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Latest revision as of 01:43, 14 May 2019

Bright Sunny Days
Date of Scene: 23 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Balder Odinson, Scarlet Witch

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder, Having taken quite a liking to Wanda as soon as they had met, had invited her to go to the park with him in the attempt to learn more of her. Much to his surprise though, she agreed! Balder, ever so humble, offered the young woman his arm before they walked off towards the park.

"So then, Wanda, Where are you from?" Balder, attempting to make small talk wherever he could. He enjoyed her company sincerely, and seemed to ponder more about her.

It wasn't that she was a mage. But it was something else. What's special about Wanda Maximoff? Who can say. Either way, Balder is interested, and continues to learn more about her with each passing moment.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Somewhere that leaves Wanda happiest is greenery. Wherever it lies, she certainly adores Central Park. Living in proximity helps; the Avengers Mansion is conspicuously across the street and removed by a couple of fences, treeline, and path. Here she can discover the coming of spring in its promised aspects, hidden in every furled bud, dormant root, and seed wakening to the sun's light as it strengthens. With the equinox behind them, she welcomes to that.

"I am not from anywhere," she says in her preferred language: German. Not so strange it attracts attention, not so common it's regularly understood by half the population. "I have always moved. Europe, mostly." She gestures directly to the east with Balder at her side. "For a short time, Asia. Now America. You are in New Asgard, now? I have not quite understood how Thor put it together, but that is my fault, not his."

Her footfalls are light and she pauses, letting a squirrel run past them.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder seems to smile quite softly to see Wanda looking happy and blissful, though her answer does leave him stunned. "No one is from nowhere. You simply do not know where you hail." Balder replies in his standard speech, but to all around him, including Wanda, he'd be speaking German.

The pause to let the squirrel go by is done by both Wanda AND Balder. In fact, that squirrel crawls up Balder and ends up on his shoulder, it seems to just be....staring at him, before Balder smiles, and the creature runs off to join it's squirrel brethren.

"But...I understand the feeling. My home has always been Asgard, yet it feels like I am constantly on the move."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Blissful is a strange description. Not inappropriate, but the thought anyone would call her that -- if he said it aloud, she might stare at Balder in perplexed uncertainty. She fits within her world well though. At least this natural sliver, able to breathe easier and feel the slow, torpid pulse of life far beneath the surface singing to her witch-given senses. It wells up to touch her soles and then her soul when she sinks a thin tendril of mental energy down into the bedrock and topsoil, just to say hello.

When the squirrel ends up diverting course -back- to him, she inclines her head. Not totally shocked, but Wanda has to find a response for a moment with the addictive hum of earth-centered magic giving just a shot of greeting and then farewell when she extracts herself. "You have somewhere to go back to, roots that will always hold strong. I am not like that. I am the leaf blown about."

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder nonetheless still makes the attempt to correct Wanda. "As do you. You have friends, and family. Where they are, those roots will always bind and hold true. Home is not a place, it is a people. A person. Another heart." Balder smiles very softly. The sun noticeably shining perhaps a tad brighter.

"But, tell me something about you that you have not said. Do you have a favorite kind of meal?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I do not have home like you think of. I do not see myself linked to any place. Not to a single location, as if place mattered like that." The girl's wan smile fades away an instant after it blooms. The shining brightness has its effect even on a night-bloom like herself, rather than any sunflower in the vicinity. "Something I have not said?"

This requires some thinking. She taps her finger against her hip. "They have most foods in this city. You can eat a good curry, sushi, Afghani roasted meats or Ethiopian unleavened bread. It's spongy, very different from here. It is used often to pick things up. I like fruit, too."

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder then looks upon Wanda with a tilt of his head. "Indeed." Then she speaks about her favorite meal, and he nods very softly. "I see. I have never tried curry or sushi or...this Ethiopian bread you speak of. But I imagine it tastes especially delicious."

He continues. "I am a shameless lover of meat. I understand a good portion of Midgardians enjoy eating only vegetables and other greens, and for some reason have a dislike for eating animals. I apologize if this fact of me is not to your liking."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Everyone eats differently. It is often from resources and availability. When meat animals are scarce, they are not part of the common diet. When meat is expensive, this means not everyone will eat it. The choices are sometimes different, for ethics. Life." Wanda pauses to brush a branch away from her sleeve. How did it get there? No telling. She nonetheless finds it eas to extricate herself without having her hair tangled up too badly. "Ethiopia is a country in Africa. Its cuisine is both heavy on beans, vegetables, and spiced meats. Sushi is raw fish served with rice from Japan. It may be without rice, too." She explains this in German with several pauses; it's a lot to say and her nature is often laconic or taciturn.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder nods very softly. "I see. It makes sense, if you place it as such." the God of Light walks side by side with Wanda, finding her completely intriguing every second they speak together. "Raw fish? Hm. Perhaps midgardian stomachs are stronger than I previously anticipated." he does seem to smile wonderfully at Wanda.

A silent pause seems to last before Balder speaks again. "Before we converse further, I'd like to thank you for coming to the park with me. I enjoy your company, Wanda."