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Well, It Isn't Bat Burger At Least
Date of Scene: 21 May 2019
Location: Burger Joint - Salem Center
Synopsis: Jason and Carrie are introduced to Doug by Kitty over burgers. Tim Drake tracks them down later
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Red Hood, Carrie Kelley, Cypher, Red Robin

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty set up a little dinner party in Salem for tonight. Nothing fancy, just a trip to the local burger joint. Actually, Burger Joint. That's the name of the place. It has your standard burger joint fast food fare. It doesn't have the glorious naming of Bat Burger, but the food is fairly tasty.

For the invite list, Kitty invited her old school friend, Doug Ramsey. And her new great friend, Carrie Kelley. And of course a date for herself in the form of Jason Todd.

It's the appointed time, and Kitty waited out front for Jason, the young woman having had to work today in the City. She's wearing a pair of jeans and snug fitting grey shirt. Her Star of David necklace is hanging from her neck. When he does show up, she'll hop up with a huge smile and move over to give him a hug and a kiss, greeting him before they head inside.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason doesn't drive like a bat out of .. Gotham.. too much. There was some hairpin turns taken at far more sharper a speed and angle than usual, some near knee-scraping action, and some weaving in and out of traffic that is totally worth white knuckling over as finally, he enters more sedate Salem Center and the bike rumbles as it comes to a halt.

Dressed in a leather jacket over a plain black t-shirt tucked into blue jeans and bike boots, Jason sets the kickstand down to cast a grin over his shoulder. "We're here. And in one piece. You totally owe me ten bucks." he says to his passenger, waiting for her to let go and greeting Kitty as she nearly collides with him. "Hey, gorgeous." he greets the woman, returning her kiss. "You might want to make sure Carrie survived the experience."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
White knuckling certainly wasn't that far off the mark. Carrie wears a helmet herself, along with a lighter jacket that at least offers some protection even if it wasn't really 'rider' made. Just a long sleeved zipup that looked rainproof, with some reinforced stitching to make it a bit more durable than just a plain old rain coat. As soon as the bike stops, she's off and pulling her helmet off to shake out her red hair.

"Next time, I'm driving!" she blurts out shooting him a glare. One hand rests on her helmet balancing it on her hip while the other reaches up to rake her fingers through her hair to make it less messy. Her gaze flits over toward Kitty as she adds, "Seriously Kitty, I think he was trying to give me an arithmia."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins as she looks over at Jason after the kiss. "Hey yourself," she tells him warmly, her face lighting up. "If you killed my friend, Jason, I might have a few cross words for you about it. Well, somewhat cross," she says, grinning at him and squeezing his arms before letting Jason go to move over to Carrie.

She gives Carrie a warm hug and doesn't let go as she gently pats Carrie's back. "It's ok. It's over now. Just like it was a bad dream," Kitty says in a teasingly consoling way. She lets go of Carrie to grin at the redhead. "You really should have drove, yes. Though, I have to tell you about the 180 he did on the highway the other day," Kitty tells Carries, flashing a grin to Jason as she brings up the Speed 2 incident that Harley Quinn caused.

"Doug should be along soon enough," Kitty says. "Want to go in and grab a table while we wait?" she asks. "Or, sit out here on the patio?" she asks of the covered area outside. The weather is nice, a warm day without much wind, and a few clouds in the sky but not quite looking like rain.

Red Hood has posed:
"You can drive when I'm dead and only after you make sure I ain't coming back." Jason responds with a smirk. Then Kitty brings up the car and he /groans/. "It's going to take /weeks/ for me to get the car back in shape." That's what happens when you use it as a makeshift brakestop. He's still stiff and sore from the action, even if most of his bruises quickly healed. Nowhere near Logan level, but he seems to knit pretty quickly.

"Patio sounds good." he responds with a roll of his shoulders as his arm moves to encircle Kitty's waist. She's not wandering far tonight. "And I swear if I see any hint of a clown, I'll forget that I'm a nice guy." Yeah, as if that's a thing.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a mock sniffle or two when Kitty hugs her. It's just as much making fun of the situation as Kitty was doing at the moment. "So horrible," she mumbles even as she gives her friend a warm hug in return. Stepping back her nose scrunches just a bit. "I heard about that. Seriously it's amazing he survives anything." Speaking of survive, his remark about not getting up again just earns a cool sidelong glance and a solemn nod. "Right. Double-tap it is."

The mention of the patio earns a shrug from her. "It's nice out, I'm all for the patio. Besides you may not want to have Jason in an enclosed area right now." Leaning in toward Kitty she mock-whispers, "I think he dumped an entire bottle of cologne on himself to impress you."

Cypher has posed:
The three have time to greet each other, kibbitz for a few minutes, and maybe grab a table, before Doug arrives. He found his skateboard, where it had been mothballed somewhere, lost to the ages. He'd made it himself, and it had a really neat inlaid circuitry filligree on it that looked like Warlock's techno-organic patterning--

Anyway, he walks in with it tucked under one arm. He's wearing a T-Shirt that says 'THAT'S A HORRIBLE IDEA - What time are we doing it'? under an open hawaiian shirt, and a pair of sunglasses, jeans, and bright red chucks.

He walks in with the board under his arm and looks around, before he strolls over. He drops into it with a thump, pushes up his sunglasses, and looks between Carrie and Jason. "Hi!" He says. "...I'm Doug." He extends a hand, to Carrie first, then Jason. "It's really nice to meet you!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Before Doug has arrived, Kitty gives Jason a reassuring pat at the problems with the car. "If there's anything in rough shape, I know a Genoshan princess who can manipulate metal. Straighten out dents and even fabricate new pieces. Can see if she has a few minutes to take a look. She's a good friend too, would like to have you meet her."

Kitty laughs at Carrie's cologne comment. She leans close to Jason to smell. "Well, it's better than the alternative," she says, eyes going to the man as she gives him a teasing smile. she likes the cologne on him.

When Doug arrives, Kitty grins and pops up from her seat. "Doug Ramsey, this is Carrie Kelley, good friend of mine who goes to Gotham U. And this is my boyfriend, Jason Todd," she says, fingers going unconsciously to the ruby ring on her finger. "Doug's an old friend from back in my first couple of years at school out here," she says.

Red Hood has posed:
"Hell, they have these ads for colognes that attract bombshell blondes and ravishing redheads, but nothing for pretty Jewish girls. It's a untapped market, I tell you." he rumbles with a smirk before nudging Carrie. "You don't get the cave." he tells her cryptically. And he didn't use /that/ much cologne. Carrie was just downwind all trip.

Rising to his feet, Jason's movements show someone that's well trained and just confident in himself as he accepts the hand in a grip. "Doug, nice to meet you." he returns with a smile. "I don't get many of the 'old friend' stories, and Kitty's had the advantage so far. I'm looking forward to levelling the playinbg field." comes the response with a smirk as he releases the hand.

And then he gestures to the redhead. "This is Carrie Kelly. She's a acting major, coach, total couch hog, and the worst Mario Kart player you'l ever meet. But she's single, so she has that going for her."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley leans over the table to take Doug's hand with a grin as she greets him in turn, "Carrie, nice to meet--" She pause though as her gaze flits over towrad Jason with a scowl. "I will kick your ass in DDR," she declares with an indignant sniff to show she wasn't actually too upset if at all. Instead she lets out a long suffering sigh.

"And this is Jason Todd. Giant dork, early greying, giver of whiplash, and I guess an okay guy. Mostly. It's good to meet you Doug. Kitty's told us a lot about you. Well." She shares a smile with Kitty along with a shrug. "Nothing bad at least."

Cypher has posed:
"Mmmm, well." Doug says, "Kitty and I didn't see each other for a long time. I uh, I got benched pretty bad for a couple of years. Finally starting to get back on my feet. Did she tell you we met in dance class?" He says, "I joined up to meet girls." He hooks his thumb to Kitty, "Met one!"

Then he hooks out a chair with his foot, and drops into it, heavily, before he settles his forearms on the table. "I can give you some pointers." Doug says, "But then again, so could Kitty. She's the only one who ever matched my best time on the Rainbow Road." He settles into his chair, relaxes, and then says, "So, how did you guys all meet up?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty grins as the three shake hands and then she settles into a chair when the rest do. She rests her hand over on Jason's back, smiling over to him and saying, "I think we might have to do a DDR team challenge later?" Kitty looks over to Carrie and Doug. "If you two think you'd be up for it? We did call Doug 'Twinkle Toes' back in the day, but that was more because someone poured glitter in his socks," Kitty teases.

One guess who was the glitter pourer.

Kitty looks over to Jason then at the question of how they all met up. "I saw that a painting was coming up for sale at a Gotham art fair, one that Piotr had done. Of Illyana when she was young. And I went hoping to buy it. But this charming guy was interested in it, and bought it to hang up in an orphanage that was being remodeled," Kitty says, turning over to smile at Jason again. "And asked me to dinner and... it was all kind of a whirlwind from there."

Red Hood has posed:
"I'm more like twinkie toes." Jason says with a smirk. Clearly DDR isn't his thing. Leaning into Kitty's touch, he chuckles lightly. "She apparently was impressed by my thoughts on Gotham's vibe." he offers with a shrug of his head as he idly thumbs at the menu.

"As for meeting Carrie? She's my younger brother's acting coach." Better than the story about the whole getting thrown out of a dojo. "We tried dating, failed miserably, decided to stick around and be friends instead. That or she just wanted to hang around to oogle my older brother's ass. Not sure which."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Wait, wait, wait." Carrie holds up her hands as she hears Kitty's story of how she and Jason met. This was clearly a new story to her as she regards the pair with a scrunched up nose. Oh man that was SO sappy. So very sappy. "I always thought Jason was choking on a chicken wing and you saved him or something. He couldn't *possibly* have been doing something that smooth." In spite of her remark she's grinning, and leans back into her chair letting her arms cross lightly over her chest.

"I am for sure ready for a DDR throwdown whenever you guys are. You know I've got the set up at my apartment. Even if it's not much."

There's a pause as she lifts a hand to POINT at Jason. "Your dad's, actually." She's kidding and somehow manages to say it with a completely straight face before rolling her eyes. "Yeah, I ended up meeting Kitty when they were going out for Chinese and hit the same place he brought me once. We've just kind of been friends since," she adds with a warm grin cast toward the brunette.

Cypher has posed:
Doug thinks about that -- he looks between Jason and Carrie and then says, somewhat blandly, "Yeah. My mom and dad ran the lawfirm the headmaster of Kitty's school kept on retainer. I fell into hanging out with some of the other students in her class, including Illyana - the girl in the painting, and then eventually got a scholarship there myself. I got hurt pretty bad in an accident, though... never graduated."

"I'm working on making up lost ground now, burning through my GED stuff, and then I'll start on some college courses. I'm not *sure* what I'm going to do there, though. InfoSec, maybe. Or maybe I'll do what mom and dad always wanted and become a lawyer -- joining the family firm's not gonna happen, though." He snorts. "My folks moved out to Utah."

He taps his fingers on the table, and then begins to peruse the menu. "Hmmmmmm."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty flashes a grin over to Carrie as she confirms to Doug in a stage whisper, "His brother has a fantastic ass." Kitty turns to Jason and her lips pull back in a big grin as she leans over to bump against him. She knows she's paying later for that comment.

Kitty motions with a hand towards Carrie as she doubts the story of their meeting. "That was it. It was so sweet. Drove me around town on his bike, showed me the orphanage where the painting would go. Took me dinner. There was this sweet older couple on their anniversary. It was just a wonderful time." Kitty slides a hand over to hold Jason's. For all that his friends and family give him a hard time, and even Kitty does, she's also not slow to share his good qualities.

"Doug is incredibly smart," she says to her Gotham friends then. "And he's the best programmer I know. Better than me. And I'd say better than anyone else I've met." And Jason and Carrie both know that Kitty has seen Barbara Gordon's work first hand. So that's making quite the statement. "A total wiz with languages too. If you ever need anything translated, no matter how esoteric it is? He's your guy."

Red Hood has posed:
"Yeah. Uh. You need something shot? That's me." Jason offers a snort at himself, before he shrugs his shoulders. "I think I used my whole playbook on winning your heart Kitty. Going to have to figure out some new tricks." he admits with a smirk at her, before his attention returns to the table.

"That's pretty impressive. Pops pushed us to learn some other languages, you know, business chatter, shit like that. It took better with others than it did with me." finally deciding on what he wants, he waits for the others to decide, as he glances aside to Kitty. "You know you got the black sheep right? Carrie's more like a fluffy lamb."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"That's one of the decent things about college. You get some time to figure out what you want to do if you plan it right. Get the requireds knocked out, try some electives to figure out what you want to do. By year two you can have a good bit of experience under your belt and narrow down what you actually want," Carrie remarks with a shrug. "Mostly? Do what you like. Expectations can kill anyone's drive to succeed and oh god I sound like a college brochure." Her head hangs down hiding her face in her hands with a groan. "I need a vacation."

Since everyone else had decided on food she lifts her head again to scan the menu quickly. "Double Burger and strawberry milkshake, that sounds good."

A grin is flashed to Doug with an apologetic shrug as the teasing continues, "So, this mushy stuff getting to you yet? I have to deal with this aaaall the time."

Cypher has posed:
"Oh, I'm a marshmallow." Doug says. "If I had more edge, girls would date me." He rolls his eyes upward, and then flicks his gaze down to the menu. "BBQ chicken stackwich," He decides, "And a vanilla milkshake." He thumps the menu against the table. "I'm not THAT much better. And Kitty's better with hardware than I am, always has been. And I mean, there are programmers on the net I feel are at LEAST as good as me-- Moneyspider, though that guy's *crazy* in a whole bunch of other ways. The Oracle. Calculator, though that guy's a *crook*-"

He raises his eyebrows. "So... how much have you told Jason and Carrie about our school days, Kitty?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Jason and says, "I might have been given that impression once or twice. But I like to live recklessly now and then. As long as there are still seat belts and airbags available." She grins and then looks over to Carrie, laughing and saying, "But you love us anyway, right?" Kitty's affection for the redhead is very obvious to anyone who knows her well enough. Which everyone at the table does.

Kitty looks back to Doug and says, "Ah, nothing illegal, at least." She gives a soft chuckle and a tug on her shirt collar. "We were hacktavists for a time," Kitty says. "Though we didn't do... things that didn't deserve to have done, at least."

Now that everyone has decided their orders, Kitty stands up to go place it and grab the food, giving them a couple of minutes to talk without her.

Red Hood has posed:
"Double barbeque burger, no bacon..." That's Kitty's fault. "And the bigass basket of onion rings. And water." With his order placed, Jason watches Kitty leave, eyes on her backside, before returning his attention to the others. "So her birthday's in a couple of months." he says to the others in a conspiratorial tone after she's gone.

"Anyone got any ideas on what to do?" This is so not his wheelhouse.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances off after Kitty but turns back in time to see Jason staring at her ass. Rolling her own eyes she tries to stifle a grin behind her hand while resting her chin in it. "Mm. Yeah, I've heard those hackers are good... That's cool though. I'm a theater geek, it's not like I'm against activism of sorts. Especially when it's necessary." A light wink is given along with a grin. Before she can say anything else though comes the mention of birthdays.

"Surprise party? Or I could hijack the theater and we could set up a giant big screen video gaming session?" Small ideas, but workable ones as she shrugs.

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises an eyebrow at Jason, but he doesn't say anything. "Wellllll." He says, stroking his chin, "Honestly she'd be on cloud nine if we rented out a Dave & Buster's for the night. She likes a lot of active fun. So, like, laser tag, paintball, go-karts..." He raises his eyebrows, and says, "...Gigantic russian men in leopard-print underwear--"

He's gauging Jason's reaction, there.

He hides his mouth behind his menu. "...Just so you guys know? I'm also X-Gene Pos." Meaning he's a Mutant.

Red Hood has posed:
"That's okay, she likes handcuffs too." comes Jason's response, straight-laced to Doug's attempt, as he sips from his ice water. "So video games and stuff like that. Sure." he considers, frowning a little. Not exactly what he grew up with, but then Doug mentions he's X-Gene pos?

"Oh yeah? I'm A negative." he offers to him, the opinion of being a mutant coming up as not anything special - Doug's just another guy, at least that's how it seems to Jason. "And Carrie's a 32 C."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty went in and placed the orders, finally coming back out with two big trays of food. "Alright, we got double bbq burgers, no bacon, and bbq chicken sandwiches, Double Burgers, and all sorts of sides and beverages," Kitty says, passing the food around. "And a bbq cheddar burger, well done, no bacon, for myself," she says, putting the plate down. There's fries there too, and a soda.

Kitty settles back into her seat and sets a napkin in her lap. "So I tried to hurry so Doug could not fit too many stories in the gap," she says, looking about at Jason and Carrie to judge if she was successful.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley starts to slowly nod at the suggestions. Dave and Busters, huh? She's already trying to plot the mechanics of it when Doug mentions his being a mutant in such a way. Her eyes flit to him, a faint smile offered, and she responds, "That's coo--" Then Jason speaks up about her cup size which earns a fist slamming out into his shoulder with perhaps more force and accuracy than would be expected of a theater geek.

Sitting up straighter she reaches out to accept some of the food from Kitty with a grin. "Oh nothing too bad, just something about the last guy you dated. I already heard about that in the woods from that hairy cigar smoking jerk though." A glance is cast toward Doug along with a wink.

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Kitty a look. A *look*. It's a beatific expression with the devil's own eyes. He reaches for his phone, shades it with one hand, and surreptitiously flips it toward Jason and Carrie.


Just long enough for them to get a good look -- then he shades his phone with his hand, kills the image, and puts it away.

Red Hood has posed:
There's a snort of amusement at Kitty's picture - but something about it reminds him.. well.. nevermind. He's about to say more when he gets a buzz on his phone and he pulls it out. "Sorry, folks. Something I need to take care of." It didn't set off Carrie's phone. Curious.

Leaning over to press a kiss to Kitty's cheek, he moves to get to his feet. "Just bring mine to the brownstone later, sweetheart."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks over to Carrie, smiling to her as the young woman is willing to out herself back to Doug, if he remembers who that Kestrel with red hair was that showed up with people he otherwise knew at his cabin in Washington state. Kitty reaches over to squeeze her hand, obviously grateful at her showing that trust in Doug.

Kitty looks back to find Doug's expression focused on her. "Oh. No. What are you thinking, Ramsey!?" she exclaims. And then the phone comes out, and her costume. With the rollerskates even. Kitty covers her face for a moment but then sits up straighter. "I looked. Freaking. Fabulous." she says of the picture. Janet Van Dyne's advice popping back in her head. If you're going to wear it? Own it. Though Janet never saw THAT picture before.

Kitty looks as Jason's phone goes off. She gives him an understanding nod. "Call if you need me," she says as he hurries off. Carrie will no doubt know Kitty will make sure she has a ride home.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley squeezes Kitty's hand back with a grin. But there's the distraction of the phone coming out to show... "Oh my lord Kitty what..." Her free hand claps over her mouth as she stifles a giggle. "Hey, hey no judging here. I'm in theater remember? You would not believe some of the things we've done for costumes in a pinch. Raincoats as Hazmat suits, IKEA rugs as loin cloths... Though that was really bulky on Mark, and made him look ten times smaller." That recollection was for another time. Lightly clearing her throat she just shrugs again.

"He'll be fine," she assures... before reaching over to steal his order of onion rings. "His loss though."

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises his eyebrows. "Well, I have my share of embarassing stories. I ruined Wimbledon. Well, I was part of an *ensemble* who ruined Wimbledon." He rolls his eyes upward. "...Well, let's just say I have my share of embarassing stories. And I look forward to many more."

He watches the door, where Jason went out, and murmurs, "...Interesting guy. Angry though. Really angry. Carries it with him wherever he goes, doesn't he."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins over to Carrie. "I was thirteen. And just beginning my foray into..." Kitty lowers her voice, "Fashionable superhero wear, than you." She does have a bit of color in her cheeks though. Kitty waves the onion rings over towards Carrie. "Never like what those do to the breath," she says. She'd have made him go brush his teeth the moment they got home.

Kitty looks over to Doug and she slowly nods her head. Her expression softens. "I told you... as rough as things were for you? He's had it even worse, Doug. And hasn't even had as much time to work through the worst of it. That he's a good, caring man that wants to help people, says a lot about him. But yeah, he has rough edges. And I'm ok with that. I'm not going to try to smooth them. Much. I'll take him how he is."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley shrugs a bit as the onion rings are raised to take a nibble, "That's what mints are for." Mention of anger, and Jason's past though, does cause her to somber a bit as she listens to Kitty and Doug. "He's gotten a lot better. Just knowing he's got friends helps, I think. I trust him though," she adds with a little shrug as her eyes dip down toward the table top again.

"Honestly out of everyone I think I've had the most normal life. Much as anything can be normal these days. So if I can do something to help someone like him, even a little bit, I'm all for it."

Cypher has posed:
"He cares about you a lot." Doug says, to Kitty. "He wants to be a good person, for you-"

Then he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Sorry. I'm reading too much. Scaling it back." He says. He glances toward Carrie. "It's my Mutant power. I'm a specialized hypercognate." Then he glances back to Kitty, and says, "If you like him, then I like him."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Carrie and says, "One thing I've learned... is everyone has a hard life. No matter what happens to us, it can still be hard. But, yeah, recognizing when someone had it bad..." Kitty glances to Doug, reaching over to squeeze his hand briefly. "He does care about me. And I do like him. Love him. I love him a lot, actually," Kitty says. "It... makes me feel like what Piotr and I had was more of a... crush, really. It just... this feels different for me. And it means a lot to me if you get along with him. Jason can be a bit abrasive, I realize that. His family realizes that. But he's a good guy at heart just dealing with a lot."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances between Doug and Kitty. Then back again. She just watches the interaction with a little grin as the two converse over Jason. "I find Kitty has a really good judge of character. Or at least I'd like to think so given I'm one of those people she hangs out with." Her head tips at Doug a moment with a thoughtful expression. Hypercognate? That was a thing? Interesting. "Ever thought of being a detective?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Carrie a thoughtful look, and then he gives a slow grin. "You ever thought about a friday movie?" Doug says, but then he flicks his gaze between the two, and says, "Maybe? I don't know. I didn't get a lot of time to figure out who I was, what I was about -- what my purpose was. I'm still figuring that out." Then he taps a finger against a table. "February is my bad month." He died in February.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Carrie, though her smile slides a little bit. "Well, I'm better about people than I am artificial intelligences, it seems." She sighs and shakes her head. "So, AI that supplied those plans? Is now inhabiting a robot body, slightly shorter than a Sentinel, and calling himself Megatron," Kitty says in a voice kept very quiet to not carry past their table. "I don't know if he's friendly or not, to us. Just, be careful if he contacts you again. He was at least in part using us to get back into his body."

Kitty looks over to Doug and her expression softens. "You'd make a great one, Doug," she tells him. "What you can do is so incredibly powerful if you put it to use. Which may not mean, fighting giant metal men hand to hand. But there's a lot to do without that."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley blinks at the mention of a movie on Friday. It doesn't take much for her cheeks to flush red given her naturally pale skin. Another bite of her onion ring is taken to buy herself a bit of time to recover without looking like a total dork. She hoped. It's Kitty's mention of the AI that earns a small frown immediately after. "Oh is that who gave that to... I mean... I'll be careful. Nothing is ever straight cut is it?"

A light clearing of her throat comes as she gives a nod in agreement. The half-eaten onion ring is gestured toward Kitty in indication of her own remarks. "Yeah. If you figured all of that out about Jason just by spending a few minutes with him, I've no doubt you could shine in whatever you end up choosing to do. There's no hurry though. Time enough to figure things out." She hesitates a second, eyes flitting between the pair. "... You interested in that Detective Pikachu movie? I mean, looks cute."

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises his eyebrows, and then he says "Are you kidding, I still boot up my copy of Pokemon: Blue to check on how my Squirtle is doing." He gives a little smile, and rests his chin in his hand, before he says, "...Pick you up at 8?" He flicks his eyes up at Kitty, and his eyes twinkle. Irrepressible.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde just gets a smile as Carrie and Doug talk about seeing a movie together. Carrie gets a little flash of brown eyes from Kitty, a supportive look. Then Kitty goes back to eating her burger, filling her mouth so she won't be expected to be saying anything just now. When she glances to Doug, he'll get a little supportive smile too. And with his ability to read body language, especially from someone he knows well, it's pretty obvious that Kitty thinks this development is a good one.

More burger. Nom nom nom.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley bites lightly at her lower lip in a rather pitiful attempt to repress a grin at the mention of checking on his Squirtle. That was rather freaking adorable. Plus it was nice to know she wasn't the only geek here... As if it were ever really in question. Jason would never let her live it down. "Sure. Sounds like a plan then. I'm guessing Kitty will let you know where to find me, but I should probably give you my number anyway." Kitty's glances her way earn a little nudge of her elbow in return.

Cypher has posed:
Doug pulls out his phone, and passes it to Carrie. Right now the background image is a selfie of Doug and another, taller blond guy. His brother? It's kind of an up-nose selfie-shot. "Just put your number in there." Then he glances to Kitty, and sticks his tongue out.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles at the elbow nudge, but other than those little glances she mostly kept her attention off of them, not wanting either of two of her great friends to feel any awkwardness due to her presence. Kitty finishes off her burger and then works on a few fries. Squirting catsup in a little glob to dip them in.

Once the exchange of numbers is done, Kitty pulls out her own phone to check it for messages from Jason. She puts it away and then smiles over to the two of them. "I can't believe you pulled that picture of me out," she tells Doug, shaking her head at him, but grinning as she does.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley takes Doug's phone only to pause and grin at the picture on the home screen. It only takes a moment longer for her to open up the phone app and type in her number for him to save into it. With that done she slides it back over toward him. "Friday then."

Leaning back in her seat once more she scoops up the milkshake she'd gotten to take a long chug while trying not to laugh, again, over the recollection of that picture. "I'm surprised you haven't wiped all evidence of that photo by now, Kitty," she teases with a little grin. "Not that I can say much. I wasn't any better at coming up with something myself."

Cypher has posed:
Doug takes his phone back, and then he slips it into his pocket. "Are you kidding? I've been waiting to spring this on somebody who hadn't already seen it." He looks to Carrie, and says, "So you've met Lockheed? Well, Kitty used to have this unflattering nickname for my clique, back in school, and one day I finally got fed up. So I fed him three pots of black coffee. And an extra-spicy chicken vindaloo. And an extra-large can of Grandma Brown's baked beans. ...And a packet of cigars. And the next day, during Doctor McCoy's chemistry class... he *farted*. It was an SBD. And by that I mean, the bunsen burner Doctor McCoy was using shot this tongue of *white* fire ten feet up in the air. And Doctor McCoy's eyes got real big and his pupils got real *little* and he said in this tiny voice, '...Oh my stars and Garters' - and Storm had to spend the rest of the day airing out the first floor of the school. And not ONE of them ratted me out. I don't know if they ever did." He looks to Kitty. "Did anyone ever fess up?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is not sure if anyone has brought the info Carrie had gotten to Kitty with the whole Damian situation the nihgt she brought it. He decided he would bring it by to her. After a stop in New York where a bald asian fellow told him she was not there. He did a little digging and found out a school out in Westchester would be the place to check next. He pulls up in front of the Burger joint stopping to look at his GPS a bit better and maybe get a drink, not seeing the three two of which he knows yet.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Carrie and she whispers, "Thirteen, I was thirteen." She grins and then looks back to Doug as he starts telling the story about Lockheed. Her expression reveals early on she knows which story this is, and it's obvious she didn't know who was responsible until now. "Oh.... oh you.... you... Bobby Drake is going to feel fortunate when I get even with you for that one!" Kitty says. "Anna-Marie feeds him cheesy poofs so I'm dealing with cheese breathe all night," she says, "But that!? You just wait, Douglas Ramsey." She shakes a finger at him.

Kitty glances over and spots Tim. "Tim?" she calls out, and waves over to him. "Over here!" she adds to help get his attention.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley stares with a look of growing horror at the list of things being rattled off that were fed to Lockheed. Oh. Oh that would be NASTY all right. The resolution of the story ends with a grimace, and a shudder, that has her laughing in spite of it. "Onions aren't so bad now huh Kitty?" She points out with a shake of her head. "Oh man that's *terrible*..." Before she can say anything more, Kitty calls out to Tim causing her eyebrows to raise. "What's Timmy doing here?"

Cypher has posed:
"That fart... that fart - it was something else. It was so nasty it *curled* Illyana's hair and *straightened* Amara's." Doug says. He looks up at Tim, and back at Kitty, and says, "Hey. Another friend of yours?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will look over as he hears his name called. Upon seeing the two ladies and their friend. He will chuckles a bit and walks over a bit "Well I guess, I should have called and asked if you had brought her that info." He will say to Carrie. "I was just fixing to see if I could figure out where the college you worked at was." He tells Kitty . "Well wanted to get out of the house anyways so no big lose of time." As Doug says sometihng he will nod to the other young man and cock his head for a moment, but seems to shake it off.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is looking back from Tim to glare at Doug evilly as he keeps laughing about the practical joke from long ago. Kitty points with both of her fingers towards her eyes, and then points towards Doug. She's watching you buddy! You're in for it!

Kitty looks back then as Tim approaches. "Hey Tim, oh, well, you could have just called. They don't allow visitors on campus usually anyway," Kitty says. "Tim, this is Doug. Doug's an old school friend of mine. Tim is Jason's brother," Kitty says in introduction. She adds for Tim, "Jason was here earlier but had to run."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lightly clears her throat a bit at that only to give a small shake of her head at Tim. "I hadn't had time to tell her yet about D," she responds simply with a slightly stiffer demeanor. "He's doing better anyway. Mostly. Unless there's something new I don't know about?" She asks with a small thoughtful frown as she begins to worry if she'd missed something else.

The introductions being made cause her to point at Tim, "He's one of four, not the oldest one that Jason was being a brat about."

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up at Tim, and for a moment, he seems to be assimiliating something. Then he looks up and says, simply, "...Thickmane?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will look to Carrie, and nods and says "Yea, think he is going to take a bit of time to himself." He will say but at Doug's words he will turn to him a brow raises and he seems to be thinking a moment "Zuulos?" He will ask the guy smiling a bit "Small world."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde glances between the two young men and then laughs and shakes her head. She looks over to Carrie and says, "It figures they'd know each other. My life is strange." She shakes her head. Kitty glances to Carrie and Tim though. "Oh, I heard a little bit but haven't really gotten details. We can talk about it later if you like," she offers quietly.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts an eyebrow again, dipping her head to sip her shake once more. Hmm. "Neeeerds," she teases with a grin at the pair. Glancing at Kitty she nods in agreement, then looks back to them with a thoughtful expression. "I should probably start to head back to Gotham if everyone's out in New York right now," she reasons with a small shrug, and a woeful look at the pile of food still present. "But it was great getting to hang out awhile. And getting to meet you, Doug," she adds with a little hint of a blush that she really hopes Tim doesn't notice. With all that said she rises to her feet, giving a stretch, and says, "I'll catch an Uber back. Call it a 'business expense.'"

Cypher has posed:
Doug reaches up to grip Tim's forearm in a friendly greeting, and he says, "What brings you all the way out here--" He looks up at Carrie, and absently smooths his hair back, and then he grins. "Yeah. Friday. Text me later?" He glances back to Kitty, and then he says "You know, if they're all the way up here, it's going to take hours to drive back to Gotham - we could probably put her up in a guest room at the School?" He shrugs. "I used to do it all the time, before I became a student there. ...The active volcano that was in the foyer that one day should've been more of a tip-off."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is a detective and may have caught it may have missed it, but with Doug's bringing up Friday, even Damian would have caught it. He will nod over to Kitty "Was just bringing my future sister some stuff." He looks at Carrie "You think as much time as I spend on a computer, I would not find some way to have some fun while at work? I mean after so long even I will go cross eyes looking at spreedsheets all day."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles to Carrie and she stands up to move over and give her friend a quick hug. "Actually I can give you a ride back if you want. I think I'm going to go check on Jason," she says. Kitty gets a warm grin at Tim and says, "Well, not quite there yet, but... maybe someday," she says, beaming a bit.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley returns Kitty's hug and nods in agreement. "That would work too. Since my other ride booked out already." Grinning, she nods to the others and dips out.