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Latest revision as of 16:33, 14 May 2019

training mind and body
Date of Scene: 25 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Martian Manhunter, Kid

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn promised Kid that their next training session would involve both a psychical aspect, and a physical one, and Kid even challenged him! Sort of. Right now, then, J'onn is in a human shape, in the now empty gymnasium of the watchtower, waiting for Kid. Kid himself, has been summoned to the tower by a simple telepathic message from J'onn, that could have arrived quite suddenly into Kid's mind just like an envelope placed on someone's doorsteps. A small shuttle then would've been sent to pick kid up, driven by a nameless pilot, and now J'onn is there, arms crossed, waiting.

Kid has posed:
If it wasn't for the fact they were in space, Kid would have been freaking out about being in an enclosed shuttle. Instead, he was freaking out about the fact he was in god damn space! In an actual space craft! And...tahn there was the actual watchtower. Like holy hell, what is even going on now! He was like a Kid in a candy shop (no pun intended).
    Of course he wasn't allowed to touch anything or wander off, as he was brought to the gynasium he would be training in with J'onn. But his excitment didn't wane. And it was one of the few times instead of causing a riote, those around him may share in the sheer jubilation he was expericing. Heck the gorilla was even checking out the technology in this part of the watch tower alone. Though when he sees J'onn he half knuckle runs over and exclaims telepathicly to him o O ("Holy hell man! This place is fracking amazing.!")

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn can't help himself and chuckles slightly at seeing Kid's reaction, replying telepathically with a "of course it is amazing, I helped to build it you know?" he admits, then grins slightly, his head tilted to the side. "well Kid, last time I promised our training would mix psychic and physical, this time... Here's a good place for that, because well, the outside is safe from us, hm?" he smiles, starting to walk towards the sparring arena and positioning himself in the exact center of it.

Kid has posed:
Kid lumbs after into the arena, continueing with the telepathic conversation ("No way? You serious? You have GOT to show me how some of this stuff works!") there was a burning infernal in him, but instead of rage, it was a passion of tech and figuring out how it works and all that. still he was here for a reason and he stands upright cracking his knuckles o O ("And last time I promised that I would be training up my mental defenses. So this should be interesting")

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn grins and even looks thoughtful for a moment "well maaaybe, if you do good, I'll give a quick tour of the places where unimaginable secrets are not kept..." he says, then straightens himself and glances at kid "oookay, this will surely be intresting... Right now, you don't need to restrain yourself. You want to throw me against a wall? Feel free to at least try. You want to pummel me with fists? Go for it. Be aware, however, that even if I'll hold back a bit, I will react. So now, Kid, come at me. But be aware that while you do, I'll use telepathy alongside my body."

Kid has posed:
o O ("That is fine by me!") kid broadcast as he cracks his knuckles. Truth be told, Kid is not foriegn to the concept of using telepathy alongside fighting. He done it to get the upper hand...but agaist another telepath where he only learning how to 'tune out' other thoughts? It was going to be different.

Kid decides to go for a direct approach first. An illusionary copy of Kid charges forward to deliver a punch to J'onn chest. While the real Kid has tried to render himself invisible. He charged only a bit after the illusionary version, but in this case he was going for a punch but for a tackle, hoping that J'onn would be fooled by the copy.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn stands still,, legs firmly planted to the floor, and doesn't even move when the illusionary kid punches him, when the real one tackles him however he'd let himself fall, rolling backwards and using Kid's own momentum to hurl him through the air. Meanwile, he starts projecting thoughts towards Kid. They are not words, more like a sense of hopelessness, like this fight is lost from the start, why spending all those energies towards a goal that will not be achieved anyways? Wouldn't it be better to just give up? That'd be easier. While not calibrated to be strong enough to actually break through Kid's defenses well, they are not easily ignorable either.

Kid has posed:
Kid goes soaring through the air, and does a tumbling land. But he is quickly back onto his feet. He feels the thoughts, how they winds about him. After all...J'onn a stronger better telepath, he has no chance of winning here anyways. Stopping now and just doing his own thing would be a better time.
    But than, as he senses these alien thoughts that arn't his own, he rebuffs them. He wasn't here to win. It didn't matter if he lost, it mattered if he learned. If he gave up he won't learn, ig he gives up nothing will be achieved. His life has never been easy, why should it start being easy now? A few days ago such thoughts would have worked, but his defense at least agaist this breach was rock solid.
    And it shows when Kid goes charging again, he leaps up into the air, his fist comming up...and than going down to try and slam onto J'onn, to try and land a blow to show he was serious about this.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles slightly, noticing that Kid's defenses are indeed holding up, and now waits for Kid's next attack, that even comes from above! Trying to sidestep, J'onn would move his right leg in an arching sweep, using the fact Kid has to land sooner or later and that when landing someone is less balanced to try to sweep his legs from under him. His mental assault changes drastically, now, feeding from the same thoughts Kid has, learning is more important! But after all, why not showing off a bit? After all, Kid is not a bad fighter, he defeated many opponents, didn't he? Doesn't he just have the right cards to maybe even win? J'onn's goal now is, obviously, to force Kid into overconfidence.

Kid has posed:
When kid hits the ground, the impact was nothing to laugh at - that strike could have killed a normal human. But none the less as he get up, Kid feet are swept out from beneath him, and he falls on his back. But he none the less quickly rolls over and get back to his feet. Kid feels the change in rythem, unlike the other thoughts, this one seems to more readily take root for a number of reasons. But with the defense still up, he at least is able to recognize it...though it take him a few seconds to 'work through it' if you will. Faster than before, but it still left an opening!

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn bends his knees slightly, turns and uses the opening to quickly try to place his right palm on Kid's chest, pushing him backwards with enough force to at least stagger him a few steps backwards, if it works at least. "good, but don't stay still while you think if that thing in your mind is you or not you... You need to fight on both sides, doesn't mean that one should stop while the other strategizes" he explains

Kid has posed:
With a staggering step, Kid regains his balance. He nods to J'onn in understanding. He hasn't been able to land a single blow yet. And J'onn words really take root. He goes to charge once more, being a rather typical 'brawler' type. But this time as he charges forward he tries to plant a suggestion in J'onn "Letting Kid land a blow or two, maybe a grapple might boost his confidence"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn hides a smile, then actually steps quickly to the side, doing two things at once. One is turning phisically invisible, the one is projecting an illusionary copy of himself, very perfect in detail, and well, that copy would be perfect to be hit, and even grappled!

Kid has posed:
Kid lands a one two punch of this illusionary copy of J'onn. His fast comming hard and strong. And he even began to follow it up. But he was slowing...eyeing it. It was half gut instinct, half Kids empathic ability, be he takes a chance to swing his fist to his right, where he thought J'onn was. It certainly wasn't completly accurate, but did show his ability to sense minds and emotions to some degree...and even than not completly sure, he would just as well go baxck to pounding on the illusion if nothing came from the wild swing.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles, especially since his face is invisible, and the reason for the smile is that Kid's random swing to the right actually manages to graze him. The illusion vanishes, and J'onn reappears, standing a few steps in front of Kid. "nicely done" he comments "keep going..." he tries now with a more direct method, seeing if the last lesson is still firm in Kid's mind, and starts hitting Kid's defenses with small bursts of mental energy, almost as if physically punching his mind's defenses. The physical part comes in the form of J'onn himself, advancing at Kid and trying to land a couple of punches on him as well, of course with the force calibrated to hit without hurting.

Kid has posed:
Kid puts up his arms to defend himself. True to his word, Kids defenses were better, having had advanced at a surprising pace. He keeps moving as he get into rythem. He manages to block a few of J'onn physical blows, but not all of them. But even when the blows do land - his defenses don't falter. The internal battle was similar. His mental defenses followed his rythem, and when discord comes it strengthens and wanes, as if it was reactive, much like how one tries to intercept a punch. But he won't only play defense...he would play offense. He tries to find opening in J'onn advances to throw punches back. Kid was definintly getting hit more often than he was making his mark though.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn keeps a neutral expression as he deals, and even receives punches, both phisically and mentally. He lets this go on for a bit, then switches strategies suddenly. As soon as Kid goes for another punch, he'd try catching his wrist, spinning to throw Kid into the air with his mind latching on Kid's defenses. This time, though, the mental attack is different. It's no more like he is trying to punch through kid's defenses, almost like he is pulling on them, grabbing them to strip them away.

Kid has posed:
Kid wrist is successfully grabbed! But he wasn't thrown into the air, as instincts took over, he actually used his other hand to grab onto J'onn wrist to prevent the throw! One of the few times he has truely successfully defended from a manuveir. But that didn't translate to his mental defense. He feels J'onn latching on, trying to rip them away. And it was working. His defenses were thinning out, becomming distorted and would soon be gone...so he does the next best thing he could think of. His eyes glow and he begins to drain psychic energy from J'onn, to draw in his power.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn has a Kid hanging from his right hand now, a Kid that resisted succesfully a throwing maneuver and that now is trying to feed on him. Reacting at almost the maximum speed his mind can pull out, he just tries to enter Kid's brain, sending the quite powerful and simple command "stop!" while actually lifting his arm in the air, Kid or no Kid attached, to free his wrist. Well surely Kid could've got at least a bit of psychic energy, a small meal maybe at least if the command worked, but still something. And J'onn psychic energy is, well, a lot.

Kid has posed:
Kid does stop as J'onn manages to get his wrist out of Kid's grip! However even a small meal from another psychic was enough for Kid to LEVEL UP!!! At least for a little while! With his abilities heightened, he jumps back...and than tries to dive into J'onn mind, to seek out and find what the martian was fearful of. There was definintly a distinct spike in Kids ability and power considering he has never displayed the ability to do more than read surface thoughts when it came to this particular aspect of Kids powers.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn presses his lips together, his expression as neutral as possible, and well right now Kid seems to be up the psychic scale! J'onn now tries to rely on experience, using it in tandem with his power, turning his mind into a maze and pushing the information Kid seeks as backwards as possible, adding in several fears to cotry confusing him. The fear of marshmallows and the fear of mushrooms could be obviously fake but, the fear of spiders? The fear of snakes? The fear of closed spaces, all more believable...

Kid has posed:
Kids ability to dive in....clearly reflected his lack of experince in dealing with the mind. The maze trying to hide infomation him was frustrating, that much was clear as every twist and turn got him no closer. It also was shown in his brash nature - as beyoung the obiviousely fake ones, he latches onto the fear of spiders.

With that false infomation aquired, he slips out. Which is when he pulls out his specialty - illusions. Craft an Illusion so real, it becomes reality? Than you can truely be a dangerous foe. And indeed, from Kids shadow rises an arachnophobics worst nightmare. A giant spider, 8 gleaming eyes, the strittlations of its fangs, the emotionless eyes. The way it moved forward and tries to bite J'onn! Which is where the real tricky part comes in, if the spiders bite lands (and if J'onn is affected) the bite itself would feel real and he may even imagine a wound upon himself. At the height of his illusionary ability, Kid can affect all 5 of the traditional senses!

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn keeps his expression unchanged not to betray his indifference to spiders, he however assists at the creation of the spidery nightmare, even as it advances towards him. The answer is, well, just standing there, letting the spider bite him! And in normal circumstances the bite would do absolutely nothing, but of course he lets himself be affected with a nod of approval at the power of the illusion! The next thing he'd try to do would just be to disbelieve the illusion, his mind telling hey, that is not a real spider over there, not at all! But well, since he is here to train Kid, lets go on the offensive, and so he'd just send a mental blast towards Kid, tuned down to test his surely stronger defenses but increasing in power gradually, trying to keep the young man's mind occupied with a frontal assault.

Kid has posed:
Surprisingly enough - the mental blast are more effective than one would expect. It seems the Level Up in power coincides with telepathic abilities he already has a strong grasp of. With defensive abilities still being new, despite his growth in proficiency, it didn't get the same benefits. As such, Kid finds himself grasping his head in pain as he feels the frontal assult. The defenses with bouncing, cracking, threatning to break. The illusion as strong as it was, took up signifant mental capacity as well - so between the assult and his mental defense, the spider ceases to 'exist'. This forces Kid to again engage J'onn physically, remember he can't stop moving. In mimicry of the martian he goes for a sweep kick...but with his mind being assult, it was sloppy at best.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles again, nods, then simply attempts to pick Kid telekinetically and lift him in the air, placing him gently on the ground a few feet away "ok, ok. I think we're done for today, hm?" he admits, the mental assault of course stopping as well, his stance becoming a bit more relaxed

Kid has posed:
Kid pants some, but doesn't object. He was pretty thankful the mental assult stopped. Once down he goes down onto all fours, seeming quite comfortable that way. His head still hurt a bit, but he none the less replies o O ("How did I do?") he asks excitedly.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn releases Kid from the telekinetic grasp, nodding at him with a satisfied expression "you did well, actually... Still need to work on your defenses, that's sure, the offensive part is allright though..." he would then smile, "and when scanning a mind, don't stop at the first believable thing you see. Try to go deeper, if you then find nothing more you can still go back... I have absolutely nothing for or against spiders, you see" he explains, "nicely done anyways. Quite the good idea, the feeding part..."

Kid has posed:
Kid rubs the back of his head o O ("Yea. I sorta panicked and went to instinct. Feeding normally a good way to get a boost, or knock a person out. It my goto finisher.") his eyes dart sideways ("So uh...sorry about that.") he hoped J'onn wasn't mad about it. But he none the less nods to the feed back he is given, making mental notes of them.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"no worries..." J'onn says about the feeding "just be careful, with that thing..." he adds, chuckling slightly and starting to walk towards the door "well now, I'm almost sure I promised you a tour, didn't I?"