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The lunch club
Date of Scene: 05 March 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Some NM kids meet and cover the issues over Laura's cooking.
Cast of Characters: Souvenir, X-23, Rage, Isotope

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir is in her room, door open, with some depressing metal music of some sort playing in the background, stretching out. Still a bit jumpy, obviously spending a lot more time trying to calm down than usual. Stretches are relaxing to her. Among other things. The table is set up with a map of Valhalla Base on it from satellite pictures, with all sorts of markers and flags on it.

X-23 has posed:
Laura knocks at the door. *knockknockknock*. The girl isn't one to just go barging in without permission.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir looks up at you standing in the door and smiles. "Come in." She bites her lip. "I'm really glad to see you, how are you doing?" She turns, does some front stretches.

X-23 has posed:
Laura enters, and gives a nod. "I'm well-enough. Slightly hungry. You? Are you recovered?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms, "No, but I'm getting there. My arms still ache, and I haven't got the whole.. trauma.. thing calmed down yet. It's getting better though. I can look at a zip tie without getting creeped out today. Are you.. wanting to get something to eat, or anything?" She tilts her head a bit.

X-23 has posed:
Laura considers. "Food would not be a bad idea. I can go with you to get some, if you like. I have been practicing cooking. Or we can go buy some."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms, tilting her head. "Mr. Summers was upset at me for leaving the school - I kind of went off on him.." She winces some. "I need to apologize for that, just, I don't want to have him say something and have me get upset again. Which one do you feel like? I've been wanting protein lately, but - I don't know, I missed you." She climbs up to her feet, checks a couple things, and grabs an overshirt.

X-23 has posed:
Laura looks a little surprised...which for her is primarily an eyebrow-raise. "You missed me?" Meanwhile, she'll wait by the door. "Protein is essential. But you need carbohydrates for fuel as well. We can manage something."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir follows you, pausing a moment to just look at you. "Yeah. You've been through a lot of stuff, and you're really sweet. I wished you were there to give me some advice. Even if we couldn't have done anything."

"Whenever things get really scary, you're kind of the one I trust." She follows you again.

X-23 has posed:
"I would not call myself sweet. But thank you, for the compliment." Laura starts down to the kitchen. "What sort of food do you enjoy most?" It's her way of doing something nice.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir follows to the kitchen. "For some reason, broccoli beef sounds really good. Not sure why. But whatever works really." She looks around. "Anyway, you said you were hungry, too."

X-23 has posed:
"Both of those are in the refrigerator. I can make it." Laura says, and she moves over to the fridge, taking out both. "And I am as happy to eat that as anything." With that, she moves over to the counter, taking out a knife, and starting prep.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir watches. She smiles, happy to see her friend doing something that's apparently new. "Thank you." She spends a few seconds debating what to talk about, then decides to just spill all the muddled stuff at once.

"James thought I did well. I have his headband to give him back, I just haven't felt like I can do it without getting upset." She sighs. "Did you hear much? A bunch of people showed up to save me, and it was just.. hard watching them. Oh, and I am dating someone now. She showed up to save me. She got blasted in front of a camera I was in front of."

X-23 has posed:
"I have not heard all the details, not beyond what has made it around the mansion. Congratulations on your relationship, though." Beef and broccoli both get diced into smaller bits, as does a carrot in the produce drawer. Laura takes a wok out from the pans as well. "Is she all right?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Yeah. She stayed on a cot in my room the first night, behind a curtain. It was sweet. You probably smelled a little of her, but people have been in and out of my room a lot the last couple days, and she didn't touch much."

She stretches and clenches her fingers a few times, stretching her hands out. "As soon as I'm not creeped out by things around my wrist, I need to start working on getting out of things like zipties and handcuffs. I googled it a bit already. I'm going to see if they can have a talent show sometime soon, so I can just say I'm practicing for that."

X-23 has posed:
"That seems like a strange behavior. The bit with the cot." Oil is added to the wok, and she puts it on the fire to start it heating. "Or there is the plan of not putting yourself in a situation to end up in handcuffs." Laura says, amused.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "That's the first plan, yeah." She looks off to the side.

"I was jogging. Checking all the bushes and everything. Looked all around me, nothing seemed out of place. I refilled my water bottle, and I heard motion behind me, so I turned. Nothing there."

"He, like, cut out a patch of the grass and had a trap door under it, and he came out of it and grabbed me when I looked at the noise. I stomped on his foot and elbowed him with both hands, but like.. it was like hitting Colossus. Then he gassed me and grabbed his speaker. I woke up tied to a post in Colorado. So.. It sucked." She gets some water and sips it out of a straw, watching Laura cook.

X-23 has posed:
Laura nods. "If your opponent had superhuman durability or strength, there was little you could do about it." As the oil starts to sizzle with the heat, Laura adds the beef to the wok, beginning to stir it about.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Yeah, that's kind of why I went off on Mr. Summers. Still looking for any tips how to do better, but I can't think of anything. Maybe if I learn more about traps and stuff." She stretches her wrists and shoulders out a bit.

Rage has posed:
Making her way into the kitchen is Andrea. She's wearing a pair of baggy sweats with her hair pulled behind her wetly. She must have just taken a shower. She heads for then kitchen, letting out a frustrated noise. The pair of teammates catches her eyes and she slows down a step.

X-23 has posed:
Laura looks over as she agitates the contents of the wok. "Hello, Andrea. Would you like food as well?" The smell of beef and broccoli is coming from the wok.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir waves at Andrea as she shows up. "Hey. Everything okay?" She catches the noise and tilts her head in a bit of concern, leaning on the counter to look at her.

Rage has posed:
"Everything is fine. Just been a long couple of days." Andrea says as she opens the fridge, then roots out an energy drink. She crack the tab open, taking a sip. "Sure, Laura. Whatever you guys are having." She gives a lick of her lips, then slips up to the top of the counter.

X-23 has posed:
Laura agitates the food a bit more. "Very well." She moves back to the counter, and dices up a bit more, to add to the wok. Her nose wrinkles slightly as the energy drink is opened.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods and watches the cooking happily. "Yeah, I know." She sighs a bit. "Back to the study grind, is all. And all the other stuff I've been working on. What've you been dealing with?"

Rage has posed:
"Oh, you know.. " Andrea trails off a bit. "Just dealing with this Mason situation. Found out more stuff is happening to his body. Then you getting kidnapped, which meant I was out on the search party and it was me that found your scents and led the team to your rescue. You're welcome." She says stiffly, letting out a noisy breath. "Then I had to bail Doogie out of a situation because he was out and about and the Friends of Humanity jumped him and another mutant. They beat the crap out of him and this other one who is on life support at this rate I think. Doogie got his nose broken. I'm studying for a test that any other day I could sleep during it and get an A, but I'm so all over the place now I'm gonna bomb if it I don't ask for an extension. My agent wants to book me for twenty more cities for my Dangerous tour, but I'm trying to convince him to do ten, because I'd rather be here with you guys, than out there on stage."

X-23 has posed:
"It sounds as if you are dealing with too many things." Laura says, matter-of-factly. "Taking on more than your capability isn't going to do well for any of the individual things you're handling." She finishes the stirring, and starts to portion things out into three dishes.

Isotope has posed:
     The newest student walks in, his wounds mostly healed now, other than his arm, which was still bandaged up. The black haired boy quickly grabbed a tray and started making his meal decisions for the evening. He was wearing a button up shirt, unbuttoned and showing off a Judas Priest shirt underneath.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir blinks and goes over to Andrea to offer an awkward one armed hug. "Oh my God, thank you SO much! And, oh crap, what's going on with him? Is he okay? And oh shit, I have to go see how he's doing!"

She sighs. "The world isn't going to end if you need to do some stuff for awhile, we can handle stuff here too. It's okay if you hand some of this stuff off, you don't have to be the, you know, boss wolf all the time."

She hmms, tilting her head. "I'm home now, thank God, so you can set that on the shelf. Same thing with Doogie, we can check up on him too. Situation finished, on the shelf. You have a test now, that's time sensitive. What's it in? And the tour isn't for a little while. You can put that on your inbox pile for now."

She waves at Brian.

Rage has posed:
Leaning into Erika, Andrea returns the hug. "I know. It's just a lot at once. You kidnapped, and Doogie being jumped is one offs. Uncontrollables but I'm more than happy to be involved because you guys are my family and I will always be there to help."

"The Tour is not a big deal. That doesn't start up to mid-spring. I just need to keep telling my manager /no/ and to not book the extra ten shows. Five of which are International and I don't want to deal with Europe during my senior year of school. The test... well.. I mean, it's /just/ a test. It won't screw up my GPA too much and I'm sure Mister Drake will understand and give me an extension."

"Just the last two weeks was stressful, and I just... I'm scared about Mason, obviously. He's not just sweating mud. He has put on a hundred pounds of mass. Like.. he's heavy. He's up to two-thirty now but he looks one-sixty-five."

The sight of Brian gives Andrea a pause. "Oh! And.. you're on my list too. Mister Summers wanted me to meet you. Hey there. I'm Andrea. This is Erika. Laura." She motions to the other girls. "Welcome to Xavier's!" Everything is fine. EVERYTHING. IS. FINE.

X-23 has posed:
Laura finishes plating...and a new person walks into the room. She frowns once, then pushes one dish to Erika, one to Andrea, and one towards the new person. "It sounds as if his mutation is accelerating." She says, and then gives a nod to Brian. "Hello."

Isotope has posed:
     Brian finished his selections, and walked over to the group. He's stayed mostly to himself since joining up, but since his little excursion with the rest, he's been slowly coming out of his shell.

  "Hey, umm, how's it going? Wait, Mr. Summers asked you? Did I do something wrong?" He asks, just unsure of the why. "They do that? Mutations get worse?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods at Laura, takes a smell at the food, then a bite. "Thank you SO much, Laura, I super appreciate it. Hi Brian! how have you been doing?" To Andrea, "We met at the hospital."

She chews a bit, thoughtful. "Maybe I should talk to him? What with my gloves and all? I dunno, like, I think most of us are kinda the pretties so far." To Brian, "Sometimes, yeah. I don't know if I'd say 'worse', but sometimes they get more intense. I'm always kinda worried about that happening to me."

Rage has posed:
Giving a nod of her head, Andrea says, "Well, due to his power, he's started eating rocks ..and mud.. and his body metabolizes it, being a geokientic. He can't help himself. He /has/ to eat them. I told him to talk to Miss Grey about maybe scanning him, see if she can help him in any way but he's reluctant. Same with Doctor McCoy. Right now he's just in a bad headspace and just wants distance right now, even from me."

Swiveling her eyes back to Brian, she says, "No, you aren't in trouble at all. He said good things about you, wanted me to just get to know you, maybe evaluate your powers and control, see about having you work with some of us. Exercise. That type of thing." She motions to herself and the other two. "Also, get you some friends." She says with a smile.

X-23 has posed:
"It isn't a matter of better or worse. Just biology. Sometimes there is a secondary mutation, other times just one that has not finished yet. You should tell Miss Grey and Doctor McCoy, Andrea. Mason's sensibilities are secondary to his health." Laura looks serious. But then, when doesn't she?

Isotope has posed:
     "Fuck, I just thought it was this. Now I gotta worry about doing even more damage." He responds sounding a little scared, and sullen.

  He takes a drink of his lemon-lime soda, and processes that info for a bit. "Oh, friends, yeah. I haven't had much time for those yet." Admittedly he was worried on what was going to happen when his powers decided to show themselves again, just how much damage was going to happen.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods quietly. "Are YOU okay with this, Andrea? I mean, if he starts looking like The Thing or a not-shiny Colossus. Are you going to be okay with that?" Trying to figure out Andrea's subtext.

She bites her lip a bit at Brian. "Okay. Have you done any more practice? Any more, you know, activity?"

Rage has posed:
"I already sent a letter to Miss Grey via text. Just giving Mason a few days to get his shit together and talk to her himself. If he doesn't, then I will do it for him." Andrea says as she swings her feet. "And of course I am okay with it. I love him. He's been in my life since I was twelve. I don't care if he becomes a mountain. I'll /never/ turn my back on him."

X-23 has posed:
"I am not anywhere close to being a relationship expert. I have nothing to offer on that front." Laura says. She puts in one more batch of the food into the wok, starting it sizzling again.

Isotope has posed:
     Brian shakes his head at Erika's question. "No, but...I haven't tried. Which is part of why I'm glad to see you. I heard you have a way with objects. Just what exactly can you do?" He says, taking out the earbuds he had in his patient bag at the hospital, the white headphones were stained slightly brown in places from dried blood that never came off.

  "I went on a date once, but we didn't really have as much in common as I thought." He adds in, not that it was much.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods to Andrea. "Okay."

"So, do you remember and feelings before or when, you know..? I mean, it might help figure out how to make it happen again on command, and like, if you know where the trigger is, you know how to not pull it on accident. I mean for me, it's easy, I touch something and.." She flicks her gloved fingers in her face. "..P-tchoo! Brainasplode. But I'm psychic, so like, probably different anyway. I don't know how everybody else's stuff works exactly, 'cause I'm not them. I mean, I guess I might have in practice at some point, but I forgot if so."

She stabs some food with her fork and takes a bite, chews, swallows. "I'm a psychometrist, I read memories off of inanimate objects that other people left on them. Mostly skills, though, and I forget it all as soon as I drop it."

Rage has posed:
Giving an amused grin to Laura, Andrea raises her brows. "I dunno, you seem to be doing okay with Evan. He says Hi by the way. Hung out with him the other night. I think he misses you."

Swinging her legs back and forth below her as she sits on the counter, she listens to the other pair curiously.

X-23 has posed:
Laura's lips curl up in a slight smile. "Yes, well. Hopefully that can be rectified soon." She takes her portion of food out. "I will let you three discuss the relationship issues." she says, as she walks for the door.

Isotope has posed:
     "Oh, nevermind then." He says, putting back the earbuds in his breast pocket. "I was pissed, tired of Conner being a dick about the game. Tired of catching nothing but crap from those guys for the last year. Then..." He shakes his head, getting that thought out of his mind. "There was the light, then I woke up in the hospital, maybe an hour before you all showed up." Brian's eyes soon give off a vapor, a small puff of neon green light, smoking up and dissipating soon after they escape.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, watching. "Yeah, your eyes just lit up. Like, literally radium green. Did you notice anything? It's like, the better you are at doing your whatever it is, the better you are at not doing your whatever it is kind of thing. Don't we have like a range or something? If you're like Negasonic, we might need to get you onto one so you can cut loose without worrying about it."

Rage has posed:
"Powers are also linked to emotions too. I would suggest maybe yoga or meditation, at least until you get a real good lock on them. The guys may be upset if you blow up the communal shower, and the girls will be mad if you have to use ours." Andrea laughs softly, then slides off the counter as she plucks up her bowl of food, heading for the door. "I'm going to cram guys. It was good to finally meet you, Brian."

Isotope has posed:
     Brian rears his head as Erika mentions the green. "I didn't see anything, but it's at least something." Before he sighs just a little. "I have a feeling this is going to get worse before it gets better." He comments, waving to Andrea. "Likewise."

  "I'll talk with Sam, maybe he can help, or you know, at least point me somewhere I won't destroy."

Souvenir has posed:
"The worst is when it's like, you know. Zoomies." Erika Kristasdottir looks around. "Like when you have a dog and it's been cooped up all day, and suddenly it just goes tearing off at top speed and runs everywhere? If you don't let it out, it likes to go off on its own."

Isotope has posed:
     "You gotta be kidding me,I have to worry about it doing that too?" Brian asks, sounding a bit exasperated. "I can't catch a break...but at least I'm not in jail."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir smiles some and shrugs one shoulder. "Sorry? Mostly just means you have to go somewhere safe and blow off some steam sometimes, is all."

She shrugs some. "You're a guy, you should know how that goes." Conspiratorial grin.

"Anyways, you'll be fine, you can sleep on an ordinary bed and stuff. "

Isotope has posed:
     Brian's eyes widen, not having realized. "Oh, I didn't think about that..." He comments, now looking a bit embarrassed, he'd been so focused on himself that he didn't realize what others were going through with their own mutations.

Souvenir has posed:
"It's okay, I just smell like a lawn every morning is all. Sucked super hard when I was tied up, though." Erika Kristasdottir shrugs a little. "I'm hoping to figure out how to get around it, but my ability is awfully rare, I guess."

Erika Kristasdottir tilts her head, "So what else are you into? Music? Games? Anime? Some other guy stuff?"

Isotope has posed:
     "You sleep on grass?" Brian asks, giving a slight chuckle to the thought.

  "All the above, but I am a book guy. I like to read, it's quiet and most people keep quiet in libraries."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir says, "Anyways, that convo you walked in on? We're your new classmates. Laura is a total badass, worst childhood ever. Andrea Jackson is overplayed on the radio. Mutant rights activist. You'll notice she never says what she does in press releases. Gigantic, scary, Werewolf. Her boyfriend is a pop star too. He's turning into a statue or something, and that's going to screw his career. Then there's the guy who basically turns into a Lovecraftian horrorterror, he's cool but like, not photogenic. And Negasonic did more damage than you did. So like, go ahead and unload, we *get* it, okay? You're among friends."

"And I'm a total gamer nerd, I do stage magic, and I listen to emo a lot.""

Isotope has posed:
     Brian gives the first genuine smile he's given since he's been here. Talking about the stuff they are all going through together. "Thanks, I...just think about the guys a lot, even if they were dicks they were my teammates. And Conner...had been a friend of mine in elementary school." He admits, sullen and a bit sad. "They didn't deserve to die over it."

  Then he looks back up to Erika, chuckling and showing off his Screaming for Vengeance shirt. "I like...a lot of music, but metal...is euphoric."

Souvenir has posed:
"And yeah, grass is alive, so I can't read it. Sheets are full of child labor and laundry." She nods, "Awesome. We have like, two pop stars and a goth. See? Doing great."

Isotope has posed:
     "Makes sense, last thing you want on your mind is knowing you messed up your own sheets in the wash, then living through it again and again."

  Brian gives a good chuckle at the comment though, following up. "We should make a terrible netflix sitcom, a guy, a girl, two pop stars, and a goth. Such WACKY adventures!"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir smirks. "You forgot the supersoldier assassin. And there's a couple others." She finishes lunch and goes to clean up.

"What are you off to do next, anyways? You probably need to ask Sam for range time, staff is spooked with the killer robots out there right now. But I don't know anything about that, I've never done. Maybe Rahne would know, listen for the impenetrable accent. She knows stuff too. Not about fireworks maybe, but whatever."

Isotope has posed:
     "Uhh, I have no idea..." He grabs at his schedule, folding it open and reading. "Physics 201 with...McCoy? Wait, no, it's not...THAT McCoy, right?" Brian was in advanced classes, but he knew only of one Dr. McCoy, he'd seen a TED talk with him concerning mutants and the field of sciences.

Souvenir has posed:
"It is totally that McCoy."

Erika Kristasdottir grins. "Some of the teachers are crazy badass. Take advantage of it. I need to get to a practice session. Rabbits out of hats and all. I'll catch up with later, okay?"

Isotope has posed:
     Brian gives a nod. "I gotta...grab something from my stuff, I wanna see if he'd sign." He didn't say exactly what it was, but it was a copy on a thesis that he read of Dr. McCoy's. "Take it easy, Erika." He says, grabbing his tray and scurrying to bus it, and run to the boy dorms.