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Latest revision as of 20:41, 13 May 2019

Sentinels: Are we being followed
Date of Scene: 04 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Steve and Carol interview the men they rescued from the airport.
Cast of Characters: Bastion, Captain America, Captain Marvel (Danvers)
Tinyplot: Sentinels

Bastion has posed:
    The Wakandan plane appeared to make a clean getaway at first, but all of the sensors suggest the Sentinels were tracking them, and giving chase. The slower Sentinels can be outpaced by the jet, that isn't an issue, and they begin to fade from pursuit on the skyline as the jet pushes to extreme speeds.

    Inside, Janet has been taken to be treated right away, and there are three members of the group present that weren't with the Avengers or Wakandans originally: guy #1 is unconscious, guy #2 is awake but confused and yelling to be released, guy #3 is relatively calm and easy to overlook compared to the guy in the panic.

Captain America has posed:
Up at the controls of the Wakanda jet, Steve is speaking quietly. He's left Janet to the care of the in-flight medical systems and she appears to be stabilized for now. He leaves the pilot to mind the flight pattern and warn him if any futher blips of the Sentinels come up within questionable range.

"We're headed to a safehouse, Tony," he reports quietly after switching in ear-piece comm to a specific channel between the two men. "The Sentinels are still on our trail. Dunno if you can do anything about it, but if you can, I owe you a drink or two."

The sudden outburst from Asset #2 has the Captain looking over with a frown. He walks over towards the clustering of three individuals and pauses before number two in particular. "<<Pick a language, most of us here can speak both,>>" he says in Russian back. Flipping to English, he adds, "Sit tight for now. If you want anything, ask nicely."

It's to number three that Steve walks and then crouches before, looking the sitting man dead in the eye at a safe distance. "You're in good hands," he tells the man quietly. "Wish that could've been less of a fiasco, but this's better than nothing. You need anything? Water? Food?" The soldier isn't looking to provoke another hot-handed reaction out of number three as is.

Bastion has posed:
"I can do anything, I'm Tony Stark," Tony cheekily replied to Steve. There's no instant change, but Tony's probably looking into it at the very least.

    <<I should be released! I am not part of this! I was going to see my sister in Montana! American flights are very VERY VERY unsafe! All Americans have guns!>> declares asset #2. He's also identified himself as Klaus. He is about twenty, and somewhat cowardly, from the look so far. He doesn't seem related to any of it, beyond having a build very much like asset 1 and 3. Asset #3 observed the whole situation with a silence, gray eyes just taking it in, in a somewhat 'long stare' manner. He's not more than around forty, strongly built like one would expect from military or physical labor, with very light blonde hair, short. Other than some light bleeding from above left eyebrow, he seems unhurt.

There's no answer at all from asset #3 at first, he looks at Steve but his gaze languidly moves to a window. Perhaps he doesn't speak English or Russian?

"Whose hands are those?" asks #3, finally, his voice pretty clearly American. There is a tension there: he's gone from one person's possession to someone else's, perhaps, in his view.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol moves to join Steve, tapping him on the shoulder to let him know she's there, while offering a warm smile to the asset, <<I'm glad we were able to get you before the terrorist had you killed,>> Carol offers Klaus by way of reminding him things could have been a lot worse for him. <<I am Carol, by the way, very pleased you're doing alright.>>

She nods at his claim about how dangerous American flights can be, not about to get into derivative arguments with him, though she does offer, <<more dangerous than an American flight, is being in the company of wanted men.>>

She turns to look directly at #3, before asking Klaus, <<know anything about this guy? Like, why you were put in a hood next to him?>>

Captain America has posed:
A quick glance at Carol means she's acknowledged; Steve also has a tight smile to spare for her before he looks back at Asset #3. The Captain decides to be candid with the man.

"You're with the Avengers. We were told that there was a scientist being held against his will with a hit out on him. You've got connections to those Sentinel robots." He rotates one of his hands palm-up before the man as if to accent as an example. "How'd you do those things with your arms? I saw them glow from the inside."

Bastion has posed:
Klaus won't hear it! Well, he will. Sort of. <<I am not with them! I do not know what they were doing. We are hostages!>> Klaus tells her, pretty directly. From his view, all three of the men in the hoods were just like himself: taken hostage and flung about. <<I wish to be released!>> Klaus repeats. He looks at #3, as if urging him to agree, looking for support.

The other man mostly seems to ignore him, if he understands russian at all. He's mostly looking at Steve now, as if measuring how much of it is a lie. "Cybernetic arm," answers the man. He's strapped in pretty well, he doesn't move his arms, but he does give up that information without a struggle about it. "I'm not going to give it to you; I need it."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
<<Klaus, what do you do for a living?>> Carol asks the Russian while still having her eyes fully focused on the target. She then steps closer to the target, and frowns, "you shot a friend of mine in the face with that cybernatic arm of yours, while she was trying to save you, do you realize you were a target for a hit?"

Captain America has posed:
At the answer from Asset #3 regarding the source of the powerful beam on earlier display, Steve visibly stills through his stance. The fact that it's a cybernetic arm... After a few heartbeats, he then sighs quietly.

"We're not going to take it from you. We have no reason to." The Captain's eyes still wander over the rescued man in a quick and professional assessment. "She's right," he adds, tilting his head towards Carol in a quick nod without looking away from Asset #3. "A very dangerous group of people want you dead. They tried hard before you even left the airport back in Russia." Thoughtfully, Steve then continues, "I'm also gonna bet that you're not a scientist."

Bastion has posed:
Klaus, for all his yelling, calms some now that Carol wants to actually engage with him. <<I help to manage a hotel,>> Klaus answers. <<It has nothing to do with this visit! My sister is having a baby, I will be an uncle--- I am going to encourage her to name it after our father, but they are estranged--->>

"A target for a hit? As in, to kill /me/?" echoes the target, as if this were strange, and the first he'd heard about it. "By whom?" There's clear skepticism here, doubtful of Carol's words. "Mutants?" he asks, as if that were a natural thing to assume.

At the question about being a scientist, he looks thoughtfully at Steve. He doesn't say that he isn't, but he doesn't give any information, either, at first. Finally, he shrugs.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol lets Steve do most of the talking, having just introduced the basis for this discussion. Because, it's not an interrogation, it's just a little get together. <<Why are they estranged...?>> Carol manages to ask Klaus despite not even looking his way, her blue eyes rather menacingly remain focused on the target.

"Yes, that's usually the idea when putting out a hit on someone..." Carol is ever so helpful when it comes to definitions. "I would dare say mutants don't have the means to know about you, but seeing as you mentioned them, do you have a distinct bias against them?"

Carol now reaches to poke #3 on his shoulder, "my friend asked you a question, I think you should answer."

Captain America has posed:
Steve looks to Carol side-long at the physical contact to Asset #3. "He answered, just not in full detail. It matters," he then reminds the man. "We're not looking to hold you hostage. All we want are answers. We'll give you a few in return. Seems fair, right?" With an easy shrug, the Captain lifts a hand again before returning it to his belt. He waits to see how the Asset answers to Carol's question about the mutants in particular before continuing down that particular line of questioning.

Poor Klaus. Captain Rogers spares him a glance and then his eyes briefly wander to the unconscious and first Asset. With a few strides, he walks over to place two fingers to the man's pulse at his throat to check for levels of responsiveness.

Bastion has posed:
<<She went to America to be married, father did not approve,>> Klaus answers, but he starts to frown, since she seems more interested in staring at the other man than at him, so Klaus quiets, watching the trio with more curiosity now. What's so special about the other guy?

"There were mutants there at whatever just happened, when I got pulled out of this plane; you tell me; should I?" their target sighs, looking back to Carol, and finally showing some expression, a somewhat private smile. It isn't sly or snide, not really. He's pretty mellow, overall: a calm, rational sort.

"He's breathing," #3 says, as Steve checks #1. "I don't mind answering questions that I have the answers to."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"The problem is there were no mutants, at least none that we know off, it seems these Sentinels are prone to err," Carol notes, going her own route to check if the guy is a scientist or not. If she knows Tony, and she does, dissing his scientific work is the best way to get a rise out of him, so she tries this angle. "It's obvious the work is rudimetry at best, it's a shame the Sentinels program didn't look to hire a real scientist like Banner or Stark, maybe then the Sentinels wouldn't be walking sets of buglists."

Captain America has posed:
"Yeah, I can see he's breathing." It's a tired mutter under Steve's breath as he then takes a step or two back from the unconscious Asset #1. Despite the dark circles under his eyes, the Captain gives Carol a vaguely amused little smirk. He recognizes the line of logic she's putting forth to attempt to hackle up a scientific mind.

He's curious, however, and adds mildly, "No scientist I know would want his name attached to those robots. Speaking of which, you got a name?" Steve glances over at the second man, the soon-to-be-uncle'd Klaus. He lifts up a single finger towards him in a silent 'please wait' gesture in passing.

Bastion has posed:
"I can't tell if he's injured from here. I don't mind checking on him if you'd allow," offers #3. "There /were/ mutants; three, I think," #3 clarifies. He isn't empassioned about it: he's taking more the tone of a teacher that's gently correcting. "There were two in the big group of people, unsure exactly where. I heard them say so. And another. But I don't feel like that's the information you really care about."

He tilts his head at Carol, but there's no real reaction to judgement on the Sentinels. "They aren't very good yet, no. Clumsy and slow, too. Have we left them in the dust?" He'll help her diss them; he didn't make them. "But the idea behind them is interesting. Protecting people that can't protect themselves. I like that." He then nods. "John." It sounds like an alias, particularly since he paused.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"So you're a doctor then?" Carol asks casually, looking one moment at #1, shrugging a bit, "because I think it takes more than a CPR class." She then looks back at #3 and grins, "so they were among the terrorists? Curious."

"Nice to meet you John, I'm Jason," Carol reveals just how much she doesn't buy that he is named John. "So, what do you know about these Sentinels that make people want you dead...? See, we want into great length to keep you alive, because we don't believe assassinations are ever a solution."

Captain America has posed:
The unimpressed set of Steve's mouth and eyebrows speak to the same level of disbelief to the offered name of 'John'. He remains silent as Carol conveys the majority of his thoughts -- they do think alike from time to time, and as such, he doesn't interrupt save for at the very end with a glance over at the woman.

"You don't look like a Jason. More like a...Jacob." He nods in confirmation to the even quip, wearing that wry faint smile.

Bastion has posed:
"Is Jason your last name, Carol? Or is it just Klaus that has earned the right to call you Carol?" asks John, with a relaxed smile, not aggressive about calling her joke out. And, apparently, he at least overheard her say her name to Klaus not long before, and remembered it. He gives a slow breath, though, at her poking at his doctorate or lack thereof.

"Look. I don't know. John is as good as any right now. I felt like I could help him, but. I don't know what they want of me. I expected I might be taken apart. I'd prefer not. But the Sentinels keep finding me. Perhaps I have a tracker in my ass." He finally looks more critically at the straps. "That was not an invitation to check, mind."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol grins at Steve when he argues she looks more like a Jacob, "see? And all along I wished to be called Darren," but joking aside, the attention is quick to turn back to 'John' as it were, <<I didn't expect you knew Russian, that's impressive attention to detail, you sure you're a doctor and not in something more exciting like espionage?>> But then he goes off on a bit of a rant, and Carol smiles, "that just might be the reason...you could have a tracker embedded in you, and we can help you be rid of such a thing. You'd be surprised, but the ass is not where such things generally go."

She does shift more seriously in tone a moment later, and quips, "your cybernetics, how state of the art are they? Any chance they seek to canibalize you as it were? Also, if you are a mutant, that would be a good detail to share. I am not, by the way, neither is he," she points back at Steve, "but we do have friends who are. At least I do."

Bastion has posed:
John shrugs a little when she answers him about knowing Russian, but doesn't bother to answer her in that language. His look to her with his pale grey eyes does read that he understands everything that she's saying. Or at the very least is really very good at faking it. "I am not sure, but I doubt that very much," he does say in English to her question about espionage.

"Better than a Sentinel," he responds. John looks somewhat offended when she suggests he's a mutant. "Of course I am not; I'm human. Cannibalize? How would I tell?" he asks, looking down at his hands, overall over his body. It may suggest there's more than just one arm of cybernetics going on: or that he really doesn't know where it is in his body. The man does not seem to know a great deal, or he's great at playing dumb.

"I don't know any mutants," gives John. "But they seem dangerous."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Ok...so this might not have anything to do with mutants at all, but humor us," Carol proceeds with the tech angle, "is there any cybernetics or other form of technology on you worth killing for? I mean, you caught my friend off guard...and lucky for you, I didn't decide you meant to try and kill the woman helping you stay alive."

"Just what are the capabilities of your arm for starters? I mean...those scientists I mentioned before? They probably can figure all that out without you actively giving away answers, but it's so much easier when you do."

Bastion has posed:
"I suspect that I can free myself, but I'm choosing not to. I am attempting to work with you some, Carol, too," John answers. His tone isn't irritated, he's patient. Sort of charismatic in his way, when he stays calm and talks clearly. He's not a bad looking man, either, just has been through something lately, his features say.

"I didn't shoot your friend on purpose. I just reacted. If she were here I'd apologize and check on her injury," John says, in an honest, somewhat sad, manner. He does seem to not be pleased. If he feels guilty, he's masking it some, though. He's masked a lot of his emotions, unwilling to show them.

"I was told I have cybernetics. It seems logical that's what it was." John looks at his arm. "I don't think it is safe to attempt to repeat the blast here in this plane."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"So you recognize where your survivability levels are with or without us, that much is good," Carol seems to appreciate not having to explain that much, it also saves venturing into bravado space, over could he or couldn't he free himself. The way he remains so calm, only posits he may have more tricks up his sleeves than just what Janet 'discovered'.

"You were told...?" Carol repeats that very important distinction, "don't tell me you're a mule..." she mouths the possibility with slight irritation. Because it would mean they read the entire situation wrong.

Bastion has posed:
"I recognize that it's better to be pleasant to stay awake instead of being drugged, hooded, or something else," says John carefully. That statement may explain a great deal of John's behavior: he's smart, and may be altering his answers to what he thinks they want to hear...

"What do you mean, a mule?" John asks, slowly, with a mix of disturbed disgust.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"You were told you have cybernetics, meaning you weren't aware of what it is, so it could be that you're used to transport the cybernetics and little else...?" Carol puts forth a theory she doesn't believe, but details regardless, if only to make 'John' aware of how important accurate replies are to her, as she might just go off the beaten path and react according to some perceived notion he helped prepetuate inadvertantly.

Bastion has posed:
"Maybe we should do the tests and see," decides John, finally. "When we land." He gives her a steady look and then sighs and sets his head back, closing his eyes. He's decided to trust her, it appears, within his own designated limits. He may truly not know what his cybernetics are or do: perhaps he does want to find out.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Good decision, I agree," Carol seems pleased enough that 'John' is willing to cooperate with them, as well as by the by, acknowledge that he doesn't know all that much about the technology embedded in his body. "We'll get to the bottom of this, and I can assure you, we're not those who look to harm you or use and abuse you, we are just trying to help you out. There's something nefarious out there, and you were almost a victim..." as she turns to leave and update the other, she offers Klaus as she passes by him, "you'll be safe, Klaus, don't worry...this is all just precautionary measures, we'll even get you a ride where you need to go, when all is said and done."