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Latest revision as of 15:08, 14 May 2019

News from abroard for the Avengers.
Date of Scene: 12 April 2019
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Overlord, Captain America

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller has came to the Avenger's mansion to find someone to speak to. The huge man rode his custom bike up to the gate and parked it out of the way. He walks over to the gate and looks for a buzzer if there is one he buzzes for attention and if not after a moment. He will say "Um excuse me, I need to speak to one of the Avengers, and preferable one who is willing to talk without fighting first." He will smile a bit. The man is huge the size of the hulk perhaps.

Captain America has posed:
JARVIS relays the message into the mansion itself after the buzzer calls for attention. It doesn't take long for someone to show. The front door of the mansion opens and a man steps out wearing a brown bomber jacket, fleece lapels and all, overtop a black long-sleeved shirt. Jeans keep off the late-night chill and the confident pace can be heard by each bootfall. He reaches the gate of the mansion and eyes the visitor through it.

"Thinking someone was going to fight you before they talked to you?" Captain Rogers looks the visitor up and down. "We don't normally throw a punch before we exchange at least a greeting." His voice sounds drolly amused.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will smile a bit and says "Well did not know Thor might come out and be all Troll or something, and then he and I would be rolling around the yard busting up the walls, and doing wastefull property damage and all that." He will offer his large mitt in a hand shake and says "Joseph Miller, a pleasure to meet you sir."

Captain America has posed:
"Eh, you'd be catching him on a bad day," replies the Captain as he reaches out and returns the handshake. "Nice to meet you too, Joseph. Steve Rogers." He offers the name up without title attached; that's well-enough known as is.

"You're here late at night, Joseph, and you're not yelling about danger, so what did you want to talk about? You have a warning to give us? Word from another group here in the city or beyond?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller says, "I just got into town, and while not an emergency, I figured it is best to get the word to you guys as quick as possible. There is someone out there, who has at least once now tried to set up an Avenger team in another country with heroes they have recruited. Turns out who ever it is, is trying to use them for more sinister means though."

Captain America has posed:
Steve's face closes off into disapproving concern at the news. In the glow of the property lights lining the pathway, he can be seen to cross his arms and take a broad-braced stance.

"Not the first time someone's tried it, but we can use all the details we can get on matters. Go ahead and talk; the AI and I both will remember what you've said. What can you tell me? Names? Country?" His eyes narrow a touch. "'nd how'd you come across this information?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller smirks a bit and says "I was one of the ones who got doped." He will admit. He names a group of heroes all pretty new or with very little name recognition. It was European based, and we did stop some incidents, but as things got a little fishy with where we were getting the information, we started investigating more. We dubbed him Mr.X as he covered his tracks extremely well. We figured out he was working to try to be a weapons distributer to the villians there and we busted up the ring and the peons but he got away.

Captain America has posed:
"Hmm." A thoughtful sound from the Captain after the tale. He glances over at the nearby post, seeing as a sensor from the mansion's AI is embedded within it. "JARVIS. Run those names through records. See if anything of interest comes up. Also, this Mr. X."

"Right away, Captain," comes the polite and concise reply from JARVIS. With a glimmer of green light, the AI falls silent again.

"Shame the ringleader got away. Any ideas of where he might have been headed? Lots of guys think themselves a challenge until their business starts falling around them and then they scamper for a favorite bolthole," Steve explains.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller shakes his head a bit to this and says "Not really most likely path looked like south east Asia, but nothing confirmed about it. A couple of the others went that way to check it out, and if I hear anything from them will let you know. We figured you guys should know, and since we did not see the team continueing there without funding and a few of us not getting along, I voluntered to bring the message to you guys. " He will smile and says "I liked doing the Hero thing and figured around here could probably use another hero, and got the info to you, so was a bit of a double win.

Captain America has posed:
Steve nods and pockets his hands. "Certainly appreciate the information. The team'll appreciate it as well. Nice to know it was broken up before things ever came to a head. Hard to prune back a bush already growing wild," he quips before letting out a quiet sigh.

"You have any contact information? In case someone else wants to speak to you or a new lead crops up? Unless something comes up on records for you, it'll probably be just to speak with you further." It's dry reassurance, but reassurance nonetheless.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will rattle off a phone number, and says "So far thats all I have, as I said new to town. I am thinking about heading down to the docks to see about a job moving freight, and will be looking for a place to crash. If your ever in the need for a strong guy, you can call as well. Any suggestions for the new guy in town?" He will ask.

Captain America has posed:
The Captain nods again to the phone number. It's filed away alongside the processing power of the AI, still listening in on their conversation -- something Steve cued it to do before he even left the front doors.

"If you're headed down to the docks, there are a few tenant buildings there that aren't half bad." He lists off a few by name, noting which borough they're in as well as transit access points. "You get a job down at the docks, it'll pay enough for these places. They're a lot better'n they used to be. Unless you meant something else by suggestions?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller smiles and says "Well that is helpfull to know as well, but I was thinking anything I need to know about locally doing the Hero thing? I don't wear a mask as aint like I can really hide in a crowd you know." He will hmm, and says "Also know of anyone in town who would be willing to train me in fighting and such?"

Captain America has posed:
"Keeping under the radar is probably best for now, if you're not gonna wear a disguise. Not everyone approves of vigilante justice, given you're not affiliated with anyone," Steve replies. "Help the PD if you see an issue, but be ready for pushback in case they don't appreciate it. As far as fighting goes?" He shrugs. "Start simple. Start at a local dojo. Learn what styles you want to train in and spar against others there, people who aren't heroes. It's harder to learn to hold your blows later if you're used to punching through things."

In his pocket, his phone trills. Another sighs that silvers before his face and he pulls it out. The screen lights up his face as he thumbs through the message. "Sorry, Joseph, gotta take this. If you end up over in Brooklyn, near the old docks, you tell 'em Steve Rogers sent you. They'll cut you a break."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods his head a bit to this and says "Thank you sir, and I will keep it in mind." He nods and walks over towards the bike climbing on it, and waves to the other man "Thanks again." he calls out and heads off into the direction that Cap suggested.