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(One hero, one investigative reporter, both needing car repairs end up at the same shop. They meet its owner, Mercy, for the first time.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 09:55, 5 June 2019

A quick pit stop.
Date of Scene: 05 June 2019
Location: Mercy's Garage - West Harlem
Synopsis: One hero, one investigative reporter, both needing car repairs end up at the same shop. They meet its owner, Mercy, for the first time.
Thanks to: Mercy Thompson's Player
Cast of Characters: Overlord, Mercy Thompson, Question
Tinyplot: A quick pit stop.
Tinyplot2: Question and the Candy Caper

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller was at work down at the docks, and seems he must have pissed someone off,. After work he found the chain on his motorcycle has been broken and some of the links were taken. He asked around but of course no one saw anything. So doing the obvious thing, he lifted the bike up and put it on his shoulder like someone else would carry a boombox. one of the guys at the docks suggested Mercy's garage, and that brings Joe walking up to the garage with his bike on his shoulder.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy is, while the bike's beingg carried, doing paperwork. She's looking up every so often and blinks, putting down her pen she rubs her eyes. "I'm seeing things" Mercy mutters, looking to the paperwork, then back to the bike and figure. Getting up she leans against the desk, waring her battered coveralls, though her hair's not tied back. Admittedly, she looks like a girl next door, then shakes her head. She's seen it all now....

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will step into the bay, and sets the bike down on the floor once inside. The big guy will offer a smile and nod in greeting. "Hey would you happen to be Mercy?" He will ask. Now that she can see the bike, she will see if is a custom job perhaps hand made. "I need to pick up a new chain, and either have someone splice it in, or rent a couple tools for a little bit. If you have one and it is possible for one or the other."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods "That's me, Mercy" she says and looks to the bike. "Okay, what...just...what happened?" she asks and smiles. "I can splice a chain in, but...it'll cost you a bit for parts and labor and time" she explains, nodding to the bike."You are...?" she adds, always good to get a customer's name.Mercy then looks to the chain. "Harley chain, right? You know, I could get one off of a bike in the lot" Mercy adds. "I don't usually work on bikes, that's my assistant's job but he's not in right now" she adds then circles the bike a few times, taking in the craftsmanship. "Good metalwork, and goodquality. Aside from the chain" Mercy says with an awestruck tone.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller smiles and says "Joe, Joe Miller." He will offer his hand t her, shaking it, giving a firm handshake but making sure not to put to mush pressure in it. "Thanks, I built her a couple years back, wanted something that fit better than a standard bike. The chain is about chain and a quart or a chain and half to make up for the extra length. Seems, I pissed someone off at work, and they decided to try to fu... err screw me over while I was working on unloading one of the boats."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks to the bike again once she's got her hands free and puts them in her pockets. "Hold on," she says pulling her cell out, dialing a number and switching to German....explaining the situation, sounding a little stunned though....once she hangs up she nods. "My former boss told me to walk you through the repair and told me what to tell you" she adds and looks to the bike. "Though, thinking on it, I could just weld a chain on and go from there?" she asks.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods his head a bit and says "I can do the repairs if you have the tools and if you want to make sure I aint screwing them up I am cool with that. I am hoping it aint going to be a regular thing, but might not be bad to work out how long t takes and how much I will need to pay ya to fix it, incase I don't catch the guy messing with it.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy laughs, "You don't burn down my shop and that bike runs....so it's all good" she points out with a shrug. She works with cars, fuels, and.....things that like to burn. Still, Mercy looks over the bike then Jo again. "Well, since I'm not okay with just letting you use a welding torch right away....you feel like doing this the slow, tedious way, or the quick, possibly explosive way?" she asks, wondering just how she's going to explan this one....still, she looks to the bike then to Jo again then the bike. "You could though, tear the chain off, put a belt on, and use the chain for a fence" she says. Or, she's thinking, wrap it around somebody's neck who snapped it.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller says, "Well, problem with a belt, the guy would be able to slice it easier, and not sure how it would hold up with the motor to be honest. I am good with either way. Unless your really trying don't think I got a lot of worry about an explosion, and considering you would not want to burn ya shop down, don't think you would be thinking of anything thats gonna fubar the bike to much."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Huh" Mercy says with a smile, "Depends, I've heard tales of bikers putting a belt around a chain so people don't slice it easie. That being said..." Mercy points out, retreating across her shop to grab tools, inluding.....a welding kit, "Alright, so you know how to weld, right?" she asks....feeling like this is a bad, bad, baaaad idea, and can already mentally see the fire trucks rolling up.

Question has posed:
*BANG!**rrrrtchhh**BANG!* Black smoke follows behind a red VW bug as it makes its way down the street. Struggling as it goes, a fender is dangling and it needs a LOT of body work along one side. Someone he had been following last night had some backup lagging behind them and... well things got complicated. A cart load of weeds and grass is stuck to the underside with mud and there is something definitely wrong with one of the wheels as it wobbles a bit when he turns into the shop.

The black smoke billows out *BANG!* again from the car and before he can even turn the key to shut off the engine it rattles to a stop with a tin can dropping and rolling sound from the back.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller starts to answer, and as he hears the car he looks over and winces "That thin need fixed or taken out and shot?" He will ask, but turns to Mercy. "Yea, I can weld, not professionally, but if I take my time it looks pretty good."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks over. "I think shooting it is a waste of a bullet" she observes, thinking somewhere, somehow, she nevr had to put a car down before....with a .444 bullet. First time for all, and Mercy looks to the car then the welding torch. "Uh....okay we're going to fix your bike first and hope that thing quits rattling long enough to not get the cops and fire department here" Mercy says....and she's considering a whole slew of bullets to shoot that car....somehow she doubts it'd do any good.

Question has posed:
Victor Sage lets out a long sigh sitting there behind the wheel. He didn't quite make it into a convenient spot into one of the empty bays of the shop or the shop's parking lot. No, it decided to die right there, blocking half a lane, a sidewalk, and one of the bay doorways of the shop itself. He bangs his forehead against his steering wheel and rests it there for a moment before putting on his hat and straightening his tie.

Opening the door of his bug and stepping out of a vehicle clearly undersized for a man just over six feet tall, he barely manages not to look like a scarecrow getting out of a suitcase. The VW gives a grunting sound as his weight lifts off the shocks. Black oil begins staining the sidewalk badly. "Help me out here will ya big guy?" he says giving Joseph a pained look.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy just stands and watches, not quite believing it either. "So....now you've done driving a ieworks display into my shop....you want to explain what happened?" Mercy asks with a worried look. "That's a lot of damage, and....it's....yeah, it's a lot of money it'll cost you" she points out, wondering if it's even fixable. Glancing back to Jo, Mercy looks overwhelemd by....something. "Please tell me you two don't know each other" Mercy says, more of a prayer than anything else.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks over to Mercy, and says "Where ya want me to put the bug, and you want it front or ass in towards the wall?" He will stand up and walk over to it, and reach down and hook his hand on the bumper bouncing it once to make sure he aint going to yank the bumper off, and then will lift the front end of the car again, not seeming to be straining at all. "Na, never met him, but he does look familiar. You frequent the Flashdancers?" He asks naming a strip club down town.

Question has posed:
Victor Sage nods, "She's tougher than she looks. The frame will still be good. But she took a beating. And its going to cost me more than even you think right now to get her working again." he says remembering the costs of racing parts. He lets out another sigh, "I'm Vic Sage, an investigative reporter, I was following a story when someone didn't take kindly to it and ran me off into a field." He looks back to his car, "I don't care what it costs. Just get it in working order before my friend Tot sees it and has a heart attack. He usually fixes this thing and we're going through a transition right now with a move and..." he lets out another sigh. No need to give these people his life story. "Just fix it."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will look over to Vic, hmms and pretty sure it was not from hit secondary job as a bouncer where he saw the other man. "What type of story were you chasing a demolition derby mess attack on the highways and biways of america?

Question has posed:
Victor Sage raises his hat with one gloved hand and smoothes back his blonde hair. "New in town." he says answering Jo's question. "A politician taking kickbacks from a candy manufactuer actually." He looks at the two 'mechanics' he had assumed when he first got out of his vehicle. Now though there is something that nags at him. The fella isn't an employee, or at least isn't HER employee. Perhaps not yet? He then looks at the motorcycle. There are handprints on it, and bike prints on the man's shoulders. He carried it here?!?He's a giant of a man but...

So caught up in his looking at the two of them studying their clothes and the place around him that he missed Josephs lift. He takes a step back watching him drag his car about like an oversized cardboard box. Yes, now it certainly makes sense!

And that woman, yes this is her place. Look how she never glances behind her though she still turns an ear. She's comfortable here but still on guard. He sees her hands and can tell this is a person who spends a lot of time scraping knuckles, reaching into tight spaces, and working with tools. Still there is something else about her. Something... feral. He just can't place it yet. It is just the way she caries herself and moves with no wasted movements.

This is New York. Meta-central. Mutants, aliens, cryptids, cross dimensional beings, even a few time travelers... all of those are here. Some are heroes some are not. But he is certain now he's looking at two of them.

"She'll want tail first," he says looking at Joseph again. He isn't the first strong meta he's seen and he won't be the last. Its best not to remark on it though. Just treat him with respect like anyone else.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy just listens and sighs, olding her arms as she takes it all in. "Just.....why" she says. "Why did you have to come to my door?Look, book the car in and I'll get to it, okay. It'll be on the list. So" Mercy says, then looks amused at an idea she had.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will play tow truck, putting the car where the woman wanted it. Then he heads back towards his bike, as he says "Might want to be a bit more careful there are some dangerous people in town." He tells Vic. He then starts to work on fixing the chain listening to the two.

Question has posed:
Victor Sage gestures, "Just look at the engine, okay? Then tell me where you want it in your 'book'. First or last." he says to Mercy, "And I'll add another 10% above your usual rate if you get it done first and fast." he says. "It doesn't have to be perfect and pretty. Just in one piece and functioning properly under the hood. Infact leave any dents that aren't interfering with things. I'm going to be living in the Narrows in Gotham." he says grumbling about 'tightwads' something...

Victor then turns to Joseph, "Yes I know. Some more than others. Gotham's worse. I consider myself lucky that I was over the bridge when they decided to play street hocky with my car."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods, "First in the book" she says with a nod then looks thoughtful, "An extra 10% is useful" she says and nods. "Alright, sort the paperwork out and I'l get to it. Got nothing better to do, but got plenty of less explodey things" she says with a straight fce again. "Though, reallyy....I....don't want to know what's in there, do I?" she asks with a wave to the car.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller starts working on the chain, and really only seems to need to be fixed in two spots, as it is just putting a patch couple links into it. He will tug on the chain lightly making sure the welds he did will hold.

Question has posed:
Victor Sage nods, "Just look at the engine. You'll see what I mean. Don't worry it's not the Batmobile. The radio knob turns on the radio, it doesn't shoot lasers. I'm a reporter, not a hero."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks skeptical and shakes her head, openig up the hood anyhow out of coyote curiosity. "Okay that's....a high perormance F1 engine" Mercy says with a sigh, "You think I got any tools to work on that thing...Imean, I'll order them in, but....it'll ost a bit more if I have to" Mercy muses with a grin. "Okay, obvious question, but why didn't you ust, you know, speed away from them?" Mercy asks, poking the engine, or what's left of it, with a wrench.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will finish with the welding and makes sure to turn the welder off and put the equipment where it was when it was gotten for him. He then will lean against the wall watching and waiting letting her talk to the guy who is willing to drop the bigger bucks

Question has posed:
Victor Sage grunts, "Dogged determination, and a full measure of stubborn idiocy. I was following one car and didn't see they had a second coming up behind me with its lights off. It was an SUV and a bit bigger than mine." he says. "As for the tools. You'll need a few new ones, but the rest is standard metric so don't start adding in a new addition to your shop just yet. The frame is titanium alloy. It didn't get bent. The damage is mostly cosmetic and whatever that grass and mud did to the engine."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy gives Victor a 'you had it coming' look, as i silently calling him him out on his stupidity....then nods to o. "You did good with that welder" she says and looks amused, then nods, "Listen, for that hain and the welding, don't worry about it. The Bug on the other hand.....that'll ost" Mercy says almost sounding sad at the idiocy that led to the bug's demise....well, near deise.She'll work her magic of sorts and get it back up and rolling.....in due time.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller will look at her, and says "Thanks you sure?" He will ask and says "Well, you need anything else moved or strong armed while I am here want to be able to pay ya back somehow."

Question has posed:
Victor Sage nods allowing a look of frustration cross his face. This will delay his investigation in Gotham a little. But it needed a little time to cool down anyway. His suspect was too wound tight after Gordon got wind of it and told the Bat. He lets a breath out and centers himself. He has been too emotional today. Making mistakes. Its time for another training session with a friend. If not then there is plenty of busy work that needs to be done back in Gotham getting moved into that office building. "Just keep it under six digits. I'm buying repairs, not a new house." he says calmly. He then looks at Joseph, "Hey big guy, ever do any work in Gotham?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller shakes his head a bit and says "Aint been down in Gotham, heard the Bat down there gets all pissy if folks with powers come into his town, and last thing I need is to get in a fight with him, cause I broke Killer Croc's jaw or something. At least in New York ya help hero they ussually appreciate it.

Question has posed:
Victor Sage nods, "Well, that bat wont care if you drive a car there and drop it off. I have a... friend... that does that sort of thing and I let him barrow it all the time." he shakes his head, "How about we exchange some phone numbers anyway. If I ever need someone that needs... protection. You think you might be able to do the protecting? Just keep them safe?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller shrugs a bit and says "I might be able, they up to no good, and I aint having any part of it so just giving ya heads up there. Also if ya need me to deliver that to you." He thumbs towards the bug "Your gonna need to rent a tilt top or something, I aint fitting in there.

Question has posed:
Victor Sage looks up at you and nods, "Yeah, I almost have to sit side-saddle in there myself. I thought you might have a tow you can barrow from her." he shrugs. "Anyway, I have some things to do. There might be a lady who has gotten herself into trouble. She might need to relocate for a while outside of Gotham for her own safety. If that happens I'll give you a call."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller looks over to the man and says "I just got in her a few minutes before you, I just met the lady. I might be able to help not exactly sure where you would want to take her. I been here in town about a month or two myself.