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Latest revision as of 15:58, 14 May 2019

Mangos and Oreos
Date of Scene: 21 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Martian Manhunter

Kid has posed:
It is a sunday afternoon. Due to it being easter, many of the parks and other places were hosting some....weird egg hunting thing. But at least it was a warm and pleasant day out, which is all Kid can hope for!
    Speaking of which, Kid was currently in the Greenwhich area, not too close to the park, but close enough. He was diligently practicing trying to have a proper Mental Shiled up and all that. Which made him very quiet as he studied. He was in his typical teenager illusion, simply sitting on a bench. While he still resembled someone you wouldn't want to get close too, he didn't seem as...angry as he once did. With him he had some mango smoothies, and actual mangos, alongside a pack of triple stuffed oreas.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn wears the shape of the well-dressed ebony skinned man, today, and with this body is currently walking calmly through one of the not so crowded areas of new york. Walking, he found out, is a great way to think about things, while observing humans and all their odd behaviours, and now why are they hunting for eggs everywhere? Can't they just buy them in a store?
This and other questions flood J'onn's mind today, and that's the main reason because he takes a bit to notice a known mind signature a few metres away. Glancing in the direction of Kid, the first thing he notices are the oreos, the second thing is indeed Kid with his mangos, and approaching him is the thing that the martian does right now, greeting the man with a "good day!"

Kid has posed:
Kid continues slurping on his mango smoothie, as he looks to J'onn. He recognized the man easily enough. He signs "Hey J'onn! You really do go out often" he makes a beastly chuckle "...do you know why people are collecting colored eggs for the record?" he wasn't raised with humans. He was as clueless to this strange ritual as the alien was! None the less he scoots aside some to allow J'onn to sit with him if he liked.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn shakes his head "not as often as you'd think, I just want to walk a bit between humans, see if I can mingle a bit more..." he however approaches Kid, taking a seat next to him on the bench "a ritual, or a holiday, called easter. Don't ask me for the specifics but basically they collect eggs that a bunny is supposed to hide around, I'd recall the book that explained that and recited it all but I'd bore the both of us to death..."

Kid has posed:
Kid just stares at J'onn. It wouldn't take a telepath to know what Kid was thinkg. That it was the stupidest thing he ever heard. He signs "...well at least thew kids enjoy it. If nothing else, I say thats a win" he'll give it that. Regardless he does offer to share his Oreos with J'onn, as well as one of his mango drinks.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn adjust his position slightly to be more comfortable on the bench, then eyes the oreos "I love those, I can't get enough of those....." Kid offered, J'onn didn't refuse, and so an oreo is extracted from the package to find its way in j'onn's mouth. "sure, well a lot of human holidays are made to be enjoyed by various categories of people... That kids get to enjoy it is a great thing, actually..."

Kid has posed:
Theres a loud slurp as Kid enjoy his drink, and munches an oreas himself. He signs "They are pretty good. Though I still prefer mangos" the pack was left open. He watched the Kids playing and signs "Yea. My...pa did his best for me to do some things like this. So normally he would hide pieces of tech or food" he smiles at the memory. "So it nice to see, that kids do get to play"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn picks another oreo, letting it misteriously disappear "it's nice indeed." doing a quick and subtle scan of Kid's mind's defences, he asks "have you been working on mental defenses?" he asks, turning slightly to look at Kid "and no need to talk with signs, if you don't want to... You can just communicate telepathically, I'll understand." and the last sentence is spoken directly in his mind

Kid has posed:
o O ("I have been. It is...strange. Being with my own thoughts. It in one sense is nice, and in another, terrible") he admits. Kid readilly took to telepathic communication, he seem very comfortable with it infact. As for his defense, it was up, but it was still not as strong as it could be, it did none the less seemed more grounded. More..stable.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"it's something you'll get used to..." J'onn admits, smiling slightly "but generally, knowing what are your thoughts and what are not is a good way to not get mad..." he affirms, another oreo in his hand, he can't get really enough of those!

Kid has posed:
Kid is quiet a long moment. ("Maddness is the only thing I could ever tell was me. And...seeing my thoughts...there alot of that there. But it is nice not to have every else shite in my head. It already messed up enough up there.") he notices how...quickly J'onn is eating the oreos. He slides the whole pack over to him.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn doesn't really complain when receiving the oreos, eating them happily "ah I am talking about the madness that makes you scream random things, drool over yourself, don't recognize reality from fantasy, and generally be a poor creature lost in itself..." he admits, glancing around... "well now, what's the extent of your psychic abilities anyways? What do you know how to do?" he asks, switching topic

Kid has posed:
    ("Illusions are my specialty. Can even 'sing' psychicly. Suggestion, telepathic communications, never met a language I could not understand. Definintly empathy. And you already seen the mind drain. They do become...stronger when I feed off another telepath.") Kid says not minding shareing the infomation with J'onn. Though hearing J'onn prior statement...he doesn't comment..as sometimes he does have trouble telling reality from fantasy, the past from the present.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods understandingly "what about, mind blasts?" he asks "as in, attacking someone else's mind?" he thinks for a moment "telekinesis?" and then "deeper mindreading? Things like that..."

Kid has posed:
("Never done a 'mind blast'. No telekinesis that I am aware of. And deeper mindreading...only when I have fed off a pschic. Otheriwse...") he pauses mid thought before contiueing ("Well, I do have a self imposed illusion. It allows me to see in pure darkness if I been in the area before. But uh...why do you ask?") he seemed nervouse.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"because I want to know what you can do, in order to know how to better train you of course..." J'onn explains "plus, I want to understand, without just invading your mind, how much you know about what you can do..." he ponders for a few moments, then eats an oreo, and says "well, shields up... I'm going to mindblast you, and you're going to resist... For this, I suggest using a defense that is strong, because I'll send an army against your mind that will break through all defenses..."

Kid has posed:
Kid says nothing, but there was a certain...suspicion there. He felt a bit guilty for having this suspicion, but he couldn't help it. His only experience with people trying to learn more about his abilitis usually equated to them wanting to manipulate him, or weaponize him. But he none the less takes a deep breath ("Bring it") is all he broadcast in challenge. He gives pause in his eating to bolster his defenses, to concentrate on it with all he can muster.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn studies Kid's defenses for a moment, analyzing them subtly and calibrating his power carefully, then sends a blast his way. It is powerful enough to slam on his defenses and shake them up, maybe even break them, but nothing more than that. It is just like a fist, a powerful, giant, quick fist aimed at Kid's mind but coming from several directions.

Kid has posed:
feels the blast and even closes his eyes. And well, it seemed that it struck a nerve in Kid. As his defenses are broken, here in the physical world, Kid balls up his fist as he gets a spike of anger, and actually tries to punch J'onn hard. It was instinct, pain, and Kids...tendency to want to smash whatever hurts.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn reacts with as much speed as he can get, and that means definitely more than a human could do. Doesn't move to block the punch, just telekinetically grabs Kid's arm and stops it before it reaches him or, at least, tries to. "now, this is not a nice way to react, you need to control yourself..." he comments calmly.

Kid has posed:
The telekinetic hold is successful. Kid lips are half snarling, his eyes seemed almost...confused. But he soon tries to pull his arm back and down. There a pause... ("Do we have to train defending agaist a mind blast? It...hurts") this was new territory to him. He doesn't apologies...or at least doesn't project such, but by his body language and emotions, it appears that he was nt happy about trying to hit J'onn.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods slightly "yes... Because that's a basic form of attack you need to be able to defend against... And I used enough force to shatter your defenses and nothing more. True, I calibrated the attack so that you could feel your defenses failing and not the actual blast but I ensure you the actual thing hurts definitely more so, well..." he shrugs slightly, letting go of the telekietic hold "you need to train... If the blast was powerful enough, you wouldn't have the time to hit me, because you'd be seizing on the floor, shaking and drooling and not knowing who you are"

Kid has posed:
Kid nods, listening to the explanation. Actually he found the fact J'onn was taking the time to explain things...strange to say the least. But it was a nice strange. He flexes his finger and knits his fingers togeather. ("Alright, alright. Do it again.") as he tries to brace himself for this next blast.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods and actually projects an illusion around them both, so that people don't see them at all doing their stuff and won't even get close, doesn't hurt to be cautious after all! Calibrating again his force, he slams a mental blast against Kid's defenses, this time not powerful enough to break them, just enough to make him feel the hit against his shields.

Kid has posed:
Kid lip twitches once again, and intruth, but the way his muscles tenses and how his hands moved, he may have gone for punching J'onn again. But with the way he had knitted his fingers togeather, it acted as a short of acnhor for him to keep control, as difficult as it was. As for his mental defenses, while they do not break, he feel it hit. Feels the sensation of them trying to break into his mind...it was unpleasant to say the least.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn glances at Kid and calmly says "nice, well done..." he slams another blast against Kid's defenses, this one weaker than the previous one, but then follows with another, and then a third one, all of them weak if taken singularly, but almost as powerful as the first one if used together

Kid has posed:
Kid fels the assult, each one agaist the other. One after the next, after the next. His hands physically come up as if to defend agaist actualy punches. It wasn't a great thing, he'll need to learn not to incorproate the physically eventually, but it did seem to help him in taking the blows. A few manage to get in, the defense cracking...or in his case...burning? Or getting out of rythem.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn stops the assault, then slowly picks up an oreo, eating it calmly and giving Kid enough time to recover. "we will need eventually to incorporate physical and mental things..." he explains "because well, you need to know how to defend your mind, while you dodge or throw punches as well... Do you want to try it now or shall we wait for the next session?" he asks, another oreo floating up from the package directly into J'onn's mouth.

Kid has posed:
     Kid pants some and takes a nice gulp of his mango smoothie after that assult. But once he does, with a bit of recovery he does none the less answer. ("I...think next session. I promise you...it won't be so easy next time") there was a spark in his eye. Kid had an astounding amount of intelligence and ability to pick things up, given the right teachers, or motivation. And it seem he was planning on giving J'onn hell.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles at Kid, eating oreos, so discerning the reason for the smile could not be so easy after all "I expect nothing less from you, really..." he says "You've potential, that's sure... And well, I always love a bit of a challenge, from time to time." he smiles again "it's not everytime that I get to train with a telepath, after all..."

Kid has posed:
Kid cants his head at that ("Glad to provide....though I am curiouse. When was the last time you did train with a telepath?") he wonders of the martion.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles slightly more, picking up and then flicking an oreo into his mouth "eh some time ago..." he simply answers, without giving too many details it seems "sometimes I help people with training, but well, at times someone is a bit, ahem, intimidated, to be trained by me... Somehow..."

Kid has posed:
Kid cants his head ("I could see that. Sure your plenty nice, but that doesn't make a person any less scary or intimidating. We all got experiences that color us, don't we?" he was fixing up the cracks in his shield.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods slightly at Kid "right, first people get a bit intimidated by green aliens at times, and then well, when that alien is a martian... We are known to be quite, powerful telepaths... At least, I am known to be, sort of..." he admits, shaking his head slightly as if he forgot for a moment that there are no more martians, and the thought was not a pleasant one too.

Kid has posed:
Kid...reaches out and places a hand on J'onn shoulder. He says, actually physcially says "You know...if you need someone to talk too, you can talk to me" his voice was deep, gutteral, not used to speaking clearly. He only ever physically spoke to folks he likes enough.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn doesn't retract from the contact, just remains calmly still and nods with a soft smile "thank you, of course the same goes for you..." he replies, noting Kid's use of physical words of course, and so using spoken words to reply at him as well.

Kid has posed:
Kid retracts his hand after a few moments, and returns to telepathiclly speaking. ("I will try to keep that in mind. Also, dude. You ate like half the oreas already. Slow down!")

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn raises an eyebrow slightly, glancing down at the package "mhmm, actually, I think just a third of the original content is in the package, now..." he admits, and then he adds after getting another "and I am slowing down, the package is still here after all, isn't it? What can I say, humans know how to make this things..."

Kid has posed:
Kid laughs ("Someone sounds a bit defenses! But yes, humans do know how to make alot of goods. I love their jelly beans") he admits with glee. But than he standsa ("Anyways, I best be off. I am due to go to the police station anyhow")

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn stands up too, glancing around briefly to make sure the illusion is still working "and I'd better go back to the watchtower to do a bit of monitoring..." he admits, then tilts his head in Kid's direction "see you soon, then we'll have some good sparring practice, I'm sure..." he says, and waits for an eventual answer before taking to the skies