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Latest revision as of 01:21, 14 May 2019

Two Vampires Walk Into A Bar
Date of Scene: 21 March 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Selene (Underworld), Thomas Raith

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
From the doorway of the club a woman in a dark violet sweater enters. She's wearing sunglasses and has the hood of the sweater pulled up over her head. Beyond the sweater she's wearing a pair of black leather pants and black boots that go up to her knees, with small one inch heels on each. Once inside the room, her right hand reaches up to pull her sunglasses from her eyes and she lets her gaze roam around the interior of the club before she reaches up to drop the hood back off of her head and let her black hair more loosely fall about her head. She starts to walk casually toward the bar.

Thomas Raith has posed:
The Club is in a mid week lull, with the live music being performed by one of the cigar girls. There is plenty of room at the bar, and the one eyed bartender nods to her, finishing up with the order he is working on before coming towards her. Another man beats him to it. A man who is frankly pretty. More beautiful then handsome really. He gives her a playful look with his ice blue eyes, opens his mouth as if to say something, pauses, then says "Welcome to the Blue Lady. What can I get for you?" Likely she can sense from him the same vibe he picked up from her. Fellow predator.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene had come to the United States to train the American Coven's Death dealer soldiers against the many dangerous threats that were facing them here. Since coming here she'd met a number of vampires native to this part of the world, and the one who swoops in now at the bar has that same bravado that seems to be common amongst them. All the same, Selene stands beside the bar and places her hands upon its edge, her sunglasses resting by their limbs in the fingertips of her right. Her brown eyes move from the one eyed tender, to the man who did indeed swoop in. She affords them both a small smile. "Thank you." She speaks, her voice is smokey and laced with a mixed European accent. "What would you recommend?" She then asks of him, or them.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"I suppose it depends on what direction your tastes lie.." He says , cautious but friendly. "Normally, I see a beautiful woman sitting alone at my bar, I offer her something fruity with an embarrassing name. You'd be amazed how flustered some women get when you offer them a slow comfortable screw up agienst the wall." A playful smirk, "But if you're more interested in something stronger... we have things for every taste..."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene holds the faint smile at the words and she softly shakes her head to them. "Colorful drink names aren't really enough to get me flustered, I'm afraid." She says then before she slips into a seat at the bar and sets her sunglasses down in front of her so that they may lay on their top, lenses aimed forward. Her hands adjust the baggy dark violet sweater she wears, needing the hood during the day to keep the sun off of her skin. She's paler than the average people around, and the black hair helps contrast and showcase it.

"I'll have... one of those." Selene's right hand raises up and she points at a bottle of apple ale. "It looks delicious." She notes, keeping the faint smile as she's in a calm mood at the moment.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, walking over and taking the bottle out of the cooler, taking the cap off for her and setting a frosted mug beside it. Then he reaches under the bar, taking out a crystal decanter and fills a highball glass with the amber liquid inside. He casts his voice quite softly when he says "This is Accorded neutral territory. I do not permit sanguine hunting on my premises."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
When the opened bottle is delivered, she reaches out for it, and then for the frosted mug. As he speaks she pours the ale from the bottle into the mug and then lets it settle as her eyes raise up to his and she stares at him for a lingering second before she speaks once more in that fluid and smooth voice of hers. "Is that so?" She asks. "Well. I assure you that I'll do everything in my power to contain myself." It seems as though she's toying with him, or being coy about it all. "But I'd love to hear what is you fear I might be up to?" And with that asked, she raises her dark eyebrows above her staring eyes while her hand raises the mug of ale up to her lips to sip from it.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith tilts his head a bit and lets that amused look come back to his lips, "Oh with a beautiful woman, ift could be just about anything. And while you don't look like someone who is likely to break the rules... well I've had people who felt the rules didn't apply to them. They had to be educated otherwise." It's not bravado, just a statement of fact, "But anyone who can contain themselves is more then welcome."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Once she tastes the apple flavored amber hued alcoholic beverage, she deposits the mug back down in front of her beside her sunglasses on the bar. She stare sat him after he speaks, letting a silence linger for a pair of seconds or so before she looks around the interior of the club to her right, then back over to him. "I don't prey upon the innocent." She tells him. "My people and I have moved beyond that. We come from a place far from here, and... we've developed ways around the vices of the old days. I am here now, in this country that is, for other reasons."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly at that, and then nods to the bottle. "In that case, consider that one on the house. I'm Thomas Raith, I own the Blue Lady." He offers his hand to her and she can tell that he's relaxed considerably with her statement.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene takes her hand from the grip of the mug and she extends it out to offer a return shake to him. Her skin isn't room temperature, its actually warm. She fed recently. Something that may or may not be common the vampires that Raith knows, as there are different varieties of them around the world and she's certainly not American. "Its an honor to meet a family of your stature, Mister Raith." She says to him then. "That being said, I'd be lying if I told you that you were not the very reason I've come here as well. Point in fact, I'm here specifically to speak with you."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith Raises his eyebrow at that. Shaking his hand feels good...very good... Most men can't kiss as well as Thomas Raith shakes hands. Still he tilts his head. "If that's the reason you're here, you're wasting your time. I don't have much to do with my family these days."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene pulls her hand back casually, still smiling softly at him and she glances down to her drink in front of her. Her head shakes lightly to his words before she looks back over to him. "I'm only here to spread information, and not to make any official business proclamations." She replies to him before she takes hold of the mug's handle and then speaks again. "I'm representing Princess Amelia, who's the founding leader of what my people call the New World Coven. We've been in the United States for a little over a year now, and we're here because an... old conflict has bled to the States' shores now. A conflict between my people, and a sect of dangerous Lycans from the darker corners of Europe. I simply want your family to know that my Coven is not interested in... encroaching upon any of your established interests. We're simply here to deal with our problems as swiftly and cleanly as we are able to do so." Selene then takes another sip of her drink.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, considering. "WEll as I am, as far as I know, the only ranking White Court member in this city, I accept your intentions as you have stated them and offer you the hospitality of my city. I'd also offer any aid that I can offer. I know a few really decent werewolves... but I know the kinds you get over in Europe too. Always best put them down quickly.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's forearms fold over one another in front of her on the edge of the bar as she listens to him and she offers him another faint smile at the corner of her pale pink lips. "That offer is appreciated and I'll be sure to let my Lady know of the kindness." She then glances to her right again, but only for a second before she looks back onto him. "Yes. I've come to meet many of the local population's werewolves as well. They are... less organized here in the States than I expected. But I could say the same for the Vampire population here as well. I come from a location steeped in fierce tradition and a lot of personal pride, needless to say that its a bit... off-putting, but again... the politics and procedures of this country aren't any of my business or concern. Just the eradication of those who have done my people harm, who're hiding here now amongst you and yours. They believe the strong level of... heroic types here, will help keep them hidden."

Thomas Raith has posed:
My father had a saying that I find to be very apt. Never under estimate the power of idiots in large numbers. You make it messy, you are going to attract the attention of some very powerful people. Ones that could tear us apart like tissue paper. You get a Kryptonian after you, I can assure you my offer of sanctuary won't be worth spit. That said, I have a few contacts. The local werewolf pack might know if there is something new hunting in their turf."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene cups her hands around the base of the chilled drink before her while she listens to him and then offers a single nod of understanding. "My people have no intentions of harming the local werewolves unless they aide the Lycan pack that we've come to eradicate. I can promise anyone that much." She says with a certainty to her voice. "And I am personally here as a trainer to my people. Our army are known as Death Dealers, of which I am the oldest and most experienced. What talents and skills I know, I'm passing on to the Death Dealers of the New World Coven to ensure that the process is as clean as it can be... to avoid the need for any Kryptonian--or otherwise similar entity--to even hear of our war. Its a Shadow War, by design, Mister Raith."

Selene's right hand goes beneath the bar and then comes up again to offer him a black card with her information on it. "This is so you can contact me, with anything you might hear that you think I should know." She offers it, and another soft smile to him.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith takes the card and with a bit of slight of hand makes it vanish into thin air. He gives her a bit of a wicked smirk and asks casually, "And what if I wanted to call you for more personal reasons, would you find that completely objectionable?" he asks playfully.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
This question that he poses to her just makes her show a hint of a grin. She's old, very old by realistic standards, and as such she's built up quite a perceptive measure on people and their ages--among other things. "You're in the prime of your life, Mister Raith." She initially replies to him. "I can see it in you. Attractive, wealthy... the owner of a seemingly fine establishment here." Another quick quick gaze is given around them with Selene's dark brown eyes before she looks back to him. "I'm rather certain you'd find a person of my advanced years to be a bit... uninteresting, once you got to know me." Another sip of her sweet flavored beverage is had then. "The offer is appreciated, however." Selene's is a tough case. Many of the men in her own Coven actively pursue her, or have in the past, some still heavily more than others. But to everyone knowledge, she's never indulged any of them. For whatever reasons.

Thomas Raith has posed:
His grin doesn't fade, and though he can see she'd just shoot him down again, he's willing to launch another salvo... because that is how the game is played after all. "Even the most beautiful music, the most heart wrenching sonnet, the most enduring comedy becomes a bit dull with repition and familiarity. But I find that those first moments, that initial fury.. That is exciting no matter what may come later.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene has certainly done this dance before, likely an uncountable amount of times in fact. She still smiles to it though, because he's at least got a light charm to his approach rather than a filthy and degenerate style--like she's seen plenty of times before as well.

"There might be merit to that, Mister Raith." Selene says in her sultry voice back to him as she sets the glass down after another drink from its contents. "But, I'm a person with a lot of responsibility on her shoulders and not a lot of hours in the day to deal with it all. I'm afraid my drink here, is the length of time I have left to stay. At least in this instance."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, accepting that with grace. It's a rather gentle set aside really. Basically saying 'It's not you, it's that I don't have time'. He nods a bit taking a sip of his own drink, if her sense of smell is keen enough, she'd know it has zero alcohol and is in fact sweet tea. "Well if you were to find yourself in a position where you have some free time and a desire to relax and unwind, I hope you'll come back. Perhaps when you have a bit more time to spend..

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene shows another light smile to the man as she consumes another sip of the drink and then settles the glass back down upon the coaster on the bar. "One can never know, what may come from day to the next." She replies to the White Court vampire across from her. She gathers up her sunglasses then and moves to stand up. "Thank you for hearing out my long winded words, Mister Raith. My people appreciate your understanding in all of this... messy business, as it were."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods simply to that, "Always happy to listen to a beautiful woman." he says with that easy smile, honestly the man flirts as easily as other men breathe, Still he's not trying to push the issue in any way, and as a White Court, it's plain that he could. "You and your people are welcome any time, as long as that messy business stays outside." He takes her empty glass, putting it in the wash tub behind the bar. "And I'd say it was a pleasure to meet you too... if you ever told me your name."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
The glass is emptied out with another drink and she pushes it toward the center of the bar. She gives him a slight grin as she moves to stand up from the seat. She holds her glasses in front of her then as she stares at him for a second longer before she motions to him with a nod of her head. "Its on the card." She says then before her grin blossoms a little larger and she turns to leave, a slip of American currency resting on the bar where she'd been seated. "Stay safe, Mister Raith." Selene then says in her smokey voice on her way toward the place's exit.