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Latest revision as of 03:35, 14 May 2019

A chance encounter with Turtles.
Date of Scene: 31 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Domino, Leonardo, Michelangelo

Domino has posed:
Domino had come to this small group of houses for a reason as she walked down the street wearing a trench-coat to hide all the guns, and something larger that didn't quite show. There was someone here that knew too much, and they were going to tell her exactly where the boss was. This poor fool thought he got away moving over here hiding in some gang of hoodlums... no not with Domino after you it was just a matter of time. This whole area seemed to know what was up as Domino walked towards the end of the block where there were people obviously looking out. Call it a feeling of danger, or just good luck but people seemed to feel it was time to go inside if they were not already.

She seems to stop just at the entrance that would lead to the group of three houses at the end of the block, and with a smile she lifts what is under her trenchcoat swinging it forward. It seemed to be a gernade launcher, and it was military grade as a "Thuummmp" noise followed by screaming then "Booom!".

The people in the front were just starting to point towards her when this was happening, and are now running for cover. The other people inside are either running, or grabing guns. There is one person though that is cowering... The one Domino is after as he knows what is coming.

Leonardo has posed:
On the outskirts of Mutant Town, not far from the neighborhood above the lair the turtles call home, two of the four have ventured out for a little research. Leonardo was aware of the place, knew it had a reputation for being a home to the abnormal, and he was seeking knowledge. How obvious were those with visible differences? How concerned were they about being seen by others? What sorts of dangers were there? Should their home ever be compromised, would this be a place they could adapt to? A place that could accept them?

"What do you think, Mikey? Have you been over this way before?" he asks, the two up on a rooftop again much like the other night closer to home. It will never /not/ be a good place to watch things going on below. "Could it work if we ever had to leave home?"

There won't be too long for a detailed response, as he's alerted by the sudden exploding sound. Maybe he just got his answer. "Really?" he grimaces, the impact of the boom reaching him in almost no time. "We'd better see what this is all about."

Michelangelo has posed:
Mikey is just along for the ride and while Leo does all the important, adult level, stuff he's off doing kickflips against a stairwell wall. Truth is, he had not been out this far and wasn't sure what to expect. Which is to say he's still not, nor is he even sure what they're doing here aside from tagging along and doing said kickflips.

"Is this one of those moments where you really want to know what I think or like, where Raph asks a question but he already knows the answer and I get smacked in the back of the head when I say something?" Mikey rolls closer to Leo and back stomps it up into his hand, doing a pretty spot on Raph impression, "No you idiot, it's a Rhematoid question."

Then there's an explosion and Mikey's attention snaps off in that direction, "uhhh.. you think that's like, just fireworks for Saturday appreciation day?" Another Rhumatoid (rhetorical) question, no doubt. "Okay, lead the way bro, but this isn't how I pictured our episode of house hunters going."

Domino has posed:
Domino smiles that cold smile at the scene infront of her though she doesn't even pause latching the launchers back as she runs in. Her acrobatics show as she runs towards the ones that were pointing they aim to shoot as she jumps over them pulling a gun of her own. As it shoots the solid impact noise of hard rubber shot at high speeds at close distance sounds in the air the two falling to the ground. She looks back at the building the others starting to mobilize though she only pulls out pair of ear-buds and turn a small old cassette player.

Around her people are starting to run out and away from this though from the rooftops it should be quite easy to see yet not been seen. The people inside have started to mobilize, and a lot of them have guns, and something else grabbing the gun now as they have been alerted some... how. Though from the outside in they are just too isolated from anyone who would really care enough to call the cops. So if someone else were to sneak in they would also have some time to sneak out again.

Leonardo has posed:
"No, I asked because I wanted to know what you think," Leo answers. "We're used to our home with Master Splinter, but with all of what's going on out here these days it's not bad to have a contingency plan just in case something happens. I'm a little worried about these Sentinels in the news." Yes, that's still on his mind, and this one would have fit right in with the Boy Scouts.

The rhetorical questions and all others are going to have to wait, however, as the trouble down below begins to ramp up. "Somehow I don't think so. Be on guard. We'll get closer, stick to the shadows unless we have to act. We need to see what this is about first." They might not have a lot of time to figure that out, unfortunately, but he's already taking a running leap to cross the gap from one rooftop to the next, in that direction.

Michelangelo has posed:
"Oh..." Mikey scratches the back of his neck, but then Leo is running off towards the sound of the explosions and he's having to follow. Flipping between gaps after fixing his skateboard to the little ring on his belt. He lands in a roll and comes up running after his eldest brother, skidding to a stop near the edge of the building to gaze down at the fleeing civilians. "Dude." He murmurs, glancing up for Leo, "Want me to, like, help them while you find out what the heck is going on?"

Domino has posed:
As Domino approaches the buildings she has to dive down as from the front comes lots of fire stops her forward progress. She is fine, and seems to be taunting them the gun-fire from inside continuing as she continues behind cover waiting. Fittling a little bit with something she seems to be waiting though the rain of gunfire hasn't seemed to stop so there must be a few in there. Smoke is starting to cover the area now from the explosives earlier, though the middle area where Domino is seems to be smoke free.

It doesn't take long before the lady with the guns swears loudly, and smacks it against the wall. All of a sudden smoke starts pouring out of it, and she tosses it inside. So the one area where there was nothing fills up covering her, though accidently, and them in a darker thicker smoke then the ones on the side. Where she goes from there is anyones guess, as from the outside in the sight might start to get a bit cloudy.

Leonardo has posed:
Nodding to Michelangelo, Leonardo points down toward the houses below them. "Yes. Anyone who looks like they need help, try to get them out of the line of fire if you can do it safely. I'm going to see what I can find out about why this is going on." Crouching before looking down from their new position just another building over from the most action, he descends silently in shadow until he's used cover to place himself, crouched, behind the same protection Domino's found.

"Feel like telling me what this is all about before I go after the wrong person?" he suddenly asks, just a few feet away from her if she's remained distracted enough by the counterfire, the smoke beginning to swirl and spread inside the place she's thrown it. Yes, that's a talking, somewhat humanoid turtle.

Michelangelo has posed:
Mikey descends into the streets quickly by way of jumps and grabs along fire escapes and the sides of buildings. When he lands he rolls out of the last drop and makes his way quickly towards a group of asorted civilians with his hands up patting the air, "Don't freak out, I'm just going to get you over-" Pointing to the building he's just come down from and the mostly empty interior of the bottom floor, "-there. There's an exit out the back, so.. like.. come on or something." Waving for them, putting his shell between them and whatever is going on in explosion building with frequent glances back to make sure Leo is as alright as he can see him to be with all the smoke coverage.

Domino has posed:
Domino is not startled often, but when a Turtle humanoid comes out of no-where she is due a surprsied shot. So yes... on acident a single shot goes off at the turtle. Keep in mind it is a rubber bullet so even if it hits though it might hurt it wouldn't actually take him out even for a little bit though one would assume he is used to this reaction so is ready for it. She glares at him for a moment, and is quiet thinking before she speaks taking a moment to adjust to the new situation.

After a minute she takes out her earbuds.. "I am going to assume since your not slicing at me with that... confused look?" she wasn't sure as she had not seen many turtle looks so was guessing. "Bad guy... second floor. He has information I am going to get it." as she finishes she shoots over the cover, and it misses. Something wierd might happen as the bullet bounces, and there is a scream from inside as the rubber bullet bounced off a wall hitting him. She looks at the turtle. "Get in my way... and you get one two." and hops into the smoke to continue her mission. Good news is she didn't say not to come, or shoot at ya... twice maybe Domino is starting to get the handle of this working together thing.

Leonardo has posed:
A strange-looking hand, half as many fingers as usual, begins to reach for a katana strapped across Leo's back, his body turning just enough in time for the rubber bullet to go glancing off his shell. A real one might have been some trouble, tough as that natural protection can be. "Lady, do you always shoot first and ask questions later?" he wonders through narrowed eyes, that area covered by the blue mask tied off in back.

Meanwhile, Michelangelo has an opening to work with, though the willingness of anyone he's focused on to move with him is pitted against the possibility of getting shot. While some continue running away long past the point of getting to a safer spot, they decide it's better to reach cover than worry too much about Michelangelo's appearance. Still, there's more than one gasp for him.

"How do I know he's the bad guy?" Leo questions as he looks over in the direction of the house with the smoke that swirls and pools. That, at least, the turtle is used to when it comes to diversions. "Shoot at me again and I can't promise I won't cut your gun into pieces," he warns Domino, but he does not yet follow her in, motioning instead for Michelangelo to return to take the place the woman's just vacated behind cover, filling him in on what little he's learned so far. "I think she made the big boom, so my guess is she started all this. I'm not going in blind after her, but I want to know what's going on in there." Buildings tend to have more than one way in.

Domino has posed:
As the smoke spreads Domino seems to disapear into it, and you swear you seen something like this. You might be able to spot her from time to time as she isn't 'ninja' good, but well trained it looks like she is darting around in the smoke at first almost at random. Then after a couple spotings you might realize she is getting closer, and even gets to the point with the smoke behind her though she leaves it guns in each hand though not pointed at him. "Who the heck asks for proof while they are being shot at?" she seems more confused then anything looking at the Turtle for real this time.

There is a shot from the building, and it just misses her though she doesn't flinch.. "Whats your name kid.. Mine is Domino.." and she spins aiming slightly with a shot that is followed a moment later with a yell. She turns around again and looks at him.. "Cut these and I will start using real ones... So I guess it is your move. I only shot at ya once these guys have had to at least a dozen." she doesn't mention her bullets are rubber as if he didn't realize this she would of been a bit dissapointed.

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo sends Michelangelo around toward the back to keep an eye on that side, ready to call out if there are any signs of people trying to sneak away from that side. "I'm not asking for a full report, but if I'm going to help you I'd like to know why and what I'm getting into," he says in an even tone, using a low profile to advance closer while not yet entering the building fully. He can still use the smoke cover and her voice to communicate, even if her calling out through the stuff could give her position away. A peek over a window that's become busted out gives him a moment to see what he can see, which may not be much.

"You can call me Leonardo," he adds, paying attention to the sounds of shots and shouts, though his eyes narrow behind the mask again. "Keep them pointed away from me and you won't have to consider switching." He definitely seems like a serious one, holding back on acting without knowing whether he should or not. This, in fact, is not yet his fight but he remains ready to act, now with both katanas out and in hand, just a step from being inside.

Domino has posed:
From the smoke a calm voice comes out further in by the people inside.. "Well let me ask you this.. If I am the bad guy, or they are the bad guy.. Isn't doing nothing letting one of us win?" and grins to herself as she had gotten behind some-one. Lifting their arm behind their back causes them to rise, and right into the rubber bullet shot as the man goes limp obviously though it was a bit meaner then it needed to be. Domino moved, but continued "Fine... Gotham crime boss had a brother. Got to hot for him in Gotham so here he is." Domino points up then realizes continuing.. "He is upstairs the too scared to run kind."

You might start to realize her voice is fading if ya respond to her as she is seeming to go for that person leaving the people with guns down here. There would also be a spark from the smoke device showing it doesn't seem to of taken that hit too well. All this to make poor Leo's day just a bit more complicated.