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Latest revision as of 06:43, 5 June 2019

After The Beer
Date of Scene: 05 June 2019
Location: Jason's Brownstone - Gotham
Synopsis: Jason comes home to find Kitty and Carrie have drank his beer. Also, red hair is now brown.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Carrie Kelley, Red Hood

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty had texted, saying Carrie and Rogue were coming over to the brownstone. It's late now, past midnight. The house is quiet. Kitty's car is in the driveway. Inside the house, there are one extra pair of shoes by the door. A pair of jeans is hanging over a chair downstairs near the stairs. There are beer bottles sitting around, that Shiner Bock brew from Texas that Jason had picked up. Quite a few of them from the looks of it.

Upstairs there are more women's clothes hung here and there. And in the bed are Kitty and Carrie. They are sleeping against one another, the blankets pulled up partway. But one of Kitty's legs has kicked out from under the covers, and it looks like she's wearing shorts.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie was curled up against Kitty's side in a very comfy snuggly manner. Her head was pressed up against her shoulder, cheek turned to the side, so it was obvious it was her... Even if her hair had gone from it's carroty ginger to a mousey brown that was hard to miss even in the dim light. One arm was flung out draped over Kitty's side an the rest of her was curled up under the blankets. She is wearing a shirt though as can be told by that arm being out. Pants though? Those may have been hers downstairs.

Red Hood has posed:
There was a mess in the house. "The fuck." Jason rumbles, still in his gear. He's battered and bruised, and stinks of the sewers.

Grabbing a bottle, he stares at the lipstick on it before he heads up the stairs towards his bedroom. And that's when he finds the two women in bed together. "...I'd say something about cheating, but that shit's too hot." he rumbles. "I guess the brown hair did it, huh?"

Though he's stripping down. Right there, in front of the two.

Though he steps into the bathroom before his boxers are tossed out and he drags himself into the shower.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde wakes up as she hears Jason. She looks over at him, wiping sleep from her eyes. His comment draws a soft laugh from her. "Nah, no cheating. Just... sleeping..." she tells him, though her words are a little slurred and Kitty's expression, though often happy, is that kind of pasted on happy that drunk people get.

Kitty lays her head back down as Jason goes off to shower. "Mmm, come back when you're done," she tells him, resting her head back onto the pillow.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Muwha?" Carrie lifts her head as well, blinking a time or two. Her glasses were off so it was anyone's guess just how much she was seeing. Though she keeps her head raised a moment longer to utter a single, "Hawt," before letting her head fall back down again. Oops that was Kitty not a pillow. Shuffling to the side a little she gives a kick with her feet to the bottom of the covers amidst a yawn. "Mmcan get going if you guys need," she mumbles. Without going anywhere.

Red Hood has posed:
"Noone's keeping you from joining!" Jason calls out - supposedly to Kitty as he works on cleaning up. "While you two were partying, I was out getting my ass kicked by Orca. She was hiding down in the sewers. Think she and Killer Croc had a thing." he says with a shrug of his shoulders in his words.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty pats Carrie. "Don't be silly, just stay," she mumbles, eyes closing again and a deep breathing resulting as she starts to doze off, until she hears Jason calling from the bathroom.

"That's good honey. I'm not a big fan of crocs but you wear what you want," she mumbles, not quite getting that right. Kitty stirs a bit and then tries to wake up, eyes blinking. "How'd your patrol go!?" she calls more loudly, enough that Jason will be able to hear.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley mumbles something into the pillow that might sound like 'pretty Kitty' but who knows. She's starting to doze off again when she hears about crocs. Jason wearing what now? Then Kitty speaks up louder causing her head to jerk up again squinting at the open door to the bathroom and shower. Which was all just kind of fuzzy as she stares in that direction so it's okay.

"Do you need stitches or did the bitches get them?" Not quite how the phrase goes...but she tried.

Red Hood has posed:
"Dunno. Trying to get someone to come check me for wounds. But I got pretty bruised up. Gimmie a minute." Jason rumbles as he works on finishing showering up. Turning off the water and trailing out of the shower supposedly with nothing but a towel on, he comes over and drops on the bed, sandwiching Kitty between him and Carrie. His arm settles on Carrie's for just a moment before he moves his arm out of the way.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde leans over to give Carrie's forehead a kiss, then turns towards Jason. She softly moves her hands over him, checking him out to see if she's hurt. She wakes up enough to do that competently. "I don't see anything but some contusions," she agrees quietly.

Kitty relaxes back down, pulling the blankets up over all of them. She rests her head on Jason's shoulder, while one of her legs is pressed against the warmth of Carrie's leg. She sighs contentedly with him there.

"Oh... we need more beer."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley doesn't really move from the touch of Jason's arm on hers. When he moves it though, she lifts hers to give him an awkward pat on his side. Arm? Shoulder? She's not sure. She readjusts her arm on Kitty leaning her head down against the back of her friend's shoulder in a little sleepy nuzzle. It was kind of nice just cuddling someone for once. Even if she was going to feel really weird about this in the morning when she was sober. "Yeah, sorry. Needed a drink and we drunk too much of the drink." A little giggle comes, and she yawns wide before settling down again.

"Thissis nice."

Red Hood has posed:
"One of you better be paying the restocking fee." Jason mutters, but he presses a kiss to the side of Kitty's head and Carrie's hand may have been squeezed for a moment. But he's at least the sober one here, so he closes his eyes.

And yes, there are boxers under the towel, Kitty. No peeksies.