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Latest revision as of 15:44, 14 May 2019

Stranger Days at Bryant Park
Date of Scene: 19 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Doctor Strange

Kid has posed:
Well nothing says GOOD BYE WINTER! Like a nice warm day in spring. As it was good friday, many schools were currently out, and even some smaller buissness closed down. In this it ment that the parks and the areas around them had a higher amount of people than usual. Many minds, emotions, and activties taking place.
    From people racing drones, to flying kites. Picnics with families or by ne self. Fishing in the local pond, or perhaps trying to catch tadpoles, or even read up on books. It was all going on. It was one of those rare days things simply feel peaceful.
    And one rilla was taking full advanatge of that. Sitting beneath the shade of a tree, with a stack of books from the nearby library at his side, was a large rilla. A few folks did stop to try and take pictures, but beyound that he was largely being left alone. Kid wasn't about to hide in the shadows on such a nice day, and it provided him ample oppertunity to practice his powers of suggestion...as well as practice his shielding capabilities, all while reading about advanced robotics! Though he was a very very slow reader as it turns out

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen frowns at the situation he finds himself in an with a swallow of his pride and fear, the wizard lifts the brim of his hat by tiping his head back and eyes the men surrounding him. "Sorry pardners" Stephen says in his poor parrody of an 'old west' voice when he starts to reach for the iron at his hip knowing the men will watch that hand while his other can cast a rapid rudimentary spell to get the man back into his own time. The dark light of the cave is quickly and suddenly replaced with the modern day in the middle of Bryant Park in Manhatten.

    Stephen Strange, a man who's a master of magic suddenly appears in the park without much pomp or circumstance that he just traveled through nearly a century and a half in the blink of an eye. His clothes are tattered old west affair though the poncho hanging from his shoulders is quite red and vibrant, flapping in a wind that seems to blow only for it and his dark brown hat hangs low over his eyes. The wizard says nothing to no one as he turns and looks for the nearest sidewalk.

Kid has posed:
Okay, so Kid still working on the tuning out part. He senses a mind just being suddenly there. No direct thoughts or anything, but it was the strangest senssion. An empty space being filled, like a glass filled with water. He looks up from his reading to look around to see what didn't belong. He scans seeing a cowboy, children, drunkards, picnic goers. It all looked normal to him. New York was weird like that
    But than he goes back to the cowboy, and blinks a few times. It was Strange! He hasn't seen the man in months, and getting in contact with him was less than easy to say the least. He get to his feet, slides his books into his satchel, and knuckle walks over to the Strange Cowboy. Yea, Gorilla and a Cowboy, that completly normal.
    Once near, Kid signs, his watch speaking "Doc that you? The hell you dressed like that for?" recognize him once he was closer

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen looks up and reaches up to pull the hand off his head and fans his face a few times with the large brim before he spots the gorilla approaching him and a sense of familiarity washes over Stephen. "Kid." Stephen says towards the approaching intelligent animal. "My it has been a while since we met last." Stephen says, trying to make small talk before he replaces the hat back upon his head, finishing the western appearance. "I had a meeting with some rather unsavory folk who prefer you to dress the same as them else they find you distasteful." Stephen says, not the whole truth, but the truth none the less.

Kid has posed:
    Kid snorts and signs "I am well aware of that feeling. It is the only reason I bother wearing shorts" ain't like he was raised to wear clothes, he just does so cause apparently your supposed too. Still his lips curl and he signs "Still, hope you gave them a good walloping. Or at the very least took everything out from their pockets. It is fun to troll folks like that" his lips curl as he let out a rilla like chuckle.
    But he considered the doctor a moment, and puts up a simple illusion, one to make them less...noticible to the people around them. He signs "Though, I am glad your back. I been trying to reach you for a bit now."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen cants his head and looks like he should have a hand rolled cigar smashed between his molars. "No, I didn't rob from them. I needed to converse with them as friends, so to beat them and steal, that wouldn't have worked for what I needed." Strange notes with a look to Kid's hand and nods his head in curiosity. "What is it you need me for?" Stephen asks, noticing the illusion but not mentioning it at all. It's probably a comfort thing for the Gorilla, Stephen himself isn't too worried about that sort of thing as it stands.

Kid has posed:
     "Couldn't you just...I don't know, point a finger at them and zap their minds or something?" he signs in wonder. He was still learning right and wrong a bit, he gotten better, he not great yet. But at the question, he gives pause. It has been a few months...and he himself has been through...alot to say the least. He can't imagine how much a wizard goes through. So he starts by tentively signing "...do you remember what we last talked about?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I do remember our conversation Kid. I must apologize for not seeking you out in your time of need." Stephen says, not giving any excuses but simply apologizes. Stephen doesn't go back to the first question, he could have zapped their minds and seen the information he needed, but that wouldn't be right in any view, especially as backwards and darwinistic as the west was. "Do you have any ideas or possibilities on how to help you?" The wizard asks, seeing if Kid has found anything that might work.

Kid has posed:
    "In fairness. There was a mushroom invasion going on" Kid signs. He was notably alot...calmer? Than he was previousely. Still he was thankful for the apology, as it was making him a bit antsy to say the least. But at the question he signs "Yes, and no. I am not exactly a neural surgeon here. But, well, Grodd manage to make this hat thing that at least made it so I do not have to feed as often. He didn't exactly explain how it works...and I didn't want to take it apart incase I broke it. Got any way to duplicate stuff? If you could, than I could study it, see how it works." he has been thinking about it quite a bit "It does have one strange side effect though"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange lifts an eyebrow, hidden by the hat, but the motion is there and likely visible on his face. "What side effect is this?" Stephen asks, then he lifts his hand to his chin to rub at his goatee with a frown. "I don't have a way to duplicate advanced technology like that, no, but I do know someone you could trust to either examine it or improve it." The wizard notes with a look to the Gorilla, wondering what other options there might be.

Kid has posed:
     Kid actually...hesitates a moment. As it stands he wasn't wearing said hat right now, that he has mentioned. He signs "Well, eventually, my telepathic abilities will dull, and than become none-existant. Happens over time though, and when the hat is gone or I feed, than come back to normal levels. It is strange. The only thing I can think of, is that it maybe...somehow turning my mind inward?" he wasn't completly sure it was just a guess.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I could also recommend a few telepaths of great skill who might be able to help you more than I can. As well as getting you Reed Richard's information as I'm sure he could help you with the helmet far more than I ever could." Stephen says with a soft frown towards Kid. He's going to help one way or another, even if he has to make a new body for the gorilla, but that wouldn't be as permanent as the way those people could help. Stephen can only do so much for the mind.

Kid has posed:
    "I am not quite sure what a telepath could do" Kid signs. "Granted, I am getting tutoring from one right now. But...I don't think it so much a mind problem, as it is a genetic one" he explains to Strange. Kid figits uncomfortably now. "I...didn't always have this problem. Still, if you know folks you think can help, I would be game to give it a try." who knows what connections this guy has. "Wait...reeds, like fanatastic four? I think I met that human torch guy a few times" he signs. Small world ain't it!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Yeah, the fantastic four guy." Stephen says with a chuckle as he thinks of Reed in that light. "I think he and another doctor I know, Jean Grey. I think they both could help you in drastically different ways. And if it is genetic like you say, Reed would be the best one to come up with something and if I can help with that, I absolutely will. Like I could give you a new body but that wouldn't be quite right and it would likely reject your mind in some way or something even worse might happen." Stephen says with a frown.

Kid has posed:
    Kid blinks and looks weary. "....would that require...shots or something?" no the idea of a new body didn't freak him out, infact he probably didn't seem agaist the concept of it in any way. "Still, what can be worse than starving to death?" he signs with a chuckle. It was the kind of chuckle that said he knew there was worse, but at the moment, almost anything...everything sounded better. "This...is going to be hard. Reed...is nice right? He not going to stick me in a tank or something?" he knew little of the famouse scientist and he was weary of scientists. He trusted Strange because...well the dude was magic. That way more trustworthy than a scientist

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange in his hay day was probably- definitely- more toxic than Reed, but there is that stigma attached to scientists still. "I mean a new body could reject your mind entirely and like an organ transplant going wrong it wouldn't be sudden and it would be hard to fix." Stephen says solemnly. "I- What is it you eat that grants you your abilities, and please don't say 'brains'." Stephen says.

Kid has posed:
     Kid smirks and signs "Nothing I 'eat' grants me my abilities. Though feeding specifically on other psychics enhances them" he explains. "I feed off psychic energy. So I just...well grab a person and start draining them. I can indeed eat brains as a substitue, but the longer something has been dead, the less psychic energy it contains, so relatively little 'nutritianl' value as it where"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen blinks a few times at Kid and then shakes his head, "Then it seems like I have no time to waste. I will do my best to schedule meetings with these individuals for you. I can open the door, you have to do the rest." Stephen says and gives Kid a kind nod of his cowboy hat before he turns and starts to walk towards his Sanctum. "I will be in touch Kid." Stephen nods.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "Bye Strange...and thanks again" he gives as his own parting way. Well, nothing like new territory to make a fella grow. He has gotten this far, and he didn't have any plans on going back, that was for sure.