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Latest revision as of 03:04, 14 May 2019

Dinner on the Wing
Date of Scene: 27 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Archangel, Lara Croft

Archangel has posed:
When Warren originally asked Lara out to dinner, this may not have been what he had in mind. However, after hearing her speak of wanting to visit and her words on wanting to open her own home to mutant kind, he decided on a change of plans. Having let Lara decide on her own mode of transportation, since flying her may be a bit too personal right off the bat, Warren is waiting for her at their agreed arrival point - just outside of the police station in Bushwick, also known as Mutant Town.

He's dressed for the occassion - wearing a warm pullover style shirt, jeans, and a comfortable pair of hiking boots - his large white wings spread out behind him as they always are.

Lara Croft has posed:
It was an idea that Lara was passionate about, she'd considered doing something with her family's home for a plethora of reasons... from it being too large for her to ever feel comfortable inside it, especially after the fateful collapse of her family as a child, to wanting to see others enjoy it as she had in the happier moments as a kid. Its a literal museum filled with relics owned by both her father and some she's brought back herself... it could be a fantastic education facility.

As of now though, she was coming to meet a friend from her days teaching at Xavier's. Her black jeep pulls up at the designated meeting spot and she takes a second to place a special SHIELD parking identification on the inside window... one of many perks of the job.

Her driver's door pops open and she steps out, wearing a light gray tshirt, a pair of dark faded green jeans, some leather boots and holding a black hoodie in her right hand rumpled up to easily hold onto it. She's not the type to dress too fancy, unless she absolutely has to.

As she closes her door she easily spies the winged Warren and she offers him a slight smile, then a light wave with her right hand as she steps toward him. "Hey." She says in her soft English voice.

Archangel has posed:
"It's a good thing I decided to pick here, and not say, Gramercy Tavern to take you to eat." Warren comments as he spies Lara. However, the smile for her is positively beautiful on the young man as he approaches her, reaching to take her hands in a fond squeeze since they're still getting acquainted with each other. "You look wonderful, as always, Lara." he corrects himself. "I would still take you to the fanciest restaurant in all of New York just like that, and you'd still stand out as the dazzling star you are."

A wink is given towards the woman as he moves to stand next to her. "I thought we could start with a walking tour. Enjoy a bite to eat together at Fred's, and then come back here for a nightcap possibly at Club Evolution, if you're feeling up to it?" he asks, as he gestures with his hand stretched out to the area around him.

"Welcome to Mutant Town." And indeed, it's a sight to see. Already, Lara can notice that there is more than a fair share of people out milling about that would normally never be seen in public. At the basketball court next to the station, a group of teenagers are playing basketball. It would be mundane, if one of them didn't have four arms, while another on the court keeps shifting colors. Another mutant with tentacles has out a beatbox, and is working on his rhymes.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara has to glance down at herself as he comments on her attire and then she places her free hand onto her stomach just above the belt cinched around her jeans about her waist. She looks back up at him and cracks a grin. "I apologize..." She starts. "I probably should have worn something nicer. I just finished assisting in a rock climbing exercise with some of the trainees at the Triskelion, so I had to shower and just take what I had clean from my locker." A slight smirk is shown to the man then as she stands before and slightly beside him.

She lightly laughs at his restaurant suggestions. "I assure you that you needn't worry about taking me to... fancy... places to make me feel, whatever it is people feel when they go to them. Quite truthfully they make me feel rather uncomfortable." As much time as Lara spends eating out of ration cases while camping in the wilds, she's not really the kind for fine dining.

"A walk and tour sounds fantastic." She admits as well before her eyes look over to those people around the sport court. Her free hand goes up to stroke her dark hair back out of her eyes as she stares upon them for just a second before she looks back to Warren and shows him a soft smile. "Is it wrong that in my eyes I see no small amount of happiness in seeing people who are outside rather than indoors with their faces glued to electronic 'screens'."

Archangel has posed:
"I totally cheat at rock climbing." Warren says lightly, giving a light flick of his wings before falling into step with Lara, offering his arm if she wants to take it. "In my line of work, going out to fancy places is a given. And doing so would have only brought you undo attention, as all the tabloids would have immediately starting trying to make us a couple, and come up with some terrible couple name, like Larren, or some such." Blue eyes are cast to the court, and he grins.

"I think I'm more pleased at the fact that they feel comfortable in coming out." he admits. "When everyone's different, they're all the same, I believe someone way wiser than me said." The beatbox mutant continues to work on his rap,

'We are the mutant race
Don't look at my eyes, don't look at my face
We are the mutant people
Don't look at my eyes, don't look at my face

I'm not a man, I am a mutant
And even if you try
You know that you can't
Stop me with your human skills
Cos I've got nine feet and gills'

The tall blonde looks aside to Lara in thought. "I'm pleased to meet someone that doesn't let.. what I am.. color their thoughts of me." he gives a sigh at that. "Ever since I was a teenager, and my wings developed, I've been at odds with them. I'm just now starting to understand what it is I can do and what I can be. And that hiding isn't the option that it used to be."

Lara Croft has posed:
The 'couple name' suggestion does definitely make Lara release a light laugh as she does take the offered arm, its a classical courtesy that isn't often seen anymore and she was raised by classical standards. "I kind of like that one." She replies to it as well. "I have heard far far worse with those types of things." Lara has had a bit of experience in the Hollywood sphere, with a movie having released last year with her name attached to it and events very very very loosely based on what actually happened to her on an island off the coast of Japan four years ago.

"I would agree whole heartedly with the comfortability factor too." She replies as her eyes go to the man laying out his well worded song. It makes her smile to him, but she keeps the smile light and friendly. He's got skill, she can see it and hear it.

When Warren speaks of his wings, she looks back over at him, a slight glance behind him but then her eyes go back to his. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't envy your ability to fly whenever you have the need to do so. Heavens knows I've found myself in numerous situations where such an option would've been... quite nice." She looks ahead where they're moving toward and she shakes her head lightly. "I've no reason to judge anyone based on what they look like on the outside. I've known many people who were quite 'perfect' visually, but utterly terrible on the inside. It would be ridiculous to give someone special treatment for their looks, when no one has any power over that... beyond, good health habits of course."

Archangel has posed:
"Well, if I turn out to be utterly terrible for you, I hope you won't go on social media and call me the worst date ever." Warren says with a warm smile as he covers the hand on his arm for a brief moment. "Trust me, these wings can get me in as much trouble as they can get me into. But if you ever feel up to it sometime.." he shrugs his shoulders, a light blush coming over his cheeks and warming them. "I can take you flying?" he suggests.

The mutant kid on his beatbox rapping, giving an upnod of approval to the pair as Warren releases Lara's hand for a moment to get out his wallet. Taking out a twenty, he sets it in the kid's upside-down baseball cap. "Thanks, Wings!" the kid offers, and continues into the next verse.

'And I can breath underwater
And I can swing from a tree
And I can do what I wanna
And I wanna be free, yeah!

We are the mutant race
Don't look at my eyes, don't look at my face
We are the mutant people
Don't look at my eyes, don't look at my face
We are the mutant race
You don't looka like me, I don't looka like you
We are the mutant people
We're gonna bust ourselves right outta this zoo.'

Returning to Lara, Warren resumes their walk, gesturing towards one of the apartment complexes. It looks like a run down tentament building that is at least fifty years - if not older. "This is where I wanted to start to try to revitalize the neighborhood. A complete overall of these apartments into something more livable. But my board is against it. They can't justify the expense or the want to be landlords, as they put it."

Just as Warren start to say something, a realization comes to the couple. They are no longer in a bustling neighborhood. The warm lyrics of the kid have suddenly stopped. The basketball court is abandoned. Doors are closed, drapes are pulled. Silence fills the streets that were just a moment ago bustling with life and excitement.

Lara Croft has posed:
"I'd enjoy that." Lara replies about the flight. "A friend gave me a... jet pack of all things, a couple years back as a thank you for helping him recover an item. Its helped me quite a bit, but it can be a bit... extreme in some cases." She glances to Warren and grins lightly before she watches him move to give the musician a tip. She watches and regrets not carrying any cash on her in this moment. When Warren returns she smiles to him. "I only post rarely on my accounts. Pictures from my travels, and little else. The pictures themselves get a lot of attention, I think they speak for themselves and my personal words aren't really needed."

Lara's eyes then go to the building that is badly in need of renovation and she has to frown softly at the words Warren speaks with regard to his board of directors. She stares at the building and its many faults and areas of clear dilapidation. "Even for the positive press coverage of offering back to one's community?" She asks as she looks back to Warren, but the odd sensation of the sudden changes around them draw Lara's attention as she's a very very perceptive woman.

She doesn't speak yet, she just looks past Warren and then starts to look around them in confusion.

Archangel has posed:
Warren's own senses are up. She may sense the slight bristle and goosepimpling of skin as he turns his attention from the streets to the sky. Shadows are cast from above as they cut through the dwindling light of the day's end. And it only makes the already imposing silhouette of the shadow seem all that more dangerous and deadly. There are three of them in total.

They may not should be /this/ close to the ground. But perhaps someone planned it this way. Trask or one of his croonies. Maybe even the very government - or someone within it. The shapes are well known as they fly over Bushwick in tight formation. The giant man-shaped creations - made by man to be used against man. Sentinels - three of them. They fly slowly over Mutant Town, as if scanning it. They show no signs of stopping as they are on what seems to be a routine daily patrol.

One that the residents of Mutant Town have gotten down to an art. And none of them want to be the next one to end up on YouTube like the Russian Butterfly. Down on the ground, Warren is bristling, his wings tightening as if he's about to rip away from Lara and take flight to go after the damn machines himself. His teeth grit and he growls. "Blasted overgrown toaster..." Is his skin along the corner of his jaw turning blue?

Lara Croft has posed:
Croft's eyes continue to scan the area around them until it becomes clear that whatever was causing this exodus on the streets of its citizens, was above them rather than beside them. Lara's gaze then travels upward and she spies the metal beasts that soar over their heads, she watches them up until they're about to leave her ability to see them at all, and when Warren speaks.

Its then that she shifts her stare over to him and she takes a second to process his words as well as the clear physical reaction that the Sentinels cause in him. She's not a mutant, or a meta human, she's just a human, plain and simple--to some degree at least. "Fear will make people do the worst possible action, almost every time." She says then softly to him as she raises her hand to place it on his shoulder. "Anger will as well." Its possible she just quoted Yoda, to some extent, but she's never actually seen those movies so its just a coincidence!

"I wish I could do something about all of it, but we live in a strange time..." She looks back in the direction that the Sentinels had just gone. "The fungus attacks last year, followed by the Black Sleep event..." Lara draws in a breath and looks back at him again. "I was asleep for at least two days, my friend told me. He was with me in Paris. Luckily we were still at our hotel, and hadn't yet left to go on our full trip. He said almost everyone in the building was asleep. Just lying in the hallways or in the lobby. He said he'd never been more afraid in his life, and he's been through much the same things as I have." She lightly shakes her head. "I'm not sure where all of this is going next."

Archangel has posed:
Her touch is a placebo, calming Warrren down, as that blue parlor clears from him and he returns to that warm peach complexion he's known for. "It's what it's meant to do, Lara. It has stirred the fear of all that are here. This is no longer a neighborhood. It's a prison camp. And the guards just made their rounds." Already, now that the all clear has gone out, the first few brave souls are starting to venture back out again.

"The world can't be like this." he turns his attention to Lara, reaching his hand up to cover hers, "It can't just be us against them - with those that dare to straddle the line somewhere between." He looks down into those warm blue eyes of hers, and he lets out a breath. "There is always going to be something. Fungus. Black Sleep. Sentinels. Something will always be an issue. Something will always come in the way. And all we can do is try to.. make our best of it. I guess that's what made me embolden enough to ask you out." he says with a chuckle.

Then he considers, and glances upwards. "Let me show you the world as I see it?" he asks, offering his arms to the British woman, and leaving that decision entirely in her hands.

Lara Croft has posed:
Its terrible to think that this whole city neighborhood could be as he says it is, a prison camp. She gives a look upward to the sky again before her eyes fall back down to his and she draws in a light breath. "I'm a believer in the idea that every day on this planet is a little better than the last." She starts then. "Being a... in the field that I'm in, I've been immersed in the history of our planet and the ladder that it has been climbing since man and woman first began to walk upright. I've seen the dank and dark corners of our ancestors worst elements, and I've seen those dark places grow smaller and become less... deplorable, as humanity--and otherwise--moves forward each day."

As others start to come back outside, Lara glances over to them and she nods her head toward them. "I think that tomorrow will be a little better than today, it is just sometimes harder to see the good ways its improved in the short term."

When he speaks of the offer of seeing things from his perspective she looks back to him and after a second she gathers up the meaning of the offer and a grin slowly shows on her lips. "I suppose that could be more than a little interesting." She then holds up her rumpled-up hoodie. "Let me put this on though. Its still just barely spring after all, Mister Worthington." And with that said she starts to unrvael the garment and slip it on her arms and up her shoulders over her tshirt where she gets it propertly sorted upon her and gives it a zip up to mid-chest level.

Archangel has posed:
"And here I was hoping I'd keep you warm, Miss Croft." Warren teases back as she gets herself prepared. As she steps up to him, he settles his arms around her to let her get comfortable. "You don't have to hold on too tight. I won't drop you." he promises. Once she's settled, he takes off with a powerful flap of his wings as they go airborne. It only takes moments for them to get above the street level and skyline of the city. "I'm sure you've seen this all before, but I don't know if you've ever seen it outside of an aircraft?" he asks her.

With that, he turns, letting Lara get a view of Mutant Town from above, taking in the whole of the neighborhood from their altitude. "I want to see this area reborn. And I don't think that mutants should just be confined here. They should be allowed and welcomed in Queens, Brooklyn.. even in Jersey. Though I don't know why would anyone would want to live there." he offers with a laugh.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara gives the man a sly grin for his keeping her warm comment. "One can never be prepared enough." Is her response to that, likely something she takes quite to heart considering what she does for a living. "I trust you." She tells the man then as he moves to hold her how he needs to to take her off of the ground and up into the sky. Its certainly an unusual type of travel for her and when he questions that of her she looks over to him. "Certainly not outside of a plane, no."

When they get up rather high and he starts to speak of the neighborhood and he hopes for it, her eyes scan over it, her dark brown hair is tied back in a ponytail, but its loose around her bangs and the sides of her face and its whipping in the wind. She huffs out a light laugh at his comment about Jersey and the rest of Gotham City itself. "People have a wide variety of tastes." She tells him then before she looks back to him. "You have to play up the charity angle to your people. They'll come around, I'm sure of it!" She says with a light smile again. "Especially if you tell them that greater good will means greater profits and a more loyal consumer-base."

Archangel has posed:
"Maybe I should just hire you." Warren says with a light chuckle. Releasing her with one arm, he's able to keep her close with the other as he reaches out to brush some of her hair over her ear, though it's a useless gesture, as the wind whips it right back into place. "Okay, that didn't work as hoped." he says with a laugh, before return his attention to holding her. "They're my father's staff. And even though he's gone, they still follow his directives. And he was never one for mutants." Even him.

But Warren shakes that off as he glances down. "There's Fred's. Want to grab a burger?" he asks her as he starts to angle in that direction. "One of the things I like about you Lara, is that you can see the good in all things. I wish I could be that.. optimistic." But with everything that has happened to him, that causes him a hard time as he glance between the neighborhood and her.

Lara Croft has posed:
The difficult gesture of pushing her hair out of her face for her is not one lost on her. "Trust me." She says then, with a little laugh to follow it. "Its something I've grown accustomed to." She's never been one for tying her hair back tightly as the feeling of that just sort've grates on her nerves after awhile, she's always gone with the more loose and haphazard approach to the style.

She gives a slight grin sidelong to him after she says those words, showing that she appreciates the effort of it and then her eyes dart back to the city beneath them. "Its wonderful up here, I can see myself losing quite a lot of time doing this sort've thing if I were able to." For a moment her eyes scan the horizon before them for the Sentinels but they're out of sight.

She looks back to him at the suggestion of food and then down to where she spots the diner. "That sounds truly American and entirely wonderful." She says back, having to speak up just a little in their flying situation to make sure she's heard, second nature to most people to do that really. "And I'd be more than happy to speak to your people, if you think it would really help... but they may consider me an odd choice as I'm rather unrelated to... all of this!"