you?" she asks, motioning to her friend.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Teleporter," Carrie confirms with a small shrug. "To be honest I was just going to ask her if she wanted to go to New York to find ingredients to try making some of the dishes, but ..." But then she'd suggested actual Thailand and who could pass that up? The explanation is cut midway though as a sudden looming presence comes behind them.

She turns tipping her head up toward the taller man to smile at him without a hint of intimidation. If she could deal with Batman sneaking up on her, she could deal with this easily as well. "No I don't think we'd met yet, Kitty," she explains with a little chuckle. Her own bags of food are raised up in silent offering. "I've got plenty of Thai if you're interested. I didn't realize just how much I'd get for my money there." A little waggle of fingers is offered by way of further greeting as she explains, "I'm Carrie Kelley. Nice to meet you, Doctor Steven Strange." What? Her friend lives there. Like she ain't gonna look up who she's staying WITH.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "The cake was a nice thought miss Pryde, I appreciate that." Stephen says, reaching his hand out to take the cake and whisk it away to the kitchen where he knows Wong will find it momentarily. Though the wizard can't eat the cake, he doesn't mention this for he's trying to be a kindly host and accept the caring gesture as it is. "No, we haven't been introduced."

    Stephen then looks to Carrie and gives the girl a quick squint of his eyes before he nods kindly in return but not reciprocating the smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you miss Kelley, I must say your friend has the right idea. No better place to get Thai food than in Thailand." Stephen says with a stoic look at his own awful joke.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a chuckle at the mention of Carrie teleporting to Thailand. "I understand there's one who accompanies a Genoshan friend of mine, though I've not had the pleasure to meet her," Kitty says. "The other one I know, I don't think he can go that far. Has to stay in line of sight mostly." She still avoids mention of the school's mutant connection with Carrie, but not that she's part of a mutant team.

Kitty turns back to Dr. Strange, smiling softly as he accepts the ice cream cake. "You're welcome. I've got a guy at the Baskin-Robbins in Salem. Ernesto. The man is an artist with ice cream. Need to take Wong sometime and see what he can craft up for him," she says of the Chinese man who loves ice cream. "Would you like to join us for lunch then?" she asks Doctor Strange as she motions towards Carrie food.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley doesn't seem to mind the once over in her direction as she had nothing to hide. Nothing at all overtly magical about her after all. Kitty knew her other secret. It was fine. "Yeah, she's from Genosha. I met her after a production we put on at the college and chatted from there," she explains with a simple nod. But the topic is back on food then, and she gives a shrug. "There's plenty if you want to join. Some of it is a bit... Iffy, but I'm sure it's good. I just never got the whole 'fish eyeballs' thing."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "They're not as iffy as you think." Stephen says, having to eat some of the more unusual stuff since becoming a wizard but again, he doesn't talk about himself. Instead he shakes his head at the offer and smiles briefly. "No, you two go ahead. I was just wondering who was in my house." Stephen says before he shakes his head and smirks before he looks down at nothing next to no one "Come, leave them alone." The wizard says with out missing a beat and turns around to move back towards the foyer.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft, "Oooh," at the mention that the teleporter is also Genoshan. Too much coincidence probably then to not be the same person. "I imagine it's the same person then. I just keep missing her apparently." Funny, that.

Kitty turns to Doctor Strange as he says he's going to go. "Alright, good seeing you," she tells him in an upbeat tone. "Let me know how the ice cream cake goes over," she tells him. "I described your cape to him, think he did a great job with it," she says of the decoration on top.

Kitty looks back to Carrie. "Fish eyeballs, hmm? Did you taste one?" She motions the way towards her room. "Come on, we can turn the room into a Bangkok eatery and eat there," she offers. "You'll have to supply the image though as I haven't been there before."