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Latest revision as of 06:03, 21 May 2019

Fred's Diner Doesn't Care For Your Type
Date of Scene: 21 May 2019
Location: Fred's Diner - Mutant Town
Synopsis: April runs into Vanessa and two of her co-workers during a late night meal. There are pictures of Thor.
Cast of Characters: Copycat, April O'Neil

Copycat has posed:
It is a few hours past midnight. Bars have had last call. Some people head home, others go for food. The normal light life are out and about, even though it is a Monday. In a city the size of New York, there is always that night element.

One such element are the ladies that work the streets. Dressed up in provocative clothing, trying to gain the attention of lonely drivers of passing cars. Three such ladies have apparently called it quits for the night, as they open up the door and come into the diner.

Vanessa looks over at the two girls with her. Younger than her by several years. New to the streets. She'd told herself she wouldn't take anyone under her wing again, yet they'd seemed to gravitate towards her. And Vanessa just couldn't stand seeing them make the same kind of mistakes she'd made when she first fell into this life.

Fell into it? Or maybe it reached up and grabbed her.

The three women moves over to get a table together, pulling out menus and looking at the fare. The waitress who is working the late shift stands behind the counter, looking at the trio with an openly disapproving eye. Though so far Vanessa and her friends either haven't noticed, or just aren't showing they have.

April O'Neil has posed:
April sometimes had to go out and meet contacts at weird hours, 'sources' as she called them. One such night was tonight! She'd been called out of Brooklyn to Mutant Town (which thankfully were close together) and to this very diner.

Her Source was getting up from their booth at about the same time that the 'ladies of the night' were coming inside. The Source being a Caucasian male with dark framed glasses on and a buzz cut. He wasn't a terribly attractive man and because of this he looked away out of shyness as he passes the women toward the doorway.

April? She's seated at the booth still with her eyes down on her tablet computer, she's taking up the last of the notes based on what she'd just talk to this Source about. She stands out in places like this, at hours like this, she's got brilliantly red hair, and has a pretty stellar face and figure to her. Dressed in a white tshirt with a 'Lost Boys' photo printed on it from the old vampire movie from the 1980s. Blue jeans and tennis shoes finisher her attire.

April leans back in her booth and she raises her right hand up to rub it at the side of her face as the waitress comes by to refill her coffee, which makes April smile and thank the older woman.

Copycat has posed:
The woman walks past Vanessa's table with the coffee pot, filling April's cup and smiling back at her. Vanessa turns her own coffee cup over that was already set out with the table setting, as does one of the other girls, a platinum blond. The other has on headphones and is mostly oblivious at the moment, chewing bubblegum and popping bubbles as she tries to decide between pancakes and waffles.

The older waitress walks past Vanessa's booth again, carrying the coffee pot back behind the counter with her. Vanessa's expression doesn't change, but there's an intensity added to it that shows she noticed the snubbing, even if the younger girl seeking coffee hasn't yet.

Vanessa stands up and carries her cup and the other girl's over to the counter. "Two coffees. And we're ready to order food," she says. The waitress eyes her and then pours the coffee finally. "Thank you," Vanessa says, making the words sound extra polite, without the slightest bit of bite to them. Which just highlights how little reason she has to be showing the woman gratitude. Vanessa carries the coffees back to her booth while the waitress takes the long way around, stopping to ask April, "Any dessert for you?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April is so... casual... about the world around her, that three 'prostitutes' in the same diner isn't really a big deal to her. She's from Brooklyn, she's used to them being around and has had good relations with some of them in the past. At least casual in nature if nothing else.

A sip of her coffee is had and she notes the Waitress' pattern and demeanor but doesn't really comment on it as she returns to ask her about dessert. This makes the redhead smile wide and shake her head, a sunny expression on her face. "Oh, no... no... I can't. Or shouldn't! Rather. Thank you... though." April responds, inhaling and exhaling in one fluid motion. When/if April makes eye contact with Vanessa she'll pay the older woman respect and smile to her too, a friendly 'Hey' kinda smile. There-after, the redhead's eyes will drop back down to her notes on her tablet computer.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa is watching the waitress, so she does catch April's look over when it is given. The friendly smile results in one being returned April's way. Vanessa's large, clear eyes are expressive, and with that friendly smile it is easy to see why the younger girls might end up gravitating towards her for advice.

The waitress, meanwhile, looks around the diner. Seeking out any other table or customer, any other excuse to go elsewhere. Finally she walks over to stop at Vanessa's booth. She affects a posture as if she would rather be somewhere else as she stands with pencil poised on her pad as if now that she's finally there, any delay in the orders being given is a dire inconvenience for her.

"I'll have the grand slam. Eggs over medium, white toast, bacon lightly cooked," Vanessa orders. The other two girls put in their orders as well. The waitress moves off without having said a word to them.

It seems the other two girls have finally noticed. "Maybe we should just go?" one of them asks. Vanessa shakes her head. "You're going to run into people who want to treat you like that. Just need to stand up for yourself," she says.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's right hand raises up to stroke some of her red hair back behind an ear to keep it out of her way of reading, but as she has her eyes down upon the tablet computer she can overhear the talk from the girls in the booth ahead of hers. It makes her glance up for a moment, she raises her coffee up and sips from it. Another look is paid in the direction of the waitress and then April slips out of the booth... she takes her tablet, her coffee and grabs her yellow leather jacket off the back of the booth.

A moment later and April is standing beside the booth with the three women in it. "Can join you?" She asks them. "My friend left, I'm... I don't know, bored or whatever. Not ready to go home quite yet." She holds up the coffee cup. "Too much of this, I guess?" She laughs lightly then.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa looks up as April comes over. The beautiful young woman is given another friendly smile. "Sure, the more the merrier," Vanessa says, motioning to the empty spot across from her. "I'm Vanessa. This is Marie. And Barbara." The other two girls both give rather friendly greetings.

"I'm afraid you may not get too many more cups of that, if you sit with us though," Vanessa says motioning towards April's cup of joe. And indeed, the waitress has just come back from putting the orders in. Her lips press in a firm line at seeing the two tables combined into one, before turning away to help someone sitting at the counter.

"Were you out for a night on the town?" Vanessa asks. "Not really a great area to have your friend leave you alone," she says, glancing out. It is one of the rougher parts of mutant town, at that.

April O'Neil has posed:
April settles into the booth with the other three ladies, she thanks them all quietly and holds a grin across her pink hued lips as she leans back then and sets her cup and tablet down in front of her. "Well...." April glances to the waitress and then back to the ladies, she leans forward and whispers. "Its not that good anyway." She says then with a slight smirk before she leans back again.

April's eyes glance outside the window to the side of their booth and then back to Vanessa. "Oh... no, no, I'll be fine. My car's right there and I've, well, I've been working on my Ninja skills lately." And after saying that she raises up her hands in a karate-choppy kinda motion... the kinda thing that would make Mikey and the others likely all face palm at April's corny humor.

"And no. I'm..." She glances at them all. "April O'Neil. I'm a reporter for Channel Six, and I do a podcast online. Was here meeting a friend who is also a info Source. My usual shady nights and strange people needing to tell me stuff." She grins at them all then. "What do you guys want? I'll get that waitress over here. So help me..."

Copycat has posed:
The three young woman laugh warmly at the display of mad karate skills. Though Vanessa's expression turns a little sour. "I hope you have a better instructor than I did. A real first class dirtbag," she says, shaking her head at a memory. "Still, if you want to leave when we do we can walk you over to your car," Vanessa offers. Marie and Barbara quickly nod in agreement.

One of them pulls her phone out, checking something and laughing and showing it to the other. The two of them lose themselves in whatever it is, leaving Vanessa and April to talk. "A reporter? That's great. And you have the looks for it. I bet the camera really eats you up," Vanessa with just a bit of warm sass to it. "Oh, we got our orders in. Hopefully the food shows up before it's cold," she says. Vanessa asks, "So what kind of story are you working on now?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April leans back in her seat at the booth while she grins at the others, her blue eyes going to Marie and Barb before returning to Vanessa. "You guys are more than welcome to walk me out to my car, and i can give ya a ride anywhere you might need to go too. Though two of you would have to cram into the back, its a Camero... but I mean the back is spacious enough, I guess." Whatever that implies! Another sip of her cup is taken then before April laughs lightly to Vanessa.

"The tv gig really helped out my internet gig, and since tv is kinda on its death bed? I'm grateful for that. Its given me a lot've additiona exposure and a larger fanbase, for sure." A glance is then given down to her computer tablet, then back up to them. "I was here tonight talking to a man about a... well, I can't say. BUT!" April then raises a finger up, to getr their undivided attention and motions down to the pad. "Check this out." She taps and swipes a few times before she turns the tablet around so they can all see... an vide of Thor. "I just did this interview and its going up soon. Sadly it couldn't be broadcast live like most of my shows, due to... reasons. But its going to go up tomorrow, I think." The Asgardian King talking to April in a studio setting across from one another with big microphones hanging between them. "He's so hoooot." She says then to the three ladies, good humored of course.

Copycat has posed:
All three women look at the tablet and the babble of voices starts up at once.

"Oh my god is that really Thor!?"
"What's he like?"
"Is he as hot in person as on TV?"
"How on Earth did you get him for an interview?"
"Does he have any brothers?"

The last brings a laugh from Vanessa. "Yeah, he's sort of the evil one, remember?" Maria gets a rueful look. "Oh yeah. And he's kind of scrawny. Doesn't have that muscle-bound surfer god thing going."

Vanessa laughs and the other two girls begin googling pictures of Thor. "That really is something. How /did/ you get him to sit with you? I don't imagine he does many interviews?" Vanessa asks.

April O'Neil has posed:
April leaves the tablet computer aimed at the women so they can oogle the Asgardian as much as she has up to this point as well. She grins the whole time at what they say, even going so far as to laugh at what one of the young women states. "He does have brothers." She adds then. "Supposedly they're just as handsome, though perhaps... radically different in personality? I'm not sure, honestly."

"I met him through a previous interview I scored with a P.I. named Jessica Jones." April goes on to explain. "She scored me the meet up with him... she's a real charmer. And I don't mean that sarcastically. Tough to get through the hard exterior of, but I think I managed it... she's a good person." April has a charm about her, a down home kinda girl who seems to relate well with people due to really sharpened social skills. Or at least thats whats helped progress to this point, the belief that thats whats powering her. After all, not everyone is into her looks alone.

"He is likely hotter in person than he is on television or... the internet, yes." April adds then with a grin, the tablet is laid down once more and another drink is had of her coffee. Her blue eyes finally go back to Vanessa and she lowers the cup, smiling to the older woman. "I don't think he does many interviews, but I assured him that I'm not a flake... that sentence alone seemed to help sway him to meet with me. Jessica's recommendation was likely all it really took though. She's done work with the Avengers before."

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa picks up her coffee cup, holding it in both hands as she takes a sip of it, viewing April overtop of the rim. "That's really something, April. I bet there are a lot of experienced, established journalists who would /kill/ for that interview." Vanessa looks over to her two friends and says, "When we see her on 60 Minutes, we'll be able to say, 'we knew her when," Vanessa says.

Marie and Barbara give her blank looks. "What's 60 Minutes?" Vanessa just lets out a smiling sigh and looks back to April. "Yes. You were saying about TV..." she says before breaking out in a soft laugh.

"Really though, you seem like you have a great future ahead of you. Best of luck with it. It be tough to make something of yourself out in this world," Vanessa says quietly, eying her coffee like she has some particular memories in mind. "I hope it takes you far."

April O'Neil has posed:
April has to laugh lightly at the others words about television, to which she shakes her head to as well. "I'm pretty sure my podcast is my primary future. Joe Rogan is one of my idles in that regard. A true pioneer in the long form discussion podcast. Can't believe he's sixty years old now either... god. My dad used to watch his stuff yeeears ago, and I'd generally listen while doing my homework." She draws in a breath and clears her throat, then gives a quick smile to the three of them. "Anyway..."

April looks over toward the counter and waves a hand at the waitress. "Is their food ready yet?!" She calls out across the place, because... well, April is a true New Yorker, born and raised in Brooklyn. "These ladies are hungry! Come on!" She holds BOTH of her hands up then and gives HUGE EYES to the waitress who's glaring at her.

When the redhead turns back to the three fellow women she grins at her. "I'll give a good tip, don't worry." She says softly, raising her cup up for another sip. "So are you three... mutants?" She asks then, cause of their location.

Copycat has posed:
The waitress finally collects the plates, probably only because of the number of looks she got. If she seems like she's not taking care of customers, others might not tip her as we well either. The food is finally delivered. "Here you go," she says, also setting down their checks so they can leave as soon as they are done eating.

Vanessa watches her walk off and shakes her head before looking back to April. "Darling if they want to pay for it I'll paint myself blue for them and stick on a tail," Vanessa says playfully. "No, not mutants. There was an incident down where we're normally at, down on 17th near the abandoned mall. Lots of police so we decided to find somewhere else to work tonight. Unfortunately, not a lot of calling for 'normals' around here I guess," she says.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is happy that their food arrives and she leans back proudly-so, her right leg comes up to cross over her left and she glances down to her own ticket to see what she owes. Nothing much. "Well if you guys ever need help around here, or someone to call, don't hesitate to ask. I can give ya my number and you'll have a friend in the neighborhood. I'm... a bit southwest of here, Brooklyn, but not far really." She takes another sip of her coffee before setting it back down once more. "Who knows, maybe one of you would like to be on my podcast too?" She says with a grin, scanning the three of their faces there-after. "Just two or three hours of talking, like this really. Whatever subjects you wanna cover or think would be fun. Life story, or hate on folks ya wanna rile up some." April grins again to the three of them.