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Latest revision as of 01:44, 14 May 2019

When the Bat's away the Robins will chat.
Date of Scene: 24 March 2019
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Carrie Kelley, Nightwing

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is down in the cave this evening, sitting at the computer. He is going over the records of what has happened over the last three months while he was out of town. He will stop and scribble something down in a note pad now and again.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley is nearby in at least part of her uniform. It looks as if she was intending on training some, but hadn't quite gotten into her full kit for the reasons of comfort. She remains near enough by hanging from her knees on the railing to do sit ups with her arms crossed over her chest. Every now and then she'll pause, sitting to catch her breath and regard the screen that Tim was currently on. Bruce had tasked her with helping to get Tim up to date after all. "The newest irritation are those Sentinel robots. They're not authorized by the government at all. Some stupid anti-mutant propoganda meant to 'hunt out dangerous mutants.' I think Jason's blown a few up already." Even after she explains this she pauses to look at her wrist eyeing the time noted there. "I called Dick awhile ago to say we had an update. Should be here soon, I hope."

Nightwing has posed:
    Dick Grayson isn't one to often hang around the Manor or the Cave. He's got his own life, free of the shadow of the cowl, and he likes holding his independence. It's not that he's aloof. Far, far, far from it. He just knows how easy it is to get sucked down the rabbit hole and allow for Bruce and his crusade to swallow everything, until it becomes the sole focus of one's life. And that's not something he can allow for anymore. But, in the end, this is home. This is family. He's never strayed too far.

    But lately, with everything that's been going on, he's starting to think that he needs to request Alfred to turn over the sheets in his old room. At least until this entire Damian situation has resolved itself. Dick is beating himself up relentlessly over it. He should have been more active in helping Damian. In guiding him. In playing middle man for him and Bruce. He had failed.

    But with the news from Carrie that they have more information, he's back here again. He comes walking into the cave from the internal entrance from within Wayne Manor, and upon hearing Carrie call him out, he says, "I'm here."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks up, and will smile. He will stand and walks over to give the other man a hug for a moment "Good to see ya, sorry it is with all the things going on. " He will tell the other hinting there might be something that aint been told to Dick and maybe not to Carrie yet.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley finishes one last sit-up only to grab onto the railing with both hands to hoist herself off and land on her feet. Before she can approach Nightwing though she watches as Tim greets him in a far more friendly manner than either of his other 'brothers' usually would. It earns a smile from her, and a tip of her head watching the pair. At least until Tim's remark.

Furrowing her eyebrows with a small frown she finds herself walking closer to the pair. "It's not bad news... really. Just we went to the Titans, and one of them had a way to contact Damian." A deep breath is taken as she pauses regarding the pair. Lifting a hand she tucks her hair behind her ear, glance skimming to the side. Tim hadn't been in the room when she spoke to Damian. She hadn't told him everything. Now it was time to spill the beans--To an extent.

"He's fine. He decided he needed some time to think, to find his own voice, instead of listening to either of his parents. He's hurt, he's emotional, but he's not out doing anything crazy. Just some self-reflection."

Nightwing has posed:
    "Tim," Dick says, upon setting his crystaline blue eyes on the other. Dick's pliant lips will curl at one corner, dimpling his cheek as he takes on an easy smile. The first one that Dick's worn since this whole thing with Damian started, really. He wraps up Tim in his arms, giving him a squeeze and a lift off the ground as they hug, before unentangling from the embrace with his hands left on Tim's shoulders.

    "It's good to have you back, Tim. Just in time, too. With everything going on... Well... we need to touch base. Let me know what's going on with you. Fill me in."

    As Carrie approaches, though, Dick lifts his gaze from Tim to her. As she delivers her report. His lips fall into a neutral line as she starts to speak, and his eyes linger on her as her face shifts in expression, her gaze flits from them to the floor.


    She had talked with Damian. Directly. She didn't say that outright, of course, but the implication is clear.

    "Carrie. Where. Is. My. Brother?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises over to Carrie, as he did not know that she had talked to him fully either. He will look to Dick, and says "I think Bruce is going to be heading to where ever he tracks him down, after the chat we had the other night." He will sigh, and walks back to hsi seat. "Think you can find some time for some patrols in town, looks like we maybe down 3 for a bit." He tells the others.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley can only spread her hands out with a shake of her haed. She has a bit of a guilty look to her, if only because she had kept that information to herself until now. After all it made sense to tell everyone at once. "He's your father's son. It was set up through comms. Stardust has access to his comm, but he didn't tell me where he was. I couldn't make out any familiar sounds in the background that might give him away." Pursing her lips together tight she adds, quieter, "I'm sorry."

Nightwing has posed:
    "Wait. Bruce is going himself? That could be a very bad idea," Dick remarks, turning his steely eyed glare over to focus back on Tim, for the moment, giving Carrie a reprieve from that accusing glare. And if Bruce is going to be absent from Gotham for awhile... Dick's eyes glide over to the cases filled with varying Batsuits. His upper lips curls into a sneer, and he shakes his head. He's not going to fill in as Batman. "I'll stay here for now. But I'm not going to put on the cowl. Not unless it's a desperate situation where Gotham needs Batman. And if Bruce wants it otherwise, then he will have to ask me directly. Otherwise, sure. I'll take on some patrols."

    Looking back now, to Carrie, his gaze not... quite as harsh. He opens his mouth to speak, but only lets it fall closed before he nods his head. Of course, Damian would run everything through filters and cyphers and even the comm was likely running with a signal that would be traced to a proxy location. If Damian doesn't want to be found.

    He just shrugs his shoulders, and leans back against one of the nearby railings, letting his arms curl around it as he tucks his chin in, letting his face fall behind the shadows of his dark hair. "Well, if he's alright, there's that. I just... Man, I really just... If Bruce is going to go after him, I just really hope that he doesn't mess it up."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to this and says "Bruce knows Damian needs Bruce not Batman. Bruce Wayne is going to find his son." He tells Dick what Bruce said after their talk the other night. "We pointed out to him, that taking Robin from Damian, took away their time together." He explains to Dick. "Jason looks like he is going to be out of town for a bit as well. Some cult type who can turned to smoke tried to rip his lungs out last night." He fills the two in a bit on Jason.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"We may have had words with Bruce," Carrie admits glancing aside to Tim. At least he fills Dick in on the conversation there. She hadn't properly gotten through to him, but Tim had. It made sense given he was a Robin himself. She had no such allegience to any title, nor any role model to look up to in that fashion, much less a parent.

A glance is cast back toward Dick as she opens her mouth about to say more... maybe apologize for interfering again... but then Tim breaks the rest of the news. "What? I didn't know ... Wait, is Kitty okay?" Her brow furrows together rather deeply as she considers this. Turns to smoke? The thought is pushed out of her mind with a quick shake of her head.

"Anyway, I don't think anyone's asking you to be Batman. I don't know how Bruce is going after him, or if it will help or not... I just don't know. We can handle patrols though," she assures. There's a moment of hesitation before she reaches out to rest a hand on his arm giving a squeeze. She'd rather give a hug, but it didn't seem appropriate. "We'll get through this. Tim being back is a big help."

Nightwing has posed:
    Dick listens to Tim reflect what had been said to him previously by Bruce, and just nods his head. Hopefully, the boy's father can be a bit more compassionate than he has been in the past. Which is why they're in this whole thing now, to begin with. He remains silent on the matter and simply nods his head.

    "As long as Damian comes home, I'll be happy."

    But then, he's mentioning Jason being out of town after some cul...what even the hell did he just say?

    "Cult type who can turn into smoke? Do we have any sort of profile on this person? A name? Anything? Was Jason hurt badly?" Dick asks, rapid fire, one after the other. If it's not one thing it's another with the Bat boys, isn't it? They're going to drive Dick to an early grave just from worry. How is he going to be able to just be out on patrol if Jason's out there alone trying to take out lung-ripping-smoke-cultists? Is this the pot equivalent to Snowflame?

    Carrie's touch is met with a glance down at his arm, and Dick's eyes slowly lift from her hand to her face. There's a moment of silent appraisal, before he reaches over with the other hand and rests his fingers over top of hers and just gives a faint nod. He appreciates it.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the two, and says "Kitty and Jason are both ok. I ran into the at the chicken place we like, and I got to meet Kitty. We were talking and what we thought was a waitress came over to us set some pies down and reaches an etherial hand into Jason's chest. I hit her with the pies and she let go of Jason. Kitty phased him and me out of the place as I put up a smoke cloud. The waitress said "Why has the al cast broke the truce, and threatened to eat his liver if he did not tell her what she wanted to know. Jason said she could only be hurt by copper, and he just happened to have a copper dagger on him. Kitt got us some copper pipes and after Jason hit the thing once, it dived at us, turned to smoke and was gone. Jason said it was not League, was my first thought. He said he had to handle it alone, not taking me or Kitty. Instead of argue with him, and him sneak out when I was not looking, I told him to call us if he needed help and the Calvery would come chargeing in.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley purses her lips in a thin, tight smile at Dick's response to her touch. It was meant to be comforting but these days she couldn't quite guess what he was thinking. There was just too much going on. Enough so that her attention shifts to Tim just listening to it all with a slow blink or two as it's taken in.

"That... I could ask Yin if she's heard of these individuals before. We fought some Paper Soldiers recently together. It seems like something in line with that to some extent. Though they didn't really talk," she mumbles at the end with a thoughtful frown as her gaze shifts to stare at a spot on the floor.

"Either way she might have heard of something like this. It sounds up her alley or at least close enough to it she may have a lead."

Nightwing has posed:
    Dick listens to the story as Tim relays it, though his expression is unreadable, already being marked with worry and consternation. Of course, Jason would be adamant about handling it alone, too. That boy never learns. If he didn't go off alone, he wouldn't have ever gone through what he had at the hands of The Joker.

    "Well, let's find out everything we can about this All-Caste and what it has to do with Jason. And who their enemies might be. And why copper, of all things."

    Because there's nothing to be gained by not examining the evidence that they have on hand, after all.

    "Yin. It'd be good to have her on this, too. I like that. Can you contact her, Carrie? Even if she doesn't know what Jason's dealing with off hand, her abilities might come in handy."

    A pause.

    "If we're needed."

    Or, if Dick decides that Jason needs help regardless of his asking for it or not.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "So, if you have time, I figured Nightwing doing a patrol or two might help. I am also thinking of getting Connor, and a few friends, to come by and do a couple patrols. Giving them a bit of training while boilstering our numbers would be a good thing I figure.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley just grins at mention of getting ahold of Yin. "She's my sifu. Who do you think I was training with before you guys wised up about wanting to help me out?" There's a joking, lofty tone to her voice at this as she crosses her arms over her chest. It's only momentary teasing though; the matter at hand was serious after all. "I'll give her a call. See what we can do."

Tim's suggestions earn a nod as well though she has to ask, "Conner? I really need to catch up on the names of others around here. I've been working on catching up on so much already but I've kind of let that slip. The help would be apprecited though."

Nightwing has posed:
    Dick nods his head in agreement with Tim. "I'll do patrols, sure. But I've still got to be in Bludhaven, too. And I'm still training Carrie here, as well. So the more we can have Titans and other trainees come fill in, the better off we can be. Can you get that arranged, Tim?"

    Dick's been very hands off with the Titans, trying to let Damian feel out his place there, without the shadow of Big Brother looming over him. At least, not directly.

    "Conner is one of the Super family. Superboy. He's a friend," Dick explains to Carrie, before offering up a small smile. "But yeah, if you can bring Yin in, that'd be great. I really need to catch up with her, anyway. It's been a minute."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "I was looking more at the Outsiders, I am going to take a reserve roll with the Titans. I think Damian when he gets back would be happier if I was not around, that and gotta make sure they get the rooms labled right, they got mine as Robin, and his as Red Bird." He tells them. "So, I aint got fully filled in on Kitty, she someone we can call in as reserves with Jason away also?""

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley fidgets breifly at the mention of Kitty being called in. A glance is cast toward Dick, then back to Tim. Neither of them knew her as well as she did. Slowly inhaling she gives a nod. "She knows about us. Bruce has met her. She's 'gifted' as well so she could prove very helpful. I'll see if she's up to it, or if she's going to try to hunt Jason down. They *are* dating after all," she points out with a wry grin. "But as to what her abilities are and such? I'd feel more comfortable leaving that up for her to tell you all. I just know she has experience in the field."

It's about now that she stifles a yawn and takes a look at her watch again with a frown. "I should get going if I want to make it back to the city in time to grab a few hours of sleep. You guys okay from here?"

Nightwing has posed:
    So, Tim's still on the idea of forming a new group. Not that Dick can say much. After all, he sort of did that himself when he was younger. So, he gives an upnod to Tim, and says, "Make your own way, man. And whoever you can bring, bring. As for Kitty... I mean... She's in on... all of this. So it's not like we have secrets to keep from her. And she has phase powers, according to your story earlier. So, I can't see why not."

    Dick had picked up on that detail. He had not known about that before. He had simply thought Kitty Pryde to be a rather nice, and very pretty Jewish girl who was way out of Jason's league and would likely only wind up getting ruined by him, in the end. All of the men in this family are... not good for the women they try to connect with, really. Dick knows he's definitely not excluded in that. But, he hadn't gone digging for enough information on Kitty to reveal any powers. He had been keeping his probing cursory only, for the sake of respecting Jason and his new girlfriend.

    When Carrie makes to excuse herself, Dick looks from her to Tim and then back to her. He gives a faint nod of his head, and adds, "I think we've got things covered for now. We should all get some rest. But Tim, we've got a lot of catching up to do. I want to know what's going on with you, and if you managed to find yourself in your hiatus away from us. Let's meet up for a patrol soon. It's been a long time since we rolled the streets together. It'll be like old times."

    With that, Grayson pushes himself up off of the railing he had been leaning against, and starts to walk back towards the stairs that lead up to the secret entrance behind the clock. "I'm not going far. Until we have Damian and Jason back, I'll be sleeping here in my old room. Let me know if either of you need anything."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods a bit and says "I will be down here for a bit longer, going over al the records. I got to do a bit of me time, but was more handeing some of the corperations stuff. Singapor is nice, but I did not get to see as many of the roof tops as I would have liked to." He jokes. "Yea, I think we got it, if you need us call as well." he tells Carrie.