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Latest revision as of 14:56, 14 May 2019

MidTown Pardons
Date of Scene: 10 April 2019
Location: New york City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Martian Manhunter

Kid has posed:
The Big Apple has at times been called the city that never sleeps. And this is definintly true to an extent. In some parts of the city, it so active you'll swear you were in Vegas. And other parts so crime ridden, you wonder if it really is all the same city.

From prostitutes, to Lawyers. Privates Eyes, to Brutal Crimes. Mutants, Aliens, Humans, and all kinds of creatures and denizens make this big ol city their home in one form or another. Blending in, or standing out, depending on their respective minds and moods.

The mood this day has taken us to the darker corners of Midtown. Where only the brave, foolish or truely harden dare to walk into the darkened dripping alleys. And even fewer stop to offer help, or talk to another if they do not know them. It not that New Yorkers are unfriendly, they just know how bad any one area can be...

And then there things that just plain stick out. Kid was one such thing. The massive gorilla, hands in his jacket pockets was walking down the street. Most folks didn't bother him because...well gorilla. Humans arn't THAT dumb. But than again as Kid was walking, several thugs came out of an alley way blocking his path, armed with guns. One speaks up "Alright, hand over everything you got!"

Kid growls deeply, which made some back up a bit. As it stands the gorilla seemed injured already, his shoulder wrapped up. And yet despite this, he had a very angry...very aggressive air about him, as if this was NOT the night to mess with him. Infact he might just tear off a few arms...

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn maintains his purpose of walking more in the world as a human, especially now that he decided to be more active. Today he is shifted into one of his usual human forms, an ebony skinned man wearing a well tailored suit giving him a quite professional look, and the look of someone who surely wouldn't adventure in the darker parts of a city such as this one. Anyways, he seems to walk with a confident and calm stride, and only him probably knows what his destination is if he has any at all. His steps, however, bring him in sight of a group of armed with guns and seemingly intent on messing with a gorilla of a man, in the literal sense. Advancing towards the group till he finds himself in sight of everyone, he attempts a soft smile at the thugs "don't you want to put that guns away before he rips you all to pieces?"

Kid has posed:
    Some of the thugs turn to J'onn....and glance at Kid. All things considered, J'onn made pretty good sense, considering the gorrilla was begining to crack his knuckles in preparation to do said ripping. There is a moment of hesitation before the thug says to Kid, still mighty high on his horse "Yea know what. Slicks right. Git going yea dumb ape." he looks back to J'onn "Well take what you have instead. Your Pockets. Empty them" some guns were on J'onn now. A few on Kid considering he was a massive ape.

But Kid himself as stated before was not in a good mood. His eyes glance at J'onn as he even growls at him. But he couldn't just let the man handle these guys all alone - most suits arn't good at fighting he finds. As such he goes and walks around the group padding along silently. J'onn would see this...but evidently not the thugs.

The thugs still had their guns trailed on where Kid once was, as he leaves behind an illusionary copy of himself, while the real him was rendered invisible to the thugs.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles slightly, glancing at the thugs and their guns, aware of Kid but purposefully avoiding to look at him to not give away his real position "I know, surely people pointing guns at someone like him don't have to be the smartest cookies" and he points at the illusionary image of Kid to perfectly define who the Him in question is "but really, you should go back home, and put those guns away. Or better yet, you could do a good thing and turn yourself in to the police, doesn't it seem as a good idea?" he tries to add a telepathic suggestion addressed directly to the thugs to his words.

Kid has posed:
The telepathic suggestion reaches the thugs. Between that, and the looming sense of some unseen threat - some kept glancing behind themselves as if seeing through Kid, but unaware of his presence - the suggestion takes hold. One stammers out "Man, perhaps...we should. This is feeling real funky." another pipes in "Yea. it just..." he doesn't even know why he taking the suggestion as he begins to lower his gun.

However the suggestion doesn't take root in all of them as one sneers "Oh grow a pair. What he gonna do. Just cut him, gut him and be done with it" he orders angrily at those who where begining to do as suggested.

This is about the time Kid interviens. He grabs the heads of two thugs in a steel like grip, and begins to drain their minds in a rather rough manner. They struggle frantically before they stop moving as if there very life was being drained, and even then Kid was draining them further.

Needless to say the others jump back and aim their guns at...the air!?!?! They had no idea what was going on and looked completly freaked out.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn shakes his head slightly in Kid's direction, adding even more force to both his words and his telepathic suggestion now "go away, now. Run. To the police" he says, walking calmly in Kid's direction "let them go, please, they will not pose a treat anymore and we do not want two corpses completely deprived of their minds." he keeps his senses alert, to make sure the thugs follow his command, but his eyes never leave Kid's figure

Kid has posed:
     Yea. They take off like the devil himself was chasing them. They might just impress a speedster with the way they ran. All they wanted was some money, not whatever this was!

As for Kid his eyes narrow in on J'onn as if he might just become his next meal. His grip tightens some, almost as if he is wrestling with a more...predatory instinct. But than he...well he doesn't drop them persay. More like he tosses them back into the alley they came from in an unceremoniouse manner. They were alive, and would live. Some amnesia for sure, but will none the less wake up in a few hours.

Kid turns back to face the sidewalk, ready to go on his way. But he gives pause and looks back to J'onn and raises his hands, signing - a watch on his wrist speaking for him "Some Kinda psychic I see. So that whole police buissness. They really gonna go to them?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn waits till the thugs disappear, those running and those tossed away like dolls, and links his mind with all of them to make sure they are really running to turn themselves in to the police. Nodding in satisfation noticing the suggestion is still been followed to the letter, he glances at Kid with a small smile "they are on their way to the nearest police station right now, the ones that can walk at least. The other two, well, they will eventually once they wake up... Are you allright, anyways?" he asks, assuming an even more relaxed posture

Kid has posed:
    "Great. Just what I needed. Time to make myself scarce." he signs. Clearly he didn't want to deal with the police. But he does sign "And no worries" he glances into the alley "They'll be up in" he bobs his head back and forth "...16 hours. Got a bit...rough on them" something he is internally cursing himself over right now. It wasn't his night. "Anyways, I am fine" no he wasn't.
    He begins walking. The voice on his watch was plenty loud "And unless you want to deal with coppers you best get walking too." he was agaist company, but he was swift to leave the scene of a crime. But he did so relaxed, the nearest police station was a few blocks away. So there was no extream rush to get moving.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods, walking in Kid's same direction, so keeping a parallel course a couple of metres to his left "I know they're still alive, yes." he admits "and don't worry, cops won't get here. Just a couple of paramedics to pick those two, they're on their way." he keeps walking calmly too, a soft smile on his lips still "you sure you're allright?"

Kid has posed:
     Kid looks at J'onn several times, with a rather nasty snarl. But he was always angry it seemed. Granted he has gotten better with his temper....relatively speaking. A sigh escapes him and he signs "To be honest. I am never sure if I am." he considers it and looks to the city. And it is true, Kid had...alot of emotions hanging around him, he held onto rage though as it was the only familiar sensation to him. Anything else was guess work to him. But it seemed being around calmness...made him calmer. He signs "So why interfer?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods understandingly, picking up at least a bit of Kid's emotions maybe, his telepathy subtle enough that it shouldn't be that noticeable to the gorilla or at least that's the plan. "I see. It happens sometimes to loose control, and it is hard to regain it so, I am glad you did." he admits, earing the question then he takes a couple of seconds before answering "I had nothing else to do, at the moment. And I think that a street full of corpses in various states of mental draining and physical pain wouldn't have been that good of a decoration, don't you think? At least, noone got hurt. Them, even if they don't really deserve it, and you."

Kid has posed:
    Kid flashes suddenly with pain - the past. Within his jacket his fist clench up. He doesn't say anything else in regards to regaining control. He kept his hands in his pockets for a few minutes, as he considers J'onns words. Finally his hands come back out and he signs "You are a strange man. But guess everything in this city is strange." he didn't notice the telepathic pick-up. Infact, despite perhaps being a telepath, it seemed Kid had zero shields/filters. The thoughts and emotions of other people readily enter in and out of him, but he seems to make no distinction between which are his own and which are not. "Eitherway...thanks. Even if you did mostly just stand there" he let out a beastial chuckle, as it was a simple chide with no real offense ment.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods accentuating his smile a bit "I guess I am a strange man, yes..." he admits "and sometimes, just standing there is enough, some would say an efficent use of your skills. I mean, the maximum resoult with the minimum effort" if he notices Kid remembering something about his past, he says nothing about that at least for now "and the illusion, earlier, that was a nice trick. Well done"

Kid has posed:
    Kid smiles bright. And he even rubs the back of his head seeming unused to compliments. He signs "Eh, it was nothing. Got real good at them. Kept me hidden a good while before the whole 'oh, sapiant gorillas exist' thing came out" he explains. "Though my favorite illusions are not one you see, but ones you hear. But what about you? Clearly your psychic, but what kinda psychic are you?" as not all psychics where created equal. Some hear thoughts, some make illusions, some so much more. Rare was the chance Kid even got a chance to just 'talk' about such things.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn keeps looking at the street in front of him as he walks, letting all other senses pick up all the relevant informations about his surroundings so that, apparently, he doesn't seem alert at all "I, my skills in telepathy cover just a bit of everything..." he admits "from illusions, to mind reading, to detection and control, suggestions as you have seen, telekinesis..." casting a glance at kid "I know it is not my place to say, but maybe you will want to work on your mental defenses too... Everyone is vulnerable to a telepath but, well, other telepaths should be extremely careful in the defensive department as well"

Kid has posed:
    Kid listens intently his ears twitching. He himself was constantly alert, not because he didn't know the area, but more because he expect trouble. He signs "I am not too different. Illusions, can read surface level thoughts, suggestions, too. Pologlot of language, no telekinesis though. And well...psychic vampirism" he seems to hate that, hate himself for having that, and hated that he needed to feed on others. But he goes on "if I feed on a psychic, my abilities get stronger. My favorite trick is 'dark vision'. Self imposed illusion. Know a place enough, and have even a tiny bit of light, you can turn night-time into day for yourself." Another chuckle escapes him "Your not the first person to say that. Most are surprised to learn I...have no clue about telepathic defenses. Never needed it, and in the past, being 'open' was more important for survival. I actually been hoping to find a tutor to help me learn"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods again in understanding "psychic defenses are always good to have... They can be useful both to keep things out, and to keep things in. Plus, you don't get your mind flooded by the thoughts of everyone around you and, that usually, helps with concentration." about psychic vampirism he just seems thoughtful, considering the wole situation even if it takes probably less than a second "I do not know enough about your abilities to suggest a course of actions, I'm afraid. But, well, feeding on others in case of dire danger, well it could be used I suppose. Everytime else, though, that can be something you might want to learn how to deal with if possible, yes."

Kid has posed:
     Kid listens intently and nods slowly. He signs "There is no 'dealing with it'. It not a disease, or a sickness. You may as well be asking a fish to breath air when it needs water. Fish don't get water it dies. I don't get psychic energy, I die." oh this infuriated him to no ends, trapped by the fact on no one going to let a psychic vampire feed on them willingly in most cases. "So all I can do is hunt. I tend to stick to thugs and criminals though. I used to be less...discriminatory, but it was suggested to me, that at least with crooks, i am doing SOME good." he pauses "And well, there also another path. But that one is far and inbetween as well."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn listens carefully, taking mental note of everything probably "that might be the best option, at least. If feeding like that is the only option, at least doing it on criminals is a better use of that need, at least as long as you do not completely kill them in doing that." he shrugs, continuing to walk "we are what we are, after all. No sense in being too mad about it, it won't fix things so..." he then raises his right eyebrow "other path, hm?"

Kid has posed:
    "Not all of us are what we are. Some of us...are changed from what we are" Kid signs. "Weather by choice, or by force." that spike of anger happens once more, directed at police officers, scientists, researchers...medical personal. He signs "The drain is not always painful...typically if I am particular pissed at a person it is. But, it can be..gentle too. Some of the homeless or have trouble sleeping let me drain them. They get a full 8, I get a good meal. But there only a few. Not enough for my needs. But...there some comfort knowing there can be good"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"even after being changed, by choice or by force, we then get to be what we are... People might've done all sorts of nasty things to you, but right now, you are what you are and no matter what, time travel is a difficult thing to do so you must just live and make the most of it..." he speaks calmly, understanding your words maybe because of the watch, maybe through some other way, maybe even by understanding the signs themselves "there's always a way to make some good, the wise ones are the ones who find it even in the darkest of situations. I am glad you managed to"

Kid has posed:
    Kid sighs, but it not as forebording as usual. He signs "Well, I wouldn't have been able to without some of the folks I met." he considers this a moment "...still. I am..." he tries to think of the word, shifting through everything "...afraid." he settles on. It something he rarely admitted. He signs "Sounds like you have some personal experience yourself"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"most of us are social creatures for a reason, we cannot do alone what we can do when working with others, usually at least." J'onn admits, considering then the question or, more precisely the statement "I am what I am mainly because of how I was born, just some part of it is due to something not depending from me. But apparently it turned out to be good, so... Anyways, everything is just a contribution to shape us into something, our part of the choice is trying to decide what that something will be or at least how it will be used. If the world forges us into blades while we wanted to be, say, flowers, we can still decide who to cut." about the afraid part, however, he answers just with a calm smile "being afraid is part of being human, that is positive"

Kid has posed:
    Kid considers this a long moment. "The World wanted me to be a monster..." and in truth between Kids rage, and predatory nature, he wasn't too far from one "To kill. To obey. But...I think I rather make something instead." he decides. "Still...even Grodd thinks I should be the monster they always wanted. Something to fear. He another rilla. But I am not too sure I want to...be that" he was split, still figuring out exactly what he was. He seems about to ask J'onn something, but stops himself.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn waits a couple of seconds before giving his answer "it is always better to be respected, than to be feared. Fear induces the need to defend yourself and, eventually, those who are feared get crushed by those who are respected. As long as noone takes control of your mind, you can choose what to do with yourself, and that is something no scientist, no military officer will be able to take from you. And, well, the mind controlling part is where mental defenses would come to be useful." he glances at Kid, now apparently not even looking where he is walking, not that he needs to

Kid has posed:
Kid glances at J'onn. Oh the dude was so in tune with his mind...and yet, he didn't mind it. More on grounds that he was actually quite comfortable telepathically speaking. Thoughts were more 'real' than words in a sense. He nods along, considering the words. They sounded pretty wise to say the least, and they made sense. It even brought a smile to his face, as he if nothing else, valued his freedom. He signs "Uh.... Well. I know we only met. But you got a good head. Or at the very least you do not appear insane. Would...would you mind if I got lessons from you?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles and keeps walking, using his telepathy to project the illusion, for everyone else in sight, that him nor Kid are actually there trying to make them invisible nor audible to regular humans at least. "I will be glad to help how I can, of course." he admits, "however, I think introductions at this point could be useful, even if I think we already met, once or twice. I'm J'onn"

Kid has posed:
    Kid considers J'onn a long...long moment. He peers...and signs "Jua. Jua Maddala." he was trying to place J'onn in his memory. But was having trouble doing so. But he goes along with it. With the life he leads, he wouldn't be surprised. He is none the less familiar with the gesture of offering a handshake!

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn turns to extend his right hand for a brief but tight handshake. "it is a pleasure to meet you, Jua." he then retracts his hand, if it has been released at least, and tries to recall what forms he was in when he met Kid previously, hoping he can remember it at least!

Kid has posed:
Kid only ever seen J'onn in his human forms. Yes, forms with a plural. Hence why he himself isn't quite connecting the dots. That and it been awhile since he seen J'onn. Back than, Kid was even more aggressive than he was now, and didn't exactly hold people in memory, or let them close. He signs "For the record, if you turn out to be a psychopath...i will drain your sorry corpse dry" followed by two thumbs up and a wicked grin. But all jokingly

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles at the idea, shaking his head "I wouldn't really do that, there's a lot to eat in this mind you might end with a too full stomac!" but he seems to be quite amused, at least that is what it shows. "very well, I need to go back to watchtower to deal with a few things. Should you ever need me, well, give a call, Jua." He bows slightly, straightening himself up and waiting for an eventual answer before taking off to the sky and vanishing in a moment

Kid has posed:
Jua blinks a moment. And signs "Wait wha...." and there goes J'onn. He thinking...thinking....thinking. And it hits him. Was he...talking to the Manhunter? He raises his hand in thought, and thinks no...was... He going to have to go through his memories for this one!