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J'onn Creating Science Labs
Date of Scene: 28 May 2019
Location: Computer Lab - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Blink catches J'onn preparing a science lab. Many Oreos are consumed.
Cast of Characters: Blink, Martian Manhunter

Blink has posed:
Clarice has been in and out of the school a lot lately, so hasn't had a lot of time to see J'onn. Though she sends her thoughts to him a lot to keep them in touch. So much nicer than using text messages or the phone. Though she sends texts sometimes too, thinking it's nice to have them to look back at sometimes.

She is looking for the new science teacher today. After hearing he might be in the computer lab, she makes her way there. She has two bottles of flavored iced tea in hand as she peeks in. "Mr. Green, are you around?" she asks with a smile.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn, or mister Green, the new awesome science teacher, or martian in disguise, is sitting at one of the computers in the lab, projecting his next year's class. That means, that his computer's screen is full of letters, numbers, symbols, stuff that the nonprogrammers could think to be a complete mess, and that programmers can think to be a, well, something that resembles a mess but it is not. Next to him, on the desk, one of the best invenctions of humankind, a package of oreos, from which J'onn just gets one and pops it into his mouth."Mister green is here, yep!" he replies cheerily, as soon as he identifies who he is asking

Blink has posed:
Clarice's face lights up and she makes her way over to John's side. She pulls over a chair to sit beside him, and sets down one of the bottles of iced tea on the table for him. It's blackberry flavored. "Though you might need something to wash down your Oreos," she tells him with a grin. Clarice reaches for one, making sure it's ok before she takes it.

Assuming she has one, she carefully pries the bits of dark cookie apart, then nibbles on the side that didn't get any cream on it. "What's the experiment you are having them work on?" she asks, motioning towards his screen. She leans over, trying to comprehend it all. She's not the best of programmers, though has a basic high school understanding of science.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles brightly at Clarice, picking another oreo and making it disappear, of course nodding at her to signal it's fine to get some if she wants. "hmmm, well, I'm working on making a simulation for them, that will have them build life based on Earth's parameters... So, if biology classes are just succesful enough, at the end of them they can guess what would work and what not and try making a lifeform, sort of..." he explains, his hands typing at the keyboard quite rapidly, and apparently he can definitely multitask! "how are you dear?" he asks, still smiling, the bottle of iced tea floating up to his lips and, once he has taken a sip, the smile intensifies "hmmmmmmm.... That's good"

Blink has posed:
Blink leans over and looks at the code again, smiling and saying, "That sounds like a really interesting project. I might have to come watch when you do that one with them," she tells J'onn. Or John. Clarice finishes the blank part of the Oreo, then pulls out another to repeat the process. The two halves that ended up with the sugary filling get pushed together to make a double stuff Oreo. So much more of a feeling of accomplishment to make them yourself than to buy them like that.

She leans over and bumps her side against J'onn. "I'm good. Been studying some maps and pictures of Machu Picchu, this old Mayan temple. Thinking about going and checking it out soon," she tells him. She needs to become familiar with an area before being able to teleport to it well, he knows.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn hmmms thoughtfully, pressing the enter key and, the screen goes black. "oh, if the code vanished I will..." well he doesn't get to finish the sentence since apparently the screen reboots, with all his code still there and he sighs, in relief. "uh the temple, you know right that if you wanted I could just get the knowledge from the ones who made the maps and inject it into your head, right?" he asks, typing in a few more letters, then pressing enter a last time and a progress bar appears. "compiling..." he mumbles, turning his chair to face Clarice with another smile!
And another oreo, that finds its way into his mouth.

Blink has posed:
Blink finishes making her double stuff Oreo, though rather than eat it herself, he passes it over to J'onn with a smile. "Trade you a double stuff for knowledge of the Mayan temple," she tells him with a grin. "I didn't want to just assume," she says with a little shrug. Though that he'd do that for her gives Clarice a big smile, and she reaches over to rest her fingers gently along his back below his neck.

"How have you been settling in here? Do you think you'll be happy teaching the kids here?" she asks, glancing around the room, but thinking about the school in general.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles brightly, accepting the oreo and contemplating it for twentyfive milliseconds before stuffing his mouth with it "hmmhmmhmmhmmhmm...." he just says, his mind instead just does a quick browse of Clarice's mind to see what temple is she talking about, then he closes his eyes and is motionless for a couple of seconds. "wow, that one's dead three years ago, but, this... This is, yeah that's it..." and there, on Clarice's mind, the coordinates of the temple with some nice images, it's almost if she was there already! "I of course will love it! And I like people here, yes."

Blink has posed:
Blink smiles to J'onn as he gives her enough she can teleport right to the Central American ruins. "I think it's like an 8 hour hike, and ten thousand dollars for most people to visit it," she tells J'onn. She leans over and gives his cheek a soft kiss and she leans against him as she takes another Oreo to begin the process of constructing another double stuff one.

Blink glances around, making sure no one else is about to overhear before she asks, "Is there anything going on with the Justice League of late? I haven't seen too much in the news. Has it been quiet for you?" she asks.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn lowers his head for a couple of seconds, then closes his eyes, and shakes his head "well what is publicly known is what I can tell you, I'm afraid... I mean, if you've eard nothing lately, that probably means that nothing has happened, lately..." he affirms in a low voice, and then glances at the computer's screen as it blinks back to life with a 'operation completed' message. TThen it's just about pressing enter, and pulling out a memorization device from the computer, with the new program on it. "how are you doing instead, dear?"

Blink has posed:
Blink smiles and gently brushes her hand over John's back. "I've been good. Training a lot. I thought maybe I'd have a break from some of my regular training duties back home after being assigned to Lorna. But it's been a bit of the opposite. They are putting me through some even more rigorous training exactly because I'm safeguarding her. Though, she's the far better fighter between the two of us. And actually, even where I excel it tends to be paired with someone else who can make more direct use of my portals. Since she can already operate fine at a distance, not as much useful with her directly," Clarice says.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn tilts his head and listens carefully to Clarice's words... "Oh? Well what's that you do then, apart from creating portals? And well, that can be a damn nice thing to do... Portals are surely useful" he says, pocketing the pendrive with the newly created science project "eh, well, sometimes I wish I had them too!"

Blink has posed:
The young woman finishes constructing her new double stuff, cupping a hand under it to catch any crumbs as she bites into the sugary goodness. "Well, mostly I would hit people. Hand to hand combat. Open a portal behind them and hit from behind. If they try to hit me, throw one in between us. It's almost better if they are shooting something at me. If I can get a portal open before they fire, I can put it coming out behind them so they shoot themselves, or another opponent," Clarice says.

She pauses and then says, "I can also use them to hurt people. If I open one through someone, it can cut them in half," she says. There's a flash of a memory in her mind. A thirteen year old Clarice waking up in her slave hut, to find the ground covered in blood, and her best friend's body cut in half as she slept there in her blankets close by.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods in understanding, and then actually casts a quick glance around, notices that noone is around to look, and just moves forward to wrap his arms around Clarice when seeing that memory, trying to squeeze her in a tight and warm hug. "I see, that's useful..." he mumbles

Blink has posed:
Blink folds her arms back around J'onn, burying herself in his hug. She's learned by now that he picks up on those sharper memories when they come to her. "I don't really ever do that in a fight. I mean, some of those who trained me think I should. But it really would have to come down to life or death. Or if it was a robot or something like that," she tells him, shaking her head.

"If I was fighting alongside you though, I could open a portal so you could hit someone from behind, or use your eye beams on them. Or if an enemy was behind you, open one so their attack doesn't reach you. I spend a lot of time in support when we do combat simulations," she tells him. Clarice gently rubs her cheek against his chest, sighing at the comfort of having him there.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles, just holding her tightly "if I had eye beams! But well, usually I just turn intangible and have everything pass through me... Something I will not demonstrate now for obvious reasons. That, or I just harden my skin and increase my mass to just have things bounce of me" but then he smiles, ruffling Clarice's hair playfully "if it wasn't for you, with support roles, you supporters that always think you're doing not enough, we would loose almost every single battle..."

Blink has posed:
Blink leans her head into J'onn's fingers as they tease through the purple locks of hair that are that soothing, deep color of hers. She slides her hand up to J'onn's shoulder, fingers moving along it until she gently cups the back of his neck. "You fight at a whole different level than I do," Clarice tells him, smiling and patting softly. And indeed, she would be one of the weaker members of the Justice League, on par with Green Arrow or someone like that. Though what she can do does have great use. But her understanding of his strengths and ability always make Blink feel so safe and cared for in his arms.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn pats gently Clarice's back, and places a quick kiss on her cheek too! "well, everyone does his part for the improvement of all of humanity, and other lifeforms as well! Or at least, those not planning to destroy, eat, assimilate, conquer, obliterate, or similar things to humans and other peaceful lifeforms..."

Blink has posed:
Blink sighs warmly and hugs J'onn back. "We must seem like such a warlike planet to you in general. People are greedy and selfish and... well, a lot of people are kind too. And, probably most have good moments and bad. I've taken things that didn't belong to me before. Souvenirs of places I've been. That... was not right, I know. But I gave in and did it. I mean it wasn't normally like... it wasn't like people's cars or jewelry. But maybe a flag from the top of a monument or some other souvenir like that."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles, grinning "you are, I mean, yes, you humans are not as, united as you should be... But you'll get there, at some point, or at least that's my hope for you! And" he smiles, kissing Clarice's cheek again "you're still a great person even if there's some flags missing from this or that monument, Clarice."

Blink has posed:
Blink smiles up to J'onn, and she glances about to make sure no one else is around to see. She cups his cheeks, leaning up to press a tender, lingering kiss to his lips. "Thank you," she tells him softly, it meaning a lot to her, as J'onn knows her like no one else in the world does. "I'm going to go check on Lorna. And let you get back to your science project. I'll see you tonight," she says, giving him a playful smile.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn returns the kiss gladly, smiling happily afterwards "ooh well the project is practically done, I just have to test it a few times and make sure they actually don't get the knowledge needed to truly create some monstrous lifeforms!" he comments chuckling, winking then "you can be sure I will be there, tonight..."