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Latest revision as of 22:47, 13 May 2019

Janet's Continuing Convalescence
Date of Scene: 09 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Carol visits Janet in her recuperation at the penthouse
Cast of Characters: Wasp (van Dyne), Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet's in her penthouse, technically on 'recovery' time still. It's not lavishly appointed, though it's an embarassment of square footage and high windows. Very sleek and modern, with few corners or sharp edges in sight. She sits on the black chaise lounge in her living room where the sunlight is best. She's curled around her big sketchpad with a piece of charcoal in her hand. Her garb is simple, a dark long-sleeved men's blouse that is too well fit to be actually 'borrowed' and close-fitting jeans.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
It was only a matter of time until Carol would manage to clear enough time to go see how her friend was doing, after all, she wasn't heartless. "Janet...?" She asks while knocking on the door, "can I come in? Just dropped by to see you're doing fine and have all the champagne you might need..." was champagne part of a recovery process?

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Carol's on the masterkey for the house. The AI recognizes her face and unlocks the door so she can shoulder her way in. Janet turns, craning her neck, and beams happily at Carol. "I don't think there's such a thing as 'enough' champagne. C'mon in!" She sets aside her sketchbook and reaches for a tall slender glass with ice in it. The tiny straws are clamped between her teeth and she sips from it. "I've got a batch of mojitos made unless you're really craving some bubbly," she tells Carol. "Come sit! Whatcha up to?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol walks in, calling out after Janet, "didn't realize you were high tech like Tony, nice touch." She's dressed casually, wouldn't be right to visit a friend dressed officially and all. "So you're back in working order I see?" Carol has a warm smile on her lips, glad to see Janet isn't bed ridden or anything as bad. "Mojitos will do nicely."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet gets to her feet and winces just a little. "You really need to come down to my design studio," she tells Carol. A palm rests on her hip for a little pressure to relieve the pain. "I've got all the cool AR stuff and rendering environments. We do so much work with computer models these days, it saves a fortune on design costs."

She heads to the kitchen and pours Carol a drink. Ice clinks into the tall glass and she muddles some fresh mint into it. "I'm doing OK. Steve gave me a dance lesson last night and I was flexing more than I'm supposed to. Doctor said I'd have sore skin the next day if I overdid it."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Your design studio...?" Carol muses, before looking down at herself, "is that a genuine invite, or your way of telling me my fashion sense suck and I need something good made by your hand?"

"Dance lessons with Steve? I didn't know he fancied you that much," Carol grins, "congratulations. So, was it ball room dancing? Classic styles?" She asks, before noting, "that guy who shot at you, I talked to him, he claims he wasn't in control of himself and apologized...just fyi."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"It can be both!" Jan teases. She laughs at Carol. "Honey I love you, but you dress like you're gonna go home and watch football after work. You're spending too much time socializing with Rhodey and Steve. We need to get you in something cute, like a skirt or a gown or something. You'll feel like a new woman."

She hops onto the counter (it takes a little work and sits comfortably, folding her ankles under her knees. The more relevant topic of conversation is probably the recently freed scientist. So of course, Janet says: "Have you not heard? Steve's 'courting' me," she says, a little smugly. "I mean, he's *going* to court me. He hasn't like, said, y'know, those words exactly, but y'know, we've gone on a few dates. I've seen molasses put moves on a girl faster than Steve does," she remarks, with a tolerant eyeroll.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I had a feeling..." Carol says with a grin that suggests she's taking it in good spirits. "I do like hanging out with the guys," Carol admits, looking at herself again and then back at Janet, "...maybe you have a point," she just barely concedes that much, not entirely agreeing perhaps, but not about to argue with a recovering Janet.

"Oooh? Steve's courting you? That's about as official as it gets, doesn't it? How is he doing so far?" Carol asks, laughing a bit at the very formal approach. "Hey, you want to work with Steve, you better get used to 1920s standards."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"He's all over the map," Janet complains. "I don't know if I'm being gamed or if he's *really* just that weird about it. He goes in these big swings between dropping this hot-ass Irish accent and making those *eyes* and *dimples* at me to..." She bites her lips and swings a lazy, weak punch at Carol's shoulder. "'Oh hey there, slugger'," she quips, poorly imitating Cap's voice.

"Anyway. Bitch bitch, moan moan, the usual. What about the guy who ruined one of my favorite suits, is he OK?" she asks of the rescued scientist. "Have you gotten any good intel from him yet?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I'm...not sure how well I can relate," Carol offers in a muted tone of voice, until Janet gets more into it and gives as well as can be expected imitation, leading to Carol laughing and patting Janet on the shoulder, "well, you must be brave dear! Any day now," she winks, before having her drink.

"Goes by Johne Doe because he honestly doesn't remember his name, or much at all, we think he's a test subject rather than a scientist..." she then frowns and notes, "speaking of which, I really should go see the X-Men, see if they can get us a telepath to help investigate this guy...good to have connections, eh?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Those kids up north?" Janet shakes her head, smiling. "I guess some of them are OK but it's just, like, I don't even know if I could deal with high school again. Even as a teacher. I was in boarding schools and let me tell you, some of them were brutal." She picks up her phone. "Listen, stay a bit! I'll order some food and we can get dinner, catch up, hang out. Watch something trashy on Amazon," she offers. "It's been a while since we did any quality gal time!" With that she sets about an evening of low-key fun with Carol, enjoying the aviatrix' company as they catch up.