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Latest revision as of 01:18, 14 May 2019

A reference, and some questions
Date of Scene: 21 March 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nine, Scarlet Spider

Nine has posed:
Nine's unlicensed operation is based out of Brooklyn Heights. He's been lucky enough to score a reasonably sized apartment with a large underground garage, both of which have been highly privatized. His clinic is based out of the apartment, while his more intense scientific projects take place in the basement.

He doesn't sleep in the strictest sense, so it's no surprise to find him awake and slightly rumpled from multiple hours of research and note taking. All the same, the doctor is still sharply dressed; his slacks are slate grey, as is the jacket that's thrown over the back of his desk chair. As always, he wears a crisp, white shirt and a narrow black tie, though the latter has been loosened in deference to his long hours. Presently, he's leaned over a laptop computer with his eyes fixed on long, long blocks of text written in nearly undecipherable medical gibberish.

His desk is situated near the back of a long, rectangular living area that includes a modest kitchen. The only other notable piece of furniture is a couch that has been draped with a clean sheet. A closet next to the door is cracked open, revealing glimpses of bandages, ointments, and other medical supplies.

Someone values their privacy. The front door is protected by a shotgun wired to fire if the knob is pulled back more than a few inches. The window behind Nine's desk has been protected by a claymore mine with the words 'FRONT TOWARD ENEMY' cheerfully facing the glass.

Other than the defenses, there's little of note about the combined living/work space. The carpet is shabby, short-knapped, and there are more than a few stains that look an awful lot like blood. The wallpaper is peeling at the corners. Other than that, the place is very clean and remarkably spartan; there isn't a single personal effect, photo, or knickknack in sight.

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     Scarlet Spider managed to steal a card, and that's why he is here today. Nine knows this is done, but during their talks, Scarlet makes it clear this isn't a talk about ethics. The black armored spider walks into theoffice. Those whie eyes shift and squint a little bit, "I need answers. Your research on cloning. Too many of them are running around these days. Too much unpredictability," he says. All of this is true. Well, he doens't know an exact numbers on the clones. However, personal knowledge makes him very aware this is happening.

     All of the blood strains, the ordinances, they don't both him. Right now, he needs answers and this once, he will look the other way. Also, he's not testing the streak stains. Although, part of him screams at him that he should.

Nine has posed:
An unannounced arrival is uncommon in Nine's line of work. While his senses aren't superhuman, he's exceptionally alert. The bare scrape of a footstep and the rustling of gear is enough to bring him to his feet. He pulls open a drawer and draws a revolver in the same motion. While the barrel has been cut down to keep it managable, the size of the cylinder (and thus the ammunition) is so large that the weapon would be impractical at best for the average user, and likely powerful enough to take out a small vehicle.

Once he's confident there's no danger, the doctor sets his gun down and shrugs. "Unpredictability. If you only knew." A knowing smile tugs at his thin lips. "Ask me a question and I'll give you an answer, if I'm capable. What is it that you want to know?"

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     "This isn't a simple question. I want to see your research," Scarlet doesn't sense the gun. If the Doctor takes the shot, then his spider-senses would go off. For now, they don't. "-All- of your research," he says knowing the Doctor has a few decades of it, if the rumors are true. "I don't have time to ask questions right now."

Nine has posed:
"You couldn't afford that," Nine says, very matter-of-fact. "I don't open my scientific coffers upon request. I fill orders. If you want a sample analyzed, I'm happy to be of service. If you need to know how many generations deep a particular clone is, that I can help you with. But my full library? I'd wager that's out of your price range." Though years of speaking English have nearly scrubbed it away, there's an Eastern European accent lingering behind his words that's difficult to nail down.

This isn't the first conversation Nine has had that took him down this particular path, but he's normally dealing with a less formidable variety of customer. Slowly, but deliberately, he lowers his hand until it's resting on the revolver again. "If that's not a problem, tell me what you're curious about and I'll see what I can do. Once we discuss terms. This is agreeable, yes?"

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     "Science is different. Each expiriment where complexities are a factor, it creates different yet similar outcomes. I'm finding the common threads," Scarlet says nothing that hand lowering. "If you're going to shoot at me, or something, hope you don't miss," he says firmly. He's not afraid of what comes next, if it does resort to violence.

Nine has posed:
"I wouldn't be here if I was the type to miss." Something about this exchange seems to amuse Nine. His smile widens briefly and he settles back into his chair. His gun is still close at hand, but no longer at his fingertips. "With respect, I assume you're here because you're familiar with my credentials," he continues. "Whatever it is you need to know, I'm extremely discreet. I don't care what your threads are or where they come from as long as you pay your tab in cash, favors, or information. If you want full access to my research so you can figure it out on your own, it'll take a great deal of all three. Especially favors, some of which will need to be paid in advance. And in good faith, I'll tell you that there are a few secrets that I will never reveal for any price."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     "I am familiar with your reputation," Scarlet says softly. As he is looking toward theman for a moment. "I know your descreet." Then he pauses for a moment. "I your information on companies that fund the research. Let' sstart there," he says knowing this is a needle in a hay stack. So, he is trying to limit the amount of hay.

Nine has posed:
This is a language that Nine speaks. Fluently. He reaches out for his computer and starts working the keyboard and touch screen simultaneously. "Let's narrow it down," he says, having similar thoughts. "Continent. Country. Government or private sector. The more you can tell me, the more I can help. You're asking a question I can definitely answer."

A few taps bring up a list of names, each with subheadings for locations of facilities and installations. PRIMA DYNAMICS is at the top of the list, with ORGANITECH, TITHONUS, and RASMUSSEN TECHNOLOGIES just beneath. Between them, they seem to have operations in virtually every civilized nation. "A specialty would help, too. Or if you prefer, I can put together a list of everyone I know in the industry, but you won't like the cost."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     "Narrow it down to North America. Exclude Mexico," the place just isn't remote enough. The spider says firmly. Rumors about Canada runrampant. However, North America has a lotof places that can create cover thanks to eletrical grids, private networks, etc.

Nine has posed:
"North America, excluding Mexico? You cast a wide net, don't you?" Despite his words, another smile twists Nine's mouth crookedly. "Don't worry, I like a challenge. Take this with you." He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a disc that's about the size of a quarter and twice as thick. "Activate it like so..." he grips the casing, twists it, then presses the top half as if it were a button. "...and I'll know where you are and that you want to talk. If you don't activate it then I can't track your location, but I can use it to buzz you if I learn anything. Otherwise, you'll find I'm incredibly disinterested in your goings-on if there's nothing in it for me."

Scarlet Spider has posed:
     "It can be wider," Scarlet says. "The world is a bigger net," and then he takes the disc. "You'll be buzzing me," he says firmly. Then he pockets it for now. "I understand you work for money, only.Your self-interests makes you discreet, and uncaring. That's why people like you for certain tasks."

Nine has posed:
Nine doesn't even look up from his screen when he responds. "That's why you're here, isn't it?" he asks. "I do what I'm paid to do and I can't be convinced to betray a client for any price. Once I have the information, we'll discuss your payment. I already have something in mind, though. For what you're asking, it'll be a bargain."

He's already hard at work. A quick flick of his finger dismisses 'TITHONUS' from his screen, along with 'PRIMA DYNAMICS'. A new name, 'SYSTEMIC SOLUTIONS' comes up. "You'd better think fast. It'd be a shame for me to trash this data if I come across it quickly."