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Latest revision as of 03:54, 14 May 2019

Spleunking in The Narrows
Date of Scene: 02 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Arella Despana

Kid has posed:
The Narrows. Old. Questionble. Uncontrollable. At least by police standards.

This made it perfect for those unafraid to explore the abandon places of the world. Weather it half crumbling buildings left over from riotes, or world wide devastating events such as The Mushroom or Darksied Invasions. Sometimes there simply old factories that have gone into disuse. Or labs that have long been abandon due to one travestiy or another. The Narrow may be mostly Residential - but within their decrepid streets, lies a Host of Stories to see, and Goodies to find.

Kid, or shall we say Malcom, was in it for the Goodies. Maybe some old tech he can study, or new ones that been burried. Considering the part of town he was in, he stuck to his Older mobster-style illusion. A brute in a suite that many could easily mistake for a mutant. Which was fine by him

At the moment, this unsuall well dress fella was heading towards the dock areas where many old Factories, and run down building where found. Despite his large size, he had good strength and speed as he jumped from roof top, to rooftop at a good clip. It didn't look anything super-human, but simply a man that knows the limits of his bodies and capabilities. Though of unsual note was simply how silent his movement was, as if he was more a sleek dexterious cat than an oversized muscle-head.

Arella Despana has posed:
Someone the well dressed fellow would recognise is sitting on one of the rooftops that he leaps past. A non human and easily recognisable as such. Pointed ears, white hair and green eyes. She's the fantasy painting centerfold that helped Kid defeat a large water retaining Duck the other evening. She is not so kinetic in her movements - merely sitting in one place eating a Reuben sandwich and sipping tea from a thremaice. She raises her cup to kid as he passes - if he passes and does not stop to speak.

Kid has posed:
     Of course - weather or not a non-human recognizes another non-human is a whole other matter, as the next event might reveal. Malcolm slows, one because Sandwich, Two because random girl. He as before sends out a generic short range broadcasting of telepathy o O ("Oh! Your that mutant from the other day! What you doing here?") yes. He just referred to her as a mutant. He doesn't exactly have many frames of references to go bye. And the references he does have...well he given up on trying to tell the differences at this point lets say.None the less he crouches very much like a gorilla, as he looks to her in wait for the potential answer

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella is of an unusually friendly disposition this eve. She even casually offers 'Malcolm' one half of her sandwich. But then Arella rather famously was known to be one of the more sociable Svartalfar. Atypical of her dour race. "I am technically an Alien - by modern standards." Arella clarifies. "But in days of yore the people of Midgard called my kind Svartalfar or Dark Elves. Now as I understand it we are a popular race in tabletop gaming. I have been invited to join a game. I however refuse to play a Dark Elf in it as I have been doing an alright job of playing one for the last five thousand earth years."

Kid has posed:
Malcolm accepts the sandwhich half he is given...and he digs in with gusto. o O ("Mmmm. Rueban. Thanks") he thinks while munching. He was quite content with the sandwhich it seems as he concentrated on it for a few minutes. o O ("Eh. Modern Standards are confusing. Franly everyones an alien, or a weirdo, or something else that is not what it seems. Try haveing a conversation with Lucifer.") his psychic tone indicating he has indeed done that himself. o O ("But Dark Elf...let see...let see. Oh! You must be somehow related to them Asgardian fellas. let see lets see, something about eternal enemies, murder murder kill kill. Banishment or something or other.") again his tone wasn't accusing, infact he almost seemed indifferent to it, or at least not one to jump the gun as it where as if everything he learned could be false. o O ("Hmmm. I think I would play an orc...or a dwarf. One or the other. Though I am not sure how well I would do in a tabletop game")

Arella Despana has posed:
"Five thousand years ago I was one of the Asgard's most bitter and lethal enemies. I made many of the weapons the Svartalfar weilded against the Asgard. But then I had a falling out with Malekith our 'dear' leader and took it upon myself to flee rather than fight. I have forgotten about my conflict with the Asgard. But they have not. There are none of my kind left to fight bar myself and a couple of others. I would say that means the Asgard have won and they should congratulate themselves and let the stragglers who cling to life be. But I am not them." Arella overclarifies. "What is an Orc?" she hasn't seen Lord of the Rings.

Kid has posed:
o O ("You left out long winded") Malcolm replies. o O ("As for an orc...well") he hasn't seen Lord of the Rings himself, but he read comic books, and seen fantasy RPGs. He creates an illusion of a orc, closer to a Warcraft Orc, next to himself and gestures ("Orc!") unsurprisingly, the brute, seems to like the idea of playing a brute! o O ("Anyways, I am heading to explore an old lab. Hoping to find some tech to study")

Arella Despana has posed:
"Ick!" Arella says at the image. "Do they actually exist somewhere? It looks like a cross between an Ape and a Skrull." As for Malcolm's revealed destination, "Exactly where I was going. Care to watch my back?" Arella puts her hands on her hips and stands up from her reclined position.

Kid has posed:
o O ("And whats wrong with looking like an Ape?") he crosses his arms. Again, his human illusion resembled a mutant. In particular, he did resemble a Human-like Great Ape. Oversized canines, arms/legs much bulkier than a humans, a rather beastly appearance, that is also somehow human. He rolls his eyes o o ("But sure. It is a dangerous enough place. I scratch yours, you scratch mines. If your not familiar with midgardian phrase - it just means we watch each others back") nipping any potential miscommunication in the bud. And with that he backs up to begins his run....and LEAP! On to the next roof.

Arella Despana has posed:
Effortlessly Arella follows the disguised simian. In fact she takes out her tablet with the alien looking technological growth on it to monitor something. "I am trying to find a piece of tech that fell to earth a while ago and I believe was abandoned. Honestly Midgardians do not know what they have in hand sometimes. Or how it might revolutionise their own technology."

Kid has posed:
    o O ("That because midgardians are terrible at shareing. Weather it is food or knowledge. It only recently gotten better.") he replies. He misjudges a jump and catches himself on the edge of the building. But unpanicked and unworried he simply pulls himself up in order to keep going, not bothering putting any drama on it. They were getting closer to the docs o O ("And well, considering were BOTH looking for tech, Imma be expecting some info, or some help picking up some tech too! What this thing supposed to look like anyways?")

Arella Despana has posed:
"I am okay with that - take what you want. I am only here to inventorise what is here not take it. I want to know what has landed here and who has been here as much as what is here. The artefact should be an unremarkable looking piece of armor. A pauldron of sorts." Arella looks concerned as the 'man' slips but does not move to catch him.

Kid has posed:
     o O ("Don't worry about me. Taken worse than a fall.") comes Malcolm 'voice'. It seems he wasn't quite used to folks careing about him. o O ("And a Pauldron eh? That should be interesting." He continues forward. And finally they are upon the docs. Kid jumps down to the fire-escapes bewteen two buildings. he jumps from one to the other rather than just take the laders for a quicker trip down, before touching down on the ground. o O ("Seems where here")

He point to a large brick gothic building. It kept with the Gotham styling, but it had several large old signs, Calling it Frederix Tech Lab. Many of the windows where smashed in. Grafftie lined the walls. Some from modern gangs, other years faded and decrepid.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella summons up some elaborate looking armor in a gauntlet and uses the claws of her gauntleted hand to slow her descent as she falls to the ground after Kid. "I am not worried," Arella clarifies enigmatically. A lie. Not an obvious one. "So many abandoned corners. Any vagrants living here?"

Kid has posed:
     Malcolm grunts, not believing her it seems. Emotions are a pain in the rear to him for a reason. o O ("Probably. If it's abandon and here, Finding a forgotten shouldn't be too hard. Might even give us a clue."). He closes his eyes and concentrates much like before, to see if he can sense anything.

A low growl emits soon after o O ("Yea, a few. Some young, some old. Though...") a pause as his lips twitch o O ("May got some gun toteing idiotes here too. Keep an eye out. Unless you WANT to track em down.")

Arella Despana has posed:
"I prefer to avoid trouble even though it often finds me. Conventional bullets are not a problem for me. Being an immortal alien and all," Arella quips. "They do hurt like hell though."

She checks her tablet. "It's close - through there." Arella points to a nearby broken window.

Kid has posed:
o O ("Try having one piece your flesh. Not fun!") he says with a chuckle. He felt at ease around Arella. Maybe because of the fact she wasn't human. Or because she gave him food. Food is a pretty big factor with him. But regardless, when given direction, he peers.

He opens up a satchel and out comes a flashlight for a bitter look. He approaches the window and notes it was fairly high up. But not unascenable. As such he crouches down, and puts two hands togeather, ready to give Arella a mighty boost up. Not that she needed it, seemed more instinctual than anything o O ("So why you catalogging this tech anyways? Is it for Luthor?")

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella bypasses the boost and clambers up on her own. Plainly she is used to being a solo flyer. "Luthor knows about it. I don't know whether he knows that I know he knows." She says smirking. "Actually I am trying to save the world," Arella says unironically.

Kid has posed:
Kid takes a might leap. His hands get scrapped by the glass, but he ignores it as he pulls himself up further. o O ("And what are you saving the world from?") he asks. He pulls himself up further intoover the windows threshold, and finally into the building proper.

He signs the torch around. And it appears they were in a hallway. Ominiouse sound of rattling pipes from playing mice. The dripping of water agaist the calming sound of waves from outside. The smell of decay, mold, and mildow. Ceiling tiles littered the floor, as did years of blown in trash. Definintly not safe. But it none the less the hallway seemed to lead onwards.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella climbs up the wall like a human sized insect with amazing rapidity. "An as of yet unknown alien threat. I'm very good at quashing those." She smiles to herself. Here again it is difficult to tell whether she is telling the truth or being evasive.

Kid has posed:
     o O 9"How incredibly detailed and forth comming you are") sarcastic brute is sarcastic. He rolls his eyes o O ("At this point I am not even sure why we do not just open up relationships with aliens if I am being honest.") He really didn't understand it. But none the less he begins moving forward in the hallway. Sweeping the torch across the ground in case anything should appear for them.

Arella Despana has posed:
"I've been open to relationships ever since I've been here," Arella says almost deliberately misunderstanding Kid. "Try being in stasis and wide awake for a few thousand years. It's like a nightmare. When you get out you are eager for any attention and I mean any." She points to a door in the hall way. "There. But we might have some company."

Kid has posed:
Malcolm looks her stone cold in the eye o O ("...I believe I can relate to the experience on...some level") something he clearly DID NOT like, ignoring the misunderstanding completly. Few thousands years? No. Being stripped of proper attention and living in a nightmare? Yes. Very much yes.
    As he looks to the door. o O ("Well, if there company, let give em a little scare...") he broadcast to here, before his head does a little 360. o O ("They won't even see us.") unless whatever behind the door can't be affected by illusions. He broadcast a simple broader illusion now, rendering Arella and himself invisible.

He approaches in a nonchallent manner, whistling an eerie tune...before he quite suddenly Kicks the door wide open. Actually it goes flying off it hinges due to how decrepid the building was!

Arella Despana has posed:
The occupants of the room are little more than vagrants who scramble away from their paltry belongings when Kid and Arella enter so abruptly. Arella's eyes widen, "You know actually I am beginning to feel quite bad about this. Perhaps we should leave some cash for these poor people before we go." She points to a crate in the corner. "There it is."

Kid has posed:
     There was something oddly, predatory about Malcolm at the moment, he seemed ready to chase down those vagrants like a wild animal. He just seemed a bit less...human. But he seems to snap out of it. o O ("If you got some, feel free. These folks are at least easier to relate too.") seeming as if he has perhaps been in their shoes before.
    Still when Arella points out the crate he goes over. He pulls out his crowbar and pries open the top of the crate to open and reach the contents.

Arella Despana has posed:
And it is there. Arella's 'pauldron' a bit of rusty looking armor that is intended to shield a human sized humanoids shoulder. It does not at all look special. But Arella is content to scan the armor from a distance. "Be careful it is alot more than it seems. Dangerous to touch in fact."

Kid has posed:
Malcolm cants his head. It didn't look like much special to him, but he was excited. And being the curiouse grease monkey he was, he reaches in and picks up the pauldron. He turns it over in his hands, the spark in his eyes like that of a child who was seeing and learning something new. o O ("What is it supposed to do?") yup, ZERO adherence to the warning that was just given. He even goes so far as to put it on his shoulder.

Arella Despana has posed:
The pauldron sticks to Malcom organically growing into his skin. "No I told you don't do that!" Arella says. It is quite painful. Possible to rip off but only removing some skin and flesh in the process.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm eyes widen as he feels the intense pain. He lets out a beastial roar that echos through the facility. It was enough to make him drop his illusion revealing he was a gorilla as his hand went to his shoulder and held it tightly in pain. And yes...considering he had large canines, a great ape build and even greyish-green skin...he kinda looked like an orc, save for the black fur. Oddly he had golden areas of fur as well. He snarls breathing deeply through his nose o O ("Damn, this hurts! What...happening?") he asks. He doesn't rip the gauntlet right off but does tenderly try to see what was going on.

Arella Despana has posed:
"It's found a new host - thats the way the armor works." And indeed the armor appears to become shiny and new with its finding of a new host. "You may want to have it removed unless you are planning on getting shot in the shoulder sometime soon." Arella has a notable lack of suprise at the appearance of the gorilla. She knew something was up.

Kid has posed:
o O ("Tsk. You'll be surprised how many times I been shot and stabbed in the shoulder. But uh...is there anything I else I should be worried about here? Like is this thing going to grow or what? And Host? Please tell me it not a parasetic thing and more mutualistic") Malcolm was oddly...calm about this whole thing. He opens his satchel and get out his tools. In this case a screw driver where he begins trying to find a panel or some short. or lift it away from his skin.

Arella Despana has posed:
"It sort of is parasitic," Arella says, "Not that that is a problem. It is just going to hurt like hell for an indeterminate amount of time. You might want to get rid of it as I said," Arella says not trying to be unhelpful,

Kid has posed:
     Kid get this look of really o O ("...you do not what parasitic means right? Well do you know HOW to get rid of it.?") the pauldron was definintly hurting. If it wasn't for his relatively high pain tolorence, this would be far far worse. But it was certainly hurting enough to mess with his illusions. Even his psychic 'voice' was having trouble being broadcasted. He jabs at the paldraun with the screw driver in annoyance o O ("And whateven IS the logic behind armor that hurts the wearer?")

Arella Despana has posed:
"I know what it means. Nothing special about getting rid of it. Rip or cut it off." Arella frowns with worry. "Some societies out there value suffering and pain," she explains.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm face just goes 'really?' as if such people were idiots. He takes a deep breath, and grips the pauldron. His fingers flex in preparation, easily able to grasp the entirty of it. He grimices and....tries to rip it off his shoulder like it was no ones buissnes. Could the pauldron stand up to the strength of a gorilla?

Arella Despana has posed:
It would take a considerable amount of effort to rfemove as the pauldron seems to reknit it's connection to Kid's skin. Arella could help but chooses this moment to look away. Empathy being a new and unwelcome dimension to the Dark Elf's psyche.

Kid has posed:
     Of course Kid doesn't realize that Arella is extreamly strong - probably alot stronger than him. He growls in pain as he continues to try and rip the pauldron off, feeling it tearing into him, wanting to stay part of him. With one last beastial roar where WAVES of anger and pain emit outwards, Kid manages to finally rip the pauldron off. Needless to say, his shoulder was a good bit more bloody, and missing a substantial amount of fur. He falls to his knees from the sheer pain of it all.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella chooses this moment to be helpful of all times. She summons a mace and bats the pauldron away from Kid before it can attach to any other part of his body. "I think I'd better take that into custody as soon as I can find a safe way of carrying it," the Svartalfar remarks.

Kid has posed:
     Kid is breathing heavily. His body was wracked with pain. He is quiet a long long moment. Instead of answering, he just picks up the crate he got it from and shoves it towards her. It was in a crate before, it can be again. After a few moments of recovery, his 'voice' was alot weaker o O ("Well, guess it is finders keepers. Heh. Was hoping to study it more. But, don't think I got the tools needed to study something like THAT.") a weak chuckle escapes him, both annoyed and dissappointed, as well as pained. o O ("Think...anything else....interesting is here?")

Arella Despana has posed:
"I think we'd best call it a night - and you need to get that seen to," Arella says herr face still a mask of concern. She scoops the pauldron up into the crate. "I'm not sure I want to find anything more this evening. Things have been dramatic enough for me."

Kid has posed:
    Kid growls, he clearly wasn't happy about not being able to find anything to study himself. He closes his eyes, trying to think clearly. o O ("just needs...to get bandaged up.") he puts up his illusion again, but it was flickering o O ("Just will call...a cab for the hopsital") he stands, wobbles a bit but straightens soon enough. Holding his shoulder, he begins to try and find his own way out.