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(Bobby McFannon AKA Blinkdog is offered a chance to come to Xavier's School)
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Latest revision as of 03:10, 6 June 2019

Dog Catching
Date of Scene: 05 June 2019
Location: Alleyway, Clinton
Synopsis: Blinkdog is located and offered a chance to come to Xavier's
Thanks to: Thanks to Sibil for encouraging me (BD) and for being so fun!
Cast of Characters: Blinkdog, Emma Frost, Nightcrawler, Sibilance, Cypher
Tinyplot: Dog Catching

Blinkdog has posed:
It has been a long day. This morning he almost got beaten up by a vagrant who was being over-protective of his spot when Bobby went looking for anything that might have been useful in a dumpster behind one of the citie's more posh restraunts. The guy hit him in back of the head with a thrown brick and grounded him. Forcing him to change, tho if it was voluntary he isn't sure, and teleport back to his 'home' alleyway. Still he can get some food at one of the nearby shelters if he can just change back. The one that does serve mutants is always too full and the lines too long. The one nearby only serves humans so you have to at least look human to get anything.

It begins to rain. Blinkdog's ears flatten against his head in frustration. ((It wont happen. Why? Why is it so hard?!? Just change allready! I'm hungry damnit!))Oo. He thinks to himself. Sighing he settles into his spot and decides to wait out the rain before dealing with his problem. Maybe if he relaxes it will happen on its own.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Stop the car." Emma blurts out as the telepath leans forward in the car and expects who ever she picked to drive the the Xavier car on this particular mission. The telepath leans forward and puts her hand on the back of the driver's seat. Glad she's wearing her gloves this time. This car is ... not up to standards in cleanliness. "The boy is around here somewhere. Scared, trapped." She says, her eyes closing and her free hand lifting up to press against her temple. "Okay, keep the car rolling, but slowly. I really don't want to get out around here. It's called Hell's Kitchen you know. Not a place for a lady like myself."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Hellfire club... Emma." Kurt notes dryly in the back seat. His image inducer is online making him just look like an aristocratic bearded man of euro-descent, rather than adorable fuzzy blue, bearded, elf demon. He keeps his eye out the windows though, lips pursed, "Let me know where you sense him, I'm ready when you are, ja?"

Sibilance has posed:
Sibil is in the car. She's quiet, and her mouth is pulled into a thin line. She's wearing the white dress with the blue flower pattern on it, since it's more friendly than her more professional attire.

Emma still intimidates her. Sibil tries to sink in her seat some, to make herself less obvious.

Cypher has posed:
Doug seems to have an *instinct* for finding his way through New York traffic. He just... follows the pattern. "I thought Hell's Kitchen was gentrified these days." He slows the car to a crawl, and leans back in the driver's seat. Emma might regret this. Since Doug's driving, he picks the music, them's the rules, and he's been listening to the Runaways. He thumps his hand on the steering wheel to the beat of 'American Nights'.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog takes a deep breath trying to relax and still everything. It is impossible for him though as he always seems to need to be moving something. Even if its just twitching a finger or toe to the music he listens to in his head. In this form though he has a tail and he is mumbling to himself for it to stop.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Left! He's to our left." Emma states, as she leans back into her seat and closes her eyes tightly. "Doug, park the car, you three go talk to him, Doug should be up front but then Kurt, be ready. This guy has a physical like you." Meaning mutation.

    Emma lifts her hands to her head and sends a thought to the man after she peeks inwardly at his own mind just to gleam a name. <<Bobby... You're okay, you just need to breath. We're coming to help you, you don't have to be afraid.>>

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner snorts a little at that term, "A physical..." sighing as he climbs out of the car, adjusting his jacket under the inducer and waiting on Doug. Though he looks around, feeling aprehensive enough that any empath in a mile could feel it before he drops his fale image, turning to just himself in casual clothes.

Sibilance has posed:
Sibil climbs out of the car with the other two, being mindful of any pedestrians that might be roaming the sidewalks. She stays near Kurt so that, if this IS the same potential mutant (sounding like it may be), she can talk to him and assure him that she's a friend and so are Kurt and Doug. Her sandals make the softest noise as she walks.

"He's got some dissociation," she explains to Kurt in a hushed voice, "He sees the 'dog' as a different person, but the memory was clearly his eyes. Just felt like coping... but he may pretend he doesn't know me."

"Let's just be careful and kind, right?" No one has shown indication to the contrary, so she feels confident this'll be fine.

Cypher has posed:
Doug brings the car to a halt, and then gets out. He grabs a backpack, and slings it over his shoulder, and walks into the alley, slowly. "Forewarned is forearmed," He muses, as he unslings it and unzips it, and then takes out a paper-wrapped package. He opens it, letting loose the tantalizing aroma of a half-pound of fresh pastrami from one of the best delis in New York. "If he doesn't want it," he says to the others, "I'm going to eat it." He waves the lunchmeat into the air, wafting the scent out into the alley. "Come on... listen to what your stomach is telling you. Hunger is a universal language."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog opens his eyes as thoughts that are not his own glimmer into his mind mixing among his own lightly. Are they his? No, that isn't the kind of thing that bubbles up from his subconscious. The fur on the nape of his neck stands on end and he sighs. .oO((Just my immagination... its raining, noone would be walking into a dark alley in the daytime if its raining. There's no mind benders in this part of town either. Wait, did someone leave Frankie's Delli's door open? I smell pastrami.)) He looks about but his view is restricted from where he is sitting. He is alert now though.

Emma Frost has posed:
    <<He's sensing you. Drawn to the meat. But he is being cautious.>> Emma warns her team, making sure that they're all doing their jobs, the way Xavier and Emma have both gone over them with. Calm, easy and naturally. Promise the good life and shelter and food.

    <<DOUG!!! Did you take the keys? It's getting stuffy in here and I can't roll the window down... Not that I- Nevermind.>> Emma leans forward and puts the keys back in the ignition and then locks the doors before leaning back in her seat and slowly tapping her foot to the music left on.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    At the sound of the doors locking, Kurt turns and knits his brow... a thought runs through his mind of teleporting rapidly inside the car at that but he holds it back, it's bad enough he's blue in public, looking towards Sibil - actually looking out of sorts and extraordinarily anxious now that he's exposed.

Sibilance has posed:
"It's okay," Sibil says, putting her hand on his elbow. "It's easier to trust someone who makes themselves vulnerable for you," she says, in a soft whisper, as gentle and motherly as she can sound. She knows that feeling she sees on Kurt. "I'll approach first..."

Sibil walks forward into the alley, taking it slow, keeping her eyes open in case the mutant boy does anything strange or violent. "Hello? We're only here to help. I brought some friends that are eager to meet you. Doug brought you some food," she calls into the alley.

Cypher has posed:
Doug stays where he is, holding his- holding the meat. "Whole backpack full of it." He says, easily. "There's a fire escape in the alley around the corner from you if you want to get away. It wouldn't hurt you to at least come out here and hear our elevator pitch. If you want to go, we'll even let you leave with this backpack full of snacks."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog leans forward out from under his garbagebag-made-tarp that is stretched between two dumpsters and held in place by their lids. He reflexively pulls his hoodie up over his head as he spots feet standing at the alleyway entrence. He speaks up, "If you're from social services, you guys don't handle mutants..." his voice breaks off when he spots Sibil, now reccognizing the voice. He stares trying to decide if she's just with friends and paying a visit or with friends hunting him. Its happened before...

((Wait, she's never seen the dog. Still I -did- tell her about where to find me. She wont recognize me. She only knows Bobby. Better that way. The blue guy is familiar, huh... where from? Harlem's shelter maybe? No, they're not from the shelter either. They're dressed wrong.))Oo. he thinks to himself.

He doesn't tense too much. He can get away afterall. He's already changed and the power is his for now. He begins picturing a spot in Central Park just in case though.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma is sitting in the car with her foot on the floor mat and she frowns as she pulls a piece of something from between the seat cushion and the back. "I'm going to vomit." She tells no one before looking back out the window and towards the team trying to persuade the mandog to get into the school. <<Would any of you like it if three people all came up to you at the same time trying to be nice. You need to designate someone to talk for the team. One at a time you guys. Don't overwhelm the poor boy.>>

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Hand on his elbow, Kurt nods and tries to fix his face as he starts forward with Sibilance, letting himself drop slightly behind her to help this new mutant from feeling so ganged up on.
    <<I know Emma, I'm hanging back.>> and Kurt is, keeping a good three feet or so behind Sibil as she starts down. "Guten tag young man!" a voice from one of the shelters, but not the right face. His tail is lashing back and forth, nervous energy keeping it in motion.

Sibilance has posed:
"This is Kurt, and this is Doug," Sibil introduces as she approaches. "I know it's you. I said I would be your friend, and as your friend I want to help you out." She keeps walking closer, moving gingerly so she doesn't spook the young mutant anymore than he's already spooked. "It's okay."

"I won't stop you, if you want to leave. But I'd rather we talked, okay? It can't be fun living on the streets... I've done it. It's lonely. It hurts. Always having to hide, getting hated just for looking different."

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises a hand in a silent wave, and rocks backward on his heels, waiting. He relaxes his body language, to be completely at ease, to convey the physical statement of 'I am not a threat'. His eyebrows go up, as he waits, to see if Sibilance can lure the mutant out into the open.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog comes out from under the tarp. Straightening and letting the water roll off his back as a slosh of it drains off the tarp onto him from his movements. He eyes all three before him and nods, "Okay, talk. I'm listening." still feeling a bit suspicious. He feels a little betrayal lingering below the surface, even though he hasn't been... its there more out of memory and reflex than truth. Like he is expecting it. Fainter, a slight tinge of guilt for deserving it. He looks past Sibil at Kurt wondering where he's seen that guy before?

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "We want to extend the hand, is all. To allow you to know a place where you can be without fear of dislike and distrust from passers by." he holds both hands up, palms out to show he's unarmed... Just three fingered.
    "Please, ask any questions, anything to help you know you can trust us, ja?" moving slowly up beside Sibilance, just outside of touching distance of Bobby.

Sibilance has posed:
She steps up and keeps her hands where Blinkdog can see them. She smiles up at him, Sibil's eyes watching his face. "You're a handsome one either way, hmm?" she compliments, with a genuine, warm little smile. "Like he said, ask whatever you like." She seeks a place to sit so she can relax near him, finding a discarded, dented, upturned trashcan to settle onto.

She simply smiles up at Bobby, waiting for him to grow comfortable with their presence, if that's even possible.

Cypher has posed:
Doug remains where he is -- but he does obligingly set the backpack down. It's a little open... so that he can see the candy in it. Among other things. Are those pop tarts? Is that cream cheese with smoked salmon? It's a veritable bottomless bag of temptations.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog blinks at Kurt, then back to Sibil, "You know who I am?" he frowns. He thought he felt... something. He thinks .oO((But really? It was for real?)) Then he remembers how her eyes had gone wide when she touched his arm back at the shelter. He had thought she just reacted to his expression or something. "You're a mind bender? You walking around up here right now?" he asks.

Then he adds, "And you... you said you're offering a place..." he says to Kurt, "Last people that offered me a 'place' threw me into a cage and tried to kidnap me. And where the hell do I know you from? Where have I seen you before?" not quite remembering a blue blur bamfing around a falling bridge.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner looks to Sibil now, frowning.... "Can you transfer my thoughts through you? I don't know how your gifts work, I am unsure how to show I am not lying, ja?" he looks back to Bobby and hunkers into his customary crouch, more comfortable now, hands and feet on the ground.

Sibilance has posed:
"That's not how it works. My abilities, sadly, work a bit more selfishly than I would like," Sibil explains to Kurt, "So I have to speak and hope someone trusts what I'm saying." She shrugs at him, smiling sadly. She looks over to Blinkdog and tells him, "I saw the closet," in a cryptic fashion. She reaches to anxiously rub at one of her forearms.

"I don't tell people what I can do. It scares people. But I only wanted to make you feel more comfortable. You don't deserve this life. Anyone that feels the way you do, they don't deserve to hurt the way you've been."

"I only want to help."

Cypher has posed:
"...Maybe I can help here." Doug says. "Forewarned is forearmed." he opens up the backpack, and gets out a pamphlet.

He holds it out, in two fingers.

'Welcome to Xavier Institute School for the Gifted'

...It looks like a castle. "I think once you see the bathrooms, you'll be sold."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog had a street friend once tell him that the only way to keep mind benders out of your head was to make it so nasty in there they wouldn't want to be there. That and tin-foil, but the idea of walking around looking like a baked potato seemed too comical.

Blinkdog swallows hard. "Okay, say I buy into it. Whats the catch?" He steps closer and takes the pamphlet. He doesn't do more than glance at it though keeping his eyes on the people before him.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"No catch, sir. None at all. It's a haven for people like us, ja?" Kurt remains crouched and watching Bobby for the moment. "It's maybe the safest place in the world for mutants, ja?"

Sibilance has posed:
"I'd love to show you the greenhouse I'm designing once you get settled," Sibilance mentions to Blinkdog. "I think it'll look pretty nice." She beams proudly at mention of it, apparently excited.

Cypher has posed:
    "The very same." Doug says. "We're... students of the man himself. Part of our job is to help out mutants in need where we can, and get them the support they need. My name is Doug. Doug Ramsey. We've come to, at the very least, offer you a quiet place where you can think about what to do next."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog glances at the pamphlet again then back up, "Xavier's..." His ears twitch, but remain pointed back behind him warily. "Like that mutant rights guy that talked to congress?"

Blinkdog, Bobby, still feels hesitation and uncertainty. For once though, his curiocity is getting the better of him. Not to mention a little bit of ego. Again feeling like he can get out of of anything, run away from anywhere, just by teleporting. Since he's stuck in the fur for the moment, he may as well take advantage of it, and it might be worth a look.

Blinkdog takes a deep breath relaxing just a little more. His ears coming forward as he says, "Okay, you're not corporate types. You're not in labcoats, and you're not gang members. You're not in uniforms either..."

He then stares at Kurt, "You! You were at the bridge!" he exclaims.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner blinks and stops up short. "Errr... ja, I was..." he locks his gaze on Bobby... I was there with a team of mutants I work with, we were saving people." he still recalls the headache.
    "There are those of us who are part of this team that also dedicate much of our time to the school as well."

Cypher has posed:
"...In any event," Doug says, "...We can offer you a quiet place to sleep with a roof over your head and think, a hot meal... and you can decide what you're going to do, or where you're going to go next."

"Refuge is rare enough in the world as it is. Those who have it, need to share it."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog nods slowly at Kurt as he explains. Bobby is a homeless kid, and does other things besides living as a piece of trash. So it makes sense to do other stuff if you can.

"Okay, you want me to come with. I'll come with. See it for myself." Blinkdog says. ((I can get out of anywhere.))Oo. he thinks assuring himself, a whisp of black smoke gathers about his right hand for a second and vanishes as he closes his fist around it. He smiles, but it comes across as bearing his teeth unfortunately. But he is dealing with people who have seen that kind of thing before and there is a noticable lack of crinkling between his eyebrows or ferocity in his eyes which would indicate agression, so it really is a smile.

Blinkdog says, "Lead the way. I assume we're not taking the subway." He looks at Kurt, "How do you teleport so fast? I could hardly see you. Best I can do is blip around every few seconds, and that's hard... is there some kinda trick?" he says following them as they guide him towards the vehicle where it is parked with Emma silently fuming at being locked into a steel and glass pigstye.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner shakes his head at Bobby as he starts to follow them. "Years of practice Mein Friend, and a willingness to harm myself to protect others." looking like he'd be flushed from embaressment if it weren't for all of the blue fuzz. "You'll get there too I am sure, ja? Just need time to train and grow."