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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/03/08 |Location=Xavier's School, Westchester, New York |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1790,7657 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'...")
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Latest revision as of 22:03, 13 May 2019

Date of Scene: 08 March 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rage, Isotope

Rage has posed:
It's a beautiful afternoon and Andrea is currently taking advantage of it by sitting on a bench in the backyard, strumming along her guitar. She is singing along to Fleetwood Mac's Landslide, working on some of her vocals and chords. For a popstar, she has a powerful voice, one that doesn't need the touch of a autotune or music magic, which may surprise those who hear her on the radio. For now, she is just enjoying the solitude as her fingers pluck away at the strings.

Isotope has posed:
     Brian had been on a walk around the grounds, lately he hasn't been able to get enough of the sun, basking in it all he can. While he walks he hears a voice carrying a lovely tune. "Well, I've been, 'fraid of chaangin' cause I've built my life around you~." He sings aloud with the song, it made him happy. His voice was decent, not a pop star, but definitely not tone deaf.

  Brian keeps walking down the path, soon getting close to Andrea. "I prefer The Chain, but Landslide is my mom's favorite."

Rage has posed:
Spying Brian approaching, Andrea's ears give a bit of a mental perk as she catches him singing. She smiles through the last few lyrics of the song before her fingers come to a rest. She continues to rock slowly side to side on the bench as her tilts her head upwards thoughtfully. "Listen to the wind bloooow... watch the sun rise. Run in the shadows! Damn your love, damn your lies!" Now her fingers start to play through the chorus, foot tapping away in that methodical beat. "And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again! I can still hear you saying, you would never break the chain."

Isotope has posed:
     "And if you don't love me now~" Brian adds in, trying best to harmonize with Andrea. "Never break the chain."

  His smile grows wider and warmer, not having expected the song following. "That was beautiful." He comments, giving a soft but heartfelt clap.

Rage has posed:
Once the song comes to an end, Andrea blows some bangs away from her face. "Thanks. You aren't too shabby either. Just gotta open up that throat of yours to find some power in there." She puts the guitar to the side, shifting over to make room on the bench for him. "My mother loved the oldies and I grew up on them. I'm in love with those old bands like Journey or Chicago.. Guns and Roses, Metallica, Fleetwood.. Benetar."

"So, how're you doing? You fitting in okay? Maknig friends? I know Scott mentioned having us work together, maybe slip you into team exercises if you're up for it. It's pretty fun."

Isotope has posed:
     "I could do a pretty alright karaoke." He says with a chuckle, taking a seat next to Andrea.

  Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Brian responds. "It's not the fitting in that's hard, it's the powers that's tough." He had been spending a good amount of time in the range that Scott had showed him, so far he hasn't caused too much damage to the school.

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, it's tough for everyone. It's why you're here, to become a pro blaster. So, what is it that you shoot out? Fire? Radiation?" Andrea asks as she shifts herself a bit to face him. "I don't think I've seen your powers in action yet but I heard you can fire stuff from your hands."

Isotope has posed:
     Brian takes another moment, trying to put words to what he saw. "It's energy of some kind. Looks like a green laser, but it waves, kinda like the Ghostbusters' packs shoot. And it's not just light either. It does look kinda radioactive, but if it had been, the feds would have been all over my high school."

Rage has posed:
"I think before you get too crazy with the powers, we should see if Doctor McCoy can figure out /what/ type of energy it is, just so that we can get a good feel of how to best use it, outside of blowing things up. You may even find some non-offensive uses for it if possible. That and just to make sure there is no weird long term health or side effects." Andrea says as she folds one knee over the other. "Control is always the most fun, but also most scary part of figuring your powers out. At times you really wanna push yourself and cut loose, but then sometimes you're like .. oh god.. I think I just blew up the swimming pool or something."

Isotope has posed:
     "Or blowing up the gym." He adds. "Again." The thought of which really was bad. Brian looks to Andrea. "I finally got them back, my powers. But no-" As he was gesturing with his right hand, Brian's energy makes itself known, sending a beam through the sky. "SHIT!"

  The teen looks worried, like he just broke a huge rule.

Rage has posed:
Tilting her head upwards as he fires off a beam, Andrea lets out a low hum. "So, what caused that? Did you think of something in particular? What kind of emotion was going through your head?" She asks, not seeming very worried, unless of course a bird hits the ground ... or a plane.

Isotope has posed:
     "Thats the thing. I wasn't thinking about anything, just having a conversation. I wasn't angry or happy or sad." It's true enough, for Brian at least.

  "It happened when I was practicing too, almost hit Mr. Summers. And it feels like I'm getting worse over time."

Rage has posed:
"Huh. Well .. all powers have a trigger. So, with practice you will find yours. It hasn't gone off while you've been asleep, right? We don't gotta worry about you nuking the dorms if you have a bad dream?" Andrea asks curiously, though there is some true concern in her voice.

Isotope has posed:
     "It's a lot like flexing a muscle. But sometimes it can go off when I'm not trying too, and it hasn't happened at night yet. But I don't know if it will or not."

  He leans down on his knees, looking to the ground. "It kinda sucks, but at least it's not like the last time."

Rage has posed:
"It doesn't suck. It's just something we all gotta figure out. Your powers is an extension of you. Just like your arms and legs." Andrea assures him with a grin. "You just gotta practice, practice, practice, and at some point those bad days will be way behind you."

Isotope has posed:
     Brian's blue eyes look to his hands, just sighing. "Correct. But I think it's more than just that, I feel."

  "But you know, it's just a theory. I have to confer with Dr. McCoy." He'd looked up to the Doctor for a while now, having gone to a symposium and read some of his texts on Mutant Theory.

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, Doctor McCoy is pretty cool when he's in a good mood. I'm sure he'd love to figure out what makes you tick and then help you become awesome." Andrea says as she picks up her guitar and then rises to her feet. "I'm going to get some homework done. Wanna get dinner with some of us tomorrow?"

Isotope has posed:
     Brian nods, standing up with Andrea. "Sure, I'll be there." He offers, another small smile. "If you ever want to jam, lemme know. It's good to know there's someone else who likes to sing around here. Even if they're a former Disney star." He says with a wink, knowing full well who she was. "Know any Stevie Ray Vaughan?"

Rage has posed:
"I don't know any of his songs, but the name is familiar. But yeah, I'd love to jam out with you. You should meet Mason also. The other popstar here. But his music is more dark and moody. I think it's more rock than pop these days." Andrea admits, giving him a grin. "But yeah, we'll see you for dinner then, after, we can get some practice." She says as she starts off. "See ya later dude."

Isotope has posed:
     Brian nods, giving the peace sign to Andrea. "Sounds groovy." He says, putting his hands in his jeans and keeping on his outdoors walk.