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Latest revision as of 00:54, 14 May 2019

LexHub: Status Updates
Date of Scene: 17 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Lex brings Arella in on the secretive Project LexHub
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Arella Despana

Lex Luthor has posed:
Even with the arrangement made, Lex has not been keeping Arella under lock and key. He is in fact been keeping somewhat hands off with her learning process, though he has been on hand during particularly nuanced work or social calls so Arella can be talked through Earth culture.

All in all, there's a distinct lack of treating Arella like a prisoner, and much more like a monitored guest. At least outwardly. In truth, Lex has been monitoring Arella from a distance when he can't be there himself, mostly. He can't keep her under observation 24/7, but as he goes about managing the Corporate Empire of LexCorp, he at least has Mercy or Hope giving him updates about her.

Tonight though, something changed: Arella has been 'requested' out to one of the factories out on the outskirts of Metropolis. There's very little out that way except that factory, either.

The factory itself is shut down for the day, except for a skeleton crew for the night shift. Team Luthor is out in force though; at least a dozen guards can be seen patrolling the large parking lot outside the factory, and along the perimeter... and it's easy to see why. Lex Luthor is standing against his armored Limo in the parking lot, Hope and Mercy flanking him to either side as he works from his VR enabled tablet.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella shows up dressed in normal civilian clothing. Jeans and a tank top with a button shirt. It's smart casual. She figures Lex wont mind since it is after hours. "You certainly work some long hours. I used to work in marathon sessions and then crash hard at their end," Arella says smiling. Anyone with experience dealing with Svartalfar would find this expression on her face to be unusual.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I don't normally work this late, but I'm making an exception for tonight for a number of reasons." Lex states in explanation as he takes off the VR headset and puts both it and the tablet into the backseat of his Limo. When the LexCorp driver carrying Arella to the site looks to Lex, he gives a nod, and the driver leaves... the gate being opened for the car.

"Follow me." Lex orders as he heads towards the factory entrance. "What you're about to see is a closely guarded secret. All my employees working on this are under strict NDAs, with many of them living on site for security purposes." Lex continues as they head inside.

Within is what anyone would reasonably expect; a production line for whatever product LexCorp is building out here. Electronics, judging by the circuit board presses. "This factory is a front for the most part, but I did have it built specifically to be adaptable enough to produce components for the real reason this factory was placed all the way out here."

Eventually, the four reach the control room for the factory... and a picture frame is twisted to the right. One of the computer banks slides upward, revealing what looks like a cargo elevator hidden behind it.

"After you." A hand gives an invitation inside.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella follows, "A real reason?" She is silent through the exposition. Her large green eyes are unreadable though they are usually expressive. "Ah the plot thickens. Is not that the expression?" she strides forward with catlike grace.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Stepping inside just after Arella does, Lex moves to the center of the elevator, with Hope and Mercy just in front and to the sides. Hope being on the control panel side, hits one of the only buttons on the elevator, and the cargo doors slowly shut in front of them, before they starts to head down.

And down.

And down.

One minute.... two minutes... Lex is silent for the moment as they go.

Arella Despana has posed:
"I need to ask - why did you choose to 'save' me? after a fashion." Arella might have asked something similar before. And the 'real' answer might be impending.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"When I originally heard about you, I was just going to monitor you. Then I heard about what you claimed to be." Lex states without looking towards her, "I meant it when I said you're an example of an alien that might actually be able to integrate into our society, and you don't hold yourself above us. The Alien that people call Superman stagnates humanity, and he holds himself above us in every way that counts." Lex grunts then as the cargo elevator slowly comes to a stop. "He pretends he's God above us with all that power he wields just from being born, and manipulates the world into thinking he's a hero, when all he is is a powerful manipulator."

The door starts to slowly open, "I'm one of the few humans who sees through the act... and I want to show him an alien who cares about our society, not just manipulating it."

When the door opens, Arella can see a /MASSIVE/ chamber from up above; the elevator apparently stopped at the top catwalk sections. Massive machines, wires, cables, and what is probably hundreds of people in various technical setups going through an orderly maze of blue, white, and grey.

He steps just outside the elevator and onto the catwalk, and gives a gesture over the massive underground complex. "Welcome to Project LexHub. LexCorps first attempt at a corporate space station."

Arella Despana has posed:
"That's alot of confidence. In truth I'd only hold myself to be the Earth's worst war criminal. Though all my crimes are off world. If we can be honest with eachother - I don't intend to lie about how awful I was some five thousand years ago. I cannot atone for it. But I can do something better here. This 'Superman' is infantalising humanity you think?"

"Space Station? A 'private' one?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"There are other organizations with their own space stations... but I have no interest in waiting for permission or capacity on rockets from others when I can just send our own payloads up to our own station. There are plenty of research opportunities that are only possible in Zero-G, and plenty of money in exploring our solar system and being the first to claim resources." Lex starts to walk along the catwalk, heading to what looks like a room built into the ceiling off to the left. His hands remain at his back as he continues, "Military stations are well and fine. Protective stations are well and fine."

Lex side glances to Arella, "It's time we started to think of the economic benefit of going into space, and the necessity of building shuttles and ships up in space so we are no longer reliant on rocketry, or outsiders."

Arella Despana has posed:
"A space station in orbit? Travelling how far out - solar systems - stars. We can do much if not all. It will be harder with human physiology. And I was a cyberneticist. I could make more space worthy humans..." Arella shrugs. "I like this it is simple. But I suspect there is more to it. What do you want to do out there? Mining. Diplomacy. Exploration?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
As they arrive at the control booth, the grey double doors automatically open to both sides, revealing a state-of-the-art control center with a hologram suite in the center. The four technicians overseeing the project look up from their chairs as Lex steps inside... but the project lead is the one who speaks, "Sir, the problem with the reactor is still ongoing, but my engineers assure me it's just a matter of finding the right frequency." Lex gives a dismissive wave, along with a nod, and the crew gets back up work with their headsets on.

He steps into the hologram area, and a detailed approximation of the station -along with the surrounding space- comes up.

Lex waves a gesturing hand over it, "The core design is mostly complete, and will be simple at first. My interest lies in steady progression based on needs. Currently, our needs are simple; get up into space, and build enough life support and quarters for a crew to stay up there long enough to build our teleportation hub."

He looks to Arella, then, "The Alien stagnates humanity, encourages us to rely on him for our security and protective needs. We don't need anyone to protect us. Everything I do is to ensure Earth will reach it's potential, without outside influences."

Arella Despana has posed:
"Crew quarters - very logistically oriented. Humans belong in space - I can say as much. Simply because it is so boring and they are so interesting. But it is an inforgivagle amount of work. And the Earth is invaded with Supermen determined to make it easy. On arrival I was popular I think simply because the wrong heros hated me."

Arella scratches her pointy ear, "I feel like fashion with you in a similar manner. Thor hates me because he heard I created tech that murdered Billions. I killed Trillions with my tech and I hate myself for it. What can I do that will ameliorate my self hatred here? Space travel?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"By that logic, Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi should be the most hated people in human history for creating the atomic bomb; a weapon that killed millions in world war 2." Lex points out, "Instead, they were labelled as saviors of the allies." Lex brings up a hand and starts to 'fiddle' with the modules in the hologram, opening the station up a bit to allow the interconnections to be seen, "It's taken us over a year to design this. NASA is crippled, and I don't want to rely on anyone but ourselves for doing this. Too many competitors and enemies who would see this complex as a bombing target."

He shakes his head, "No, Thor is a blunt instrument entirely too bound to his own culture to see the bigger picture. Most humans are too short sighted to see the path the UN wants us to take will only lead to misery." Lex brings up the main hub in one hand, the hologram following his fingers, "The only thing still missing is a reliable means of teleporting personnel and material up there... but I'm working on that."

Arella Despana has posed:
"I understand more than you would credit me with. My worries are much more personal. The allies turned their war victory into something... hollow and pathetic. You made the moon but nothing beyond? You /just/ wanty a human space initriative?" Arella has to ask. "And that is all from me?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"They wanted the war done and over with, and didn't realize the cost. The Japanese people were a prideful, stubborn lot in that era. They refused to lose gracefully. In the end, I can't really blame them for not realizing the scope of what they were doing, and the cost of continuing the war." Lex points out, before he turns to regard Arella. "Right now, I'm interested in seeing what you can do for LexHub. Let's start there, and see where we go."