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Latest revision as of 00:34, 14 May 2019

X-23 isn't your average student
Date of Scene: 15 March 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: X-23, Cyclops

X-23 has posed:
Laura is...confused. What seems very clear to her is not clear to other people, and Andrea seems troubled over her decision. Nonetheless, she made Laura promise she'd talk to Scott, and so now the brunette girl comes to do exactly that. With her sense of smell, she more or less has Google Maps for "where is person X", and she follows the scent trail to find the school's headmaster.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott's office for his position isn't where the headmaster's office would be, but that's because he's not the headmaster, Scott is simply a geometry teacher, while being the leader of the x-men, that would be a heavy burden to do both. Laura would find his office easily enough and Scott is sitting at his desk with a blank look on his face as he holds a red pen in one hand. Yeah, the teacher is actually grading in the down time between his classes. Sentinels could attack at any moment and he's doing busy work, or at least he's doing work others would call busy. This is important to the x-man.

    Scott looks up with the red lensed sunglasses between him and the world, and he gives a curious eyebrow lift to Laura as he leans back and sets the pen down. "Laura, this is a surprise." He says, not really getting much one on one time with the girl.

X-23 has posed:
    Laura takes a step in. "Mister Summers." She's really only had one real interaction with Scott before, and that was more because of his ties to Jean than anything else. The girl looks over. "I made a promise to speak with you regarding a matter. I am here to do that. Do you have a few minutes?" Her speech patterns are very formal, very precise.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott remains seated but reaches over to press the power button on his tablet that was set before the papers, something he had on to help him pass the time. He then sets it screen down in a show to emphasize his words. "Certainly. What is troubling you Laura?" Scott inquires.

X-23 has posed:
    "I am not certain how much regarding my background has been entered into school records." She's only really told details to Jean and Logan...and Logan's not much of a note guy. "But I spent too much of my upbringing blindly following the rules of the Facility, to my detriment and the detriment of others."

    She hesitates a moment, then says "I am unwilling to do that again. If there are rules put in place that I feel I must question or disobey, then I must do so. I cannot agree with the "curfew rule" that has been put into place. And I will not follow it." she says, making it a simple statement of fact, not any kind of teen rebellion.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott's head tilts forwards slightly as he catches himself from putting his face in his palms. "Laura, I have skimmed your info, you're an exceptional case, and a more delicate one than any of us might realize." Scott says as he's trying to show that he does understand where she's coming from.

    "Now you're certainly more than capable of handling yourself in most situations, I can't deny." Scott reiterates, but allows the girl to speak should she wish.

X-23 has posed:
    Laura nods. "I am more combat capable than many students at this institute. And, if we are to be honest, more than many of the adults. I spent sixteen years being trained as a Weapon. Miss Grey realized this when she added me to the classes. It is why she designated me as a "Special Student". What I need is social expertise. Not power training. Not combat experience."

    "When we have an enemy in the field, and there is a need for active resistance, offense, and protection of others, I am better suited to being in the field than "protected" behind these walls. My presence could make the difference between innocent lives being saved or lost. I do not mean this as a challenge to you. I spent many years with no moral compass, only following orders. Now that I have one...I cannot just ignore it."

Cyclops has posed:
    "You come to me telling me you don't need combat experience, which I will agree, you're far more trained than most people I know, but you say you need social expertise, which by this conversation I wouldn't disagree with, you're not very teenage like at all." Scott notes as he leans back, dropping his hands to the armrests and watches Laura closely, "You aim to achieve being like your fellow students by not being expected to follow the rules like your fellow students?" Scott inquires rhetorically.

X-23 has posed:
    "I think that blending in socially is less important than saving lives, Mr. Summers. My...socialization...can happen at whatever pace it needs to happen. But..." She hesitates, trying to think of the right phrase. "Making sure as many people come through this in as good a condition as they can takes priority over me learning the right teenage slang and emojis."

    "Miss Grey said when I arrived that I was an unusual case. Neither quite full student nor full X-Man. I am not doing this to ask your permission, Mr. Summers. One way or the other, I /am/ going to protect as many people as I can. And do everything in my power to try to defeat our enemies. I would rather do that with your blessing. But if we cannot agree on the issue, I will take my things, find my own way, and do everything I can. If that occurs, when the crisis is past, I will return to the school if I am welcome. And if I am not, then I will still find my own way. But I will have no more innocent blood on my hands when I could have prevented it."

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott sighs softly, "Okay. You're still a student, but you aren't --" Scott blinks a few times as he didn't know she knew about the x-men, but it seems she does, "With that in mind, I'd like you to try and follow the rules where you can, the x-men and I are working as much as we can with others to protect as many mutants as we can. The curfew was put into place to prevent students from leading the robots back to the school and getting others hurt. That is something I'm sure you can understand. I wont stop you from doing what you feel is right, but realize we set these rules to protect as many as we can." Scott explains before he continues, "Since you seem to know quite a bit, I'm going to promote you to x-man status, but I need you to keep it quiet, you will be someone I can rely on, yes?"

X-23 has posed:
    Laura listens, carefully. "I will not lead anyone back to the school. I have expertise in avoiding trails, and I would die before risking the safety of others here at the school." She seems a touch surprised at the status change, and she nods. "I am dependable, and I have battlefield experience. You may rely on me."

    There's a pause, and after it, she tilts her head, a little quizzically, and adds "Thank you. I...did not expect this to be productive."

Cyclops has posed:
    "The curfew was initiated because of people like Erika, not you Laura, I do expect you to be smarter than the others, but do me a favor, don't openly rebel. If you must, make sure no one else knows about it. Not even the teachers." Scott says, tapping his nose with his finger. Before she can leave however, Scott notes, "Laura, this is not why you're at this school, and I'm tenative about this arrangement, I worry about how it will affect you emotionally."

X-23 has posed:
    Laura nods in agreement to the first part, and then, for the first time, looks away from him when he says the last. "I...before I came to speak with you, I told Andrea I was leaving. I had already resigned myself to that. It was all very clear to me. And...she did not understand. She said if I cared, I would stay."

    She swallows hard. "I was leaving because I cared. Because I could do more for her and for everyone by leaving. I...do not understand emotions. Not like other people do. They were a liability. The Facility did not encourage them." It's the first honest emotion she's shown in here, as there's a little bit of unfallen tears in her eyes. "I may never understand what it is to react like other people do. I may never understand what family is really like. But fighting, and beating our enemies? I can do /that/."

Cyclops has posed:
    "Like I said Laura, that's not what you're here for. Just because you can and because it's easy, doesn't mean that is all you're good for. We're here to help you be a mutant in the world, not be your mutation in the world." Scott replies, seeing the tears, but letting her have them. She needs them. "Now, in the worst case senario, who do you think I'd rather have at the mansion than out on the streets?" Scott asks, rhetorically again, hinting that the answer is her.

X-23 has posed:
    The girl replies "I will do what I can. To help. If you want to use me tactically, I am happy to do so. If not, I will work on my own as best I can. But I think I would be more effective working with you." She rubs at her eyes, one annoyed swipe taking those tears. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Summers. I won't use up more of it."

Cyclops has posed:
    "You're welcome any time Laura. You will not be alone, you will be with us, and really, it's important, don't tell anyone not on the team. It's not something we talk about." Scott says before he lifts his tablet back up and turns it back on before going back to grading his papers.