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Latest revision as of 15:56, 14 May 2019

Hot Cocoa and Advice
Date of Scene: 21 April 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Colossus, Shadowcat

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie is pissed.

It is a Saturday night.

She is stuck in this stupid mansion.

She should be at a club somewhere doing something actually exciting but no.

Still she has made herself hot chocolate with real milk and that has some potential to soothe her ire. Also sitting in the kitchen nook means she is avoiding the chaos in the Rec room where all the other trapped students are.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus is mildly annoyed.

He is stuck in this mansion, with a bunch of trapped students who were likewise being pissy.

But this was fine. This was all fine. When life gives you a mansionful of upset teenagers, make stew!

Wait, that came out wrong. The big man, however, was doing just that, making certain that the stew concoction that he was creating had plenty of beef, carrots, and potatoes to fill it out, his features stoic as he draws a ladel along the pot, his eyes flickering to the side. Where Negasonic was, at least in his opinion, sulking.

"It is not so bad," he says, presumeably to the stew.

"You should go to make friends. Here, in the mansion," comes his advice, with low, Russian-accented words filling the kitchen. "Meet someone you have not met yet, da?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty comes into the kitchen, footsteps quiet in her slippers. She's wearing a pair of sweats and a Chicago Cubs sweatshirt with the log so faded it can barely be made out. She's carrying a box with her.

Spotting Ellie, Kitty walks over to set the box down on the table in front of her. She opens it up, revealing fresh potato knishes from a bakery in New York. Fresh out of the bakery about 30 minutes ago, even. Tubs of sauce to dip them in. Regular mustard. Cranberry mustard. All sorts of sauces.

Kitty grabs one for herself and then walks over to give Piotr a pat on the back. "You're back," she tells him. Because perhaps he didn't realize that he is, indeed, back. She peers at the stew and nods. He makes a good stew. Hearty eaters, those Russians.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is an UGN from the nook where Ellie is sulking, though she would totally swear up and down and side to side now that she isn't sulking your sulking or something bitchy.

"Oh thank fuck..." she reaches and grabs one from the box and dips it into a random sauce. "He is going to make me eat stew all weekend to be big and strong and probably put hair on my chest or something Kitty."

Then she looks to Piotr. "I don't want to go hang out with my classmates and Rache is asleep so I am bored.. dying of boredom... and those kids are boring." vague gesture to the rec room. "I want to go kick a sentinel in the ass for making me have curfew."

Colossus has posed:
The secret to Russian stew, was, in spite of the name, one should never rush when making good Russian stew. And so, as Ellie grouses, Piotr manages to get a few bowls from the cupboards, moving to ladle big spoonfuls of soup into one... two... and now three bowls, the solid man not moving an inch with Kitty's clap upon his back.

"And you are front," he informs Kitty with a grave intonation, bringing up his hand to set a bowl of stew upon a countertop. "Eat this with your pastries. Not mustard. Better for you," he adds.

Although Ellie's words cause the man to look her direction, a snort of sorts leaving the bear of a man. "If only we had magic room downstairs where you could do just that, da?" he says, placing a bowl of stew on the countertop. "Eat stew, and maybe I use my access to make a sentinel in the danger room. And we can crunch it together," he says, kinda eyeing her a bit.

"Maybe you are too used to the vacation you had in Genosha," he says, his voice stern.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks longingly at the boxes of cereal. But she takes the bowl of stew that's set out for her. "Thanks Pete," she tells him with a soft smile for his joke. If a tired one for her apparent fatigue. She moves over to take a seat at the table, putting her spoon in the stew to see how long it takes to fall over.

"Can certainly work out some frustrations there," Kitty says before stifling a yawn behind her hand. She takes a bite of stew and then asks, "Speaking of vacations, where've you been lately?" Her tone is quiet, trying not to press too much given their change in friendship status is still a new thing.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Well a Sentinel scenario would be more exciting than movie night with the tween dweebs." she takes the bowl of stew and blows on it cooling it off some first. Not like she is made of steel or anything and can't burn her tongue.

"What are you thinking in Genosha King Magneto lets us do whatever we want and kick sentinels all the time.... if I am honest I spent a lot of time at the beach."

She takes her firsrt bite of stew and then a second seeming to like it well enough, maybe even a soft spot for it since she does like Piotr. Favorite teacher really but getting her to admit it is harder.

Colossus has posed:
And he seemed fine with her never admitting it, all told.

Like a mountain. Unmoved. A nod of his head to Kitty, and his hand comes up to clap her own shoulder in return - with far more gentleness - it should hardly ruffle her. "I was thinking," he says, as if that answered Kitty's question. "This is important to do sometimes," he adds, his features a grimmer line than normal, his chin lifting up a bit. But his voice softens, just a touch.

"Not about that," he says, as if catching the thought on Kitty's mind.

To Ellie, he glances again. "I am thinking that he did try to seduce you to dark side, like in Star Wars. Maybe let you play video games all day, and play on the beach," he says. "And if you should join, then he would take those games and time away, and make you work for it. There is no such thing as free lunch," he says.

"Only free stew."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Piotr a warm, amiable smile and nods to him. Her expression supportive, and glad to see him. "Important to do," she agrees with him. Kitty takes a bite of her knish, finishes it, then a bite of her stew. Then she glances at the two curiously, and tries dipping the knish in the stew. Not bad, her expression suggests. Though mustard is probably still the premier dipping sauce for them.

Kitty glances over to Ellie. "Did you even talk with him while you were there? I'd imagine more likely to run into him in the hallways here, practically," Kitty comments. Certainly less security following him about at least. Kitty glances to Pete. "He's not... not all bad," says the girl who Erik was a heartbeat from killing at one point.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Piotr...." she just trails off not even sure what the hell to say to his trying to use Star Wars to relate to a student.

Then Kitty saves her with a look over to her friend. "I didn't even see him.. there are tons of mutants there and you are right he is way more likely to be bumped into here I bet. There he is king and worshipped and all that...."

A shrug "I have dual citizenship I was born there.. I thought it would be important to go back now and see exactly what has changed under Mutant Rule.... mostly it meant I got a lot of time at the beach. Which turned out to be too much sun. So I came to here where the weather is nice and dreary." also she missed everyone. She won't admit that eithr.

Colossus has posed:
Amusement of a sort comes past Piotr's lips. "Like many men, perhaps even myself..." Piotr says, "He is a good man who thinks that he can do evil because he is good," he says, his own bowl of stew lifted up, warming his big-fingered hands. A beat, and his expressiong rows thoughtful.

"But I understand how you can feel this way about him, Kitty," he says, somewhat mysteriously.

Negasonic's warning is waved off a bit, Piotr pointing to her stew.

"The weather is cold, and dreary, and good to build yourself strong in. Too much time on the beach, and you will build yourself soft, da? And you do not need this," he says to Negasonic.

"Plus," he adds, somewhat casually. "You have many friends here," he says.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is looking at her stew thoughtfully. Not really contemplating the stew, but the topic of conversation. There aren't many who know of Lorna and Kitty trying to restore Magneto's faith in God. Even to having Kitty's mother fly in on the recent Jewish holiday to join them at temple. A private thing for Lorna's family, but something that has led Kitty to re-evaluate what she thinks about people. No. The other way around. It was re-evaluating her beliefs about Erik that led to the attempt to restore the man's shaken faith.

None of that is shared, lest there be a telepath in the room that Kitty isn't aware of. But it keeps her silent as she stirs her bowl of stew, pulling up vegetables and bits of meat before finally gathering a spoonful that has a bit of everything. Kitty eats it, giving a soft sigh. After the long day, the stew is hitting the spot. Almost as well as Crunchberries would have. "You do have a lot of friends," Kitty agrees without looking up from her stew.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I like cold dreary weather Piotr.. reminds me of a the slow entropy death of the universe." yeah she is still quipping but she is eating her stew without complaint until the bowl is empty. Sentinel training can bevery motivating. Also the stew is pretty good.

There is a light scoff noise at the statement that Ellie has a lot of friends, I mean she does but she scoffs out of reflex. "I may have .. a few friends.. and many slightly tolerable acquintances."

Colossus has posed:
"You are friendly girl when you need to be," Piotr says to Negasonic, sipping at his soup as he eyes the young woman. "So I do not have worry about you and the slow entropy death of universe. I will be old and grey when that happens, and you will be too," he says.

He had made a promise, and if Piotr makes a promise, he darn well keeps it. Nodding his head in approval as the stew is finished, he gestures back to the bowl. "You can have seconds if you want. It is good for you, more than the sugar things most kids eat," he says.

Piotr seemed comfortable, casual, but it was impossible to miss that something was bothering Kitty. So he shares a glance her way more often than not, sipping away.

"...and you have many friends too, Kitty," he remarks.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is slowly working her way through the stew. The burning her candle at both ends has caught up with her tonight it seems. The extra attention given to searching for the kidnapped students disrupting what normal sleep Kitty might have otherwise been able to get.

Kitty glances up as Piotr makes that comment. She gives him a soft smile. "Thank you Pete," she tells him in a warm voice. "As do you. You have a big heart," she tells him before finally looking back down at her stew and taking another bite. "I should probably get to bed," she says, covering her mouth as she yawns. "Just glad it's so easy to get back and forth here, now," she says as she finishes her stew and then moves to wash the bowl. "Great stew, Pete, as always."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Try to .. I don't know sleep in like until Noon tomorrow Kitty. Doctor Negasconic's orders." yeah she knows Kitty's trick for fresh New York food and what all she is up to. Well she knows a good deal of it. "It's easter tomorrow.. we can go get some sort of mega brunch with endless food when you wake up."

Yeah okay Negasonic is a bit worried about her friend, not that she will admit that either. She does though move back to the food Kitty brought her after finishing her stew, taking a bite and dipping it in a mustard this time.

Colossus has posed:
A nod of his head towards Kitty, and Piotr accepts her praise with all the stoicness that he can muster. "We will find them," he says.

"And we will protect them. That is what we do. Do not worry too much. Sleep, and have faith that they will be found," he says to her, his tone of voice stoic, as if he believed with every fiber of his being that they would find this.

"As for /you/," he says to Ellie, turning his gaze upon her as he sips the last dregs of his stew. "...we have sentinel to beat up, da?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde puts the cleaned bowl and spoon away. "That sounds lovely, but I need to be up early," Kitty says of the prescription she was given. "Thank you both for the food, and the company," she tells them. She gives Piotr's shoulder a soft squeeze, and a smile that confirms her warm feelings of friendship that are there for him. "Thanks Pete," she tells him.

Kitty gives Ellie a little wave too before going to stop in the fridge and pull out a sausage link. "For Lockheed," she comments before waving again and then heading on out into the hall.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie stretches a bit "Say goodnite him for me Kitty." and then she is looking back to Colossus. "I vote we raincheck that for tomorrow afternoon ... it is like late o clock and I am full of stew and potato knishes now... or will be when I finish these."

Look Ellie is being almost reasonable and not demading immediate sentinel blowing up right after the late dinner.

Colossus has posed:
"Then you can help me clean it up then," Piotr says, turning his attention back to Ellie, his eyebrow quirking as he looks back to the girl, the edges of his lips turning down into a bit of a frown. "Or... you can go on. And do your music or meet friends," he compromises, heaving a sigh as he looks back to the dishes mournfully.

He had given a nod to Kitty in her retreat.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:

The witnesses are all gone but Piotr.

Ellie will get up snagging her bowl. "I'll help you with the dishes but you best not tell anyone Piotr." yeah she has a reputation to uphold.

That said she starts to help out doing what needs be done to get them into the industrial washer it takes to wash dishes for a school like this. Not like it is all hand washing and drying in a sink around here.

Colossus has posed:

"Tell someone?" He says.

"And ruin your reputation of being a tough rebel girl?" he says, leaning in to start doing the dishes. "Would I be good friend if I did this?" he says, tone jovial.

It wasn't exactly a hard task like it would be anywhere else. Really, one barely had to even rinse these dishes before they end up in the washer, and Piotr was soon slapping his sudsy hands one against each other, turning his attention back towards Ellie.

"...you have been well, da? Overall? Even with all... this?" he says, waggling his hand as he gestures to the mansion in particular. Perhaps talking about the recent events.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie is rinsing her hands off at this point. "I'm actually doing really well Piotr. Rachel is absolutely fantastic. School is going fine. The curfew.. well it is a kick to the balls... that part is real."

"I'd really much rather be training or kicking sentinels to bits like I said.. but I guess I get it." a shrug as she goes to collect her things from the kitchen nook now. "I'll be ok.. and it is nice your back. Seriously."

Colossus has posed:
He does nod his head, folding his arms across his big chest as he regards the young woman. "Good. It is good that you are still here," he says, repeating her words. "Seriously. There is happiness to he had here, for the both of us - and it is my job to help you find this, da?" he says.

Piotr draws a long breath out.

"And if you ever need to speak about anything. About life, love, fighting - I may have tips, and hints," he says, his tone of voice a bit terse in spite of himself. "But da. We want to keep you all safe. You are the next generation of X-Men, after all."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie finishes stuffing her things in her bag and she turns back to look at him. "I know." she nods lightly to both those things and then smiles. "Also damn right I am." teasing tones.

On her way out of the kitchen she will step in and steal a hug and then step back. "Also no telling anyone I missed you." she didn't say she missed him in those words, but she did miss him. "See you tomorrow for Sentinel Smashing." at this she heads out of the kitchen.

Colossus has posed:
"Da, do not be late," Piotr says to her, easily wrapping his giant arms around the smaller build girl. And giving a gentle squeeze - he could squeeze harder, but he rarely did. Pulling his arms away from the hug, he moves to step back, laughter following her retreat.

"Da, da. Again - I will not ruin the mystique for anyone else," he says. "You are forever the big rebel. The holographic sentinels are already frightened," he says, a mildly fond smile managing to sneak its way through his stoic features, as he gives his head a shake.

<<"She is a trouble girl,">> he says to himself, in Russian. <<"But she has a big heart. She will be fine.">>

He sips more of his soup.