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Latest revision as of 00:17, 22 May 2019

Ororo Brushes Us Off
Date of Scene: 21 May 2019
Location: Ororo's Attic - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rogue, Ororo and Kitty paint Ororo's room and talk about world-shattering stuff
Cast of Characters: Storm, Shadowcat, Rogue

Storm has posed:
Ororo hovers near the ceiling of her attic, grimacing with a deliberate expression and screwing an eyelet into the high peaked wood with deliberate twists of her slender wrists. Corded tendons stand out in her forearms as she drives the point home, and once she's got it secure she attaches a set of iron chains to the eyelet, and hoists up the potted plant cradled in them.

"That's the last of the ones up here, Kitty," Ororo says, and floats downwards to land on the ground. Her hair is worn loose and wild, standing up in a frizzy white mohawk of dense white curls that stands up of its own accord. She's dressed in comfortable working clothing: coveralls and an old, worn grey tanktop, splattered with mud and paint. "I think we just need one more coat of blue on the walls and then we're done."

She moves to her window and steps partially out of it, bracing one bare foot against a six-inch tall balustrade. "Anna-Marie!" she calls down. "I have room for one more of the big planters!" she announces, and beckons onwards.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty has just returned to the room with a new can of paint, freshly shaken by one of the speedsters to make sure it is good and mixed. She phases the top off and sets it aside before grabbing a roller and paint tray. Lockheed is watching from over where he's curled up around a small tree that is growing out of its planter. "Ok, next coat starting up," Kitty says.

"This definitely does give it a more spacious feel," the young woman says. She doesn't fly but just kind of walks up into the air like she were going up stairs, until she's near the top where she begins rolling out more of the color onto the walls.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was down on the ground tending to the plants that had been purchased and prepped for this very event of making Storm's room more homey for the woman of weather! When Storm calls out and down to her she looks up from the potted plant, having been making it all perfect in its pot, her bare hands are dirty with that fancy store bought dirt with all its high quality minerals and such!

"Okay!" Rogue calls back up and her hands go to the rim of the bit planter, it probably weights fifty pounds or more easily, but she doesn't skip a beat and just launches up into the air with it and glides it toward the window to take it inside the attic room.

Dressed in jean shorts, a green and black flannel shirt that is tied around her waist over top of a yellow tank top beneath it, Rogue is all summer mode in her fashion right now and her hair is also undone and loose, more than a little messy at the present too based on the work they've put in today.

Storm has posed:
It's been a good couple hours of work, though superhuman talents make a lot of the effort a little more palatable. Rogue brings the planter up and Ororo helps her wrestle it into place, her aid needed or not. "Oh, this is perfect," she says happily, and adjusts the plant so it gets maximum sun exposure.

"I am so grateful for your help," she tells the two other women. "I'm glad you talked me into repainting, Kitty. I thought the plants alone would liven things, but this makes it feel like I'm sleeping under the sky."

She rests her hands on her hips and looks around. It's getting a little crowded in the attic, at least until she gets the last of the shelves for the planters set up. "I sleep so much better when I'm around living things. I just hope the aloe plants made it. New England has such harsh winters," she frets, and kneels down next to a large planter to fuss over a small plant. Most of them had been put into storage in the greenhouse for the winter to keep them alive.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde rolls more of the sky blue onto the walls. Dipping the roller into the paint tin she's holding and then rolling it back and forth. Kitty is well-dressed for the paining. She has some jeans on that have paint splots on them already. Most of the splotches being colors not part of today's exercise says that they have been used for this before. A white top that breathes well, see-through enough to see her sports bra she's wearing beneath, and then a painters cap that Kitty has turned around backwards, protecting her brown locks from any stray drips.

"I was going to try to switch rooms to one with a fireplace. Though now I have Narnia I'd feel kind of guilty taking up a choice room when I can just pop over there and have a fireplace, bonfire, blacksmith's forge, or whatever fire I'm in the mood for," she says with a warm chuckle. "I really owe you for that hook up, Anna-Marie. And you know, getting along with Stephen pretty decently of late. By which I mean, I just kind of ignore his cantankerous side."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sits down on the open window sil with her back facing the outside world while her legs cross at the bare knees and she just gently sways that one foot that is upraised wearing a flipflop of dark green and black hues.

Rogue's ungloved hands go down to the window she's seated on and grasp hold of it on either sides of her hips. She looks from one of them to the other and just grins lightly. "This place is great, Storm. Its definitely my favorite room in the whole place now, and thats sayin' a lot. Lorna's got a jacuzzi tub..." She holds her grin and slips her eyes on to Kitty.

"I'm glad its goin' well. Sounds like he hasn't gotten stuck in a hell dimension for you t'have t'figure out how to save him, like he did when I was stayin' there..." She releases a heavy exhale, not really thinking about how Storm doesn't know that KItty's got a room at Doctor Strange's place now, like Rogue had before her.

Storm has posed:
"I find hot tubs vastly inferior to natural hot springs," comes Ororo's voice from her wall of freshly-planted vines. They'll grow and crawl down the woodwork in the next few years, a living decor for her tidy attic space.

"I am sorry, I did not hear you, Kitty. Narnia?" Ororo asks, glancing at the woman with a confused expression. A pitcher of iced tea is sitting in the sun, cubes bobbling on the surface. She pours a fresh glass for Kitty and one for Rogue, delivering one to each. A third is poured for herself. "You are still living in the Mansion, are you not?" she asks in her elegantly cultured accent.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes a step sideways, literally walking on air as she works her way the length of the room across the top, before moving further down the slanted ceiling to paint below that, so anything that runs downwards goes to an area she still has to cover. "Oh, you probably don't know about that. So, when I got the job with Stark Industries in the city, I was looking for a place to stay there. And Anna-Marie took me to meet Doctor Strange for some other needs we had. The short of it is, she had an old room there that was still unoccupied. So he let me stay there in exchange for helping him archive and digitize some of his tomes," Kitty says.

She looks over her shoulder to grin towards Ororo. "So it's a magic room. Like in Harry Potter. It can look however I want it to. I normally have it like a beach bungalow, with the sound of the ocean outside, and salty warm breezes blowing in. Anyway... there's a magic mirror in the back of my closet here at the school, that I can walk through and appear in that room. So I call it Narnia. Because to get through I go through the back of my wardrobe. Ok, it's not a wardrobe here, but on the other end I put it in one just so the name fit."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue accepts the drink from Storm with a smile and then just sits and sips it while the other two talk. Kitty's rundown of everything makes her grin up to the point about the mirror... technically Rogue had been told to deactivate that part by the Professor because she'd let Ellie use it to travel to New York after curfew and she had obeyed the Professor's wishes for a long time, up until Kitty had needed, and then it was quietly flipped back on and nobody has technically mentioned that to Charles at this point.

So Rogue does a quick look from Kitty to Storm, then back to Kitty. She quietly and softly clears her throat. Maybe Storm doesn't know about any of that! "Strange is a nice guy, if you get past all his mean-ness." She eloquently describes the man. "He really does want t'help people, but I think maybe I... I don't know, maybe I got him a bit wrapped around a finger." She says with a sly grin. "I owe him my life, but I think he's got a soft spot for young women in trouble. LIke any man, for that matter."

Storm has posed:
The white-haired mutant 'ahhs' at the explanation and moves to sit on a low stool. Ororo crosses her legs at the knee. "Stephen is a good man," Ororo agrees, and sips her tea. Ice clinks and clatters. "I think he puts forward that angry face in order to dissuade people from getting close." She examines rogue with a flicker of her blue eyes, then grins suddenly. "I am not sure he is my *type*, precisely, but... as you Americans say, 'you go girl'," she tells Rogue, affecting an American accent.

"You *could* try to be a bit less... damsel-y," Ororo suggests, sotto voce.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty air-walks down from the ceiling, setting down the paint tray and her roller and going over to get the beverage that Ororo had set out for her. She gives a warm guffaw at the comment to Rogue. "Ask the sun not to shine so brightly. Ask the moon not to pull the ocean tides. Ask Logan not to stab people over inconsequential matters. It's part and parcel of who she is!" Kitty says with a grin towards her old roommate.

Kitty takes a seat and sips her drink. "I don't really run into him all that much. Every now and then. I tend to see Wong more often. He's a real sweetheart," she says of the Chinese man.