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Latest revision as of 01:22, 14 May 2019

Svartalfar and Amazons
Date of Scene: 21 March 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Arella Despana, Wonder Woman

Arella Despana has posed:
In Hells Kitchen at a no account pay to use storage facility Arella Despana one of the last Svartalfar in existence is engaged in an unusual task that she has set herself. She has a tablet that she has heavily modified and is scanning the exterior of a set of garages associated with the aforementioned facility.

It is near midnight and Arella is not aware of the local customs of New York. In particular the local courtey of mugging. The Storage facility that she is inspecting looking for a piece of alien tech that she detected earlier is in an alleyway. A scary dark place most sane Manhattenites would avoid at night. A place for predators.

As Arella performs her fairly pedestrian task (from her perspective) two heavyset men close in on her. These men do not know they are heavily outmatched and about to meet an antagonist from the darkest chapters of Earths untold history and myth. Undeterred the muggers march tto their doom.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince had been spending a longer amount of time on patrol at night in Manhattan lately, with crime higher this time of year than it was as of this time last year... she's felt it a necessity to up her game a bit in that regard.

As life happens to be, by luck and random chance, the Princess of Themyscira is in the sky above the warehouses that Arella is located at on this evening and her advanced hearing picks up the curiosities of the activity going on in and around where she is.

So from the sky, a figure in a dark robe sweeps down to land upon the corner of a building, she doesn't hide herself. She stands at her full height up on the corner, with the black sky behind her. Her dark hair whips in the cool winds about her head, as does the black robe around her body, the glints of her armored boots and bare thighs showing beneath the robe's open front as it occassionally sweeps open by the breezes of the night.

Diana stares down at the people near to the warehouse. Observing, for now.

Arella Despana has posed:
The men close in on Arella and are taken aback by her when they finally capture her attention. She is plainly not human and it is plainly not cosplay. Standing at around five foot eleven the Svartalfar has large pointy ears, blue grey skin, white stringy hair and overlarge deep jade emerald eyes. Their 'ambush' has been ambushed and a stand off ensues with the men unsure what to do.

Arella for her part wears a detached grin on her face. "You are planning on trying to rob me yes?" she asks the men. She is not as naive as many would paint her. The men are not planning on robbing her anymore apparently. The sitruation is just too weird. And Arella lovely trhough she is - Amazonian in her physique with perhaps a bit more laid on the curves - is also a very formidable looking Elf. Thew men do not speak. Merely look to find a way to retreat.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana remains on the building's edge long enough to observe and overhear what is being said down below and then with a gust of wind she's gone from the corner, not to be seen there again... she's been observing Batman how he does it, don't tell him she's copying his little tricks!

All the same, when the men move to leave and abandon their clear intentions of harming Arella when they see she's more intimidating than they had originally believed, they now suddenly find themselves faced with a new female challenger before them.

One holding onto the glowing length of the lasso of truth.

"You should do the lady a favor and apologize for your intentions." Diana tells the men, her Greek accented voice thick with a flavor not common to this country.

Arella Despana has posed:
It's just not their night. The men stammer apologies as they are swept up and coralled cowboy style by Diana's lasso. They are not particularly articulate. Their dress and the musk that they carry suggestt they themselves have been living on the street for some time.

Diana's appearance also causes Arella to loose her cool somewhat. She jumps back about a metre at a blurry speed characteristic of those of her Elven heritage. And those alluring green eyes expand to an unnatural extent.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Once the would-be attackers are taken care of, Diana moves to them and she moves to unmask them and reveal their faces to her. She looks down at them, crouches in front of them and takes whatever weapons she can see on their persons away from them. The lasso remains glowing, hot and restrictive should they resist her.

"I am sorry you are having a hard time." She tells them both. "I assume that you, like the rest of us, simply wish to be happy and healthy." Her blue eyes dart from one of their faces to the other. "You have not done a crime here tonight. But you clearly showed the intentions of doing-so. I have contacted the authorities and they are going to come here to speak with you. If you are clean of any previous criminal actions, you will be released... and should you be released, I ask that you seek out a contact that I will give to the police. Some friends who may be able to help you in a way that will lead you to a better life than this." Diana's done much to try to reform criminals, she does not want to believe everyone is incapable of redemption of character.

She takes a step back from them then and she looks over to Arella, then starts to cautiously walk toward her. "I am Diana, Princess of Themyscira and Ambassador of my people to the world at large." She introduces herself, then tilts her head with a curious look on her face. "And you are...?"

Arella Despana has posed:
Diana is set to have a relatively easy evening if the two would be muggers are any indication. The men are easy to subdue. There was no motive driving them other than simple robbery so they comply with Diana to the fullest extent. As for their reaction to her 'mercy' well they are either stunned or just habitually numb In any event their part in Diana's saga is over. And the Police are on their way.

The Svartalfar now recovered from Diana's sudden appearance recovers her composure with impressive swiftness. Like all of her kin Arella seems to radiate magic. "Arella of House Despana," she replies. "Five thousand years ago Midgard was a backwater and now it appears to be the natural home of gods, aliens, meta humans and mutants. It is becoming a little too interesting." Arella had considered thanking Diana but really if anyone owes Diana a thankyou it is the would be muggers. Arella would likely have been far less kind to them.

Wonder Woman has posed:
A glance is given back to those men still laced up in the restraining rope of divine power. "You are a long way from home then." She says as she turns to put her eyes back upon Arella. "Earth has become a haven for a wide variety of individuals in recent decades." She confirms with a light nod of her head, but her pointed chin remains slight down-angled now as she keeps her eyes upon the dark elf.

"Why were you out here in the dark tonight?" She then asks. "This area is a known haven for street violence and crimes. You were placing yourself in grave danger by being here." She may or may not fully understand the breath of Arella's skills and abilities, or she's just testing her a bit to gauge her reaction to these words and questions.

Arella Despana has posed:
"Earth..." Arella measures the effect of this unfamiliar name on her tongue. To her this was still Midgard as it was to her peoples Asgardian rivals. "I am not on this planet by choice. My ship crashed here. I would have fled upon my first encounter with the Asgard living here. I came fleeing danger only to run into it's embrace."

As for what she is doing. "I was looking for something. The robbers present no danger to me so I do not care where I go. I've taken bullets from high poweered assault rifles. There is little that can harm me here."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I believe that you are right in that." Diana says specifically to the last part about there being little that can harm the dark elf. "That being said." She raises her chin up to a more standard and level position while keeping her eyes upon Arella. "It is my duty to protect the people of this world." She raises her right hand up and hooks a thumb back at the men wrapped up in that glowing golden rope of hers.

"Those ones included." She shows the hints of a light grin then. "Earth... Midgard... has many problems. This is very true and very evident. But those of us with the abilities able to push back against some of them, are doing everything in our power to do just that."

The Princess takes a light breath of the cool night air then, her dark brown hair flowing about the sides of her face and shoulders. "That being said. I would be happy to help you find what it is you are looking for."

Arella Despana has posed:
"The damage I have done protecting people is the stuff of legend so you will excuse me if I do not follow your lead in that enterprise too enthusiastically," Arella had saved alot of people but she did not fancy herself a hero.

As for help with what she is doing, "Thank you but I am almost done. Just taking an inventory of things. Earth is home to many more interesting artifacts. More than even interesting and powered people. I think the latter sometimes overshadows the former."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows a light smile to the woman's initial words, but she doesn't comment on any of that any further, as its just how things go in conversations really. People do not always see eye to eye on topics.

The latter parts make her nods her head once to and she spares a glance to the west where the docks are. She then looks back to Arella. "Well, I truly do wish you luck in what you are searching for. If you need any assistance, you need but seek me out at the Themysciran Embassy here in Manhattan or the Justice League's Hall in Metropolis. I exchange my time between those two locations most of all."

Arella Despana has posed:
"I appreciate your helpfulness." Arella says putting her tablet away. Like her kind she is up to something. Planning in the darkness. "Can I ask you some questions? I have not met an Amazon before." It is likely that Diana has not met a Svartalfar before either.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When the authorities arrive, they come to find Diana and Arella and Diana motions them to the two men. She separates herself from Arella for a moment or two to speak to the officers before she rejoins the dark elf, with her lasso back in her grasp now as she starts to coil it back up.

"Certainly." Diana says then to the other woman as she motiosn for them to walk and she'll do so at a casual pace. "What questions might you have?" She asks then. "I'll do my very best to answer them."

Arella Despana has posed:
"I know you are next to immortal. How do you reproduce enough to occupy an Island even the size of Themis... what is it called?" Arella's race is fairly long lived as well. One might ask a similar question of her. If indeed there were any other Svartalfar left. "There does seem tot be an awful lot of you. And I don't see any men."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana walks with the dark elf and she has to show a soft smile a tthe question. "There are a number of ways that Amazonians have come to our shores." She says then in response. "Over the years the gods gifted our people with new members through... a variety of methods. Some have simply washed ashore on our island's sandy beaches. Others came to pass through more mysterious means, such as rising from lakes across the island. Myself?" She then looks to Arella. "My mother was desperate for a child, she wept and begged Zeus for a daughter. She sculpted me from Clay and prayed to him to breath life into me. Zeus did so as gratitude for my mother's service to the cause of the Amazonian ways."

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella blinks, "Well that certainly makes my origin story sound quite mundane. I had a mother and a father. We weren't close." She continues, "What do you think of humans? You cannot be as much of a fish out of water as I am of course." Arella leaves the question deliberately vague but given the previous question there are obviously some romantic dimensions to the question. Such as what do you think of humans as romantic partners.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana smiles softly at her question and shakes her head lightly. "I do not think much on the differences of myself and the rest of this world's people. I was sculpted in their image, and to me that makes me as much one of them as I would be had I been birthed in a more traditional sense." They walk together while the police deal with the two would-be muggers where they had come from.

"I love the poople of Earth as if they were all extended members of my own people of Themyscira. My... mother may not see it that way, but I do. All life should be cherished and treasured, even if some members of the living are less than... enjoyable to be around. While others are downright impossible and sadly violent... We deal with them when we have to, and how we must, after we have given them every opportunity to stop their ways."

Arella Despana has posed:
"Plainly you have yet to encounter my people. We have a tendency to engender a measure of cynicism in people that is absent in you. There are many who are grateful we are near extinction. I often question whether I count myself amongst them." The Svartalfar are a dour bunch and it appears Arella is no exception. "The people of earth have been welcoming. I've even been invited to attend one of these fan conventions and cosplay a Dark Elf of all things. I do not think that would be fair though."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows a larger smile at the part about the cynicism. "Being a cynic in life is a pathway with no sound footing toward progress toward success. Not as a person and not as a people." She replies at first, glancing over to Arella then. "Many on Midgard are cynical, but I choose not to be. I wish to try to inspire others to follow in my lead of that. I believe that being the opposite of that, is one way to help our people as a whole move toward a better tomorrow."

Diana then slightly grins at the latter of what Arella says. "A cosplay of a... Dark Elf?" She asks then, sounding curious. "You mean from a game?" She's been around for awhile, she's heard of games and the dark elves portrayed in them... she's even seen movies with them!

The Princess then laughs, its a melodic sound and one that seems to help lighten her features. She then shakes her head. "I encourage you to have fun with your time here, but I would warn you to tread carefully. But then... I imagine you are well capable of that already."

Arella Despana has posed:
"Yes cosplaying a Dark elf." Arella smiles. "I work in a lab so I have many coworkers who are 'nerds' as they are commonly called." As for the games, "Yes my people are popular in games and books. No movies yet for some reason about dark elves. Though there are Elves aplenty on the small and silvcer screen. The Drow in Dungeons and Dragons are the most freakishly like my people. Though we have as far as I know not had much of a presence here in thousands of years our past encounters with humans must have resonated."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Upon hearing all of this, Diana pauses their walking and she turns to face Arella. "Well it sounds like you have done a very good job of fitting in with the people of Earth, or Midgard." She says then. "That is very good. A job, a social life with your co-workers. I am happy to hear of this." She glances back down the way that they'd come and the two men have been gathered up to their feet, both of them are seemingly being set free though as they've comitted no crime tonight indeed, but they're still being talked to by the officers.

Diana looks back to Arella then. "I hope that your time here remains to be as... jovial as it sounds like it has been, at least by and large. Minus... small hiccups." She glances back in the direction of where the fight almost took place.

Arella Despana has posed:
"It is unlikely to remain as such. I remain as the vestiges of the Svartalfar and a provocation to the Asgard. As long as I live the blood feud continues. And my thoughts on the matter are of no consequence." Arella shrugs. "But as you say I may as well make the best of it and enjoy myself while it lasts."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana gives a restrained smile and a simple nod to Arella then. She reaches out to offer her a hand. "Well then, I hope that you will do that indeed. Make the best of it, as they say." She grins lightly then before she glances back to the men with the police.

"If you will excuse me, I need to speak with them one last time before I return to my patrol for the evening. Should you ever need my aide, simply seek me out. Okay?" She asks then and shows a quick smile again. "Good luck in your search and I hope your vessel is repaired and restored soon."

The Amazonian would then turn to walk back to the Police to finish what she said she'd start with the two men's rehabilitation endeavors.