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Twin Lightning Bolts
Date of Scene: 18 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Macic lightning transforms, and attracts magical attention.
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel Jr., Shazam, Amethyst

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy usually stops by the basketball courts on his way home from school. He takes a few shots at the hoops, though with the crutch in his right hand and a lame right leg it is awkward...to say the least. Hopefully the gang of lowlifes and dropouts he encountered the last time he was here are elsewhere today...using his powers to defend himself from norml people just feels wrong, they are meant for greater things...and Freddy is too stubborn to use them unless he has tried doing things without them. He may be lame, in the physical sense, but that is no reason to be lame in the sense of worthless.

Shazam has posed:
     Billy always loved to get out of school. This was no exception, the boy in the red shirt with yellow ringers was halfway out the door by the time the bell finished ringing.

  Of course, he'd meet his buddy Freddy on the court, smiling as he made his way up to the crutched lad. "Hey, Freddy!" He calls out, waving his arm high to his friend.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy shoots the ball, it bounces off the backboard and the side of the hoop before landing inside. He says, "Hey Billy! Want to get together to work on the math assignment? It looks a bit tough." Well, it is more an excuse to get Billy to come over to eat dinner without ruffeling his pride or disturbing the house parents...Freddy can probably handle the math.

Shazam has posed:
     Billy gives a smile, and nods. "Sure! I really don't like these binomial functions. Algebra sucks." He was oftentimes tempted to use the wisdom of Solomon on his homework, but even the ghost of the Wizard would not approve.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy limps to where the ball is and picks it up with a bit of effort, then heads over to his bag is. He puts down the ball, slings the bag over his shoulder, and then awkwardly picks the ball up again, "You would be surprised how useful calculating trajectories is in ball sports, though most ball players do it by instinct or practice." He walks over by billy and drops his voice, "Did the wizard tell you about our side deal?"

Shazam has posed:
     "I can kinda figure it out on my own. But to put it on paper, yeesh." He admits, blushing just a little. Once Freddy gets close to him though, he looks a little serious. "Well, not really now that I think about it." He responds.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy says, "Well it is like this, a really bad guy called Zonuz was about to escape his prison, which was kind of in a limbo place outside of Space and Time on the other side of this thing called the Source Wall. The Wizard was able to keep him busy for a while, but needed a way to bind his power away from him so he can not use it. He chose me as...kind of a living prison I guess. I had to go cut a deal with some powers to help anchor the magic...and so now I am kind of like you are, but not the same powers..."

Shazam has posed:
     Billy listens intently, pretty interesting the story of how he came to be. "Well, I'm glad to have you on my team!" He says, complete with his warm smile. "If you ever need me, you know who to call."

  "So, this Zonuz guy, how bad is he? Like Black Adam bad or like Darkseid bad?" He kinda knew the answer, but he still wanted to be sure.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy chuckles, "Let me put it this way, he is Darkseid's father and thinks of worlds as a nutrition supplement." Well, not exactly, but he thinks little about stealing all the life energy of a world to power his own abilities. His biggest flaw is that he apparently needs an outside source of power, which is why he was trying to steal the power of the Wizard when Freddy entered the scene and kicked his tail.

Shazam has posed:
     Billy looks to Freddy in astonishment. "Ok, that was much more than I expected." He offers, putting his hand to his chin. "So, how big do you get?" He asks, curious about his new cohort.

  He looks around, making sure that no one would see. Before long he shouts. "SHAZAM!" A bolt of lightning striking down at Billy, and leaving Captain Marvel in its wake.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy knows what Billy is doing and echos him, "Shazam!" His lighning bolt only a moment behind Billy's as he is transformed. He is similar to size and build to Captain Marvel, though his uniform has a blue body suit and a considerably different style. He adds, "I chose to go by Pantheon, to avoid any confusion."

Shazam has posed:
     "Hehe, I thought you could be Captain Marvel Junior." He says with a laugh. Even to him it sounded lame. "Oh yeah, he made you a lot like me!" He says, looking over Freddy's uniform. "You even have the lightning bolt!"

  "Even the same word!" He grins, he still loved to be Captain Marvel, what kid wouldn't be jazzed to be a superhero?

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Pantheon hugs Captain Marvel, "The word works, I am not knocking it. At least as Pantheon, I can say my own name without complications. I have some power you do not, and lack some you have. We are roughly equal, but not the same. Why, if I was Captain Margel Junior, I might even wind up stealing energy from you to emmpower myself. That could cause trouble if ever you were fighting an equal." It would be silly not to be able to speak your own name as a hero, in Freddy's opinion.

Amethyst has posed:
Sensing a ping of magic from another neighborhood, Amethyst-Gemworld's Lord of Order hustles towards the magic burst hopeful and curious. One of the newer additions to the Justice League, the princess has been working hard to prove her ability on Earth. Approaching the two men she slows from her run with a confused expression. Looking about, the purple and gold clad warrior lifts a brow. "Where is the trouble? I sensed a sudden burst of magic." She says briskly and looks at the obvious superhero gear before inspecting the neighborhood around them for trouble.

Shazam has posed:
     Billy gives Pantheon a mighty hug, one that would crush lesser beings. "Yeah, that could SUCK if you couldn't say your own name." He adds in, looking to the left for some reason. "Glad I don't have that problem!"

  Once Amethyst arrives, Captain Marvel straightens up and clears his throat. "N-no trouble here! Nope!" He says, scuffing his foot on the basketball court. "Just...two guys playing basketball, in capes, and superhero uniforms with lightning in their chests."

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy laughs, "You can feel the magic about her as easily as I can I would think, Captain Marvel. Actually, we are two Champions of Order Magic who were comparing notes. I sense a strong presence of order magic about you as well, something inborn I would think." Freddy has dofferent abilities in many ways, such as the ability to sense the spirit within others. It has its uses, and ists limits.

Amethyst has posed:
"Oh. I felt that surge and thought Chaos..." Amethyst trails off looking between the two men. "Nevermind." She laughs a little and strides over purposefully, extending a hand to clasp arms. "Amethyst, Lord of Order of Gemworld." She offers to the champions as she studies their faces. "I don't know that I have heard about or seen either of you before." She admits. "What do you go by?" Her tone is brisk, business-like as the warrior princess joins the two of them.

Shazam has posed:
     Captain Marvel gives a nod to Pantheon. "Yes, Order Magic." He shakes a hand with Amethyst, smiling. "I'm Captain Marvel." He says, looking to Freddy. "And my friend here." He decides that Pantheon should introduce himself, lest he steal his thunder.

  "I think The Flash mentioned your name before when I was on the Watchtower not too long ago."

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy nods, the champion spell may be hidden when he is in his human form, but when he calls upon it's power by speaking the title of the Wizard, well it is a power that can shake the world. He is not surprised it can be sensed by a lord of order who is anywhere on the planet. He says, "I have chosen the name Pantheon, one has to call oneself SOMETHING, and it was the first appropriate name I came up with that was not taken." So many heroes (and villains) in the world, so many names alredy used, it is better not to cause trouble by picking the same name as someone else is using. He takes the offered hand...letting Ate guide him in the appropriate amount of firce to use. When you are immesurably strong, it can be hard to judge these things. Freddy is learning, but he is glad of the guidance.

Amethyst has posed:
Shaking hands, Amethyst nods. "Captain Marvel and Pantheon. Good names. Really? The Flash? Cool." She grins crookedly for a moment before resting her hand on the pommel of her sword. "You've been to the Watchtower? Then we're teammates. I joined the Justice League not too long ago formally. This isn't my world, but it's no excuse to sit idly while I'm here." She tells the two in a chatty tone.

Shazam has posed:
     "I was...away for a while. Things I had to take care of." He says, which is why he had been gone from the Watchtower for a time.

  Captain Marvel looks to Pantheon and nods. "Someone once told me there was another Captain Marvel...but we are totally different."

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy says, "I was recently at the Watchtower mysef, I expect to be called back there soon, the case we were involved in was not exactly resolved. Mind, I was just a guest, not a member." He is not sure how much detail he should go into on that situation, though he had a significant part in what was done so far to resolve it.

Amethyst has posed:
"Oh, I see. Well, good that you were there I suppose. Two champions of Order, how unexpected. Your Lord of Order hasn't been around much that I can tell, Earth's-I mean. It's a good thing the Earth has you." She looks at Captain Marvel curiously. "Oooh, I'd thought you were supposed to be a girl-that makes more sense now." She notes and looks between the two as they describe their involvement in something mysteriously.

Shazam has posed:
     "Yeah, that's the one. Much different than me though." He says in regards of the other Captain Marvel. "Anyway, I'm glad to have met you, Amethyst. Looking forward to working with you."

  Some of the League knew he was not the man, but a teen with tremendous power. "And my friend here, I'm looking forward to working with him too."

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy agrees, "It will be a pleasure working with you, when the situation arises, Amethyst." The league knows little about Freddy, but given their similarities and that Billy suggested him, they may usmise much. He concentrates a moment and vanishes like a shadow someone has shown a light on. Billy knows Freddy is likely to have headed home...and Amethyst will sense the transformation spell as he turns back (but will likely lose track after that).