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Latest revision as of 16:59, 14 May 2019

Vampires, Werewolves, and Demons, O'Mai!
Date of Scene: 30 April 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Selene and Hellstrom kill Lycans.
Cast of Characters: Hellstorm, Selene (Underworld)

Hellstorm has posed:
    1:34am. Overcast. Manhattan.

    The scent is caught. Dirty werewolves coming up from the subway line. There are screams as people try to escape the subway entrance stairs from the 33rd street station. Not too many people, but enough to be in the way. Off in the distance there is a chirp of a police siren. But no cops in sight. Not yet. They often come quickly in the city these days.

    Then there's the noise of breaking bones, snarls, yelps and then the challenging voice of a man who yells in a preternatural voice of eerie conviction, "WHAT'S WRONG, WOLF? YOU STARTED IT, NOW I'M GOING TO FINISH IT."

    There are about 6 people on the platform hiding behind steel columns and trash cans or sign plackards. There is no train in the station at this moment. But one will come soon, as they always do. There are two platforms seperated by 6 tracks and a retaining wall. Daimon Hellstrom stands in the nearest station, trident in his right hand, three prongs bathed in hellfire. He is surrounded by 6 werewolves. One is at his feet, disemboweled. But somehow still alive. The lights flicker as one of the ballists of the neon lights has been busted.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
As it were, Selene had been hunting this pack of werewolves all night... she'd chased them all the way here, they were trying to flee back to their territory in Gotham City, to get away from the notorious Death Dealer who had come to the United States to the hunt their people and their kind...

But this man with the fire-imbued trident had apparently found them first...

From the stairwell leading up from one of the train platforms, the unmistakable shine of headlights appear. Two homeless men who were fleeing the train station have to slam their backs up against the wall as a sleek motorcycle comes roaring down the stairwell and into the station.

Its body, as well as its black clad female rider, bounce upon impacting the concrete platform floor, while its tires then squeal as they gain new traction and propel the bike forward toward where the six Lycan foes are gathered around... this rather unexpected man.

Then again, this is Manhattan, one of the world's most populated hives of super powered individuals, so Selene is growing ever more used to these 'unexpected' individuals stepping in on these fights.

Her bikes sweeps to the side and comes to a halt about twenty feet away, she remains straddled atop the bike, and adjusts here gaze to 'watch' them.

Hellstorm has posed:
    His back is initially to the new arrival.

    His black dress shirt is torn in many places. The roar of the motorcycle engine and the screeching halt of its wheels on the blend of concrete and tile of the station gains his attention.

    Ripping his shirt from his body, leaving black slacks and boots, Daimon Hellstrom wheels around questioning, "Is it the fucking Ghost Rider?" then flame encircled green eyes are laid upon the death dealer. His lips part and he says, "O'hello there?" in a tone of agreeableness. His chest bears the mark of a flaming pentagram.

    He never even got a second blink looking at Selene before three of the wolves jump him. Taking him down and start trying to rend his very resistant flesh.

    Three other wolves turn toward the rider and rush toward her, intent on grabbing, biting, tearing, destroying.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's stare shows brown eyes to the man who turns to face her, she sees the pentagram on his chest but as he speaks she can see the Lycans grouping off and when they lunge at him and come for her she lays on the gas on her motorcycle again, its back tire sweeping out wide behind her as she spins around and starts to ride away, willing the Lycans to pursue after her!

Needless to say the train station has mostly emptied out at this stage also and this leads there to be quite a lot of open platform for the rider to ride.

She spins around atop her bike, one hand still on the hand grip while the other raises a silver and black handgun... she starts to squeeze the trigger and each pull shoots three bullets at a time! Selene starts to pepper the Lycans trailing after her!

Hellstorm has posed:
    Giving chase, the lycans will try their best to dodge bullets. But they don't have that ability so clearly. Holes are ripped into their bodies.

    Meanwhile, on the cracked and dirty tile floor of the subway platform Hellstrom regains control of the situation. He bites one of the lycans. Ripping the throat and carotid of the creature. They normally regenerate. Exept for the infernal nature of his bite is something that it will not recover from. The lycan falls off to the side, leaving two others to continue to try and rend the flesh of the Son of Satan. Scratches are made, but no deeper than millimeters. Only making him bleed a little and even more angry than before.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
When Selene reaches the end of the platform she abandons her bike after gunning down one of the Lycans with well placed shoes to its chest and head. The other two were only clipped however, so the silver nitrate bullets were not able to enter into their bloodstreams to end their regenerative ability...

Selene darts off behind a brick pylon as she ejects the magazine on her gun and presses a new one into it. She spares a stare down the platform to see that man is not dead, but fighting... putting up a fight is a good sign against these creatures at least.

The Death Dealer's senses alert her to an incoming attack, however, and she ducks down as a powerful clawed paw swipes around and slams into the pylon where head had just been. She ducks, rolls and comes up to her knees to throw a pair of silver spiked stars toward the beast, two of the weapons colliding with the side of its dark and hairy body. It roars in pain and Selene starts to run again, this time back the way she'd come...

The second Lycan leaps from behind another pylon, clipping her shoulder and causing her to slam into the ground and slide on her long leather jacket several feet to the edge of the platform's yellow painted zone where people step onto trains when they arrive.

Hellstorm has posed:
    His trident was held down by the weight of one of the lycans. Leverage was so difficult to find but wholly unnecessary. It just took focus. The lycan that held down the trident had made the mistake of placing a paw on the shaft.

    Focusing his hellfire from himself into the trident, the paw acts as a conduit to the rest of the lycan's body. The wolf bursts into flame and yelps in pain as it flails, flounders and flies from the platform into the tracks. Hitting faced down, the lycan will die in seconds as the flames of hell consume its flesh.

    The smell is horrible.

    Hellstrom looks at the last wolf atop him and challenges, "You are truly too stupid to realize you've lost..."

    He catches sight of the fall of the unknown rider. He watches her skid across the floor.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene doesn't talk to the Lycans. Not with her voice anyway, she talks with her weapons, specifically her handgun. The Lycan that tackled her to the ground is now turning around and stalking toward her, it starts to run at a high speed as it sees her turning about and with a lunging rush it dives to grab onto her, only to be met with two trigger pulls from that powerful hand gun that fires six rounds of the strange bullets into its body.

The beast's lunge is now out of control and it takes it overtop of her, where it slams into the ground beyond her and slides across the platform leaving a trail of dark wet ichor in its wake until it comes to a stop, twitching and making strange noises.

Selene is on her feet them, headed back to the man she'd first seen facing off against these beasts. She sees him lighting the one on fire, her eyes follow it into the tracks... then she looks back to him... facing off against that last one that he's speaking out to.

She steps up toward them both and raises her handgun... preparing to fire!

Hellstorm has posed:
    The prongs of the flaming trident are brought to bear, driving into the side of the lycan. Piercing ribs, lungs, heart. With the motion, Hellstrom raises up and rolls to his feet over the beast that now lays on its side, on fire, hellfire. Consumed quickly in an instant leaving only ash and dirt.

    Hellstrom looks across toward Selene and he smiles, "Friends of yours?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's eyes are no longer brown, something the man might realize now as she's staring at him after that display that which he just showcased his extensive abilities with. Her eyes shine a pale blue now, almost glowing.

She slowly lowers her handgun down then, still clutching it in her right side at thigh level, her long leather jacket swaying around her hips and legs after all the commotion they'd just gone through.

"Something like that." Selene replies to the man, her voice as sultry and smooth as a female voice could ever hope to be, and laced with a mixture of European accents. "Could you burn the rest?" She then asks him next. "So that they leave no remains to be taken or disturbed?"

Hellstorm has posed:
    The flames around his own eyes highlight his gaze upon her. His ears are pleased with her voice as it is written on his lips slightly upturned. His gaze finds her movements and leather attire and there's a moment of hesitation as he appreciates the overall of the moment.

    Her words come and his eyes pry away from her form to look upon the remaining lycans. "Your wish, my command." is intoned. His own beratone voice resonated with something underlying. Not as pronounced as before. He is calmer.

    He raises the downward pointing of his trident in directions of the lycan; and one at a time, a stream of hellfire is launched across the platform to the various fallen bodies. They are engulfed, consumed, immolated completely within seconds.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's pale blue eyes look to the man's magical display, to each body as it erupts into flames and then she slowly turns her stare back over to him and her pupils are no longer blue, but brown once again.

She slide sher handgun back into her leather jacket on the left side of her body beneath it. "Who... are you?" She then asks him, unable to not ask such a question as everything she'd just witnessed, as well as the pentagram seem entirely unlike what she's come to be used to in these two American cities.

Hellstorm has posed:
    The trident is pointed upwards, shifted into his left hand as he begins to close the distance between the two of them. The flames of the trident are quelled as are those of his pentagram and his eyes. "I am Daimon Hellstrom. Exorcist, Paranormal Investigator, Antiquities Collector, and killer of Werewolves. But. And I say this with unique conviction. I am rarely a friend to the vampire sort.... but for you, I will make a grand exception that I may be graced with knowing your name."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's eyes take in the sight of the trident as the flames upon it are extinguished and then her stare goes onto the man's own face, his eyes and she shows a faint smirk. "I've met many of your American Vampires since being here, and I'd have to agree with you that I've found no viable reason to befriend a single one of them."

"Selene." She says a moment later to the man before her. "I'm simply a... Werewolf... hunter." She says that word as though its not her prefered term for them, but one that does the job in this instance. "You seem to be quite effective at what you do... lets say I'm glad they didn't turn you to their side in all of this."

Hellstorm has posed:
    All of the cuts/scratches on his body have dimished and his skin is once again perfect without the hint of blood or stains. His muscular chest is bare except for the pentagram that still maintains a partial glow. "Selene." he says it in his own voice, remembering it, burning it into his tongue. Then he adds, "Funny that... I'm quite immune to infections and curses of all sorts. What brings you to America?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene is a perceptive woman and she picks up on the scars and cuts upon the man's form. She looks upon his stare though, at least until he asks her what brings her here and then she motions with the hand she formerly had a gun within toward the ash piles on the ground beside them.

"Them." She says simply before her stare goes back to his own. "They come from where I come from. They're here to try to bolster their numbers... Hungarian Lycans, in origin. They're quite unlike the werewolves native to your shores here. Better organized, stronger, deadlier..." She seems to have a wealth of disrespect for the Vampires and Werewolves of the United States! Likely to happen when you fight against a different breed for hundreds of years.

"So you know what I am then?" She asks, and lightly nods to him. "You would clearly be a challenging fight, one I do wish to avoid then."

Hellstorm has posed:
    "As it stands, I think we're on the same side. No fighting necessary. I would hate to get shot by whatever you were using to kill Werewolves. I'm sure it would leave a mark."

    A rush of wind pushes into the station from the tunnel. He looks toward the rail and says, "We're about to have company and I've places to be. Lovely meeting you; perhaps we'll be lucky enough to work together again."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's eyes are then visibly darting up and down the man's form then, he's got his whole chest out on display after all. "It would seem as though you've a number of those already." She quips back at him, with regard to 'marks' on the body. She then feels the train coming as well, they have a tendancy to alter the atmosphere of these stations, moving so rapidly through the tunnels.

"Likewise." She says back to him. "Thank you." She then adds with a dipping of her chin in a nod toward him. "For the assist, with them." She starts to turn then to walk back to get her motorcycle on the other end of the platform. "Good luck out there, Mister Hellstrom..." She glances back over her shoulder at him on her way.