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Latest revision as of 03:08, 29 May 2019

Haagen Dazs For The Sharing
Date of Scene: 27 May 2019
Location: Kitty's Room -Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kitty invites Kurt, Doug, Scott and Lorna for ice cream at her room.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, Cypher, Polaris, Cyclops

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty sends Kurt a text: I've got a couple of pints of Haagen Dazs with our names on them. Free to come hang out at my room?

She opens up the door and then goes over to her computer, starting up her media server and starting up a movie. Real Genius. Val Kilmer goofy science student movie. Cult classic.

Lockheed flies over to a chair, settling on the back while Kitty sets out some sodas and the ice cream. "Haven't gotten to catch up with Kurt in months," she comments to Lockheed. "So glad he's back and around again."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    There's a sound down the hall, a door opening and then banging closed before Kurt is suddenly on the side of Kitty's door, tail wrapping around he knob as he leaps into the room, pulling it shut without slamming.
    "I'm sorry, I heard there was Haagen Das in danger, and it required immediate rescue?" standing up with a grin of his face, arms open to offer a hug.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks up from her chair, there being another comfortable one situated with a good view of the TV. "Absolutely. It's apparently at imminent risk of melting," she says, motioning towards the table where the two pints are set. One is vanilla-blackberry with layers of crispy chocolate in it. The other has cookie dough and bits of fudge. Kitty appears to be happy with Kurt picking his favorite.

She hops up from the chair and moves over to give him a tight hug. They've known each other for quite awhile and Kitty has always counted his friendship as an important one. "So glad you're back," she says, holding on for a few long moments before letting him go. "Come on, sit down. Grab ice cream. And you have to dish about your date!" she says with a grin.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Accpepting the blueberry vanilla, with no small realization of the irony, Kurt settles onto the chair, adjusting to keep his tail from getting bent. "Date? I've not had a date - I was asked to coffee by Sibil, but..." he looks chagrinned, "I need to speak with her, and I am afraid of causing hurt feelings... because she said it would be a date... and Nathan was there and he brought up the word - but since I got back, well Rahne and I. We." he frowns, "Well we've had a few nights out."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's eyebrows go up for a moment's surprise. Though the look quickly converts to a smile. "Yeah? That's great Kurt. Rahne's just the sweetest thing," Kitty says to him warmly. "I hope things go well for you. It sounds like bringing it up with Sibil is the best thing though, yes. Waiting would just increase the chance of hurt feelings." She reaches over to squeeze his arm. "You're kind and considerate though, I'm sure you'll be able to work it out with her," Kitty says.

She scoops up the other pint, pulling the top off and peeling back the protective layer. She gets the first spoonful and offers it to Lockheed, who licks it down. "I don't know how you eat ice cream and still manage to breathe fire," she tells the extra-terrestrial dragon. He just looks back at her with a suave look, as if to say, "Skill" if he were talking. Kitty grins and gets her own first bite, chewing the cookie dough bits. "Rahne's really sweet. Have always liked her," she tells Kurt.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Nodding, Kurt gets his own ice-cream open, his tail lifting his spoon and scooping a bit into his gob. "I do intend to talk to Sibil, at the coffee she requested. She's a sweet girl, and she deserves honesty. I was just.... I" he sighs "Nathan built it up as he did, and then the way she behaved at the beach.
    Kurt chews a bit of crispy chocolate before he continues. "She was shy, and nervous of being rejected by the lot of us? I don't handle rejection well, I know that... It's not far for either of us... and this development between Rahne and I, when she used to... well. You know how she used to react. to me."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty turns sideways in her chair, looking at Kurt as she listens to his description of how things went. "Aw. Well, Nate probably didn't know," she says, nodding. "I'm sorry if I furthered that at all. I don't quite remember what I said to her now," Kitty says, trying to remember before giving up and getting another bite of her ice cream.

"I recall reacting to you poorly when we first met. Which I'll never live down even though it's been... oh god, has it been seven years already? We're getting /old/!" the twenty-year-old exclaims gently. She grins over to him. "Really nice to have you back at the school full-time again. We barely managed to overlap there with me getting back from Oxford and you taking off to wherever you've been," she says. "How is everything else going? Anything exciting to hear about?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Kitty you need not worry that you furthered anything. It will be handled, I will make sure there are no false pretenses to a friendship as well." Kurt spoons more icecream into his gob, smiling at the comment of age.
    "And no worries about your reactions, it sounds cruel to say it is common, but it is, and I forgave you." pointing his spoon at her as he curls up in his seat, turning into a blue-black ball of ice-cream destruction. "I was... touring, I finished off in Boston, but I did get this for you." he pauses. "Oh! A moment." he sets his icecream down, leaping to the door and disappearing with the sound of inrushing air, and re-appearing moments later carrying a small plastic bag. "Forgetful of me!"
    He hands over the bag, which contains a Cubs hat and a set of 'Brat Tongs' flat and rounded to keep from breaking the skin while cooking.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde had sent out a few invites via text to people, saying she had ice cream. She and Kurt have already started on their pints of Haagen Dazs. Her door is open so others can come in easily. As Kurt returns, Kitty takes the bag with a curious look. "What's this?" she asks as the Cubs hat and the tongs come out. "Oh, those are perfect!" the girl from Deerfield, Illinois says, taking the hat and trying it on. She removes it, sizes it to fit, and puts it on again, bending the brim a little bit, just so.

"Oh, you shouldn't have!" she tells him, giving Kurt another big hug, if shorter than the long one he got when he arrived. She puts the tongs over on her desk for now and then moves back to take her seat again. "So did you make it anywhere interesting on your travels?" she asks.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks a little windswept and a little ruddy, as if he had been pedaling at speed on a cool spring day on a bicycle... which he was. "Hey!" He greets the others, as he comes into the room, and then he holds up a finger. "Onnnnnnnnnne sec." He reaches into the pocket of his coat. "Just like I promised--"

He pulls out a cassete tape, with a hand-written song list on the sleeve, and holds it out to Kitty. "Just a little something I made for you, pal." Having passed that over, he looks at the others, and then says, "Hey!" He looks at the ice cream and his mouth quirks. He, like almost everyone here, is on a really strict diet...

Polaris has posed:
The text merited a visit to Kitty's quarters for ice cream, and Lorna wanted a pint of it easily to herself. The emotional drain had been long coming, but mixed in with the chaos of work it was hard for her to sit still to allow the impact of everything to hit. But there was only so long she could put that off. She came into Kitty's room looking exhausted as she shuffled in, barefoot and wearing a pair of ripped up jean shorts and a black tank top. Her green hair was a curly mass, faintly frizzy from the magnetic fields that constantly surrounded her.

She sighed dramatically at the sight of the ice cream and made a bee-line for it. "Tell me there's chocolate left.. please."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "A few places. Boston, Jacksonville - they have an amazing TGI Fridays, Hawai'i, and then I took a few hops to get home by way of Japan where they called me an Oni or something, and then further west until I got home..." Kurt cares not for diets though, he's active, and Ice Cream. The mentioning of returning to Bavaria causes a quirk of his mouth, half frown, half smile.
    He turns when Doug appears he turns and smiles, "Guten tag!" waving, and then to Lorna, "And to you as well Mein Dame." seeing her somewhat haggard appearance, Kurt does not sit again in the chair he had been using, holding his pint with his tail and moving the chair with a motion for Lorna to take a seat. "Rest yourself, please."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde has an assortment of flavors to choose from. Many have chocolate or fudge or cookie bits in them, on top of the normal flavors. She'd sent out text messages inviting people, and had loaded up on the personal-sized pints at the store. There are spoons, and also cold bottles of flavored iced teas, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, lemon and the like.

Kitty is already there with Kurt when the others arrive. She's just telling him, "Oh, how did you like Japan? I'd love to go back sometime. I admittedly did not really get to enjoy my trip there when I was younger," she says, frowning.

Doug's arrival brings Kitty back to her feet. She gives him a hug and grins at the mix tape. "I'm probably the only person in the school that still has a cassette player beside you," she tells him, going to put it in and turn it on. "Thank you," she tells him with a grin.

Lorna's arrival gets another smile. "Triple chocolate fudge chunk, I think it's called," Kitty says, offering the frozen treat over to Lorna, and a spoon. "You look like you need it, everything ok?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grabbed up a triple chocolate chunk personal pint and made her way, spoon floating beside her to the chair as Kurt ushered her over. She plopped down with a grateful look and a sigh. "Thank you, Kurt. You're amazing." She mumbled as she was hurried shoving a spoonful of chocolate ice cream into her mouth. She rather sat quietly for a long time, listening as she glanced around at the small gaggle of people assembled for the sweet gift of ice cream.

Finally, she glanced at the label, noting it was Haagen Daaz and hmming happily under her breath as she took another spoonful.

"Fine. Just a bad swing of, stay up all night researching everything you can about robots and personhood theories. I dunno why I felt that I had to just finish reading the collected essays I found online.. but I did." She sighed, shaking her head. "Couldn't sleep."

Cypher has posed:
Doug shrugs. "I just thought, you know, you were down about what happened, so... I figured, maybe it'd cheer you up. And, you know..." He wrinkles his nose, "Making someone an online playlist just isn't as meaningful as a cassette tape, you know? Besides, cassette media is making a comeback!"

He looks at the different flavors, inflates his cheeks comically, and then grabs the pint of vanilla bean.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner nods, slipping to his normal crouch and switches his pint back to his hands. "I can try to help if you wish, Lorna - I know sleeplessnes... Nothing untoward I assure you." bowing his head, tail tip giving a bit of a flourish. He looks to Doug for his comment on cassetes and chuckles, "I like vinyl myself, the greats sound best on it."
    Another moment passes in thought before he comments. "Japan is too bright in the cities, but nice in the countryside. Many lovely things to see, and so few people it can be enjoyed."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Lorna a comforting look. "In the long run we need to get that programming out of him. Otherwise he's just too dangerous," she says. "I sent a message over to Tony and Cap about my concern he was working on hardware while you were there. And the need to quarantine anything he upgrades and make sure it never makes it into a Sentinel," she says.

But she doesn't want to get people too down, smiling to Doug and saying, "It's perfect. Thank you so much for it," she says. Kitty has on Cubs hat, courtesy of Kurt as well. She takes a seat in a chair then, digging back into her pint of chocolate chip cookie dough. "So are you feeling better Doug? Seen how hard you're working out," she tells him.

Cyclops has posed:
"Hello everyone." Scott Summers pokes his head in the door, smiling politely to the assembly. He's not alone, though, as he's currently getting crawled upon by a little greyish-brown ball of fluff, claws, and whiskers, though he appears to be enduring this with his usual stoic facade, only occasionally reaching up to reposition the kitten when it teeters precariously on his shoulder or his head. "Thanks for the invitation, Kitty. I just hope there's not some occasion I'm forgetting." He adds, "Do you mind if I set Scribbles down? Trying to get him socialized."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, digging into her ice cream and shooting Kurt a small smile, "I'd never expect anything untoward from you Kurt. You're nothing but a gentleman." She paused long enough in devouring the ice cream to say so, and then promptly jammed another spoonful into her mouth. She closed her eyes briefly, before Kitty spoke and her attention shifted toward her.

"I saw the messages. I didn't think adding anything to them would be worth it.." She paused and grimaced, looking down. "But that's not the only thing that bothered me. Lex Luthor, you know how he's all invested in Genosha, right? Business wise, he thought of going into competition against Trask, without mutant hating being involved. No AI. But... it was just suits, I thought. Like Iron Man knock offs, right?" She arched a brow and pursed her lips, looking down at the ice cream.

"I saw what he was working on and it's not just suits. I dunno, it bothered me." She mumbled and fell silent for a time as Scott entered. Her focus turned toward the kitten and she made a reflexive 'awww', slipping off the chair in a hurried rise to reach out with a hand to try to pet the kitten. Ice cream partly forgotten.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Raising a hand in greeting to Scott, Kurt waves, glad of the kitten stopping the shop talk. "Scott! How are you doing string bean?" munching happily as he looks to Kitty. "You know, you and I should team up, if only to give you a day trip home, maybe a trip to a game. I forget the last time you went home, ja?" then looking to Doug "Have you ever been to Illinois? That whole area, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, lot of German descendants, decent beer." he winks, "For American beer."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty lights up as Scott comes in. "Hey Scott," she says, hopping up and moving over to give him a quick hug. "Hey there, Scribbles," she says, lighting up. "Of course you can set him down," she says. Lockheed perks up, his tail wagging about a bit back and forth over on the bed at the sight of the kitten. Kitty asks, "What do you want for ice cream?" she asks Scott, reading off a few flavors for him to choose from. "Also have flavored iced teas to cleanse the palette.

Kitty gives a little frown at what Lorna mentioned. "Build your own armies don't really bode well for me, if they are automated ones," Kitty says with a frown. She doesn't delve into it deeper though. "I'd love to get back home, Kurt. My mother came into town for Purim in March, but I haven't been back in awhile," she says.

Cypher has posed:
Doug exhales. "That kid... he'd make the meanest D.I. you can imagine break down in tears. He seems so MILD. But I swear to God, Kitty, every part of me hurts. My *hair* hurts." Doug says. He is moving a bit stiffly. He looks at the Kitten, and then he looks to Kurt, and says, "Most of what I remember about Illinois is that it's flat. And then Chicago." Doug looks down at the kittten, and then he *chirps* at it, and proceeds to roughly bowl it over with a hand and starts to play with it. Apparently he speaks Cat. "He's a *ferocious* little guy, isn't he? Thinks he's a *tiger*. Rarararar, rarararar!"

Cyclops has posed:
"I'm doing well enough, Kurt. Always keeping busy. How about you?" Scott does indeed set the furball down, who promptly butts his head right up into Lorna's hand when she goes to scritch him. He's not showing any signs of being afraid of people, and when Doug bowls him over he tries to wrap his little paws around his hand and start rabbit-kicking it while attempting to gnaw his fingers. No claws, though.

"Just vanilla is fine with me, thanks." I mean...come-on. Does that surprise ANYONE when it comes to Scott's ice-cream preferences? "Just a little bit, though."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna coo'ed over the kitten, ice cream promptly set aside as Doug came over and started to play with the little tangle of fur and feet. The green haired mutant aww'ed and reached out a hand to scritch at Scribbles' head once Doug's fingers weren't in direct competition for attention. "He's so cute and tiny, ugh, I wish I had a cat.." She sighed, shaking her head before she picked up the ice cream again.

Her lips twitched faintly at the fact Scott went for vanilla ice cream, but otherwise she didn't comment.

"How's your mom doing Kitty? Also tell her thank you again, for me, won't you?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Perking, getting an idea, Kurt beams, though he answers Scott first. "Oh. Well enough, I need to go into my luggage, I know I have something for you, Logan, Hank and Charles for sure... I kept buying souveniers." he grins, chagrinned, and then looks to Lorna, "Mein Dame, I would be most happy to help you go shopping for one, if you like. Maybe a little fuzzball could help with your stress, ja?" keeping back for now, so as not to crowd the kitten, shoveling icecream with abandon.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins at Doug and his workout woes. "It's good for you though. I can run you through that environmental training program I made from what Logan put me through in Japan," she offers to him. Kitty moves over to the ice cream, looking through a few pints before she finds the vanilla. "One vanilla coming up," she tells Scott, bringing it over along with a spoon. "He's so adorable. And so lucky that we found him," Kitty says. "Rogue flying this semi full of SEntinel parts through the air. Scott in and I in a car on the roof. And then Rogue hearing meowing. Lucky little kitty, may have used up one of those nine lives that day," she says. The semi was later destroyed.

Kitty smiles to Lorna and says, "She's good, really good. Was jealous I got to see dad. Even though they are divorced, they are still on decent terms," Kitty says, speaking of the trip to Genosha that a number of the people in the room were on. "How is your father doing? Has he shown any signs of interest in going back to temple again?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sighed and shot Kurt a look as she rose up and shook her head. "I'd love to, bur I'm pretty sure with how my life goes someone would have to take 'em away from me so they remembered to get fed. And I can't imagine having constant trips between Genosha, here, or the city, that the kitten would get as much love as it would need or deserve." She smiled faintly, but it was faintly strained.

"Thanks for the offer though Kurt." She grimaced and glanced toward Kitty, and shook her head.

"No, he hasn't. I think part of him enjoyed it. But another part of me think he only went because I asked him to come and didn't really ... ah tell him about it before he arrived.." She shook her head and picked up the ice cream again.

"Anyways, I gotta head back and get some more documents drawn up for some purposed charity work. Thanks for the ice cream Kitty."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott accepts the ice cream, smiling slightly at Kurt as he pops it open, "Well, no rush on the Souvenirs. It's the thought that counts, so thank you in advance." He watches Scribbles get all the attention he could hope for, and grins just a bit before digging into the pint. He doesn't get very far, though, before his phone starts buzzing. He plucks it off his belt and studies the screen, then sighs ruefully, "Aaaand looks like my free time gets cut short." He glances to Kitty and asks, "Kitty, do you mind if I let Scribbles play here for a while? He should probably get used to Lockheed, and if he gets bored, hungry or needs his litterbox he knows his way back to my room." He adds, "If it's a problem I can drop him off back at my room on the way to dealing with this." He lifts the phone to indicate whatever unspoken issue has cropped up, though it doesn't seem like it's an emergency. Then again, as calm as Scott usually is in the midst of crisis, who really knows?

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, holding the Kitten. He seems to be ignoring its claws digging into his hand. Or he doesn't really mind. "Oh, no, he's great." Doug says. "He likes you a lot, Scott. By the way." The kitten yawns, and Doug says, "Who's a sleepy boy? Who wants to be a cat-hat?" He puts the cat on top of his head, where it promptly goes to sleep. He watches Scott go, and then looks to Kitty, slowly.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner frowns as Scott comes and goes. "Well, I don't think I've seen a hi and by like that since the last time I ran into Quicksilver." grinning and shrugging now, and smiling at Doug's antics, shaking his head and settling back, using his tail for balance, "Thinks keep being so grim, I think we should go to that madman Stark's parties. I could look dashing in a tux, ja?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde waves to Scott. "We'll take care of him. Always happy to," she tells him. "Go take care of what you need." She looks over to Doug as he makes a hat of a cat. "Better hope he doesn't need the litter box," she teases gently. Kitty returns to have a seat again. Lockheed flies over to curl up in her lap as she picks her ice cream back up. "I imagine those are some impressive parties, yes," Kitty says at the mention of Stark's birthday. "If you need a place to crash in the city after, let me know. Though my landlord is a big grouch, you can crash at my place," she offers. "Speaking of which, Doug I really need to take you there sometime."

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks surprised. As surprised as someone can be with a cat on his head. "...You have your own apartment?" He asks, surprised. "I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm trying to sell that cabin in Washington. With the improvements I put in, it should be worth quite a bit."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt actually laughs aloud at the notion, "Kitty, it's me. When I'm ready to go home, it's not a matter of travel time." he winks and leans to pat her knee, "I appreciate the offer and notion, and I mean for you to come as well if we go to the party. You can show off your Mr. Todd and cut the rug wit him, no?" his grin is all fangs.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins back to Kurt. "True, though I don't know what it's like for you, teleporting after a party. Especially a Tony Stark party. Which I haven't been to one, but I can only imagine!" she says with a laugh.

Kitty spoons up a bit of ice cream and looks over to Doug, noting his surprise. "Oh yeah. I keep forgetting there's still so much you haven't caught up on. So... short version. I told the Avenger's technicians how to defeat John Doe's jammer. Tony Stark got involved personally, was impressed, and offered me a job at Stark Industries. I was looking for an apartment in the city so I didn't have to commute every day. And Rogue and I went by Doctor Strange's magic mansion of magic. And she used to live there. And Stephen offered me her room if I help him digitize and organize some of his tomes. So I have a room in the city. It's like a Harry Potter room. It'll take whatever form I want. I normally have it like a tropical bungalow. Sometimes a room in a mountain ski chalet. And... I have a magic mirror in my closet that lets me step through and appear there. So I don't have to commute at all. I call the room there 'Narnia' because I get there by going through the back of my wardrobe."

Cypher has posed:
Doug wrinkles his nose at Kitty, and then says, "...You have a magic apartment. I have a cabin in Washington State I'm having a nightmare trying to flip." He sticks his tongue out at Kitty. Nyeh.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner snorts a laugh and shrugs. "How much? Maybe I could arrange it... if it's a nice view I'd like a weekend cabin for myself when I want to be alone." After all, he could clear the distance in an afternoon at least. "And either I forgot about the mirror, or didn't even know about it. Stealing my schtick, Kitty?" winking at her.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins to Doug and reaches over to give his hand a quick squeeze. "Rogue had the mirror originally. Had to get permission to break it back out. But without it I wouldn't be around nearly as much. I also am at Jason's place in Gotham a lot," she says.

She smiles to Kurt and says, "It was a cute little place. And the baby sasquatch came from there. Have you showed them to him, yet, Doug?" Kitty asks. Wait, is she talking about Bigfeet? Showing them to Kurt? What!?

Cypher has posed:
Doug thinks about it, and then grabs his tablet, and brings up an image of it. "Well, I installed a water condenser and purifier." He says, "And solar panels, so it's totally off-grid and autonomous." He shows pictures of the inside of it, it's cozy! "...Well, you're family, so... make me an offer? If it wasn't so far off the beaten path I'd air BNB it." Then he quirks his mouth. "Well, I haven't been letting them meet people yet, they needed to adjust, and losing their mother really shook them up. Plus, they're still really little. When they're full grown they'll be over eight feet tall and about eight hundred pounds." He glances up to Kurt. "While I was living in Washington, I befriended a sasquatch. She was killed by hunters when Kitty and the others came out to find me, so I'm the surrogate father to her twin sons. Rogue named them Harry and Henderson."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Blinking at that and frowning at the news of the death, "Unfortunate of the death... but it would be a delight to see them." Kurt smiles, and then looks embaressed, turning to Kitty, "Would this be against the rules, if I purchased with the expenses and stipend Charles grants?" looking pensive now, and excited about he idea of a cabin, and actually purchasing it. "I mean... I barely use the account... and it's just been accruing, ja?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Kurt and says, "I'm sure it would be ok. I mean, you're getting paid a salary for being a teacher and all. Unless it's something ridiculous, which I don't expect it would be with Doug. I mean, DOUG is REEdiculous himself, but not about stuff like this," she says, flashing a grin over at the other mutant.

Kitty gets up and moves over to Doug. "Going to pick this little guy up," she says, gently taking the kitten off of his head and cuddling him in her arms. As Kitty sits back down, Lockheed flies over and perches on Doug's head as if to take Scribble's place. Only he's bigger, and mostly just scrambles about for purchase, messing up Doug's hair.

Cypher has posed:
Doug rubs the back of his neck. "...You can just have it, Kurt." He says, with a shrug. "At least then I'd know it was in good hands." He closes one eye, and then murmurs to Lockheed, "...If you cut a grumpy on my head I'm gonna turn you into a purple wallet."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I could not, Doug... I may not have my own tunic, but I shall not simply take one of yours." he fumbles with his phone, tail doing most of the tapping... "He frowns at his balance, looks embaressed, and looks back to Doug. "Forgive a carnie, I've not played in the market... Is... thirty too little?" Kurt raises one brow.

Cypher has posed:
Doug thinks about that -- and then he spits in his palm, and offers it to Kurt. "Perfect." ...Kitty would know he was selling that cabin for over two hundred thousand dollars. But he's not *about* to tell Kurt that. "I can buy a car with that! There's this wrecked-up old AC Cobra I found on EBay, and I'm thinking I can make a project about fixing it up." He already sold the truck he had out in Washington.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "As long as you think it is fair, Doug. Like I said, I don't know the markets on that." Actually owning a home. Such things! He taps ad then looks over, "Ok, it..." he blinks and frowns, holding his phone out to Kitty. "Can you help? I barely use the thing, can you help me send him the money?" Kurt looks exceptionally embaressed, his fingers too cumbersome for the smart phone, even a big one.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins up at Lockheed. "Would serve you right after what you pulled in Hank's class," Kitty says, eyes narrowing at Doug. So going to get him back for that!

KItty finishes off her ice cream, rising to go over and dispose of the pint container. "Oh that hit the spot. That's the good part about being in shape and working out so much. You can indulge and not gain weight," she says, patting her belly.

She has definitely changed since Doug had seen her last. Face lost its baby fat, looking more like a young woman than a girl. Figure too. But of late she has gotten very tone. People know that she is doing a lot of training in the Danger Room. They don't know she's being trained in combat by Batman, which also is having a lot to do with it. Though it's showing in her body. Not to mention if Doug ever did see her fight like that...

Kitty takes the offered phone. "Sure thing," she tells him, though she looks over at Doug as if making sure the other man wants that. She helps Kurt put the transaction through then pass it back for him to be able to give final confirmation.

Cypher has posed:
Doug had been working out, too. It's because he's in front of a computer so often. He has to work out hard and eat right, or he'll get paunchy. He shakes his head, and says, "It's fine Kurt, we don't need to do it NOW." He looks up at Lockheed, and then, with a sigh, offers the purple dragon the rest of his vanilla bean ice cream.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    When the phone is handed back, Kurt looks to tap the final confirmation button, tongue hanging out of the corner of his mouth. "I insist, Doug. I am no leech. I will pay my way." his tone firm and he hands the phone back for Kitty to confirm he didn't botch anything before he looks back to Doug.
    "I really appreciate you being honest with me as well." beaming from ear to ear, tail flicking back and forth excitedly.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde checks the phone and gives Kurt a thumbs up before passing it back to him. Kitty smiles and leans down from behind Kurt, sliding her arms around him if allowed to give him a big hug. "So glad to have you back," she says to the blue-furred mutant who was gone for a few weeks.

Kitty moves over to leans down from behind Doug and do the same, hugging him from behind. "And so glad to have you back too," she says to the mutant who was gone for a few years. "It's like we have the band back together," she says with a grin, letting Doug go and then going to retrieve Scribbles, holding him while he snoozes. "I'm going to go take him back to Scott's room and let him curl up," she says.

Cypher has posed:
"It's no problem, Kurt." Doug says, "I'm just happy the place is going to a good owner." He closes one eye again, and then he looks up to Lockheed. "She doesn't cuddle you like that," He muses. "I think it's because you're getting a little chonky." When Lockheed grumbles, Doug says, "Watch your mouth." Then he glances to Kurt and says "I'll show you how to maintain the solar panels and change the filter in the water condenser."